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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. If someone kills another in a fight with the same weapons, it's more impressive than someone shooting an unarmed person in the face with a gun and killing them that way.

    If the Undead create a threat without having to go around the rules, they'll be taken far more seriously. Right now people still find each other to be a bigger threat than the Undead, there's the same amount if not more warclaims between normal factions. The downfall of Anthos' antag was that people were more annoyed OOCly than scared RPly at them, and that was due to making them able to just completely go round the normal OOC way of war, as well as OP spells.

    I think the Antag now shouldn't be following the path of previous in this regard, unless they actually want to fail as an Antagonist. A pragmatic solution over one that has failed previously.

  2. Let it be known that the Elder of the Sword and Wargoth Frumzum of Lur does so declare the following arguments be instated and the permission to uphold them be granted to any and all true Orcs who would uphold the ways of the ancestors:

    1. Allies of the War Nation are to be escorted out of San'Vitar unless on official business. They are not to be killed unless they act in aggression.

    2. The status of 'honorary Uruk' is hereby removed and all previous holders of this title are no longer permitted to remain in San'Vitar. Exceptions may be granted by the High Shaman for those who truly possess the heart, mind, and spirit of a son or daughter of Krug.

    3. Anyone not an ally or on official business or is a member of an enemy state or race in the city are to be purged. Exceptions may be granted by the Rex for specific occasions. Anyone under the age of 15 are instead to be escorted out by force if necessary.

    These arguments may be enforced immediately and in any method that does not violate the arguments themselves. It is not mandatory to enforce the arguments however if ordered by a relevant Wargoth, High Shaman or Rex then compliance is mandatory. Failure to enforce when commanded by a superior will result in a lashing. Continuous failures will result in the Uruk's honour being called into question.

    Signed -

    Wargoth Frumzum'Lur

    Wargoth Malog'Yar

  3. Are they sapient? Perhaps they could be called the Kragor (plural Kragorim) which is black speech for Fang, seeing as they apparently have a close relation with Orcs. Hundur (plural Hundurim) is black speech for Dog, another suggestion.

    Either way they seem like a pretty cool idea, although maybe they shouldn't be quite so favouritistic towards Orcs, instead remaining apart but just respecting them a bit more. Also good luck getting past the wall of osmium that is the Administrations' desire for no more races.

  4. Stop making stupid-arse threads about how OP orcs are. You might want to look like immature whiny *******, but some of us don't, so stop making us look as such just because you lost a fight. If someone underestimates an Orc, which I find to be rare, then politely inform them in LOOC. Don't **** yourself and make a forum rant that makes you look like a spoiled child.

  5. There aren't any Uruks that are ten feet tall. Most are around (though I will admit the functional average is above the lore average by a few inches) the average. For Lurs there are multiple bloodlines that could have different sizes. Buubztik was an Axe, who are much more hardy. My current Orc is a Sword, who are much more agile than an average Orc. Naturally the two bloodlines are prone to a size difference.

    Anyway the point is that size does offer disadvantages in a combat scenario. However the threads about 1v1ing were trying to point out people trying to overpower orcs, which I'm sure we can all agree that even against a smaller Orc is very very difficult. Many Orcs know that they're not combat gods, and I can probably say that I've lost just as many, perhaps more, RP fights as I have won. Do remember that their monstrous proportions also brings with them the tag of monster, and many a time I've ended up dead purely because RPly people assume the worst about Orcs. People can instigate fights with Orcs in public places, the Orc has to accept. Then the onlookers assume that it is the Orc who is the villain, and end up getting gangbanged.

  6. Basically as Kraal says. Following the Spirits' definition of honour, regularly acknowledging them in praise, having a decent understanding of the Spirits themselves (without having too much so as to avoid meta-gaming, basically as far as you should go with knowledge is knowing the aspects a spirit controls).


    Also it's always best to wait for a shaman to approach you than the other way round. It demonstrates that you're OOCly patient and don't just want the power, and ICly it makes more sense.

  7. Then why go to all the effort of doing it separately? Why not have added creation of limbs to the original lore?


    Anyway, like I said. It simply isn't necessary. There is already at least two magics that can either substitute a new limb or plainly re-grow it. There's no need, and I do believe that LMs don't really do lore additions that do the same thing that other magics do.


    Also an iron arm is as much a property of a person as magic ability is. Doesn't make it PG just because it offers a combat advantage in some cases, as many other things in LoTC do.

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