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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. You're being too idealistic about this; it has happened before. Like I said, even rumours of technologies being allowed to exist causes them to spontaneously pop up around LoTC.

    And what about the availability of information en masse? People don't have to roleplay these things out at all, they just have to look up all the equations and methods and simply reword them.

  2. I don't doubt that after a due amount of roleplay these inventions could come about, I doubt that these people will be happy when their invention is instantly copied over OOC. Which will happen. So now you have wide scale meta-gaming and technological advance globally that occurs at an infeasible speed.

  3. No I don't know that stuff, but equally I'm not inventing a technology that would require those things. Which is what I'm saying, people will be making technologies even though their characters don't know the principles they rely on.

  4. I'm talking about OOC tech stealing, which will happen. The Aztecs couldn't copy the musket before European contact, but people in LOTC will copy each others technologies without actually having copied it RPly. In Anthos the mere rumour that guns were re-allowed resulted in many suddenly obtaining guns from nowhere in RP.

  5. There's nothing wrong with friendly competition, but people like the Dwarves and High Elves are sure to be unappreciative of people just copying their technology, which is what will undoubtedly happen. People can know something OOCly and so will use that OOC knowledge to invent something in character, which is not good. A legitimate roleplay could literally spend their entire character's lifetime to create the steam engine, and then might want to keep that technology a secret, but as soon as someone hears that LMs are okay with steam engines then steam engines will start popping up left right and centre, just because they heard OOCly that someone else made one.

    Ist nicht gut.

  6. Well no, because with locked magics you need to actually be taught, otherwise you'd get reported for meta gaming or power gaming. Magic can be regulated so because it is a discreet process; Magic subtypes are unique, and there's no in-betweens. Technology is not so, because a single type of technology can have multiple approaches and methods. I.E. someone could avoid having to be taught to build a steam engine by making their own slightly different steam engine, perhaps using other sources of fuel or different materials to make it. A single piece of technology can vary depending on the creator, Magic can't in that respect.





  8. Forum Name: hellfiazz

    Roleplay Name: Yusef abd As-Sabur

    Describe your preferred doppleganger with adjectives [stealthy, brutish, etc.]: Disattached but not sociopathic/emotionless, physically fit (but not much larger than average), sharp, cautious, insightful into the human mind, stubborn.


    Born to a relatively moderate Sunni Bahraini family, Yusef grew up both appreciative of other walks of life but remained a devout Muslim, perhaps shifting from the Sunni sect somewhat as his psyche developed.

    He later moved to America to pursue his desire of being a psychiatrist, to help people, however he found himself to be quite inept at the profession; he would often find himself frustrated by the pettiness of many of his clients rather than able to help them through their problems. Yusef quit after a generally negative track record.

    After that, he was stuck in a state of uncertainty. Eventually he landed a job working for a research group that was attempting to establish the psychological process behind religion, where his psychiatric skill could be employed without being clouded by annoyance, and his own faith able to help with the research. The group never made any concrete conclusions but Yusef's time there was helpful to his mind, if not his fame or fortune. The group quickly ran out of funds after, but the Marines soon approached him seeing use in a mind like his.

    Have you clicked on the 'Follow this Topic' button at the top-right corner? Yippity yeppity yep.

  9. Both extracellular ice and intracellular ice cause cell damage and cell death for certain in the latter's case. Unless you're stopping ice forming round the cells, or somehow shielding the individual cells, then cell damage and cell death is inevitable, making the problem worse. And for that you'd need a cryoprotectant, which are toxic, or both cellular theory and a mind that can comprehend things on cellular levels and continue to use arcane shielding on each one of those tiny incomprehensible microstructures. And that's not even the worst bit for vital organs. Like Haldon said, a heart that is not beating, a brain that is not functioning, is a dead patient. No two ways about it.

    Basically the premise of this magic is inviable because the result could not be achieved even through magic, aside from magic that can resurrect.

  10. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    One benefit of being a centralised, socialist state is that every citizen can be accounted for. After the infection had begun to spread, the government reacted quickly. Land, sea, and air travel was shut down except for special, government approved cases, and for other governments' officials. Any of these people would require medical tests for Ceelitas. The SUNS's best medical scientists, microbiologists, and a few voluntary Ceelitas survivors are sent to FRANCE's Marseilles research centre. Only a couple of doctors are sent as they will be needed to help fight the virus at ground-level.

    Within the SUNS, biweekly medical check-ups are mandatory, and state-issued passes are required to move between the countries and larger provinces. They're performed after work shifts, which due to the centralisation of industry, all finish in regular groups, and so it's easy to make sure that they attend. If they don't, HAZMAT-clad police go to their houses to ensure the checkup takes place. As such, any infected are quickly identified. And once they are, they are taken and sent to Svalbard, where they are treated as best as possible and cared for. Once they recover, they're put in post-recovery units for 2 weeks to ensure there's no relapse after they're sent off. After the week has passed with all doubt of potential re-infection, they are allowed to return home. During this period, which could last anywhere from 1 month to 6, they are treated with the utmost dignity and hospitality. They're allowed to video call their families and pursue their own private hobbies during their recovery and post recovery period, provided the hobby isn't dangerous and doesn't mean they mix with other patients, again to prevent inter-infection at the Svalbard Ceelitas Treatment Centre. They are, after all, patients, not prisoners. However, so far the SUNS has been better off than most other nations due to the cold, the lack of mass immigration, and the lack of easy access to the Union's borders, bar Denmark.

    Meanwhile, everything else continues as normal, though with a slight drop in productivity due mostly to the small decrease in actual workforce. Research, the station's construction, and the industrialisation of Greenland, though immigration there largely ceased, go on as planned.

  11. Apohet doesn't officially have a mortal-assigned aspect because he's unknown to mortals. As his OOC maker I'd say that if he a assigned aspects it would be faith and ambition, because all Spirits share in being mostly driven by ambition and seeking the mortals' faith.

    What would be really super mega cool would be if the darkies started worshipping Spirits the same way Orcs do, as a whole.

    Operation Proselytisation is a go.

  12. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    Greenland continues to industrialise, with the population now doubled to 120,000 through immigration, and the suicide rate beginning to decline. Many more resources, such as rare earth metals and gems, are produced. A portion of the gems are given out to the Greenlandic populace, old and new, for their good work. Nuuk begins looking more and more like a modernised small city rather than an almost feudal-looking town.

    The SUNS station still undergoes construction in orbit, and it progresses well.

    The Multi-Function Dropships finish production and their troop transport features are tested, and they excel at rapidly moving soldiers whilst maintaining their own defence.

    However, the drone function cannot do so well without drones, obviously. As such, research, testing, and prototyping begins into a light airborne AI-operated drone that could have anti-air, anti-infantry and anti-armour capabilities, with a pair of 50 Cal. Machine Guns and a single armour-piercing missile launcher that would lock onto targets. It would be the rough size of a large human, and would be used in the new MFDs. ((4 pages until construction))


    An AI would be required to pilot this drone, and the SUNS military didn't want to become overly dependent on the French VI. A new AI is researched into, with the French VI helping to create the new one. Caution if rogue AIs is paramount. A failsafe system is designed that would self-destruct the AI that would be impossible to overcome. If the code is changed without a pass that only exists in the loyal programmers and top, trusted generals, the failsafe engages. If any attempt is made to overide the failsafe, the failsafe engages. If anyone attempts to hack into the AI, the failsafe engages. Every possibility is considered to ensure there is simply no way for a rogue AI or enemy hacker to cause damage with the AI.((4 pages))

    A trade offer is sent to the UNITED AFRICAN EMPIRE.

  13. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    A technological boon had managed to ensure the completion of both the Scandinavian and Greenlandic mag-rails a long while before anticipated. Intra-SUNS industry becomes far more efficient, with large amounts of resources able to be transported quickly and cheaply across large distances. The growth in the Greenlandic frontier increases much faster with the mag-rail, with the necessary resources much aside to get to and across Greenland.

    The Multi-Function Dropship is also completed and the technology is shared with METO. 200 are commissioned for the NUArF. ((1 page))

    The plans for a space-borne project were made long ago, and now an ambitious project receives approval. A mid-orbit modular space station that will be equipped with a defence system to intercept missiles launched on Earth, and a drone launching bay to allow global drone deployment in emergency cases. However, the initial modules will consist of a command centre, crew quarters, biosphere for oxygen and food, and solar generators. ((3 pages until first modules are in orbit and operational))


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