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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    Greenland, a vast, barren but resource-rich land comparable to Siberia, had gone untapped for too long. A large immigration program accompanies by propaganda is initiated to try and increase the population at a new port beginning construction on the east side near Iceland. Counselling is offered to everyone in Greenland to try and cut the suicide rate. The agriculture industry is increased comparatively largely there, with the GMO crops allowing food to actually be grown in Greenland, rather than caught. Mainly though, island-wide prospecting begins, and the mining industry is heavily developed on already found resources, such as gems and metals. A sense of purpose and drive begins to take hold of the population of Greenland as the Union develops the small island in leaps.

    With 2 large research projects out of the way, two new ones are lined up. The first project is mag-rails, extremely high speed transport that would be used for industry and civilian benefit. They would go from Northern Norway to South of Denmark's European mainland. Another begins construction in Greenland, from Nuuk straight across to the new port, which has been named Alianaappoq. ((4 pages until completion))

    The other project is a type of modular dropship. It would function as a traditional dropship, transporting troops, but also be capable of functioning as a mobile drone platform, with a 2 or 3 man crew, with two pilots and a maintenance / repair crew member when drones are the package. It would have automated defense systems, featuring an anti-anti-air trophy system and armour-piercing minigun turrets. These defense systems and additional guidance would be "manned" by the French-made VI. ((4 pages until prototype construction))


    The Russian peace offer is accepted.

  2. The SUNS

    Karl Bjorkson releases a response speech:

    "We are not the aggressors in this war. Russia set in motion the events that bring us to today when they began subjugating their neighbours. The METO equally desires peace; however it is the Slavic Union that does not share this desire. The NAC possesses the ability to end this war much faster with far less casualties if they either withdraw or call their Russian allies to a halt. If President Baker truly does want peace, truly does want what is best for his people, then he will do so.

    So President Baker, why do you escalate this war?"

  3. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    As the Russian troops sail across the Baltic Sea, the SUNS navy, joined by the newly finished Supercruiser, moves to intercept and send a large chunk of Russia's army to the depths:

    SUNS Fleet

    Supercruiser: 1

    Destroyers: 4

    Frigates: 14

    Corvettes: 19

    Submarines: 11


    ((Undefined Russian Troops that would be in this fleet:


    Scroll down to operational forces and you'll see the fleet is outdated, outgunned and outnumbered.


    The large majority of the SUNS army is mobilised to the Finnish border, where for now they dig in and fortify.

    Troops: 200,000

    Tanks: 650

    AFVs: 3,000

    The NAC and IMPERIUM are urged to either stay neutral or join against Russia, and also to impose sanctions on Russia for starting what will likely be a bloody war.

  4. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    In reaction to Finland's plea for aid, Karl sends an open letter to the SLAVIC UNION, specifically addressed to Ivan:

    "I see now why you wanted the withdrawal of imaginary troops, you subjugating reincarnation of Stalin. Now you should withdraw your own troops before they are killed by the thousand at Finnish hand."

    SUNS also begins sending medical supplies and GMO food, though the altered DNA is removed en masse to prevent replication, largely by Russians. No attempt to hide this is made.

    As well as this, a letter is sent to the MEMBERS OF THE NAC, urging them to help in supporting the independence of Finland, as it is what the people of Finland clearly want. The IMPERIUM is also asked to send aid.

    Additionally, the government and military had begun to notice the language and culture barrier. Karl makes it clear to the people that no dissolution of culture will occur. A new language for the Union is devised, which is mostly composed of Scandinavian as most of the population is, though incorporates some Baltic. It is named Norden, and begins being taught as a second language in all schools, and to all government and military personnel. Free courses are offered to the adult civilian population though it is not mandatory.

  5. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    In response to Ivan of the SLAVIC UNION's letter, another is sent:

    "We have no troops in Finland you great oaf."

    With the war against the Caliphate almost over, and the Union not being a major player in the war, they recall the troops and fleet in Israel. They begin to return home.

    Karl was pleased by Lithuania's joining of the Union, and though he was disappointed by the declination of Estonia and Latvia, he would respect their wishes, at least for now. Collectivisation starts in Lithuania, and energy generation begins conversion to renewable sources.

    The Lithuanian military is dissolved into the Union's.

    Additionally, the plans and research for the super-cruiser are finalised and shared with ALL METO MEMBERS. Construction begins ((4 pages)).

  6. How can population not matter when you lose over a quarter? You need people to actually carry out industry, you need need people t support society. And regardless of military capability, the fact that you remain actively overseas and at war after losing so much would surely lead to a great deal of civil unrest. There was only a bit more civilian casualties globally from WWI and WWII, and many of the countries were practically crippled by it, and that's just individually. You're RPing as no less powerful a state even though you suffered almost as many casualties as there were in WWI just yourself. You can't honestly say that's not unreasonable.

  7. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    The newly arrived forces rest for a day at Cyprus, then immediately move to join the other SUNS and British forces now assaulting Tel Aviv, making the SUNS force there as follows:

    20,000 men

    3 Destroyers

    10 Corvettes

    15 Frigates

    The men assault from the Frigates, who's anti-air weapons ensure they can't be bombed by planes or missiles, while the rest of the fleet continue bombarding the IC defenses.

    At home, the advanced GMO is finally successfully created in a lab. They and their products are thoroughly tested for human safety before production and distribution. ((2 pages)) The technology is shared with ALL METO MEMBERS. With this technology, food shortage will be a virtual impossibility in the METO.

    The recruitment and construction for the military expansion also finishes. For now, the new forces remain at home and continue training. The AATTs are completed and sent to METO members for their own wheeled vehicles.

    The plans and research for the Supercruiser, which will be named the NUS Stumraps, near completion, and soon it will go into construction.

  8. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    With victory over the Caliphate growing ever closer, another contingent of SUNS forces is mobilised and begins sailing towards Cyprus, composed as follows:

    20,000 men

    1 destroyer

    5 frigates

    5 corvettes

    Meanwhile, the Union fleet already located near Israel prepares to provide naval support for a British landing. It continues to batter down coastal defenses in the meantime.

    With Russia's withdrawal from potential war, Finland, Estonia and Livonia are once again invited to the SUNS, with promise of METO protection and the benefits of being SUNS members. ((MOD REQ PLS))

    Additionally a military expansion begins again, with the following being recruited or constructed:

    15,000 men, equipped with the German Exoskeleton and the French VIHUD

    2 Destroyers

    5 Corvettes

    100 Rommel-II Tanks

    400 Panzer VII Tanks

    An Adaptive All-Terrain Tyre begins development for the Panzer VII and any other wheeled vehicles in the METO. This specially made tyre would sense the nature of the terrain and change shape and grip depending. ((1 page))

    The tanks are also constructed instead with the electric engines.

    Speaking of which, the military and civilian land vehicles are now all electrically-run. This cuts down fossil fuel consumption and carbon footprint dramatically.

  9. I happen to be an expert on this subject

    Any honourable dark elf would be able to go to the Spirit Realm, unless they wanted to go to normal afterlife, whatever that is. Like said before though, you would need to be a shaman to contact them. Additionally, I'd doubt there would be any greater ancestral dark elves, because there aren't any shamans that search them out, and I don't believe that any are praised individually.

    This thing about having a strong connection to mortals allowing the dark elves' spirits to be contacted is kinda nonsensical, because any dead soul could have a strong connection to their descendants. Not all people can contact the spirits of their honourable dead relatives just because they've got a strong connection. Like I said, shamanism would be necessary.

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