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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. This really, really needs to be altered. This lore would be denied as it is, because honestly it's really quite graphic, to say the least, and highly unsuited for the age rating of the server.


    However, other than that giant, glaring issue, the lore is interesting and would provide some really unique roleplay, so it won't be denied yet. Instead, I recommend you change this about somewhat, and instead of it bursting from the rear, it is instead vomited out, or bursts from the chest. That would be far easier to accept (and read), and would allow me to sleep at night.


    Thanks for your patience.

  2. I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied.


    The main issue with this is that this could potentially already be done with an enchantment of illusion. Finding someone who could do that for your weapon IC could provide a lot more roleplay than just writing up lore for it, and it can achieve the same effect.


    Additionally, blood crystals shouldn't really be storing psychic echoes, so it doesn't quite make sense in that regard.


    Thank you for your patience. 

  3. Iron_Horde_Emblem.png?version=971af66f4b


    Porandor Latafrumri


    The Fae of Tamenth's call to war is answered, their military alliance accepted. After all, if you planned on going to war with someone, you might as well do it when a might necromancer horde was about to help you do so as well. The majority of the Porandori army, 20,000 warriors, 6,000 Lur wolf cavalry and 400 shamans, march to Tamenth to meet up with their forces. [1 page]. War is declared on Campestribus.




    The war galleys that were privateering pull back, and return to the heart of Porandori lands. With some loot and plunder stolen, they were moderately satisfied with their less than noble ventures.


    Non-aggression pacts are offered to all nations not part of the Humanic Council.


    The Kingdom of the True Lur is offered to join the Porandori, and create a stronger force against the heathens to the west, and to honour the Spirits. [Due to inactivity of sneaky, Mod plox]




    With rumours of the other nations starting accessing powerful beings and boons from their gods, the Porandori Shamanic Council, led by Buubztik, begin to delve into the creation of Muyakelgs. These powerful beings were crafted to the size of a small building, made from flesh and bone, and inhabited by an elemental spirit, thus allowing them to manipulate their relevant elements. The first attempts are made in the creation of Fire Muyakelgs. [Mod for Yae or Nae]



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