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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. Except this entire discussion is about a situation where you do know, and say it anyway.

    You did actually read the first post of this topic, right guys?


    I wasn't addressing the problem in the first post, I read through and addressed the posts that stem.


    But the post was about a BR resolvement that was addressing the use of the word cu** in general. In said BR, the person saying that word had no knowledge of the other person in the BR being offended by that word.

    You did actually read where the statement came from, right guys?

  2. If you know someone is offended by porn, don't shove porn in their face.

    If you know someone is offended by a word, don't shout it at them.


    Or perhaps that person could consider that the person saying the word isn't prescient, and therefore cannot predict the ever-changing personalities of someone they don't know. 


    Rather than getting mad or upset, just politely tell someone you don't like that word. 

  3. Gaius, you know as well as everyone else that Allahu Akbar tends to be what terrorists perverting Islam as a guise yell after murdering people. The vast majority of times it gets posted on the forum is referencing that, not its original meaning.


    The swastika was originally a Hindu symbol symbolising Brahman. When people post it on the forums nobody believes for a second that's what they mean by it.


    Islamic Terrorists also happen to talk about the Jews a lot. Surely then, if they talk about Jews when committing acts of terror, the word Jew should be banned?


    It's the assumption and stereotyping of the 'statement' in Arabic that gets people offended or 'triggered'. It's closely related to the events of 9/11 and similar events , due to the terrorists on the planes reportedly shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.


    Onto the actual topic , words hurt people. Simple as. If someone is offended by the word , don't use it. If you're using the word in the comfort of good company , why can't you use it? No-one offended.



    Well that would mean that the word Ireland should be offensive, after all, the IRA were always going on about how great Ireland is.


    Or the word freedom or democracy should be offensive, as American soldiers in say, Vietnam, often went there in the name of freedom and democracy, and then proceeded to kill Vietnamese children.


    Just because they can be used in an offensive way, doesn't mean that those words are inherently offensive. If we worked off the opposite assumption then you can say bye-bye to freedom of speech.

  5. "Urukz am uuz'd uz inzult pyurli bikuz wi am nub pritenzhuz en owur naytur. Wi wuz kurz'd bah duh Dizeevur bikuz owur Forfavur Krug wuz wyz agh ztrung agh ohnurabul wer lat'z Furfavurz fehl to Ibleez' churmz. Wi ukzept owur naytur agh nub pritend wi am nub pruun tuh bludluzt. Am duh Uruk zuu nub'hozh bikuz wi zuffur duh wurzt ob duh kurziz, bud wi uuz id tuh hozh'r owurzelvz ravur den wohluuwin en zelf-piti?" says Buubztik, somewhat angrily.

  6. Scope: Global Utopia


    Values and Goals: Unity of humanity, regardless of race, religion, and nationality, so that it may progress unhindered (

    Basically this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universalism#Non-religious_Universalism). Individuality would still remain strong; people are free to pursue careers and educations of their choice, both provided by the state, but you must be in employment or education.


    Members/Citizens: Global, so I-IV are discounted. Rights and freedom are not sacrificed: freedom of religion, press, etc remain. Duties are to aid humanity however you can: learning, working, inventing, discovering etc. As long as you are creating progress in yourself or in humanity in some way. No social divides between any group.


    Children/Education: Limit of 5 children per two parents, so that population doesn't increase too greatly, and so that parents are not overwhelmed by cost of living. They would live with parents, and have the right to education and leisure. No real restrictions on children's activities, provided they aren't potentially deadly. They are educated by teachers with academic, social and creative studies up to the age of 16, at which point they may pursue any area of study they wish. Sex education starts at age 12, and is done by teachers. Higher education would remain, and would be free.


    Power/Politics: Constitutional Democratic Despotism (A person/group of people is elected, and has nigh-absolute power, but must not breach the constitution. Aspects of Meritocracy are in there too, you are only a candidate if you have the capability.)


    Decision making is done by this person/group of people with the good of humanity in mind. They may not breach the constitution in any way. The world is divided into regions, and each region elects an administrator. If the region flourishes under that administrator, they can be a candidate for global election. Abuse of authority is intolerable, and doing so will result in trial by a Supreme Court-like group of people, formed of past successful leaders.


    Economics, work and leisure: Production would be organised by the state, and would retain the use of money. Work will be compensated by hours worked, quality of work, and difficulty / dangerousness of job. People are free to choose their career, provided they are qualified. Economic planning would be done on a regional basis by the administrator and advisors of merit. Ownership would be a combination, property would be private, but size of land property would be limited to a feasible figure, and may not be removed without sufficient time and compensation. Hours would be around 9 hours of work, 7 hours of free time, 8 hours of rest (the latter two being up to the individual's discretion). Standard of living would be working class, midway between poverty and middle-class. Time for creativity is included in time for leisure.


    Sex, sex roles and gender difference: Men and women are coexistent and equal, otherwise humanity is divided. Roles of men and women would not vary by decree of the state, but if they vary due to choices of individuals from either sex, that's fine.

    The nuclear family would remain to an extent: having a family is encouraged, but not mandatory or limited by sexuality or blood-relatedness. Marriage would be retained and can be religious or secular, but married couples are offered no extra rights over unmarried couples. gay marriage is recognised.

    Alternative relationships are neither encouraged or discouraged any more than heterosexual monogamous relationships.

    Sexual freedom is neither encouraged nor discouraged, and is equal between men and women.

    Abortion is available on demand up to 20 weeks, though is discouraged verbally and non-harmfully if the person is fit to raise the potential child, without any complications such as rape of mother or disability (in which case there is no discouragement). Men have can express their wishes but the woman's decision is final.

    Sexually transmitted diseases are treated as any other disease, and sufferers would be as much patients as people with any other illness would be.

    Youthful sexual experimentation is allowed, but is not allowed legally below the age of 14. People under 18 are not allowed to have sex with people over 21, with a maximum of a 2 year age gap.

    Sexual jealously / possessiveness is allowed in passive (I.E. they are allowed to express concern and hold those emotions), but if active action is taken by one partner over the other (such as spying or abuse) then it is immediately illegal and punished. The victim's consent to prosecute is not required.

    Nudity is allowed in businesses or private property with the manager's/owner's consent, but not in the complete public, and not in the presence of children under age 14. This is to protect children from harm, and to ensure anyone who is offended by that doesn't have to be near it.

    Bestiality, paedophilia, and incest is banned.


    Science and technology: Scientific research is encouraged and funded in all STE fields if ethical. Technogical development is encouraged and funded if ethical. The use of non-renewable resources would be allowed until the renewable alternative is feasible. Efforts to make energy renewable are funded, with non-renewable energy being banned once the renewable alterative is feasible, to prevent pollution and shortage.

    Reproductive technologies are allowed to help infertile people have children, and to try and prevent disabled births if desired. Designer babies are not allowed.

    Cloning of animals is allowed, but cloning of humans literally is not. Stem cell use is allowed though.

    Life extension techniques are allowed depending on what they are. If genetically changing aging, then no. If through medicine or technology, yes. They are available to all.

    Exploration of space is encouraged and funded. Nuclear and toxic waste are thrown into the sun. Disposed of in a clean, efficient manner and method.


    Religion: Religion would be separate from the state, but religious studies are done in schools.

    Freedom of religion is complete. Cults and gurus are allowed provided they don't partake in illegal activities and don't disrupt the peace.

    Rituals and celebrations are allowed in public, and may be done as per the individual's desire.

    Religion would be integrated by studying it as a whole and individual religions at school, and places of worship are tax-free. 

    There would be no relationship, other than what the religion says about sex.

    Religious hierarchy would be done as per religion.

    Religion and science should co-exist: science describes the universe and its laws, religion explains it and them however they wish.

    If someone's religion allows/encourages them to take psychoactive drugs that are legal, then it's no problem. 


    The Arts: Taking up the arts would be encouraged during leisure time, but there's no funding as the arts are separate from career, but both are allowed enough time each to co-exist. People may not pursue the arts as part of their career, but are fully free and uncensored during free time.


    The media: All current forms of media would be allowed to exist completely uncensored. Journalism and the press remain separate from the state, but entertainment media is provided by the state via state sponsored media guilds. Unless they are entertainment media, then journalism and press take place during free time.


    The physical: Buildings would be built by the state whenever necessary, and architecture may take whatever form the architect pleases, though they are encouraged to be similar to surrounding buildings. 

    Population density would be medium, in that housing wouldn't take up large amounts of space as they do in American suburbs, and apartment blocks are preferred but not encouraged financially. Therefore it would be preferably urban but rural is fine.

    Everything else would be done as per the administrator of a region thinks should be.


    Food: Food choice is up to the individual in terms of herbivorous or such diets.

    Agriculture is done via factory farms.

    Pesticides and the like are banned if they are harmful to the environment.


    Animals: Animals can be raised and slaughtered for food, but they must be kept in good, free range conditions.

    Hunting would be allowed for non-endangered pest animals and game.

    Only animals that don't have complex emotional ability are allowed to be lab-tested, unless the animal is vital to be tested on for human safety.

    Animals may be kept as pets if they aren't inherently strongly likely to attack humans or other animals. Endangered animals may not be kept as pets also.


    Health and medicine: Medicine used would be whichever is most demonstrably effective, whether allopathic or alternative or herbal.

    Preventative medicine, such as vaccines, are mandatory for children.

    Everyone has equal access to medical treatment. However, self-imposed conditions, such as binge-drinking related illnesses, or obesity-related illness (where the obesity is proven to be from diet and not pre-existing susceptibilities) result in a fine of 20% of the medical costs.

    Mental illness patients are attempted to be integrated into society and treated, but if the patient is a threat to themselves or others than they are placed in mental illness wards until recovery.

    Psychiatric drugs are only used for people who will definitely require and benefit from them.

    Voluntary euthanasia is allowed but only if the person is in a fit state of mind to decide upon the matter. After saying they want to be euthanised, they are given 1 week to reconsider before their death, in which time the doctor will try to persuade them away from it if their is a chance of recovery.


    Alcohol/other drugs: Alcohol is allowed but binge drinking to the state of requiring medical help is not.

    Tobacco and marijuana are allowed, the latter being regulated as alcohol and tobacco are.

    Other drugs are illegal but not a criminal act, in that they are illegal to use but users and addicts are treated medically, and not judicially. 


    Antisocial behaviour and conflict resolution: Those who harm others are imprisoned, but rather than normal punishment they must undergo rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment during their sentence.

    There is a formalised system for dealing with criminal behaviour, as described above. 

    Self-destructive behaviours, such as alcoholism, or drug abuse, are treated medically, not judicially.

    Violent conflicts are treated as crimes. Verbal conflicts are allowed, provided there is not hate speech involved and it doesn't result in violent conflict, and doesn't disrupt the peace. 

    Mediation is private and done with therapists.

    Guns must be registered, but may only be taken away from the individual if they commit a crime. Weapons that are specifically made to cause extreme, torturous pain, slow death, or severe mutilation are banned.


    Military/war: The utopia is global, so hopefully war will be a thing of the past. Militias and standing militaries are therefore banned, apart from a global defense force that may put down violent insurgencies or rebellions (rebellions should be prevented by coordination and diplomacy with unhappy individuals beforehand anyway).


    Anarchy won't work, soviet communism hasn't worked, capitalism hasn't worked, monarchy hasn't worked, Marx's utopia would result in a cycle, not a progression, and so on. 

  7. There's only one reliable potential AT member left here: Jonhan2. He's got the birthright. He's in his prime. He's a tried and tested battle commander. And he doesn't just talk about paying people back, he does it.

  8. What's your honest opinion of me?


    Potatoes or bananas?


    Are you a North Korean spy sent to this server to spy on us?


    The next time you see me on the server, will you whisper "Mi amore" to me? Pwetty pwease?


    sorry who are you


    bananas raw, potatoes cooked


    Of course not, Glorious Leader is already omniscient and knows the happenings of all things throughout the universe. 


    I'll see what I can do.

  9. No, my character was changed to look completely and flawlessly like another race but her race was not changed. I only used the other card so to remove meta. Also it was not changed by magic of the voidal type, more of an event back in early anthos. But I dont understand how this has anything to do with the current topic. 


    It was just you were questioning Kalameet's ability to follow and create lore. Like I said in my post, it was off-topic, and so was your rather personal dig at Kalameet, despite your adamance that you had nothing against him.


    Do you have any unique role play tips?
    Any suggestions to creating and/or finding role play?
    What are the main three reasons you continue to stay with this community/server?



    Just go with the flow, and have fun.

    None really. Go wherever the roleplay is and RP there.

    Probably the Orc community, my strange desire to ensure no-one ruins shamanism lore and addiction. Don't do drugs.



    Why do I sometimes wake up feeling empty?



    You need to do more drugs

  11. Mana (Aka the void) is LoTc's force. In star wars they may not require a lexicon but they DO require a codex and a trained Jedi to read them. The names have been taken from clear sources that I was able to find after a 20 second Google search. 


    I would say, add a bit more thought and creativity into this, maybe some one who first made it, maybe you found a book to go along with it, talking about how they might have been made. Along with that, I would say change the name. 


    As for you believing me to have a "vendetta" I would ***** at you even if you were my best friend and you came up with this. I'm a logical person. Seen as mean and cold to the bone. :) I dont need to hold "vendetta's" I treat everyone equally. 


    Edit : This is the type of lore I could see coming from someone new to the server. But not an aged experienced Lore master. A Lore master is someone who is meant to judge over what is good lore for the server. If they create lore, it is only common sense that they should know what they are making and have the ability and thought to add creativity and originality to it. Not to be called out on it by someone who isn't a loremaster.  


    aren't you the person that said they changed their race with magic


    More on topic, I like the lore, but maybe another name could be chosen that isn't quite as futuristic. Memory machines, or something like that.

  12. Childish Gambino or Lupe Fiasco?





    What is your honest opinion about me?



    and are we stilled married


    also why are you cheating on me with ww2buff


    I think you're hottimer than Frottimer, of course we're still married.


    And I'm not

  13. What is Buubztik saying in your signature?

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. As if you didn't know that, noob.



    I'm curious on who your favorite Orcish spirit is, and if you feel like explaining, why.


    Favourite Orcish Spirit in OOC is probably Ramakhet because he's cool. ICly, Buubztik's favourite is Enrohk because he is a true Orc.




    Will you be my bae?



    Sorry I don't date snelves

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