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Posts posted by Dyrr

  1. I know this will probably never be done -  However, I should say that I have seen role play games where account names are only known by staff who handle disciplinary issues (in this case I think it would be the GM's and probably admins due to their role) and character names were all that normal players and regular staff (media/lore/etc.) saw.  This helped role play by allowing people to treat new characters as they normally would (as new).  It removed most forms of discrimination/hate against certain players if they didn't repeat the same mistakes and/or reveal their characters to others.  It also allowed people a fresh start without most forms of bias based on previous characters (and is a positive step in allowing IC to affect events more than OOC).  It has many positive effects on role play and little to no drawbacks.  Players could simply put character names in ban reports instead and the GM could look up the name thus protecting the players identity.  I know some people will cheat/metagame anyway, but mentally it puts you in the mindset of it being a role your are playing.  It would, of course, require a change to the way we forum rp, but I don't think most players forum rp anyway.


    Food for thought.


    this ^^^

  2. Are doors only available to woodworkers now or something? Because I cant find them, or fences or gates, or anything basic meant to build...


    Hehehe... you wanted to be an alchemist, eh? Well, in order to make a home, you'll need to be a woodworker! Then, you'll need to be a farmer for food! Then, you'll need to be a cook to cook decent food to survive! Oh, you still want to be that alchemist? Good luck trying to do that with -200,000,000 xp in it!

  3. @Robo: I have an Oren character and two Alrasian characters so I'm neutral in these things. Both sides have their "pocket gms" but I have not seen anything too bad on either sides. I had a sword with Fire aspect and knockback 2 but the fire and one knockback lvl got removed. Both sides have their op swords and gms :p


    Same, and you're correct. The server should get rid of these pocket gm's.

  4. It's capped rather than exponentially increasing with the number of humans. You won't get people being oneshotted, I know that for sure.


    Lol, sure. You do realise Oren gets pocket-gm's to spawn in Flame Aspect/Sharpness V swords, right?


    [Edit: Apologies for double post.]

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