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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. "Buubztik'Lur, mi challunj lat fur Rex."


    The words made Buubztik's heart sink to his stomach. He was not renowned as the physically strongest of Orcs, and the klomp would obviously result in his loss against his challenger, Shreck'Dom. For some time he had pointed to the law as his defense, but eventually he saw that too much of such a thing would be dishonourable.


    He begrudgingly accepted the challenge, and the group moved to the arena. Shreck'Dom donned the legendary Armour of Dom, and Buubztik equipped his own finely crafted armour. After some further debate with some Chiefs, the countdown eventually began, a reflection of Buubztik's ascent to Rex, however now he took the role of Angbad.







    The klomp went on for a short while, but as predicted Shreck'Dom had clear supremacy. Buubztik did not have the physical strength and skill to compete with Shreck; he was a shaman first and foremost. It soon finished with Shreck as the victor.


    "Buubztik, lat am wiik. Lat nub fit tuh liid Urukz."


    Buubztik initially protested the statement, that strength came from many sources and not just an Uruk's body. Shreck left the arena, dismissive of Buubztik's claims. Buubztik, tired and injured, retreated to the Rex tent where he thought to himself.


    After some time, he emerged, and addressed the gathered, concerned crowd of uruks. 




    Dizpyt wub mi fink, mi hab bin beztid, playn agh zimpul. Duh ztrungizt Uruk am duh azh tuh leed, agh duh reezunt klomp haz pruuv'd mi am nub duh ztrungizt Uruk. Mi zubmit tuh Shreck'Dom az nuu Rex ub duh War Uzg.


    Zpiritz gyd im, agh Zpiritz gyd Krugmar."


    With that, he walked solemnly back to his own tent on the plains.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm3HZOuooIc


    The War Nation of Krugmar, commonly referred to The War Uzg is the home of the race of orcs or uruks. It is ruled by the Mighty Rex of the Orcs, Buubztik'Lur. The Orcs hail in the deserts of the land with their capital just north of the Cloud Temple, surrounded by mountains, hills, and forests. It is a mighty nation seen by many to be barely a civilisation, their savagery and brutish nature attributed to their curse of bloodlust. Spiritually the Shaman's lead the ritualistic ways of the orcs, whose mysticism is drawn from the Spirits and ancestors, the Orcs' chosen deities.


    Krug's Code


    Cowardice, duplicity, greed and over-promiscuity are all dishonourable traits. Orcs who exhibit these traits too greatly may be named pug or whitewash.


    Might makes Right: Martial and physical strength carries a lot of influence among Orcs.  It is acceptable to use threats of violence against other orcs, and to enforce those threats as long as you don’t kill or maim them.


    All Strengths are Valued: Whilst martial and physical strength are considered a primary source of strength, there is honour in being strong of the mind or spirit. However, an Orc must try not to neglect any of these strengths: dumb brutes are just as disdainful as smart weaklings. Whether you are Uruk, Goblin, or Olog, you should try to seek strength in all areas as much as nature allows.


    Theft is dishonorable, but demanding to buy something from another party is not.  If you can pay market rate for an item and back up your offer with sufficient threat, you can buy an item right off someone’s person, even against their will.  Just tell them you like that earring, toss some coins at them, and pull it off their ear.  If an orc wants something you have, you can either accept a reasonable offer or get ready to fight them.  If they are with a gang and you are not, better accept their offer.  This includes anything – their home, their slave, their weapon, or whatever.  It must be done face-to-face, wherever the item is.  You can’t take someone’s home behind their back and leave a pile of gold outside the locked door.  That would be cowardly.


    A personal insult is the same as a challenge to a fight.  Note that boasting is not an insult.  You can say, “My blade is better than yours,” and that doesn’t justify being attacked.  Orcs frequently go back and forth with boasts as a social contest.  It can be something done in good spirit between friends, with the loser buying the next round of drinks.  On the other hand, if you tell an orc, “You smell pretty, like an elf,” that is definitely a challenge.


    It is unquestionably true that physical strength holds pride of place in orcish society. Thus, a frail or crippled orc child would be considered a source of weakness, and shall be culled via abandoning deep in the desert. But conversely, an orc child that survives and returns stronger is considered blessed by the Old father.  Older Orcs that no longer are able to aid the Orcish society in any way, must seek an honorable death. Being a burden is dishonorable. Half-Orcs cannot breed into the bloodlines and cause further weakness in future generations.


    Loot and Pillage is the right and way of life of Orcs and no one not even the Rex can deny an Orc that. A leader that does not allow raids and plunder is no leader at all. If an Orc loots an object, it's their's.


    Orcs to an orc, the weak are simply weak, and are beneath them in society, all other races are weak.


    • Disputes: Fighting:  Non-lethal(Unarmed, or Wooden Weapons), one-on-one conflict between the disputing parties.  Anybody present is more or less required to gather around and act as a living arena wall for the people involved.  Missile weapons and magic are not allowed.  

      • The fighting judgment is used for any kind of minor dispute where the truth is unclear. Killing your opponent in this kind of fight usually results in a death sentence for you.  The idea is to disable them as much as possible so that, in addition to being proven wrong, they are unable to do anything for hours or days.  

      • If one party cannot be expected to fight, they can take a few minutes to try and find someone to represent them.  If they can’t find someone, or if they refuse to try, they automatically lose the dispute.

    • Combat:  This is similar to Fighting but allows the use of weapons.  The bout can be immediate or as late as the next morning – no later than that.  This punishment is used to resolve serious disputes, such as accusations of murder, dishonor, or grand theft. The combatants can use what ever weapons or armor they deem fit, it does not need to be fair.

      • Killing one’s opponent is acceptable, but sometimes an orc gains honor or additional concessions by sparing the opponent.  It is acceptable to hold the defeated opponent at sword point asking for an apology and one of his boars, in exchange for his life.  Any such deal must be announced openly.  If the loser accepts, his life is protected.  The judge of the fight can also declare a winner and an end, if neither side seems fit to make a determination (for example, if they are both too weakened or too drunk to speak).  In this case, the declared winner has the right to execute the loser.

    • Death:  This is reserved for cases where the accused has fled a previous honor combat, has been declared a disgrace, is a known cheater, argues too much with the Judge, or otherwise is not suitable for combat.  A peaceful Orc or very feeble person would also fall into this category.  In this case, the Judge or his subordinate will simply drive a dagger through the chest or neck of the accused.  If the accused is somehow able to escape or avoid death, they become a fugitive and anyone can kill them for a reward.

    • Legal Judges are the Rex, Dominus, Clan Chiefs, or the Durba officially assigned by the Rex for this task.


    The War Nation's Laws


    -All Orcs must follow Krug's code which has been made in the likeness of Krug and the values he lived by.

    -Do not take actions that will affect the War Nation as a whole independently or without the Rex's consent. This includes alliances, cease-fires, and wars.

    -Whitewashes shall be reborn, killed, destroyed, and/or flattened.

    -Respect the Elders, Chiefs, Motsham and Andartars, Dominus, and the Rex.
    -The Rex's word is law which that all orcs must follow to their dying breaths.
    -Orcs shall greet each other with a headbutt.
    -Necromancy shall never be used.
    -Orcs that use any magic other than shamanism will be named whitewashes.





    -If you come to meet the Rex bring gifts make it good or he might be upset

    -Do what ever an orc tells you to do If not, you had better leave fast.

    -Do not cast magic on our land, only the magic of the shamans and of Krug may be used unless otherwise allowed by the Rex.
    -Do not trespass on Orcs Hut or personal Land.
    -Do not hunt or reap benefits from our lands, these are our animals and dunes.

    -If you show up in Krugmar and ask for entrance, it is a good idea to appear non-hostile.  Removing of your weapon and helm are appropriate measures. It is also a good idea to bring tribute, Minas is generally not a valid tribute.

    -If asked for, tribute it must be paid. Minas is not tribute.

    -Necromancy shall never be used.



    -Any orc or outsider that does not follow the Law will be given the following punishments.

    -If you steal, you shall have a finger cut or ripped off.
    -If you murder without reason, you shall be murdered.
    -For being a whitewash, you shall be beaten and kicked out of the War Nation unless change happens.
    -For not respecting your superiors, you shall be beaten by a gang.
    -If you are weak, you shall be beaten.
    -If you do not follow the Orcish culture, you -shall be beat.
    -If you fail to give tribute, you will be stripped of your belongings and clothes and sent off or killed.
    -For casting magic, you shall be hung or your head shall be chopped off.
    -For using necromancy, you will be hung, mutilated, burned, and your ashes shall be spread.
    -The punishment for trespassing is for the owner of the land to choose.
    -For hunting our animals, livestock, or game, you shall be skinned alive.



    The Government


    The War-Uzg is led by the absolute rule of one Uruk titled Rex.

    Government Officials



    Absolute ruler of the orcs and leader of the war council. Also serves as the spiritual leader of the orcs and is in command of creating regular shaman rituals, regulating the culture, and making sure that the shaman teachings are taught and passed on.

    - Buubztik'Lur


    An official chosen by the Rex. The Dominus is the only orc able to honor klomp for Rex, which is just a fist fight. Essentially the Dominus is the Rex’s right hand orc. Chosen by the Rex for his ability to lead and command in times of the Rex’s absence. The Dominus is usually younger than the Rex and acts as a counter-balance to keep the Rex in check. The Dominus will also command the Rex’s keshig who work as his personal special forces.

    -Dominus Shar'ku'Gorkil

    Under Dominus

    The Dominus can also choose an Under Dominus who will take up the same duties for the Dominus as the Dominus does for the Rex. If the Rex and Dominus are both absent he is the next to take command of the orcs. Under Dominus cannot challenge Dominus for their positions. But, if he feels the Rex is unfit he may challenge him to combat, which includes armor and blade of each orc's choosing. He will also serve as a regular keshig for the Rex. His command is also above/greater than the Wargoths when Dominus and Rex are not around. Also sits on War Council.

    -Under Dominus Zogrocka'Rax



    The Leaders of each Clan, a so called “Nobility” also known as a Clan Chieftan. They have to be the Elders of their respected clan and they are usually the most valiant and the strongest of warriors. Each Wargoth has the right to assemble a warband of their own clanmates. 
    Any Wargoth may challenge the Rex to combat if they see him as unfit, which includes armor and blade of each orc's choosing.

    -Chief Shreck of the Doms
    -Chief Shar'ku of the Gorkils
    -Chief Eath of the Lurs



    In the War Uzg there isn’t any regular, full-time law enforcement.  Instead, there are the Durba This rank is granted by the Rex to favored warriors who are known for enforcing Krug’s Code and the Rex’s will accurately and effectively.  Durba often have considerable power, acting as sheriff, magistrate, and executioner for the Rex.  There is no office or jail or assigned duty post for these Orcs:  Their “office” is wherever they happen to be standing, sitting, or carousing.  They are never on duty and always on duty. It’s a Durba’s business to confront and correct anybody who is doing something that, in the Durba’s opinion, goes agiant Krug’s Code, Orcish Culture or the Rex wouldn’t approve of. The Dominus, Targoth, Wargoths of Clans can overrule Durba’s.

    -Durba Malog'Yar







    The War Nation itself is a military force which includes all orcs, feorcs, and kubs. Each orc is given a blarg, armor, and sword upon their joining in the War Nation. All orcs at one time or another will take part in warbands or war as commanded by the Rex. Due to the enormous strength of orcs their military prowess is far greater than all other races. 

    There is no more Krughai since the structure itself is useless as every Orc is a warrior. The Rex and Dominus have the right to lead Orcs and gather warbands, the Rex is the only one allowed to Summon an Orcish Horde, when blowing the Horn of Krug thrice. Clan Wargoths have the right to assemble a war party made up of their own clanmates. When two government officials are present they may also assemble a war party made of any orcs. Ie the Under Dominus and the Targoth, the Targoth and a Wargoth, ect ect.


    But the Rex has a small guard force set up into squads that serve as body guards, special forces, ect. There are two ranks within the Keshig: Majul Keshig and Keshig. Majul Keshig lead a squad and have two regular Keshig under them. 


    Domestic Officials



    Chosen based off build prowess, organization and how active the Orc is in society. The job of the Yazgurten is to build for the War Uzg while also recruiting new skilled workers to aid him in his duties. The Yazgurten is also responsible in creating events such as massive building projects, bazaar/market events, and auctions. He is also in charge of maintaining and running the Trog marketplace. 

    -Yazgurten Murthraka'Lur


    The head farmer and cook of the War Uzg, they manage the farms and farmers and are in charge of feeding the War Nation, they have an extremely important job and should be respected. It is a selfless job, a hard job.

    -Grubgoth Krylaall'Lur 


    Sharas - OrenNeutral


    Stowts - UrguanNeutral


    Nuut'Albai - Haelun'orNeutral


    Wud'Albai - Cerulin - Neutral


    Snaaks - Gimblewood - Neutral
  3. The Orcs stood surrounded by felled and burning trees, a whole forest that had been an affront the Spirits now razed to the ground. Despite the forest's resistance with giant insectoid creatures and great crab-like beings, showing the evil nature of the thing, not a single Uruk loss had been endured, and they had been utterly victorious. The Main Road Forest was no more.




    The true victory of the day was not to the Dwarves, but indeed, to the Orcs of Krugmar, who had dealt a great justice for all Athera, no matter what race or religion they followed. Praise to Krug and the Spirits sounds throughout the Uzg.



    As the Orcs return to San'Vitar, Rex Buubztik'Lur stands upon a small platform in the arena. 


    "Bruddahz, tuhdai wi mayk bub'hozh viktri uhgaynzt duh uhfrunt tuh duh Zpiritz dat wuz duh Mayn Ruud Furizt. Mi peep'd bub'hozhnuz en evri Uruk der, agh owur uttur lak ub lozziz juzt zhuwz: duh Urukz hab urn'd duh Zpiritz' fayvur tuhdai!


    Az uh rizult ub duh battul, mi hab dizydid upun whu mi wull naym Dominuz agh Undur-Dominuz.


    Shar'Ku'Gorkil zhall bi duh Dominuz, agh mi ryt hund.


    Zogrocka'Rax zhall bi Undur-Dominuz, agh mi levt.


    Zpiritz gyd duh nuw Dominuziz, Zpiritz gyd duh Rex, Zpiritz gyd Krugmar!"

  4. The Rex Angbad'Gorkil sat upon his throne, tired from internal and external strife and threats to the Uzg. He was not a particularly ancient Uruk, like Craotor'Lur before his death, but he had visibly aged quite a bit in his reign. Buubztik'Lur, the Under-Dominus, walked into the tent, bearing news of the latest Dwarven skirmish with the Humans at Petrus. 


    Buubztik looked into Angbad's eyes, and saw the exhaustedness of the Rex. A brief moment of concern overtook him for the Rex, but quickly subsided.


    Angbad spoke somewhat softly to Buubztik. "Bruddah, mi kanub karry un en mi kurrunt ztayt. Id nub hozh fur mi, ur duh Uzg."


    Buubztik frowned. "Mi hab uunli peep'd lat tuh hab dun hozh fingz, bruddah."


    Angbad shook his head. "Mi kud bah dun mur. Agh peep ad mi. Mi am nub duh Rex duh Wur Nayzhun niidz ryt nuw. Lat muzt klomp mi fur Rex, bruddah.


    Buubztik nodded in grim understanding. "Mi gruk, bruddah. Angbad'Gorkil, mi challunj lat fur duh tytul ub Rex."


    The two Uruks walked out the tent, side by side. The Rex horn was blown, and Uruks lumbered up to the plateau, slightly confused. Realisation hit them as they saw Angbad and Buubztik stood opposed to one another.


    Angbad called out. "Bruddahz, kinzmun. Buubztik'Lur haz challunj'd mi fur duh Rexdum, wij wull bi rizulv'd bah klomp tuh duh flat. Mai duh hozh'izt Uruk zukzeed."


    One Orc counted down as the pair dropped into fighting stances. 







    Angbad and Buubztik charged at each other, and collided like butting bulls. Fists were swung and knees thrusted, and for the first minute or so the fight appeared even.


    Then, Angbad's exacerbated age began to show. His own punches became infirm, and he took longer to recover with each of Buubztik's. It wasn't long before Angbad was on his knees, breathing heavily. He looked up to Buubztik, and his eyes said one thing.


    "Finish it."


    With that, Buubztik put all his power behind a hook, one that struck Angbad in the side of the head. His jaw clacked, and he fell to the floor whilst his eyes rolled back. Buubztik looked on as Angbad let out a final sigh, his last breath. 


    Many Orcs stood in stunned silence as Angbad perished. One managed to gather his wits, and shouted to all there.




    "Buubztik ob Lur haz beztid Angbad ob Gorkil en uh klomp! Zpirit'z gyd duh nuw Rex, Buubztik'Lur!"


    OOC: Go get 'em Mog! This post PKs Angbad.

  5. As Buubztik wanders the main road, he is overcome by rage at the sight of a great injustice to the world.






    He returns home to San'Vitar, where he speaks to his people:


    "Bruddahz, urukz!


    Tuhdai mi dizkuvur uh bub'hozh uhfrunt tuh duh Zpiritz, mayd bah nub'azh uvur den duh Druuid-skahz! Dey dizrupt duh bahlunz ub duh uzg, fur dey rayz bub'hozh furiztz agh zpred naytur wer naytur duz nub bilung!


    Duh Zpiritz dimund juztiz fur deez heenuz krymz uhgaynzt dem!


    Duh furizt zhull buhrn wib Skathach'z rayj!"




    Type of Battle

    Pillage / Razing


    Time and Date

    Sunday 29th February 4PM EST / 9PM GMT

    (can be negotiated if trees have other plans)


    Attacking Forces

    Orcs and any righteous treeists


    Defending Forces

    A forest and anyone mad enough to defend it


    Location and Boundaries

    Main road forest (region name: birchlowlands) and surrounding area


    Terms of Victory


    Victory for Attacking Team:

    All defenders are killed or driven from the battlefield


    Victory for Defending Team:

    All attackers are killed or driven from the battlefield



    Attacker victory: Attackers have free reign to punish the trees for their crimes, and the forest shall be razed!


    Defender victory: The trees shall live...for now. The forest may not be warclaimed by the Northern Anti-Tree Organisation (NATO) for 1 month.



    Server rules

    No use of fire in battle Fire's allowed

    No ifs

    No buts

    No ands

    All trees in this location may not be moved starting now

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