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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. Iron_Horde_Emblem.png?version=971af66f4b


    Porandor Latafrumri


    News of the Lur horde's defeat was disheartening, but many still craved to follow in their footsteps, up to the recent loss. However, the army was not yet ready, to attack in rash and blind rage would would result in failure, or at least a pyrrhic victory. As such, the navy, largely compassed of swift war galleys is sent out to perform hit-and-run raids upon the fishing and merchant vessels of Campestribus, capturing any ships if possible. ((MOD ACTION TO SEE WHAT'S HIP HOP AND HAPPENING))


    The rest of the Porandori military continue to fortify itself. A further 6,000 warriors are recruited and begin training, as well as 1,500 Lur cavalry and 100 shamans. These inductees will bring the Porandor's military to 24,000 warriors, 6,000 Lur wolf cavalry, and 400 shamans.




    Meanwhile, Buubztik decides to visit the beastmasters to see how the progress of the scaddernak breeding goes. The beastmaster, clearly previously a nomad, approaches the High Shaman and gives a progress report.




    "The breeding mostly goes well, revered Frumz-burim, however the scaddernak do resist our attempts at making them breed. I expect that we will not be able to breed naklings very swiftly, to my great discontent."




    Meanwhile, diplomatic shamans are sent to the Iron Dominion and the Fae of Tamenth. Both are offered non-aggression pacts and trade offers.

  2. Iron_Horde_Emblem.png?version=971af66f4b


    Porandor Latafrumri


    The exploits of the Horde of Lur were becoming widely talked about within the Porandor, how they challenged the human nation of Campustribus and laid siege to their capital. Many itched to partake in such glorious warfare, and so a further 12,000 Warriors, 3,000 Lur cavalry and 200 shamans begin training for war, when finished would bring the total military strength of the Porandor to 18,000 warriors, 4,500 Lur wolf cavalry and 300 shamans. 


    Meanwhile, research into breeding scaddernaks begins. These great beasts, shaped like scorpions only several metres long, with a carapace stronger than steel, would act as living siege engines, able to reduce walls to rubble and destructive forces on the battlefield, killing swathes of enemy soldiers with one swoop of their massive pincers. The best of the beastmasters estimate they should be able to start breeding scaddernaks in [2 pages]. [i'll limit the production of these to 1 every two pages.]






    The Horde of Lur's request for military assistance is replied to as follows:


    "Esteemed brothers to the North,


     Of course we honour our obligation and answer your call to war!


    But first we must consolidate our strength. We will, however, join your triumphant conquests of the human filth as soon as the Spirits allow."




    The newly claimed land is fortified around the border in order to secure the Porandori hold there. A healthy empire is ever-expanding, so the settlers and scouts are not idle for long, however. Additional expansion to the west begins:



  3. Iron_Horde_Emblem.png?version=971af66f4b

    Porandor Latafrumri


    Led by the Nalt Frum'Burim, or High Shaman, Buubztik'Lur, the Porandor Latafrumri, the Empire Under the Spirits, had little sympathy for most outsiders, with their false gods and idols, their strange tongues and differently coloured skins. They did not venerate the true divine overlords, the Spirits, and so no mercy was to be afforded to them when the time came, and no regard for their suffering and loss was to be held. Their lives and livelihoods were insignificant to the Porandor, for they were insignificant to the Spirits. 




    Expansion down the rivers is ordered, so that the Porandor's power could grow without potentially inviting anger from the Horde of Lur, someone they could seek to ally with. Scouts, warriors and nomads are sent south to claim, settle and utilise lands there. Any tribes there are offered the chance to join the Porandor, or the threat of force. 




    Mines and lumber mills also begin construction to support the expansion effort.




    A shaman is sent to the Horde of Lur to show accedence to their request for an alliance. A message is sent from High Shaman Buubztik'Lur as well:


    "Brothers of the Sands, we hope that our alliance will be strong like steel in the face of the heathens to the west, and that our dominion will spread like wildfire across their cursed lands. The Porandor Latafrumri will support you in all things, and expects the same from you and yours, Rap'Lur."




    In order to increase Porandori power, threat, and standing, the military begins recruiting. A quota of 6,000 warriors, 1,500 Lur Wolf cavalry, and 100 Shamans is set.




    Additionally, several dozen war galleys small enough to traverse the desert rivers begin construction.



  4. Application

    Forum name: hellfiazz

    Race: Uruk

    Leader name: Buubztik'Lur

    Race: Uruk

    Starting region:


    Is your leader a mage?: Yeah, Shaman guy.

    Faction Name: Porandor Latafrumri (Empire Under the Spirits)

    Government Type: Caesaropapist Dictatorship

    Religion: Shamanism (Spirits and stuff)

  5. Edward's face curls into a grimace at the gruesome effect of the shot. He wasn't expecting such a reaction, but quickly swallowed his remorse and ran with the now moving group, silently praying for the soldier.

    As he moves through the Monolith, thoughts race through Edward's mind at the drastic turn his life had taken in the space of a few moments. He expected that his actions would result in him being labelled a fugitive, his old, somewhat peaceful life gone forever.

    His pondering was interrupted as the posse halted, and the professor asks for their support and commitment, he gives a firm nod of assent. After all, if he couldn't go back to being a normal citizen, he might as well become a revolutionary, right?

  6. Edward winces at the combined shocks of the harsh transition from inside to outside, the rifle being thrown at his abdomen, which he barely catches, and the sharp whizz and pang of bullets flying. He immediately darts to cover behind a ventilation duct that more than likely led to the bowels of the vast machine.

    Edward fires off a few shots from his rifle at a zeppelin, trying to aim at the bridge to cause damage but mostly to provide cover fire for the other party-goers.

  7. mon_256.png



    From previous: 8

    Tax: 20 + 20

    Resources: 6 + 6

    Income: 60

    "The Caledonians are under our influence, our Northern border is safe if their word is to be trusted. We must now look South, or across the seas."

    The Caledonians are sent a further 4 gold and asked for their knowledge of the lands about them and any past the seas ((MOD))

    Settlers are sent to the 3 newly discovered provinces to the Southern border. Scouts are sent to the provinces beyond those. ((MOD))

    Also, the two freshly built galleys are sent to sail round the of the land the Brigantes inhabit from their eastern coast, and keep sailing til they reach the western coast. ((MOD))

    "We must continue to expand our army. Whilst we have no current threats, our rapid exploration and expansion could lead to the discovery or inducement of such a thing."

    Current standing army:

    6 Spearmen

    3 Heavy infantry

    6 Calawre Champions

    4 Axe infantry

    4 Archers

    5 Breton Chariots


    4 Calawre Champions: -24 Gold

    3 Breton Chariots: -18 Gold

    Net: 60 - 42 = 18

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