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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    After Cyprus surrenders, the island is given to BRITAIN, as they are the METO member that it is most sensible to cede to, given that they occupy South-East Turkey. Britain is encouraged to ensure they treat the people of Cyprus fairly lest they revolt and rejoin the Caliphate. The SUNS fleet then continues with the British force, and begins performing hit-and-run shellings of the coastal defences around Israel.

    Back home, the program to increase renewable energy generation is completed. The only member country with any reliance on fossil fuel for power is Denmark, which has been reduced to a much smaller %30 reliance. Fossil fuel consumption is almost negligible in the Union now.

    Additionally, the advanced electrical motors, which are up to scratch with any fossil fuel motor, begin being produced. The military begins replacing the engines of its land vehicles with the electric engines, and civilians are offered a small 2 year tax break on road tax if they have their engines of any vehicle replaced, for free, by the government. ((2 pages until full replacement))

    A message is sent to the KINGDOM OF ILLYRIA:

    "Greetings and salutations,

    The Socialist Union of Nordic States would like to announce on behalf of the METO that we, as a group of nations, recognise you an independent and free country. We would also like to extend an invitation to the METO would that we can further cooperate amongst ourselves and against the menace of the Caliphate."

  2. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    With Greeland's surrender, a contingent of 500 men remain to behind to help with stability. The rest of the force (9,500 men, 1 Destroyer, 2 Corvettes) return home to Sweden.

    After the IC being pushed back to Libya, the SUNS fleet there sails east. It re-stocks at German-Turkey, then moves to blockade Cyprus and shell any military forces there.

    SUNS Fleet at Cyprus

    10 Frigates

    2 Destroyers

    5 Corvettes

    They demand that the island surrenders to the METO before any civilian casualties. ((MOD REQ PLS))

    The Union also sends aid to the OCEANIC IMPERIUM in the form of medical supplies, fresh water, and some food, but not a great deal. They condemn the actions of China as barbaric and incredibly unethical.

    With the food shortage beginning to set in, the Union begins research into more advanced agricultural GMO technology. The aim is to make crops more durable, more fruitful, and more nutritious. METO members are invited to help. ((4 pages until synthesis begins))

    The swiftly advancing military technology of the world caused Sweden to want to create its own high-tech equipmet, despite the METO providing them with their own technology. They begin work on planning for a new type of naval vessel, a so-called Supercruiser. This vessel would be truly huge, more than double the size of any destroyer and have enough firepower to fight off a destroyer fleet by itself. Again, other METO members are invited to assist. ((5 pages until construction begins))

  3. Sweden became the SUNS which includes Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. I made 2 modreqs on page 14.

    Finland, Livonia and Estonia declared independence from the Slavic Union.

    Indonesia and Indochina now basically own China, but suffered millions of civilian casualties to a last stand nuke spam from China, which is now a nuclear wasteland. Indonesia and Indochina haven't divied out the land yet though.

    Italy took Istanbul, and them and Germany are now attacking into Turkey.

    France and the SUNS are battling IC forces in North Africa, which won't have any supplies as the SUNS bombed their supply depots and lines, and made the supply convoy routes into minefields. SUNS doesn't have any ground troops actually fighting, they're currently just naval support.

    Think that's everything, but you should go through the modreqs from the last mod post, which was page 14.

  4. The difference between the object of the human faith and faiths that have magics with them is that the human faith worships a deity that isn't confirmed by lore as actually existing. The Brathmordakin don't grant any specific magics and there's actually lore that says they're real I do believe. If not it just proves anyway that it's because the object of worship doesn't actually exist and therefore don't have any magics that actually come from them.

  5. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    The Union sends an open message to the SLAVIC UNION:

    "We have no desire for war with your proud and prosperous people. We understand your reasoning for wanting to prevent METO intervention, however we want you to understand that these countries will only continue to rise against your government no matter what you do. To take them back by force would only exacerbate the situation. And that's if you can, I'm sure you remember the last time the Russians invaded Finland.

    This is why we propose this: allow the people to hold a vote regarding the future of their own country. 3 votes, METO and SUNS membership, Slavic Union membership, or their own independence. We will understand if you decline for Livonia and for Estonia, but we must insist that this happens in the case of Finland, for both your sake and for theirs.

    Thank you, Karl Bjorkson."

    Meanwhile in North Africa, the Swedish force moves further east than the French and begins shelling the Islamic forces from the rear, specifically targeting their supply depots and lines, hoping to greatly reduce how many vehicles and men they can afford to keep active. A small force of specialist soldiers land a few miles behind enemy lines and lay mines on supply convoy routes, before returning to the ships. They ensure they note the locations of the mines for future reference.

  6. The Socialist Union of Nordic States

    United was socialism, strong was the North! Celebrations are held throughout the Union, with large parades held in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Reykjavik. The militaries of the nations dissolve into each other, forming the Nordic Union Armed Forces, or NUAF for short. ((See globalfirepower - Scandinavia except Finland for numbers, and add 20,000 men + 2 destroyers + 3 corvettes))

    The NUAF immediately has an expansion programme, recruiting an additional 10,000 regulars. With patriotic fervour high after the Union's formation, and the common enemy of the Caliphate, willing recruits aren't in too much shortage.

    Greenland's declination did annoy Karl, however. Though Greenland wasn't a large population centre by any stretch of the imagination, it was resource-rich and the gesture itself made the Union look weak. As such, he dispatches a task force to liberate the people of Greenland from their stubborn government.

    Greenland Liberation Dispatch

    10,000 men

    1 Destroyer

    2 Corvettes

    This force rallies at Iceland, then sets sail for Nuuk. The Union demands the Greenlandic government surrenders before it results in the loss of good men and women in both sides. ((MOD REQUEST FOR RESPONSE))

    Meanwhile, the independence of Finland, Livonia and Estonia did please Karl. Both for the people of those countries, and for the betterment of the Union. Karl invites all three nations to the SUNS, with the promise of protection from both the Union and METO if they accept. ((MOD REQUEST FOR RESPONSE))

    Energy was another concern. Most member states of the Union had only a minority of their energy generated by non-renewable sources, except Denmark. A program to replace current fossil fuel-based energy generation and expand renewable generation is put through. They hope that by completion, the Union will have next to no fossil fuel usage, with Sweden, Norway, and Iceland having no reliance, and Denmark being reduced to a 30% reliance on fossil fuels. The benefits will be both environmental and economic; the Caliphate's oil embargo was still in place, and the oil produced by the Union would be valuable to its allies.

    To compliment the growth of renewable energy generation, research into more efficient and powerful electric motors begins, potentially for military as well as civilian use. Again, this would drastically help in reducing fossil fuel consumption in the Union.

    With the increasing size and range of the METO, the SUNS submits a suggestion to rename it. Karl personally suggests that it is changed to the Grand European Coalition, or GEC for short.

    With a great deal of excess oil now being produced by the Union, some is sent to the METO members fighting the Caliphate to help in keeping their militaries running.

    A naval force is sent to provide the French forces in North Africa with support, composed as follows:

    10 Frigates

    2 Destroyers

    5 Corvettes

    They rally then begin sailing towards Libya.

  7. People's Republic of Sweden

    METO meeting:

    Karl Bjorkson stands and responds to Wulfgang's statement:

    ((The first paragraph isn't as important as the rest, please read them))

    "Whilst I agree that a united opposition is necessary both to our own securities and prosperities, and for the greater good of the world, I don't believe we should combat acts of savagery and barbarity with equal responses. To do so would be to condemn ourselves both in regards to morality and to pragmatism; the people of the world will unite behind a faction they see as ethically sound, not one that is just as bad as their opponent.

    Regardless of how other states shall battle the threat of the Islamic Caliphate, not

    Islam, Sweden will continue to abide by the rules of engagement; no innocents shall be killed. But do not mistake this for meekness. Once Sweden commits and once the enemy is recognised, no quarter shall be given.

    Anyway, enough of ethics, strategy is in order. There are two points where the caliphate threatens Europe: North Africa and Greece. Whilst North Africa is the source of the more immediate threat to the METO, we mustn't forget the latter. We must ensure we protect Greece lest the horde overcomes us from the east. Italy would be of great help in ensuring this doesn't come to pass.

    Also, we must make sure we work with the US, India and China. Despite past friction with India and the US, them and China are the most populous nations in the world with some of the largest militaries, we need them on our side if we are to win.

    In regards to ourselves, we need to ensure we have naval supremacy in the Mediterranean, particularly in the east. Cyprus will be important and as such we must have it under our control as a forward base of operations. Again, Italy's help and control of the central Mediterranean will important on the North African front.

    For land movements, France should try to hold Algeria for as long as possible, but the Gibraltar strait will be of much greater importance to hold on the European side. Likewise, we need to assist Greece in holding the east, so support in taking Istanbul may be in order. To summarise land, for now we must try and use the defensiveness of both straits on either point of danger to our advantage. Let the caliphate's waves break against the stone of our defence at these points."

    With that, Karl takes his seat again.

    Sweden sends alliance offers to the US and CHINA in order to better co-ordinate against and subdue the threat of the Islamic Caliphate.

    EDIT: forgot Greece and Italy were already METO, derp.

  8. The People's Republic of Sweden

    Victory for socialism! With Sweden's help, Norway, Denmark, Greenland and Iceland are taken over by socialist governments! Sweden asks that the countries uphold their promises they made to Sweden, and ask they join the SUNS, a tight-knit military, economic, and diplomatic union that would reach from North Europe all the way to Greenland. The rise of the Islamic Caliphate is impressed on these countries and the resulting need for unity with it. ((MOD REQ TO SEE IF THEY ACCEDE))

    Speaking of which, the Islamic Caliphate was troubling indeed. They declared war on an ally, France, and thereby declared war on them. The trade embargo mattered not to Sweden; they relied on hydroelectric energy mostly anyway, and now that Norway was socialist, they had no need for Middle Eastern oil. Regardless, SWEDEN DECLARES WAR ON THE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE. For now, however, Swedish forces wait in Sweden, until after the formation of the SUNS.

  9. The People's Republic of Sweden

    Whilst gladdened by the US' change to leadership, the Swedish government was also suspicious of it. It would be fairly hard not to treat such a sudden change in administration and diplomatic position without treating it with a small amount of skepticism. Regardless, the trade offer from the US is accepted.

    With the jump in the economy, it would not take long before revolutionary mindset die down in the other countries. Socialism had to strike now. The socialist revolutionaries in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Greenland are coerced into attempting open revolution. ((MOD REQUIRED TO GIVE OUTCOME)) Just in case, the Swedish military prepares or mobilisation, but not against Finland, with the newly completed ships joining the preparations.

    Meanwhile, the Swedish government, seeing the attempt by the US and Russia, becomes interested in a potential space program, for a manned mission to either Mars or the Moon. FRANCE, GERMANY, and INDONESIA are invited.

    All trade offers are accepted.

  10. The People's Republic of Sweden

    After hearing of the US' attempt to bully his people, Karl Bjorkson sends an open letter to the US government:

    "The Swedish people will NOT pay this so-called fine. No such thing was ever agreed upon or discussed. We will not be fools, we see through this thinly veiled attempt to force Sweden to your will. Nor will we be docile cattle, you will not beat us into submission. Sweden bends its knee to no foreign power, least of all one that has been decaying for years now, yet hopes to cling on to its old supremacy. Should the USA take action or arms against Sweden for refusing to pay a fine that has been dreamed up, it will onl serve to show how far the USA has fallen."

    Support for the growing socialist revolutions continues, and the amount of aid to such groups steadily increases.

    Relations with INDONESIA open, and Sweden sends them a trade offer and a defensive alliance offer.

  11. The People's Republic of Sweden

    After witnessing Germany's acceptance of the alliance proposal, the Swedish government accepts FRANCE'S alliance proposal. A joint research agreement is submitted to both FRANCE and GERMANY. The alliance with the USA is dissolved on the Swedish end.

    With the other Nordic nations beginning to undergo revolutions, a proposal is sent to each of them (Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Finland) so that upon socialist victory the nations will join together in a newly proposed union between them all. Further aid is given to both democratic and militant socialist movements, in the form of monetary aid, and arms and military advisors for the militants, both of which are smuggled across the border for the neighbouring countries and airdropped in overseas ones. ((MOD TO GIVE RESPONSE AND TO SEE HOW MOVEMENTS PROGRESS))

    The Swedish navy also begins expansion to try and become a dominant naval power in the Baltic Sea. 2 Destroyers and 3 Corvettes begin construction ((2 pages)).

    ((Edited to account for confusion between myself and Brad - at original post I thought the countries were already socialist led))

  12. The People's Republic of Sweden:

    Quick post:

    With the US' acceptance of a defensive alliance, in order to prevent a clash of Swedish interests, the defensive alliance offer with FRANCE is withdrawn, but the trade offer remains. An emphasis that there is no bad will from the Swedish people towards France accompanies it.

    Instead, a defensive pact offer is sent to GERMANY, hoping to create another strong ally without potentially perturbing the other.

  13. I'd like to express my concern about the mod decision on page 2 regarding Finland becoming a part of the Slavic Union.

    Firstly, the Finns are in no way Slavic, and as such it doesn't really make sense for them to join a union of Slavs.

    Secondly, the Finns aren't exactly best buds with the Russians and are quite a proud people, and as such it doesn't make sense to renounce their independence for a union with Russia.

    So far I've role played as the mod decision says, but I'm just saying that Finland joining Russia doesn't make any sense.

  14. The People's Republic of Sweden

    The economic depression had hit Sweden and her people hard. Many people lost their jobs, and those that kept them found harder work for less pay. The government could not afford to keep those without work out of poverty and so deprivation became widespread. Deprivation grew into discontent grew into anger, which soon became revolutionary action.

    Capitalism had failed, it was unreliable and unfair. Soviet communism had equally failed, moreso than capitalism. The social welfare system had worked well in its time, but it too ultimately failed as it was ultimately built on capitalism. To the people of Sweden, true Socialism was the answer. Not quite how Marx had envisioned it with the proletariat essentially enslaving their former corporate overlords, but instead only the united, free and prosperous people, all working for both the people themselves and the greater good of Sweden. That was the driving ideal behind the quickly spreading revolution.

    And it did spread like wildfire. The first city to fall to the revolutionary forces was the ancient holy site of the old gods, Uppsala. After that, each major population centre fell one by one. A man named Karl Bjorkson became the public figurehead as he brought together the different contingents of military defectors and the already socialist cities. Even before the capital of Stockholm fell, he declared the People's Republic to be the one true, independent state of Sweden.

    And Stockholm would soon fall. After a siege that lasted over 120 days, the last semblance of government there surrendered as its own military forces turned against them. In February of 2029, Sweden was once again united, this time under a socialist government. But work was yet to be done.

    The government and constitution was reformed. There would be a permanent President, who was the head of state, and then below him a council of the democratically elected representatives from each major population centre and their surrounding areas, the Folketsråd, who would each be a Folkkommissarien, the equivalent of a Minster in the old government.

    The People's Republic of Sweden has come far in the past few years, but there is still much to be done in service to the people, both abroad and at home.


    Firstly, the government begins the collectivisation of all industry, infrastructure and agriculture. All industrial and commercial buildings are seized by the state, so too are the sources of energy in Sweden, most of which is hydroelectric. Farmers, rather than selling to corporations would now sell to the government, at prices that were acceptable for the farmers whilst also economic for the state. All industry is managed by the state and therefore so is employment. For the people, the general policy of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" is adopted, but the freedom to choose employment is also maintained.

    Secondly, the socialist revolution is promoted in neighbouring and Nordic countries. Propaganda is sent to Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Scotland and Greenland in order to spread revolutionary action and to ensure that any such revolutionary action is indeed socialist. Monetary support is given to the already existing revolutionary groups in those countries.

    As for Finland, financial support to rebels and propaganda is also sent, however the propaganda also slates their new Russian overlords, utilising old Finnish pride of their WW2 efforts against the Russians. Both are distributed by Finnish co-operators, and the propaganda is made to be printed in and unique to Finland. This is to ensure that any Russian authority that catches wind of either, then it won't be traced back to the Swedish government.


    Thirdly, whilst the Russians hadn't outwardly expressed any desire to subjugate Sweden or Scandinavia they were wary of their expansion, especially in the case of Finland. As such they expand the military somewhat, recruiting around 20,000 troops. All are trained to be a sort of guerrilla force, but one that utilises modern equipment in conjunction with the traditional ambush warfare etc. Former Vietcong officers who fought in the Vietnam war are imported in order to ensure the force in properly knowledgable on guerrilla tactics. With modern equipment, proper training, and the Nordic winter, this force should be able to defend even the mightiest of forces.

    A defensive alliance and research agreement offer is sent to FRANCE and the U.S. Trade deals are sent to ALL EUROPEAN, ASIAN, and NORTH AMERICAN ((PLAYER)) NATIONS.

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