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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. Just because a pair of Aenguls are called brothers doesn't mean they're the result of a reproduction, they could be brothers by metaphor or just paired together at creation (however this might have occurred), or even just labelled so by mortals. LMs have already said that the aspects that are assigned to Aengudaemons are just figments of mortals' imaginations.

    Regardless, the point is that this lore defines the LoTC pantheon further which the LMs, from experience, often really don't want to happen by design of the players.

  2. This lore is really, really fundamental. We're talking about a being that balances the entire world, that the Aenguls and Daemons are both in a council, and that they can have children with each other. I strongly doubt that this lore, lore that defines the universe of LoTC, would be accepted as is.

  3. mon_256.png



    From previous: 2

    Tax: 16 + 16 + 16

    Resources: 6 + 6 + 6

    Income: 68

    "The Caledonians are stronger than anticipated. An attack on them would at best be costly, at worst result in a humiliating and bitter defeat. They must come into the fold but preferably without the death of hundreds of good men of the Brigantes."

    An emissary is sent to the Caledonians to the north on behalf of the Brigantes. They are offered vassalage, and if not they are offered a military alliance. A gift of 16 gold chests is sent. ((MOD))

    "Expansion must continue or stagnation, followed by doom, will fall upon the Brigantes"

    All the known provinces to the south are sent settlers to colonise them, and scouts are sent to all the undiscovered provinces immediately to the South, including the ones south of the lands currently undergoing colonisation. ((MOD))

    2 rowing galleys also begin construction, largely to aid in exploration. ((1 + 1 page))

    Current standing army:

    3 Spearmen

    3 Heavy Infantry

    4 Calawre Champions

    2 Axe Infantry

    4 Archers

    2 Breton Chariots


    3 Breton chariots: -18 gold

    3 Spearmen: -6 Gold

    2 Calawre Champion: -12 Gold

    2 Axe Infantry

    Net: 68 - 16 - 44 = 8

  4. mon_256.png



    From previous: 2

    From tax: 10

    From resources: 6

    Total before expenditure: 18

    "New lands and new neighbours. Many options are open to us: conquest, diplomacy, trade. We choose the first, for the Gods prize strength. But before we show strength we must increase it."


    1 Calawre Champion: -6 Gold

    2 Axe Infantry: -8 Gold

    1 Spearman: -2 Gold

    Total spending: 16 Gold

    Net: 2 Gold

    "While we do this we must find out more about these neighbours, and also find out more about the lands to the south"

    A scout is sent to the discovered settlement in Caledonia, disguised as a grain merchant. He will attempt to find out the military strength of these peoples. ((MOD REQ))

    Meanwhile, 2 exploratory missions are dispatched to the other two of the three provinces to the south of Brigantes land. ((MOD REQ))

    A band of people are sent to the already discovered province in the South, accompanied by a small band of soldiers ((1 Spearman)). They begin constructing a fort in the moors, and the province is claimed for the glory of the Brigantes. ((1 turn til fort is constructed))

    "Land is not the only medium by which men may travel. The sea beckons."

    The construction of a basic trading port begins on the west coast of Brigantes land, in the Northumbria region. ((HEY GAIUS, what stats does it do and how long do it take to do))

  5. mon_256.png



    From previous: 50

    Tax: 10

    Resources: 2 (Coal) + 4 (Copper)

    Total before expenditure: 66

    "We of the Brigantes control the path from Breton to Caledonia. We must maintain and consolidate our power in this regard. We must unite the Northern folk under us that we all may prosper and progress as the dominant power in Brytenwalda."

    "To achieve our noble and righteous goals we must have a force to defend against those who wish us harm."


    2 Spearmen: -4 Gold

    3 Heavy Infantry:-18 Gold

    3 Calawre Champions:-18 Gold

    4 Archers: -12 Gold

    2 Bretons Chariots: -12 Gold

    Total expenditure: -64 Gold

    Net gold: 2

    "We know little of our neighbouring lands and peoples. Ignorance will bring death, knowledge will bring strength."

    3 exploratory missions:

    1 to Province directly north of Lothian

    1 to province directly west of Lothian

    1 to province directly west of the North-East Yorkshire region

    (Lothian = north most province, NE Yorkshire = southern most)

  6. "Throughout the reign of Haelun'or, the high Elves claimed that they were fundamentally superior but simultaneously the saviours of elven kind. They demanded gratefulness and obedience from those they deemed lesser purely because they had allowed them to build outside their "blessed" walls. They shed Wood Elven and Dark Elven blood in the name of a foreign power, the Oren led by your apparent mortal foes, the Carrions.

    And yet Renatus rushes to the aid of their oldest enemy's oldest and greatest ally."

  7. Because to have the entire community pitch in about a single tech development every time isn't feasible, because that essentially comes down to a vote. Not everyone even has to have or will have the needed knowledge to accurately judge, they only need say "this is cool +1" and there you go, extra support that skews the process. And then someone or some group has to decide if it fits the theme and if it should go through. There has to be a group in place to decide that.

  8. If a new group to oversee player changes is created, we would look to past groups that have overseen player changes in order to predict the outcome, is that not a scientific method of developing hypotheses?

    Any community can develop into a clique if they have power over something. The peer review process is heavily heavily dependent on whether or not the peers are being fair in their judgement. If the science team was to be unfair in their judgement then they could have control over who does and who doesn't get to develop their technology. Someone could have done all legitimate roleplay and such only for this community to say "it doesn't suit LoTC". If someone called them out on it would be the word of the science team against the word of a player. What would you do to prevent this?

  9. That doesn't stop elitism, that stops any ideas this community of science folk deems unworthy from getting through, in essence exacerbating its extent if it does exist. I'm talking rules that would stop this science community moving towards being concentrated into a clique.

  10. Of course there's no restriction in theory, every facet of roleplay is like that. But of course in practice that simply isn't the case. And who will that community of science folk be? Who decides who gets the tech? What's to stop the community of science folk becoming a clique and approving only the stuff their friends come up with?

  11. In theory Magic is supposed to be the same; accessible to all and a means of providing roleplay, not an advantage, but the system of heavy regulation indirectly promoted elitism. Just because you say scientific developments are meant to be shared doesn't mean people will share them, because the MA system of Magic showed that in a environment where it is controlled then people just trend towards forming cliques. The group that kept evocation under their wrap and those they didn't want to learn evocation, and likewise, the group that makes all the technology and those they don't want to have it.

    Also, not all Magic is for combat, a great deal isn't, and not all Magic is powerful, a great deal isn't. Tech is the same in that sense and so I imagine that a controlled environment the same effect will happen; elitism and cliques will develop.

  12. There's nothing wrong with science and tinkering RP, but technological advancements, like said before, don't really fit the themes of LoTC. I recognise its a choice to RP science, but any advancements in technology change a great deal of people's RP, and since it would be in the hands of a few players who enjoy science, that could create an environment of scientific-based elitism where the people who are friends with the inventors get all the stuff, and the people they don't like OOCly are deprived. This happened before when Magic was controlled by a group.

  13. I realise that you probably aren't out for an advantage, what I'm saying is others will be. And the difference between what you described and science is that those things don't require prerequisite interest or knowledge, anyone can enjoy Magic or smithing or swordplay in roleplay. You don't need to be rather intelligent to do those things and you certainly don't need an OOC interest in them, but you do in science. It could lead to a form of elitism, which is a large part of why Magic was made universal for the most part.

    And I wasn't referring to the people who would be in this science group as a clique, I meant others that they might already be a part of.

  14. Well if you looked at both my 2nd and last point, combined they say that most people don't want to do this science business, but those that do will be able to have an advantage because if they want it they will make it so. And if they don't, maybe the clique they're in will, showing that someone will be able to gain an advantage because they or one of their friends isn't bored by having to roleplay out discovery and invention that they already know how to do.

  15. It's fun to learn magic, because your character actively develops magically along the process, and your training is practical, you're actively using magic. Yes, a good mage will be dedicated, but dedication is rewarded constantly. There is very little theory to learn.

    However, science is different. I don't know about you, but I enjoy my science lessons at college, and people who enjoy science in real life are a tiny minority. Even I don't want to learn the physics of a steam engine, because that **** is really really boring. The steam engine was invented IRL for one of two reasons: to help mankind, and/or for personal benefit. There is no reward of such magnitude on a roleplay server. Roleplay is for fun and escapism, and having to go through a peer review process, having to learn mathematics and engineering and complex theorems, is not fun for the overwhelming, vast majority of people.

    And believe me, people will find ways to turn seemingly inadvantageous technology and mechanics into advantages. As was the case with boat-planes. People have a great deal of tenacity when it comes to finding advantages on this server.

  16. Because you're overestimating the players' desire to comply with regulations and to go through the scientific process. If people want an advantage they'll just take it; as can be shown with the guns issue in Anthos, with the bunker/trench war in Anthos, with the boat-planes in the Fringe, with the button-spam that may still go on, with several people becoming Undead cultists so they can raid. Whilst your idealism is admirable it is not practical.

    Not to mention that the people on this server will most definitely not share your enthusiasm for science and technology. Even if you can overcome the problems I've already stated, people come to LoTC for fantastical roleplay; not for people who like science OOCly to get roleplay advantages. In principle, allowing the progression of technology without effective regulation won't work, making effective regulation will be very, very difficult, and having such regulation will alienate those who don't want to take science lessons for fun.

  17. People don't need the science police, they only need google the information and reword it in order to to pass through your system. And a lot of the time people won't even bother with that, they'll just have the thing that's been given a green light to exist in roleplay.

    Anyway regardless of the feasibility of technological advancement in LoTC, the GMs and Admins have on several occasions disallowed such a thing because technological advancement isn't in the spirit of LoTC.

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