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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. 4675.jpg




    Sinhotep responds to Zeran, concern growing for both him and his Children:


    "Ancient artifacts, washed up from the sea. My people read them, they named you the key."


    The Sincans train their ballistae on the Dragon, ready to fire. Around half the Hunter-Knights keep watch on it, readying their bows. Any non-military Sincans are evacuated from the immediate area.

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    Sinhotep is almost utterly blown away by the force behind Zeran's voice. He responds to him weakly:


    "I am Sinhotep, Master of the Sands


    I wish no quarrel with you, great one. I only wish the good of my Children, whom discovered mention of your name."


    At the same time, he speaks to Amenhotep VI and the Priesthood:


    "Steel yourselves, Children."


    As a result, the Sincans prepare their newly built ballistae, looking towards the north with a feeling of dread in their guts. The Hunter-Knights are ordered to act as peace-keepers for the time being.

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    Sinhotep frowns at the mention of a 'Zeran'. He responds to his people:


    "I will find Zeran, my Children. Fear not."


    Sinhotep then reaches out across the realm, with a booming voice:


    "I search for Zeran. Reveal yourself, I seek only peace."

  4. 4675.jpg




    The artifacts are taken in to be studied and attempts are made to decipher the strange language by the Priesthood, who call for anyone in the realm who might aid them. [EY YO MODS] 

    The ceremonial clothing and armour, as well as a small portion of the gold coins are placed in the Palace's gallery wing, which is open to the Sincan public, but guarded well. The rest of the gold coins are donated to the Sincan goldsmith.




    With the discovery of the shiny rocks, and the veins of iron and copper, a mine is constructed upon the site. Any flint is sent to the fletchers. 


    The noises from the sea worried the Sincans by the coast, and brought concern to the government back in the capital city. With some of the Sincans suggesting it might be ocean predators of some sort, fishing and pearling boats are ordered to stay within reaching range of each other and the coast. Meanwhile, research begins into a large device that could help slay any potential beasties. 



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    Sinet: now a thriving beacon of civilisation. Around 3,000 Sincans lived and prospered alongside each other. However, society still used hunting to a large extent as a source of food, though it was subsidised by farming. Of the population, around 1,000 were the Hunter-Knights, who had refined the art of mounted archery heavily. Sinhotep was proud of how far his people had come.




    As reports of the ship came in, a dispatch of 20 Hunter-Knights ride out to inspect it. They search it for any clues as to its origin, or for valuables. [MOD FO DEM RESULTS]


    Meanwhile, Amenhotep VI, the Priest-King commissions a colonisaton effort, and recruits 300 Sincans to his cause. They are sent to the coast to found a new village. It will serve to catch fish, as well as scouring the seas for valuables such as pearls and exotic sea creatures. It will also serve as an outpost.


    Additionally, prospecting around the city begins, so as to seek the treasures of the earth. [MOD FO WHAT ORES AND QUANTITIES]

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    Sinhotep was not all too pleased when the voices of other Gods called out to him, and the presences of those who didn't. Many of them spoke of their own people, whom could prove a threat to his own Children. 

    He knew the location of a few of them from their voices, but he would not be so foolhardy as to reveal him and his Children's location to all.


    However there were two of those powers that existed above all, which further troubled him. Greater reason to keep to himself, Sinhotep thought.



    Meanwhile in Sinet, a small city was growing. Over 900 Sincans now existed in the world, and society had become a great deal more complex. The hunters had began using bows and camels to tackle the great beasts of the land, like hippopotamuses, but also served to guard the Sincan people, either from wildlife or dangerous individuals. In that respect, they were a sort of knightly class, of which there were around 100 Sincans.


    Around 20 of these Hunter-Knights are sent to scout the lands on the edge of the deserts of Sinet.

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    By now, the small group of Sincan people had grown, from a small group of new souls to a bustling town of over 300 Sincan men, women and children. They were now lead by a Priest-King named Amenhotep, who lead both religious and state affairs in Sinet, the name of this fledgling state.




    Below him were two Councils which advsed the Priest-King and aided in governance, one consisting of domestic officials , and the other consisting of the Priests of the Cult of Sinhotep. Speaking of which, Sinhotep's form as he appeared to the First Sixteen had long been forgotten, and instead, the Sun was worshipped as his form, something Sinhotep saw utility in, and appreciated and understood, but felt slight discontent at. Life had been good for most Sincans.


    Up until now.


    The days became hotter and more arid by the hour. The lake that had been integral to the survival of the Sincan people had began to dry up, and the smell of rotting fish had become more and more a mainstay. The Amenhotep and the Two Councils convened and eventually decided: they must move. It was at that moment Sinhotep appeared to them, not as his original form, but as a smaller version of the blazing orb of the Sun.


    "Fear not Children, this moment of hardship will pass. You must move, yes, but you need not leave these lands. Go to the East, to the other side of the Great Lake, and you will find cooler lands which you will better endure. This, I promise to you."


    Then the ball of light faded, leaving a stunned group of Sincans.


    But they heeded the message. The people of Sinet packed up their valuables and tools, and made the long journey to the opposite side of the lake. A few were lost to the heat, or to hunger, but eventually, they reached the other side.


    Their reward after the arduous trek was relief from the punishing heat. They began to rebuild Sinet, though this time a proper temple to Sinhotep was constructed. 



  8. *A poster is put up all around the land*


    Ukee, so maybe Uruks nub at WAAGH with Twiggies, but propaganda is still hosh skah. Here is wub will happen if Twiggies klomp uruks:




    By Eath'Lur


    Ukee Twiggies, lat have lats' warning.


    ((Credit to sandk1ng for the amazing art))

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    The sands of the eastern desert shifted as a great being stirred within them. Sinhotep sat up, still partially covered, sending several small desert creatures scurrying. He looked about, then got to his feet. Sinhotep saw a jackal attempting to subdue a moderately sized scorpion. It was repelled several times by pincers and narrowly-missed thrusts of the stinger, but despite this, it valiantly continued its attack. Satisfied that this creature would be suitable, he went over to it, and grabbed it. Sinhotep uplifted it, physically, emotionally, mentally, spirituality, and as he stepped away, he marvelled at his work. 




    Sinhotep and his new creation walked around the desert, finding more of the jackals and rebirthing them. Sinhotep didn't talk to them, not yet, and they followed silently as he went round creating more of their kin. After he had uplifted 16 jackals, Sinhotep stopped before the lake at the centre of the desert, and turned to face the small group.


    "Children, I, Sinhotep have created you with a purpose: tame this land for your own. No more are you simple beasts, you are the shapers of the world about you, of your own destiny. I will do what I can to ensure your survival, but it is you who will be most responsible for yourselves. As such, you will name yourselves, not I. Go now and wrestle fate to your own will."


    With that, Sinhotep left his creations. They convened and found they could communicate with elaboration and detail. Using this new skill, they came up with a name for themselves. In honour of their creator, they were to be name the Sincans. Sinhotep was mildly disappointed by this, he had hoped they would be a little more independent, but was happy for their respect. 


    The Sincans then went about making crude tools. A few chipped flint to be broad, with sharp edges, bound them to handles made from fallen branches with the fibres of the reeds by the lake, and went about felling the trees around the lake with them. Others shaped the flint down to a point and strapped them to long shafts made from the branches, and used them to slay the creatures in the lake, like fish and alligators, for food. Others still made ropes, and used them to capture and tame the camels that milled about the deserts. 


    Soon there were a small collection of huts formed from the mud around the lake, with a few pens for the camels they had tamed. The Sincans each had a job to do, and had paired off into couples. 



  10. God App

    Name: Sinhotep

    Symbol (Water, plants, fire, etc): Earth, especially deserts

    Race (Default human): Sincan

    Nation Name: Sinet

    Nation Symbol: Desert Hawk


    Nation Terrain (Plains, desert, etc): Largely desert, but with fertile river lands in the centre.

    Race App

    Name: Sincan

    Originating Race: Jackal people (like Anubis)

    Features (hair colors, etc): Humanoid form, but with very short pitch black fur and a

    Jackal's head.

    Skin Colour: Black

  11. ((I'm wondering why we pay tribute at this point. As the ACTUAL region holder (Dark is the RP owner, I hold the pillar) I DECLINE this war claim based on the above given reasons. If we are forced to accept a pillage, so be it. There is nothing but building supplies there at the moment as we are (as anyone who walks by can see) in the middle of constructing a new castle within our lands.


    I also wonder why you have chosen this time when we have been at our present location for some time. Yes, there is a new Rex. However, we are not within Orcish lands. I do not see war claims going up on your other neighbors on the stone road.


    So, I respectfully decline this war claim. ))


    ((If you read the thread where the roleplay amongst Orcs for this conquest took place, you would see that Thesserion is not the only target of the Orcs, just the first.))

  12. ((I think saying you're the most hated person is a bit of an overstretch. The most hated person is clearly Intense Death.


    Besides, most of the Orcs didn't even know you existed before these hostilities arose. It's not like we're out to get you OOCly.))


     ((As RP owner of the region, I decline this war claim for the following reasons:
    1. There is no RP to support this other then "I want their land" there has been no RP in game of any sort.
    2. You have selected a holiday for the date of the war claim which is unfair for those who actually wish to spend valentines day with their lover. AKA Me for example
    3. You have given such a short and unfair amount of time.
    4. We refuse Conquest.
    I'm back at school now and I find it difficult to get on to do things as I have a lot of School work to go through, not to mention you want me awake at 4 AM so unless a GM says I HAVE to war claim I'm declining and if it is forced on me I decline Conquest because I know I hold that right. Thank you, now I must get back to Class before my teacher rips my head off.



    ((We have actually been having some prior RP up to this in regards to wanting your land. Visit the Orcish Leaders Meeting thread and you'll see. Like I stated, the Orcs have bloodlust as an RP reason to go to war, as well as the nationalism that has been created in the rise of the new Rex. 


    And I repeat, the dates and times are up for negotiation. Obviously if it's unsuitable we can change.))

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