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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. eiOaUEU.png?1


    Nordic-Baltic Confederation


    The NBC answers Germany's call to war gladly, and declares war on all members of Pax Europa. The army is mobilised and the reservists manning the walls are called into full-time service. The majority of the army moves east into Finland, and prepares to either defend or attack. The upgraded infrastructure of Scandinavia is used to transport supplies rapidly. 


    The bridges across Denmark are activated and a structural blockade to the Baltic is created. 3 Destroyers, 14 Frigates, 20 Corvettes, 12 Submarines and 120 Coastal Defense Craft remain to help enforce to the blockade, whilst the remaining 12 Destroyers, 30 Frigates, 55 Corvettes, and 24 Submarines and 500 Coastal Defense Craft sail to the Gulf of Finland and Kaliningrad to suppress the Russian Baltic Fleet which is far inferior. Mines are laid on the western coast of Estonia and in the Gulf of Riga.  [MOD PLZ]

  2. Mod post:


    Afrikan Commonwealth:


    The Black Panthers have moderate successes inciting unrest against the Congolese governments, with protests and even small riots popping up across the country, enraged by the allegations that genocide had been used against the people of the Congo. Combined with aid coming from the Commonwealth, a pro-Commonwealth mindset begins to spread in the Congo.


    The research into an alternative fuel is met with failure.


    The Ivory Coast willingly joins the Afrikan Commonwealth, whereas the South Sudanese government does not.




    The lunar base construction goes moderately well, and construction is expected to finish in a few years. ((6 pages))


    The Union States


    Canada denies the US request to become a protectorate, maintaining their neutrality, but makes it clear they don't wish to sour relations with the US.




    The Mexican protesters do begin to subside thanks to the NCR's Equality Act, with each passing day having less and less protesters. However, a strong core of protesters remain, who desire full Mexican independence. 


    The Australasian Federation:


    The Australasian hold on the gold market increases, and they marginally pull into the lead as a global gold producer. Their attempts to drive up the prices are met with mild success.


    The Antarctic Expedition, with NCR intelligence, is successful in finding a moderately sized reserve of oil off the coast closest to Australia.



  3. This lore has been Denied.


    The main reason for the denial is that splitting between Water and Ice has no real benefit or purpose. Water and Ice are the same thing, just in separate states, so it doesn't make sense that someone who can work with liquid water can't work with Ice, and vice versa.

  4. Mod Post


    Djibouti agrees to join the Federation, happy to part of what they saw as a restored Islamic Empire. However, Eritrea does not, and asks for a guarantee of independence from AFRIKAN COMMONWEALTH. Mauritania also declines to join, a corrupt government seeking only to serve its own needs being the main barrier.

    The satellite launch progresses well, and is expected to happen in roughly 4 months. [1 page]


    Celebrations rang out across the Nordic States of the NBC as Iceland finally agreed to enter the Confederacy. In Iceland itself, national socialism is instituted, with Muslims, Africans, Middle Easterners, and anyone with an ethnic origin in the Russian Federation are deported. The unemployed and homeless are inducted into the newly formed Icelandic National Labour Service, and get to work updating and expanding Iceland's geothermal and hydroelectric power plants, as well as upgrading infrastructure around the island, especially on the Icelandic Ring Road.

    The discovery of masses of oil in the Arctic, however, was what had the government of the NBC celebrating. With most of the oil lying off the North-Eastern Coast of Greenland, and with the NBC being the discoverer of this truly huge reserve, the NBC CLAIMS SOVEREIGNTY OVER ALL THE NEWLY DISCOVERED OIL IN THE ARCTIC. Other nations are warned that they shall respect this claim or shall face harsh consequences. Work begins on oil platforms in the Arctic to start extracting this.

    The leaders of any protests are invited to come talk over issues with the NBC government. ((MOD PLZ))

  6. fwFqZ8j.png?1


    Nordic-Baltic Confederation


    The expedition for oil in Greenland and off it's coast continues, with preliminary prospecting showing good signs.


    The union of the Nordic countries was now almost complete, and all that lay between separation and unity was Iceland. It was by no means a major Nordic player, perhaps the most irrelevant of the lot, but it was still Nordic, and so belonged within the Confederation for the good of both parties. Diplomatic pressure is exerted and focussed on them, again pointing out the prosperity and security that those who entered the Confederation. They make the point that despite already having a defensive alliance with Iceland, the small island nation remained vulnerable, as organisations such as the UEDI would be unwilling to intervene in the case of imperialist threat. They are once again invited to the Confederation. [MOD PLZ]


    Attempts to sneak further nationalist propaganda into Estonia begin. Additionally, propaganda and some Karelians in Finland are armed and instructed to spread nationalist sentiment for Karelians in Russia. [MOD PLZ]




    Additionally, a petition to release the Karelians as an independent people is sent to Russia.


    With the completion of the AMAP-ADS armour, current armoured vehicles are retro-fitted. The patterns are sent to all UEDI members.




    The bridge between Zealand and Skane is complete, and the renovating on the other bridges is complete. If necessary, the NBC could very effectively prevent access to and from the Baltic Sea.

  7. Mod post


    Hungarian Front:


    The nation of Hungary surrenders to the UEDI, judging that the loss of lives would not be worth resisting what was ultimately inevitable. Their surrender comes with but one condition, that the Hungarian people will not be made second-class citizens in their own land, and will not be oppressed or treated differently to how their conquerors would treat their own in any way. If such a thing occurs, they vow to rise up en masse against the would-be oppressors. ((Sneaky said they surrender, I just added the no oppression clause))


    The Roman Empire:


    The armour will take a few years ((7 pages)) to produce, however no matter what the engineers can find no method to make the armour fully bulletproof across the entire body. ((no full-body bulletproof armour - only vests))



    The New Californian Republic:


    The Iranians of course agree to the terms in exchange for the technology; they were already fighting anyway. With this new technology and a consequential morale boost, the Iranian advance is renewed and gains a slight upper hand against the Islamic forces, starting to push their line back.




    The Angolans and other nations largely deny the Iberians request for the exchange of food for oil. Many of these countries were now modernised and as a result their agricultural industries were meeting the needs of the people, and surplus food was by no means worth surplus oil. A better deal would have to be made.


    The construction of the skyscraper goes well, with many Portuguese businesses investing into its construction out of both national pride, and a desire to own some of the skyscraper office floors upon completion.


    Japanese Empire:


    Singaporean and Bruneian governments both agree to join the Japanese Empire, being such minor nations. Malaysia, however, does not agree, and pleads with the Japanese government to respect the independence of the Malay people. They prepare to defend their borders. 


    Within the now vast Japanese Empire, there were a great deal of different nationalities and cultures. Many of these peoples were strongly anti-Japanese, with cultural memories of the former Japanese Empire's invasions and atrocities during WWII largely being responsible. As such, they did not agree with their governments' surrenders or accessions to Japanese invitations. In Indonesia, Papau New Guneia, and the Phillipines, strong nationalist sentiments begin to emerge, with several rebel factions starting to disrupt civil order. They would need to be addressed, for their numbers swell by the day.


    The Islamic Caliphate


    The Yemeni and Omani governments refuse to surrender, unwilling to come quietly with those they saw as traitors to Islam. Both nations, as well as Qatar and Bahrain band together in a coalition against the Caliphate, all of them denouncing it. They begin conscripting, fortifying, and generally preparing to defend. 

  8. Mod post

    The Afrikan Commonwealth:

    Both Ghana and Gabon agree to join the Commonwealth, seeking to join in on the relative prosperity that the Commonwealth was enjoying. However, the Democratic Republic of Congo denies the offer, themselves being quite strong and prosperous, rivalling the Commonwealth in both of those things. The Civil War in the DRC had been resolved, with the state now enjoying new unity and as a result, was similar to Nigeria in how modernised it had become. They themselves had managed to annex the Republic of Congo.

    Madagascar does not accept the Commonwealth's offer.

    The construction of a single aircraft carrier begins, though it will take some time to complete. ((15 pages))

    Australasian Federation

    The majority of the Polynesian States, namely Tonga, Tuvalu and Niue, accede to the AF's offer, joining them as member nations. The majority of the rest followed New Zealand into the Federation already, those being the Cook Islands, and Tokelau. Samoa however does not join and promises to fiercely protect their independence.

    The Arab Federation

    Morocco agrees to join the Arab Federation, seeing them as bring strength back to North Africa, and believing that if they didn't willingly accept now, they would be forced to later.

    ((Say on skype if I missed anything or anyone.))

  9. If you're claiming that in the many times Orcs have visited Cerulin either on raids or tribute collection, that your people have refused to give tribute each time, then we still end up at the same point of "you refused tribute, and here we are".


    And I didn't take screenshots because I honestly didn't expect the Wood Elves to stop providing tribute, or that we would be in this situation where the Orcs are being asked to provide OOC evidence in order to be able to go to war.

  10. So far the reasons of this warclaim boil down to

    1) The killing of two orcs which no other orcs were there to witness

    2) Refusal to live up to a tribute agreement which none of us remember RPing out


    What are you talking about, I remember you being present when we've come for tribute multiple times. I also remember that in most of those cases, you inexplicably appear to disappear.

  11. We have been raiding, like you have pointed out. However, we stopped when we started to collect tribute. Then one time you refuse to give us tribute, and your alleged leadership threatens and insults our leadership, and attempts to kill us. Tribute collection is not raiding.


    We killed raiders. People in the city with hostile intent. How is that a valid excuse to start a war?



    Grool was unarmoured and unarmed, and is a leading Orc.


    And we weren't raiding, we were demanding tribute. Your apparent leadership refused, and insulted, threatened, and attempted to kill Orcs. 

  13. One reason I know of is that the Wood Elves killed Grool, the Targoth, whilst he was unarmed and unarmoured etc. 


    Another is that you refused to give tribute, and the Tristin Tresery guy who at the time claimed to be a Chancellor (don't know if he was or is) insulted / threatened / tried to kill Orcs who were there demanding tribute.

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