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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. fwFqZ8j.png?1


    Nordic-Baltic Confederation


    With the unofficially dubbed "Great Wall of Finland" and "Great Wall of the Baltic" now completed, they begin to be manned by reservists living nearby the respective walls. 




    The National Labour Service in the Baltics go to work on bolstering the agricultural industry there.


    With Denmark's finally accepting the invitation to the NBC, a feeling of greatness begins to build up within the Confederation. The Nordic and Baltic peoples were almost completely united, with only Estonia and Iceland remaining. What was important however, was that all the major nations that were perceived to belong within the NBC were united.


    National Socialism is implemented in Denmark, a process which the NBC officials had become quite used to by now. As before, Muslims, Africans, and Middle Easterners are deported. Additionally, any ethnic Russians, Belarusians and Eastern Ukrainians are deported, but not before they are instilled with revolutionist / rebellious beliefs and ideologies. [MOD PLZ


    A Danish National Labour Force is formed and begin the process of retrofitting the Danish energy situation to use things such as tidal and hydroelectric power. Additionally, the construction of a bridge begins between Zealand and Skane. The current bridges between Zealand-Funen and Funen-Jutland have work done to make them more secure, and able to be better blockaded by a Nordic-Batlic force. In Greenland, prospecting begins for oil deposits / fields. [MOD PLZ: Link]


    The Danish military is also integrated into the NBC, making the standing army now:



    425,000 Soldiers

    1,150 MBTs

    8,450 AFVs

    1,160 Self-propelled Howitzers



    15 Destroyers

    44 Frigates

    75 Corvettes

    36 Submarines

    640 Coastal Defence Craft



    380 Fighters

    480 Bombers / FWAs

    260 Helicopters


    A trade agreement is sent to Brazil and Australia.

  2. fwFqZ8j.png?1


    The Nordic-Baltic Confederation


    With the NBC appearing rather inactive in regards to the Russian annexation of Estonia, the government felt it was time to take action. There were some 40,000 ethnic Estonians and Estonian nationals within NBC lands. All of them are moved into Latvia, where they undergo training in guerilla warfare, resistance organisation, leadership, and logistics techniques by Finnish commandos, the historic defiers of Russian invasion, all while being taught about the injustices and oppressions that the Russians were placing upon their people. They are armed with relatively cheap Russian-pattern weapons such as old AK47s and Makarov Pistols, and then sneaked across the border into Estonia, where they will fight against Russian control over there. [MOD PLZ]


    Meanwhile further diplomatic pressure is placed on Denmark to enter into the Confederation. They are pointed to the new prosperity and strength that other member states have found themselves in, as well as safety from the various states of Europe, and the fate of France is indicated. [MOD PLZ]

  3. fwFqZ8j.png?1


    Nordic-Baltic Confederation


    With Denmark and Iceland's acceptance of both terms, the NBC stations a military base in both countries, on the borders of their respective capitals of Copenhagen and Reykjavik. Each base has 3,000 troops and 50 MBTs stationed in them. 


    The current standing military of the NBC is as follows:



    400,000 Soldiers

    1,100 MBTs

    7,750 AFVs

    1,150 Self-propelled Howitzers



    15 Destroyers

    35 Frigates

    75 Corvettes

    36 Submarines

    620 Coastal Defence Craft



    350 Fighters

    450 Bombers / FWAs


    Progress on the well goes well, with it about halfway to completion. Recruitment begins in settlements within 20 miles of the wall for those who would man it as reservists.


    Research begins into new AMAP-ADS armour, which is both 30% lighter and 70% harder than composite armour of modern tanks, as well as offering multi-hit capability, utilising things such as nano-ceramics. In addition to this, the armour system is equipped with a microsecond-reaction countermeasures, enabling ballistic threats to be eliminated far quicker and successfully than other APS systems. Other UEDI nations are invited to partake. ((5 pages))


    The NBC remains silent on the matter of NCR's call for an embargo and denouncement on the USA


    A trade proposal is sent to Nigeria, the Islamic Caliphate, and the Arab Federation.

  4. fwFqZ8j.png?1

    Quick post:

    With the Norwegians accepting the invite to the Confederacy, National Socialism is implemented. As before, any Muslims, Africans, Middle Easterners, and any ethnicity originating in countries owned by Russia are deported. The unemployed of Norway are placed into the Norwegian National Labour Service, and move east to expand the Great Wall project to the Norwegian-Russian border, with a gate being constructed on the Norwegian border to Murmansk.

    In spite of Denmark and Iceland declining the offer, they are offered defensive alliances and asked for a treaty of mutual assistance to ensure their safety. ((MOD PLZ))

  5. fwFqZ8j.png?1

    With the work of the National Labour Service largely finished with energy and infrastructure, the vast majority are directed East, to the Finnish border to Russia, with the exception of the Lithuanian and Latvian sectors, who remain in their countries. Once there, they begin work on a vast wall that spans the Finnish border to Russia, and another that encircles Latvia and Lithuania:


    The wall is composed largely of concrete, but is highly reinforced with steel beams interwoven with rebar interwoven with a steel mesh, making it extremely resistant to damage from things such as artillery and explosives.

    Along the wall's length are towers of the same structure, which are armed with gatling-type autocannons of similar pattern to the GAU-8 Avenger, as well as automated target-to-kill surface-to-air missiles mounted upon the tops of the towers. Behind this wall lies a secondary wall, composed of concrete, though only reinforced with rebar. This wall also has towers, though they are armed instead with GPMGs for anti-personnel purposes, and smooth-bore mortars on the roofs.

    The only way to access towers on either wall are from behind the secondary wall. Access to the primary wall's towers is via bridges composed of the same material as the primary wall, and completely protects them from small-arms fire from below. The gap is filled with anti-vehicular mines, and a lesser scattering of anti-personnel mines in any areas where the secondary towers might not be able to reach as well. The only safe access through the wall is via large, rail mounted gates made of steel:


    There are seven of these gates in total:

    2 on the Finnish wall, one to Northern Karelia and the other to the Saint Petersburg Federal Subject.

    5 on the Baltic Wall, one to Estonia at Valka, another to Kaliningrad, one to the Slavic Confederation, one to Belarus at Kraslava, and one to Russia proper at Baltinava.

    The road between gates on either wall is flanked by walls of the same structure as the primary wall, that are armed to the teeth with both anti-armour and anti-personnel weaponry, making the road a killbox if need be. The gates themselves also have the towers of the same pattern as the rest of the wall at either side.

    The wall itself is a kilometre or so from the borders, and would be manned by reservists living near the wall who would be called up when mobilisation is detected. Anyone living beyond the wall within BSC territory is given evacuation training.

    The wall will take a few years to build. [6 pages]

    An invite to the Baltic Confederation is sent Denmark, Iceland and Norway, which in the case of either Iceland or Norway accepting would be renamed to the Nordic-Baltic Confederation. The strong pressure from Germany on Denmark will hopefully be a further cause for their acceptance. All nations are pointed towards the wave of imperialism sweeping throughout Europe and indeed, the globe, with nations taking lands that have not been theirs ever or for centuries. Perhaps soon, their eyes will turn to them and their resources? ((MOD PLZ))

    The Finnish commandos down in what is now Iberian land are pulled out and brought home.

    The Swedish troops in SAUDI ARABIA are also evac'd, with a formal apology sent to the Saudis that they could not assist further, but the war presented a conflict of interest, and that the Saudis now had enough support to no longer require that of the Baltics.

    A missive is sent to EGYPT, apologising for any tensions caused and seeking a return to neutrality between the two nations. They are asked to re-open the Suez to Baltic trade ships, and are offered a payment of $50 million.

    The GREEK troops are accepted into Stockholm, and they do whatever I guess. The Greeks are offered a defensive alliance and trade agreement.

    The CSA and NCR are both offered defensive alliances and trade agreements.

    Trade agreements are re-sent to ALL ((PLAYERS)) NATIONS who don't already have one with the Baltic Sea Confederation.

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn-eSBAJIY0



    Svenska Riket

    Now the




    Baltic Sea Confederation


    The formation of the Confederation was rather sudden. With several states under the threat of Russian aggression, they banded together to form a single cohesive unit, the Baltic Sea Confederation, composed of Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden, who led the Confederation. 


    The first action that is made is the institution of National Socialism in each of the new member states. Similar to Sweden, Muslims, Africans, and Middle Easterners are deported, with the use of violence to do so completely out of the question. Additionally, ethnic Russians and Belarusians are deported back to their own countries, again without the use of violence. All of them are given monetary recompense in the Russian Ruble. Russia is sent a message in accompaniment, stating: 


    "Your people are returned home to you and yours, rejoice!"


    Furthermore, the national work programmes are also put into effect in the new member states of the BSC. Although a lot of jobs are freed up by the deportations, any remaining unemployed are put into labour schemes to build clean power, such as hydroelectric dams, and tidal generators, as well as performing agricultural work. 


    Wind farm clusters are also built in the North Baltic, but are placed so as not to obstruct maritime and naval vessels' routes.




    Military actions


    The military of all three new member nations is integrated into the Swedes', forming the BSC Defence Force. The historically defensive and resilient Finns are used to train the rest of the military in guerilla / defensive warfare, especially for cold and snowy conditions, and a training scheme is launched so that every citizen is able to effectively wield a weapon.


    With the Italian invasion of Spain, diplomatic ties are severed. A small fleet of transport planes are loaded up with 1000 Finnish Commandos and supplies. As they take off, a message is relayed to all ((players)) nations.


    "No nation shall be subjugated on this day. Long live the Baltic Confederation! Long live El Reino de España!"


    The fleet flies towards the Piriness, at which point they will split into groups of roughly 333 and airdrop onto the mountain range at three of the main passes: Candanchu, Puigcerda, and Le Perthus, where they will fortify and attempt to prevent and hinder French advance and supplies into Spain. 



    Another message is relayed to Saudi Arabia:


    "Let none stand alone, your enemies are ours. Long live the Baltic Confederation! Long live al-Arabiyah as-Sa'ūdiyah!"


    Another contingent of 2,500 Swedish commandos fly south and land at the Saudi capital of Riyadh. They are placed at the disposal of the Saudi Arabian government.



    The cyber-attack on the Baltic Confederation's communications is investigated in order to acquire the source. [Mod please]


    Diplomatic Actions:


    A public demand is sent to Russia to release the Swedish national, or face further diplomatic action. They ask on what charges was the reporter put to trial, and state that he should be tried on them in Sweden, not the Russian Federation.


    The allegations that the Baltic Confederation had been staging cyber-attacks on the Russians are denied, and the Russian government is asked to present evidence. The military communications data is published on the internet ((no content, just times and locations of communications)) are published so as to show a lack of any action by the Baltic Confederation.


    A defensive pact offer is put to Poland.

  7. IEfH7Qe.jpg?1


    Svenska Riket


    Anders Natvik frowns at the several denunciations of Sweden. Sweden had done no harm by her neighbours. They sought only self-strength. His frown turned to laughter as he saw Putin's accusations. He made a globally-broadcasted address.


    "A lot of you are denouncing me and my people for their new-found strength. For expelling that which neutered Sweden as a nation. Russia even has the balk to label us corrupt.


    I do not care for your words, to be frank. What I do care about is hypocrisy. 


    I ask you Putin, how do you label us corrupt? Me and mine are elected, the Swedish people chose us. How many times is it now that you've had to rig elections to remain in power? 


    A lot of the rest of you fear the rise of neo-fascism. I obviously don't blame you a great deal for this, but I do implore all the world to stop and consider the real threat. To the east, Russia annexes more and more land, and attacks yet more free peoples. For God's sake, Estonia's and other Baltic nations' sovereignty is threatened by a modern-day Stalin, and yet you concentrate on the removal of Muslims who raped and leeched on my country?


    Shame on those who stand idly by whilst the Red Bear returns. Sweden will not be amongst you."


    An official cease and desist is sent to Russia to halt the invasion of Estonia and the mobilisation at Latvia and Lithuania's borders. All other ((player)) nations are strongly encouraged to join them, especially Sweden's allies.


    Italy is sent military alliance and renewed trade agreement requests.


    The Japanese Empire, India, and China are sent trade and defensive alliance requests.



    The military after the expansion now stands at:



    204,000 soldiers

    500 MBTs

    3,500 AFVs

    500 Self-propelled Howitzers



    10 Destroyers

    20 Frigates

    50 Corvettes

    20 Submarines



    200 Fighters

    315 Bombers / FWAs

    100 Helicopters




    A further expansion is initiated:



    100,000 soldiers

    300 MBTs

    1,500 AFVs

    500 Self-propelled Howitzers



    5 Destroyers

    10 Frigates

    25 Corvettes

    10 Submarines

    400 Coastal Defence Craft



    50 Fighters

    85 Bombers / FWAs

    50 Helicopters


    Neighbours are given word that these are solely for defensive purposes against the growing threats in the east.


    Schemes are expanded further, especially agriculturally. Youths are offered small pay for help as farmhands. Investment into agriculture is increased. 


    All efforts continue to idolised by state propaganda.

  8. IEfH7Qe.jpg?1


    Svenksa Riket


    Chaos: that was life in Sweden for a long time. The economy had floundered along with the rest of Europe, and a lot of Swedes were angry. With immigration into Sweden being high already, and the rise of Islamism, that anger was directed at Muslims and other non-European immigrants in the hearts of many. Neo-fascism began to rise in earnest at around 2022, and the Svenska nationalsocialistiska partiet (Swedish National Socialist Party) had come to be at the forefront of that after several mergers of smaller parties. By 1935 they had held 28% of the seats in the Riksdag. By 1937, the head of the party, Anders Natvik, was declared Prime Minister of Sweden with over 69% of Rikstag seats.


    Within the first few months of his term, Anders dissolved the institution of the monarchy and enacted several laws that ensured his rule, renaming his title to Svenskhjalte. Rather swiftly, any Muslims, Africans, and Middle-Easterners are declared non-citizens, have their assets seized, and then deported. 


    With extreme patriotism and nationalism comes militarism, it is almost inevitable. As such, the construction of a formidable Swedish military was a large part of the SNSP's manifesto. A first expansion into the Strålandekraft begins, with the plans as follows:



    190,000 soldiers

    380 MBTs

    1,000 APCs

    500 Self-propelled Howitzers



    10 Destroyers

    20 Frigates

    41 Corvettes

    15 Submarines



    145 Fighters

    250 Bombers

    48 Helicopters


    To support this a very organised work regime is devised, based upon that of the German Reich of 1933-1945. National work schemes are created, helping unemployed men and women into jobs, largely ones of labour. Construction of renewal energy sources such as hydroelectric dams, and wind farms are a focus, although infrastructure is a key part. State railways and motorways are expanded and modernised, with high-speed maglev monorails and automated traffic control so as to minimise congestion.


    All of these efforts are supported and idolised by state propaganda, such as:




    Diplomats reach out to several nations:


    To Germany an offer of military alliance and trade is made.


    To Russia an offer of non-aggression pact and trade is made.


    To Finland, a demand for the ceding of the Swedish-speaking islands of Aland is made. ((MOD PLS))


    To Denmark and Norway, an offer of trade is made. ((MOD PLS))


    Offers of trade are made to all major ((player)) nations.

  9. Several posters are put about the Uzg, that read as follows:


    "In every iteration agh generation, the Dom clan has brought only dishonour agh disgrace.

    Dom herself would be at pain to peep what her name has been used for. The memory of the fallen Lurs agh Raxes who flat'd against their darkness has been forgotten in recent tiks, however.


    The Dom clan is forever cursed.


    Agh so the War Nation of Krugmar officially dissolves the Dom clan, never to be reformed again. Any attempt to do so will result in the offender being declared pug. This was ordained long ago by Rax himself, agh it will finally be upheld.


    Any current Uruks who hold on to the rotten corpse that is the Dom clan must either find another clan or remain clanless.


    To make clear:

    The Dom clan is no more agh never will be again."

  10. ((No Rex has taken the position by klomping in God knows how long, technically ever since the Rexdom was reinstituted back in Anthos only two klomps for Rex have happened, between Buubztik and Shreck, and between Zogrocka and Sharku. Burke had Rex after Happyshackles, who was banned, not klomped. Almost every Rex since reinstituiton has lost the position due to giving it up, being banned, or being too inactive, apart from Buubztik

    Also I'm not a huge fan of you thinking you can come back and just say "all these Rexes are illegitimate".))

    "Skah uff Hu-Din bifur mi flat lat, lat am ekzyl'd."

  11. Name: buubztik'lur

    Title: cheef ub lur klan

    Holding: fyuutur zyt ub lur klan hawl

    Do you swear loyalty to the King, Andrik Vydra, and his Kingdom of Oren until death? Do you accept that treason and betrayal will be met with no mercy and that your lands and title shall be forfeit if such a course of action is taken? ((Agreeing to this is an OOC agreement to allow permakill if captured and executed while in the act of rebellion or treason, and agreement to accept any conquest war claim that may be a result of rebellion)): nub

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