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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. U N I O N   T H U L È E N E



    S U M M A R Y

    Liberté Au-delà:

    2 Basic Industry [17,000 Credits]



    Warp Drive [12R, 22 Total]




    Operation Jupiter Centumpeda


    Deploy Corvette Corbeau and Frigate Révolutionnaire to Orbit Rontan World

    Transport Number of Selected Teams Equal to Number of Civilisations and Large Tribes 

    Teams Educated in Rontan Language

    Teams Composed of Sociologists, Physicians, and Engineers

    Armed Escort With Concealed Weapons

    Teams to Land on Planet and Approach Rontan Population Centres

    Make Contact and Attempt to Communicate with Leaders 

    Demonstrate Technology and Knowledge

    Explain Origin, Nature, and Friendly Intentions of Thulean Parties



    Colonisation Expeditions Un et Deux


    Deploy Colony Ship Renaissance to Sector South of Capital

    Deploy Colony Ship Aube Rouge to Sector East of Capital

    Claim and Colonise Sectors for the People of the Union




    Standard Exploratory Operations Cinq et Six


    Deploy Exploration Vessel Conscience to Sector South-East of Capital

    Deploy Exploration Vessel Éclaircissement to Sector South-West of Capital

    Search for Resources, Habitable Worlds, or Alien Life



    R E S O U R C E S:

    76,000 [-17,000 Credits]

    7 Labour

    19 Materials

    15 Supplies

    12 Research

    17 Troops


    Thulean Union Statistics


  2. K O N U N G D Ó M R   T A N M A R K A R



    The Danes, Jutes, Angles, and numerous other tribes had long fought amongst each other towards no real end. This would not last. The christianisation of the people of Jutland and the islands of the Straits not only brought more civility to the tribes and their chieftains, but gave them far greater awareness of the lands beyond theirs. Haraldr, chieftain of the Danes and most ambitious, sought to see and conquer many of these lands for him and his people. To this end, he embarked on a prodigiously successful campaign of unification of the tribes, and soon establishing the Kingdom of Denmark. 


    In the years since Haraldr’s unification, the Danish have rapidly expanded their influence in the North Sea. A sizable fleet was constructed for the conquest of tribes in the Low Countries, and Haraldr granted his son Sigurd the honour of leading these conquests. Not long after, Haraldr passed into the next world, hailed as a hero by his people, and was succeeded by Sigurd. Sigurd was not short on ambition either, and so after the Norwegians and Swedish embarked on their own conquests in England, Sigurd sent his own son, Hardeknud, to carve out a piece of Britain for Denmark. The East English were still recovering from Sweden’s conquests, and Hardeknud found little trouble in subduing them. 


    However, this conquest’s glory was overshadowed by great tragedy. As Hardeknud led Denmark’s armies across the sea, the Kingdom of Norway staged a simultaneous invasion of the Danish Low Countries and Sjaelland. In the former, they were only partially successful, and a stalemate soon emerged. However, Sjaelland was taken totally, and the capital of Kaupmannahǫfn sacked. King Sigurd was captured and publicly executed by the Norwegian forces.


    Hearing of the news, Hardeknud sailed back to Jutland and gathered the surviving lords in Áross, the site of his new court. On his coronation he vowed vengeance against those who had taken their lands and killed their King. Prosperity and new heights of glory were there for the taking, he promised, and the Kingdom of Denmark would be whole again.




    A few years have passed since Hardeknud prematurely succeeded his father. Forces have been gathered and new ships constructed for the purposes of reclaiming Sjaelland and their holdings in East Frisland and Gelderland. This year, however, Hardeknud has insisted upon the construction of infrastructure to facilitate both the reconquest and the general prosperity of the realm. Simple dirt roads are dug throughout the realm, even in England and the Low Countries, and a port is constructed in Áross. Both were to provide much benefit to traders and merchants, which would no doubt bring more money to the coffers in the form of taxes and tariffs. Recognising this, a number of the more affluent traders petition the king for a charter to establish a market. To their joy, Hardeknud not only agreed, but also granted a sizable investment towards its construction. Wealth would be the key to victory, he counsels.


    In lieu of his own words, Hardeknud attempts to establish Danish trade across the North Sea. Pursuing this, the King seeks agreements with his neighbours in Sweden, and with the Irish and Scottish. Perhaps recognising the untapped potential of the German tribes, he also sends envoys down the Elbe and Weser rivers to seek trade with the Saxons and the Sicrii. Hardeknud also sends a few additional envoys to Sweden, and make talks of alliance with the Swedish King.


    But this is not to say the year does not feature yet more military build-up. Dissatisfied with the current state of equipment of his army, the King orders steel arms and armour for his entire army. Furthermore, a small host of the highly mobile Húskarlar for which Denmark was famed is raised, and they too are outfitted with steel. Spies are sent to the Low Countries, Sjaelland, and Norway itself to establish the scope of Norwegian forces in each of these areas, hopefully aided by friendly locals in the former two’s case.The reconquest would not be easy, and so Denmark would need all advantages.


    S U M M A R Y

    Tier 1 Roads [20,000 Gold]

    Port in Áross [10,000 Gold]

    Market in Áross [7,500 Gold]

    Trade Offers to Sweden, the Saxons, the Sicrii, Clan Thomond, the Highlanders

    Trade deal concluded with Clan O’Neill

    Envoys to Sweden

    Upgrading 400 Heavy Infantry and 3,000 Light infantry to T3 [14,000 Gold]

    Training 500 T3 Húskarlar [11,000 Gold]

    Scouting Norwegian Low Countries, Sjaelland, and Norway for Troops / Ships [1,000 Gold]

    100 Gold Remaining


    Kingdom of Denmark Statistics

  3. Nation applying for: Denmark
    Leader(s): Hardeknud Sigurdsson

    Brief History:

    The Danes, Jutes, Angles, and numerous other tribes were once independent kingdoms of their own. However, 2 generations ago, the chieftain of the Danes, Haraldr, embarked on a great endeavour of uniting the peoples of Jutland and the Danish isles from his seat in Copenhagen. His success was unprecedented, and it was not long before a Kingdom of Denmark was created.

    In the years since, the Danish have rapidly expanded their influence in the North Sea. A sizable fleet was constructed for the conquest of tribes in the Low Countries. After the Norwegians and Swedish embarked on their own conquests in England, the Danish attempted their own conquest, led by Hardeknud, son of King Sigurd. The English were still recovering, and so they were successful in claiming these lands.

    However, the Norwegians has mounted an invasion of Denmark while their armies fought across the sea, capturing numerous holdings in the Low Countries. Worse still, Sjaelland was conquered, and King Sigurd slain.

    Hardeknud and his court are now based in Aarhus, waiting to return to their true homeland.

    Discord: you got it 

  4. U N I O N   T H U L È E N E



    S U M M A R Y


    2 Colony Ships [16M]



    Warp Drive [8R, 10 Total]

    Sapient Arthropoid Genetics and Anatomy [2R]

    Sapient Arthropoid Language [2R]




    Standard Exploratory Operation Trois et Quatre


    Deploy Exploration Vessels to Sector East and Sector South of Capital
    Search for Resources, Habitable Worlds, and Alien Life



    R E S O U R C E S

    38.5k Credits

    7 Labour

    23 [-16] Materials

    13 Supplies

    12 Research

    17 Troops


    Thulean Union Statistics

  5. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M


    “Those of the Night cling to Stars and Moons, false idols and usurpers that they are. Pale imitations of its glory, none shine so bright as the Dawning Sun. Birthed by the Mother and guided by the Father, the Morning will dispel them all.” 

    The Sermons of Guan Yu


    The Morning Kingdom had attained a great victory against the scourge to the west, crushing many thousands of the mutants and driving thousands more from the battlefield. And yet, Guan Liang was not satisfied with the campaign’s result. The Morning Army was not sufficient in size to proceed to the centre of the the Throats and destroy it, and Guan Zheng had been forced to end the campaign. Regardless, the victorious general was greeted with great praise and fervour upon his return – his victory was no less glorious.


    Nonetheless, planning and preparation for such a second campaign began already. Upon their return, one contingent of medium infantry is set through an intense training program, with those failing to meet the high standards deemed necessary being transferred to the two units of regular medium infantry that are recruited this year. The efficacy and necessity of archers in combating the enemy had been clearly demonstrated in the campaign, and as such another 1,000 of them are recruited. What’s more, another 500 War Spiders emerge from the breeding pits in the Virid Brume and scuttle along to join the rest of the army.


    An understanding of the finds from Cairn was also deemed a top priority for dealing with both current threats to the Kingdom. A number of scholars of both the material and magical studies are gathered to begin work on discerning the nature and purpose of the black gems recovered from the crypt-city. Furthermore, more are summoned to study the artworks and books taken from the city, and attempt to decipher the language and the meanings of these artefacts. The Morning King of course covers the cost of their labour and resources.


    Finally, in an effort to promote the growth of the Morning Kingdom’s population, Guan Liang provides a great number of peasant families throughout the realm with plots of arable land in new territory and the means to grow crops and breed livestock on them. Not only will this provide more room in the heartlands with many people now flocking to the edges of the Morning Kingdom’s territory, but the additional food will hopefully prevent the starvation and famine that would potentially restrict growth.


    Such a venture also provided the latest settlement to the North, on the border with the Librarians, with enough people in the hinterlands and the outpost itself for it to be considered a town. The Morning King awards a charter recognising such, and the name of Fuxiao.


    The Morning King dispatches a number of envoys and priests to the Northern realm of Blackmarrow, whom he has heard share their faith. Co-operation with those of the true faith would be vital in the years to come, and the Morning King is deeply curious about their own practices and knowledge regarding their shared gods.


    S U M M A R Y

    Upgrade 1 Unit Medium Infantry to Veteran [1,000 Gold]

    2 Units T3 Medium Infantry [8,000 Gold]

    2 Units T3 Medium Archers [9,000 Gold]

    1 Unit T3 Zhizhou Gou [6,500 Gold]

    Research of Black Gems of Cairn [2,000 Gold]

    Research of Books / Artwork from Cairn [1,000 Gold]

    7 Farms [35,000 Gold]

    New Town

    Mission to Blackmarrow


    Morning Kingdom Statistics

  6. U N I O N   T H U L È E N E


    S U M M A R Y

    Thule San Entrave:
    2 Civilian Infrastructure [20k Credits]

    Liberté Au-delà:

    2 Basic Industry [17k Credits]



    T1 Civilian Infrastructure [8R, 25/25]

    Warp Drives [2R]



     1 Exploration Vessel [1M]



    Opération Jupiter Pluvius

    Objective: Retrieval
    Deploy Corvette and Frigate to Primitive World in Northern Sector
    Abduct Populations of Small, Isolated Villages from each Empire / Kingdom / Few Largest Tribes

    Ship Crew to Use Stun Weapons for Aforementioned Purpose

    Sedate and Transport Subjects to Thule San Entrave

    Subjects Held in Simplistic (Bronze-Age-esque) Holding Cells


    Objective: Linguistic and Cultural Study
    Researchers’ Clothes and Equipment Strictly Restricted to Bronze-Age level when Interacting with Subjects to Prevent Extreme Psychological Shock

    Utilise State Xenolinguists to Begin Translation and Communication

    Communicate with Subjects to Obtain Information on Primitive World Civilisation


    Objective: Genetic Study

    Take Tissue Samples Prior to Awakening for Linguistic Study

    Use Samples for Genetic Analysis

    Objective: Physiological Study
    Subjects Perished Accidentally or Otherwise to Undergo Autopsy

    Determine Physiological Characteristics and Features


    [3k Credits for Facilities and Research Necessary]



    Standard Exploratory Operation Deux


    Deploy Exploration Vessel East to Sector North-East of Capital
    Search for Resources, Habitable Worlds, and Alien Life


    [Blue Outline Arrow is Expl. Vessel, Red is Mil. Fleet]


    R E S O U R C E S

    40.5k [-40k Credits]

    9 Labour

    16 [-1] Materials

    11 Supplies

    10 Research

    17 Troops


    Thulean Union Statistics

  7. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M



    S U M M A R Y
    [Last Turn]


    3 Manufactories [22.5k Gold]


    2 Manufactories [15k Gold]

    New Outpost [5k Gold]


    [This Turn]

    New Town

    4 Manufactories [30k Gold]
    1 Temple [10k Gold]

    2 Units T3 Zhizhou Gou [13k Gold]
    New Outpost [5k Gold]



    Morning Kingdom Statistics

  8. U N I O N   T H U L È E N E



    S U M M A R Y

    Thule San Entrave:

    3 Civilian Infrastructure [30k Credits]



    T1 Civilian Infrastructure [10R, 17/25]



    Deploying Exploration Vessel to North Sector

    Scanning for Resources, Habitable Worlds, and Alien Life

    1 Frigate 1 Corvette Escort



    R E S O U R C E S

    36k [-30k] Credits

    9 Labour

    8 Materials

    9 Supplies

    10 Research

    17 Troops


    Thulean Union Statistics

  9. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M



    “This fair world slumbers, entangled in night – A viper's nest of sorrow and strife, poisoned by pernicious betrayal and blight, trapped in the grasp of gelid corpse-hands.Yet behold! This Morning comes as a wildfire, burning only that which is Base, that all else may thrive.”

    Sermons of Guan Yu


    S U M M A R Y

    Invasion of the Bloated Throats

    Liangjing: 2 Manufactories [15k Gold]

    Luoyang: 1 Manufactory [7.5k Gold]

    Yonghai: 1 Manufactory [7.5k Gold]

    2 Units T3 Medium Infantry [8k Gold]

    1 Unit Mangonels [3k Gold]


    Morning Kingdom Statistics

  10. U N I O N   T H U L È E N E



    [will add RP]

    S U M M A R Y

    Thule San Entrave:

    5 Civilian Infrastructure [50k Credits]
    1 Units Regulars [1M 1S]

    Liberté Au-delà:
    3 Basic Industry [25.5k Credits]


    Exploration Vessel [1M]

    Corvette [2M]

    Frigate [4M]



    T1 Civilian Infrastructure [7R]


    R E S O U R C E S
    80k [-75.5k] Credits
    12 Labour
    8 [-8] Materials
    8 [-1] Supplies
    7 Research
    20 Troops

  11. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M



    “There are those who cannot fathom an end to Night. There are those who wish to preserve what they have eked out under the Night. They refute the destined, and the righteous. They refuse the Promise of Morning. They must not be suffered.”

    The Sermons of Guan Yu


    Fa Xian had not slept for some time. The days and nights had blurred together since the expedition. He saw and felt the cold, undying rage in that black-crowned skull’s eyes every time his were closed. The image followed Fa everywhere now, save for during prayer. Even that haven was tinged with the fear that it would be taken away. 


    And yet, the young priest continued his study of the black gems without his resolve faltering. The Morning King himself had assigned this task to Fa, and his dedication to the Morning’s Promise was at the core of his being. He would shed light on this most recondite of treasures.


    It was the remembrance of this goal that stirred Fa from his malaise, and he turned his gaze back toward the object of his studies. A black gem, taken from Cairn. Under the crystal magnifier, the insides were clearly visible. The cloudy interior swirled and churned within the gem without end, and every so often Fa was sure he could see something moving among the smoke. He noted all this down, omitting the latter part, which he was sure was simply his sleep-deprived delusions. 


    The whispering returned louder this time, Fa was sure of it. He could not tell if there were more voices. He did not really want to think about them. He turned away once again, waiting with bated breath for the voices to end. At first they had always stopped when he looked away. They lingered for increasingly longer nowadays. Especially long this time. Panic began setting in his heart. He clenched his eyes shut, and held his hands over his ears. He kept waiting. 


    Then the Black King’s skull resurfaced in his mind. The voices grew louder. Fa could feel all his perception being drawn into those two baleful eyes. They came closer and closer, fog stirring within. His eyes now refused to open, and the whispers had become a hushed and hissed cacophony. Fa suddenly felt the sensation of falling as he was pulled into the black eye, and he was soon swallowed completely. 


    The clouds were now all around him. Shapes, barely discernable, danced and leaped all around him, their movement so lacking in grace and fluidity that Fa felt deeply uneased by them. He strained his eyes to make them out, but the fog was too thick. Fa tried to move closer, and felt slight relief at the return of his ability to walk. As soon as he moved, though, the shapes ceased their uncanny dance. In fact, they weren’t moving at all. He could see now that they were humanoid in shape, but impossibly thin.


    A deep dread filled Fa, the same complete death of hope and love and joy he had felt in the Black Room. The clouds were dissipating, and the still motionless shapes were becoming clearer and clearer. He could see now that there were many more of them, they too motionless.


    Suddenly the rest of the fog cleared completely, and Fa Xian was struck with absolute horror. Black extending forever around him, and the shapes’ nature was revealed – hordes of corpses in various stages of decomposition, though most appeared entirely skeletal, all bearing black gems for eyes. They too extended forever into the distance, but none of them were moving, frozen mid-dance. 


    He blinked, and in the instant his eyes were shut they had all turned toward him. Thousands upon thousands of the dead stared at Fa with hatred. Fa did not have time to take in the magnitude of the sight before they all surged towards him with unnatural speed. Dozens began clawing at his flesh, scouring his body to the bone. Fa tried to scream, but couldn’t, even as his ribs were pulled open and his lungs tore out. Eventually his entire skeleton was exposed, and only then did the dead relent and stand up off him. 


    One more emerged from the crowd, its grinning skull bearing a black crown. In its hands were two of the black gems, and it stood still for a brief moment, as if allowing Fa to realise what awaited him. Some unseen force pulled him upright, and the Black King’s grin seemed to widen as it pressed the gems into his eyes. Fa screamed at long last, and his soul joined him in chorus. 


    Then his eyes opened once more to the sight of his books, his desk, his study. The gem. Without hesitation he returned it to its lockbox, paused for a moment, and then began sobbing uncontrollably. After some time sat there, Fa Xian began a prayer of forgiveness. Then he got up, grabbed the lockbox, and began walking to the Great Temple of the Mother and Father. He could not continue his work. He had failed.



    Guan Liang had come to a conclusion, and his court had too. No more would the savage mutants to the west be tolerated. Their minor raids had become an intolerable nuisance, and other peoples had formed a coalition against them. As such, the Morning Kingdom would join forces with those fighting the Bloated Throats next year, and send an army to their west to invade led by the King’s elder brother, Guan Zheng. For now, some preparations were in order.


    Saving some garrison troops, the entire forces of the Kingdom marshalled at Luoyang, the fortified city on the border with the throats. The newly built manufactory there was requisitioned for the year by the Morning King, and began churning out steel equipment at an unprecedented rate. The entirety of the army was to be outfitted with better arms and armour in order to help them in the coming fight. Furthermore, an additional 1,500 medium infantry were to be recruited and trained, also outfitted with steel equipment. 



    Meanwhile, the newly constructed outpost on the far side of the Black Brume had many thousands of settlers sent to occupy it and its hinterlands. The swiftly growing town was gifted the name Xian Zhanguo – First Grasp. 



    S U M M A R Y

    Outfitting rest of army with T3 [40k Gold]

    3 Units T3 Medium Infantry [12k Gold]

    New Town


    Morning Kingdom Stats


  12. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M



    “The world will not forever languish in this age-old night. Even now, the Twilight is upon us, and Morning draws ever closer. But the inevitability and justness of our path is not cause to relent. While night reigns, we toil. Only when the Promise is fulfilled may we rest.”

    The Sermons of Guan Yu


    The baby-steps of the Morning Kingdom had been taken, and now Guan Liang was ready to begin making strides. The Bloated Throats that threatened the western border of the Kingdom, and indeed the entire far east, were growing in strength. The Kingdom would have to do the same.


    The outpost in the Black Brume mountains is completed, and already people are flooding in from across the densely populated kingdom. Guan Liang is asked to give the new town a name, and he decides upon Heifeng. With the Kingdom’s presence in the mountains secured, orders are given for the construction of a second outpost on the far side on the mountains, thereby locking down a route through the Black Brume. 



    Meanwhile, in the city of Luoyang, the fortified city on the Bloated Throats’ border, a manufactory begins construction. Guan Liang seemed particularly dead set on making the city a beacon of civilisation and prosperity in the face of savagery and death. The fervour for the Promise of Morning would bring boons to the people of Luoyang, and would be lorded over the fiendish barbarians across the border.

    In the same vein, a further 1,000 Heavenly Banners are recruited in the name of safeguarding the Kingdom against the Throats. Once again, they are equipped with the finest steel arms and armour the Kingdom has, and they are to be sent to join the bulk of the armies around Luoyang once trained and outfitted.


    The expedition to the capital’s subterranean crypt-city had gone [PLACEHOLDER]


    S U M M A R Y

    New Town

    New Outpost [5k Gold]

    Manufactory in Luoyang [7.5k Gold]

    2 T3 Heavenly Banners [19k Gold]


    Morning Kingdom Statistics

  13. T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M



    Dark envelops the world. Men and women and cities and kingdoms collide blindly under the black. The people are lost, and are without hope or purpose. They cannot see the Mother and the Father. We shall be the cresting rays of the sun, the promise of Morning.”

    The Sermons of Guan Yu


    The Nascent Morning was not just a kingdom. It was purpose; it was faith; it was destiny. As sure as the sun rose over a new day, the Morning Kingdom would rise over Aros and Naros.

    This was the idea that the Guan dynasty had gone to such lengths to create and instill, travelling across the entirety of the known world to find the right place to give birth to a new age. Doubtless, the various peoples now united under the Kingdom did not believe in it as wholeheartedly as the Xian exile caste did, but at the very least they had trust in the people who had brought them their current fortune, and the promise their vision had.


    With the birth of a new nation come the first reaches for contact, and Guan Liang dispatches emissaries to the various nations of Naros’ far east to make such. The Morning King makes offer of trade to the Ulyadar Northerners, the Eadni desert-dwellers, the Ashval who resist the Bloated Throats, and the Antigonids. Trade would be vital to the prosperity of the Kingdom. The Morning King begins the construction of a merchant guild in each of the cities of the Kingdom to accommodate and promote the future commerce, as well as two manufactories in Liangjing to start the production of luxury goods to send abroad. 


    The Kingdom’s early expansion had been successful, and in addition to the land of the mercenary-led Order during the rebellion of their mainland holdings, Guan Liang had seen the Virid Brume to the north pacified and consolidated. The forest had long been the subject of fear-instilling children’s tales, and many living near the treeline knew of at least one person who had gotten lost and been found a dessicated husk. Now though, the edge was safe and most no longer stared through the trees half-expecting their death. The long-dreaded giant spiders of the forest had too been largely pacified, now contained to their own areas, with progress even being made on their being tamed.


    However, the Morning’s expansion was not to be ceased, and so the Black Brume to the west would have to be breached and a path made through it. The mountain range’s security was certainly not helped by the ubiquitous fog, and so Guan Liang decrees that he will establish the Morning’s control past the Black Brume. There was no rush when victory is inevitable, and so caution is taken and only one outpost established this year roughly halfway through the mountains in order to begin the claiming of the area. The settlers and builders and accompanied by 1,000 medium infantry and 500 medium cavalry in order to protect them from bandits, or worse.



    Equally in the interest of establishing control in new areas, the Morning King decides it is time to map out and secure the crypt-city of Cairn, below Liangjing. Even if empty, the ruins could prove useful as storage or a refuge. Large numbers of scholars and laborers are hired out, and supplies bought for the expedition. Some 500 medium infantry are sent along with them to provide security and prevent pilfering by any unscrupulous workers.

    Some 500 Heavenly Banners are called up out of the Xian nobles, the first of the finest that the Morning would employ. They are outfitted with the best equipment that money can buy. Meanwhile, the rest of the Kingdom’s armies are sent to the fortress on the border with the hated Bloated Throats, some 8,000 men in total. 


    S U M M A R Y:

    Sending Emissaries to the Order, the Fortress Libraries, and below

    Requesting Trade with Eadn, Antigonids, Ulyadar, and Ashval

    New Outpost [5k Gold, See Above]
    3 Merchants Guilds [27k Gold]
    2 Manufactories [15k Gold]

    Place of Worship [10k Gold]

    1 Unit T3 Heavenly Banners [9.5k Gold]

    Expedition to Cairn [2k Gold]

  14. q60l0tp13e9z.png?width=960&auto=webp&s=2

    Nation Name:

    The Morning Kingdom


    Brief History:

    From the distant Xian Kingdom, the esteemed general and noble Guan Yu was cast out after announcing his becoming a follower of the the Lord and the Lady. Followed by his family and a fair number of retainers, allies, and missionaries they set upon a decades-long exodus across Aros and Naros in search of a new home. As they travelled, the group began to take on a more zealous character, their view of themselves transforming from simple exiles to a chosen people in search of a promised land to make the foundation for a Kingdom of the Divine Pair on earth. 


    Eventually they came to the very east of Naros, and saw they could go no further. Guan Yu and his host initially felt shock and sorrow that they had not found their home, disbelief that the promises had not been upheld. For 40 days and 40 nights, the group camped and collectively languished over their cruel fate. As time passed, however, Guan Yu noticed the plight of the local people of Naros’ far east. Many too found themselves without a kingdom to call their own, masses of people exiled by famine, conflict, and chaos. It became clear – his was not a promised land, but a promised people.


    Through his statesmanship and strategic skill, Guan Yu gradually set about bringing these exile peoples together. Most came from the desert to the south, many others were simply looking for better fortune. His camp grew and grew, and eventually came to rule over others too. In a few short years Guan Yu’s new base was transformed from a town of tents to a small city filled with people from all over the East Coast. 


    Conflict between these groups soon arose, however. Within and between the settlements Guan Yu now ruled over, the varying groups frequently came to blows. While the Great General would almost always be able to resolve these petty squabbles with his personal intervention, he knew a long-term solution would be sought. 

    And so the former Xian noble declared the Morning Kingdom, the newborn realm in the far east, with its capital atop the crypt-city of Cairn, now called Liangjing. Many of his friends from Xian were placed in positions of power, nobles and bureaucrats who would ensure his ultimate goal could be completed. This was the melding of these disparate peoples into a singular unit, united by Guan Yu and pseudo-Xian culture and blessed by the Lord and the Lady, who advocated unity and justice. Many heard of the new kingdom and yet more people came to share in the promise of the Morning.


    Soon though, the great Guan Yu passed in his sleep, beloved by his new people. He conferred rulership of the Morning Kingdom on to his second son, Guan Liang. His reign was at first wobbly, as many had foreseen, but was able to earn the respect of both the people and the nobles after seizing the land of the nearby mercenary Order after their mainland holdings rebelled. The Bloated Throats the west have sent more people flowing into the Kingdom, but also presents an existential threat to the Nascent Morning. 


    Nation Culture:

    Human, Many ethnic groups united by pseudo-Xian culture and Lord/Lady worship, with Xian exile ruling caste


    Nation Government System:

    imperial dynastic theocratic monarchy



    Economy: 1 

    Education: 3

    Size: E I G H T

    Military: 4

    Mysticism: 4


    Key Figure 1:

    Morning King, Guan Liang

    Key Figure 2:

    High Priest Yang Fuzi

    Key Figure 3:

    General Guan Zheng


    Unique Unit: 

    “Zhizhou Gou”

    Spider War Dogs



    “Tianguo Hengfu”

    Heavenly Banners



    Hidden Fruit: lichi these nuts

  15. C A N A D A


    A   M A R I   U S Q U E   A D   M A R I


    S U M M A R Y

    [Initial Investments]

    Agriculture [150AP]

    1 Carrier [8AP]

    1 Missile Cruiser [6AP]

    7 Destroyers [28AP]

    2 Submarines [8AP]

    100 Fighters [4AP]


    [1st Turn Actions]

    Agriculture: 15AP

    Investigating Greenland Meteor: 2AP

    Asking for trade w/ Brazil, Norway, and Australia

    Fusion Research: 5RP


    [2nd Turn Actions]

    Agriculture: 10AP 

    Continued Investigations: 5AP

    1 Carrier: 8AP

    1 Missile Cruiser: 6AP

    25 Fighters: 1AP

    Fusion Research: 5RP

  16. Your Discord’s name:



    Your Nation:



    Short background of nation:

    Canada has, in the last 17 years, been a nation of relative stability and peace in a world of chaos and conflict. A liberal, democratic constitutional monarchy, Canada is a nation that has stayed its course in these regards more than most. That is not to say, however, that the last 2 decades have not seen changes to the country’s political climate. In 2023, the popular Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party were ousted by the Conservatives, a shift that had become increasingly expected in the latter years of Trudeau’s premiership. The nation’s prevailing drift toward (and according to some, beyond) the centre-left seemed to have been halted, though the years following showed it would not be reversed. 

    While the deadliest war in human history raged on, Canada concentrated on trying to deliver peace, and took a very keen interest in the subsequent creation of the Treaty of Taiwan. During the war, Greenland’s fears of war reaching its shores prompted a series of negotiations between them, Denmark, and the neutral and proximate Canada, resulting in Greenland becoming the 11th province of Canada. Since then, the 2035 election saw a coalition between the Liberals and the Greens take power, led by the new Prime Minister Anne Gleed, with an agenda of social democracy, environmentalism, free trade, and liberal values. Under her, Canada’s international efforts have focused on increasing its influence through attempting to shift itself to a more central role in global trade and finding strong, like-minded allies in order to try and ensure peace and prosperity in this new world.


    Government type:




    give me money


    Nation’s standing army/navy:


  17. M E R C H A N T    R E P U B L I C
    O F

    L E Y A W I I N



    The time had come. The troops of last year were fully trained, equipped, and prepared to fight. The Naga in Blackmarsh had agreed to assist in a joint invasion. What’s more, the enemy was undergoing a political crisis. After a quick religious ceremony beseeching the Nine Divines for their blessing in the expulsion of the heathen beastmen, the word is given to Legate Manius Caro to begin the invasion of the Stonewastes, and the declaration of war issued.


    From Fort Redman, a one-time fort turned settlement that formed the main Leyawiinian settlement across the Niben, the Leyawiin Legion sallies out. The 6,000 Heavy Infantry, 8,000 Light Infantry, 6,000 Archers, and 1,000 Heavy Cavalry would cautiously move into the Blackwood towards the previously identified location of the gathering Argonian force, while the 1,000 light cavalry are used to their full potential as a scouting party to prevent ambush and try to locate the enemy army. The two ballistae units would be brought along as well, though they would be placed in the centre of the convoy to prevent being picked off from behind. Settlements encountered along the way lacking garrisons would be quickly secured, and then the force would move on.


    The Naga are advised to take the Stonewastes’ heartlands in Blackmarsh, and to flush out the enemy into Cyrodiil if they encounter it. A large sum, 2,000 Septims, is invested into paying local subjugated Imperials to provide intelligence and sabotage the enemy where possible. 


    Meanwhile, back in the capital itself, Quintus was placing his faith in Legate Caro and concentrating on domestic concerns. The second installment of Senchal’s payment for Rimmen had come in, and he planned on putting the extra funds to good use. More troops were recruited, a new cohort so far consisting of 2,000 Heavy Infantry, 2,000 Light Infantry, 2,000 Archers, and a further 1,000 Heavy Cavalry. The Senate and People were still enraptured by the calls to strength Quintus espoused frequently, and the beginning of the reclamation of Cyrodiil in earnest had inspired many new recruits.


    However, Quintus also began attending to the economy much more attentively than in previous years. Some 10,000 Septims is invested into Leyawiin’s port, building new warehouses, piers, and directly investing into a few maritime businesses (a lot of which were of course the properties of the Scipii and their allies). The hope was that this would stimulate trade and allow many merchants and fisheries to expand their operations, netting more profit (and thus of course more taxes for the state). Quintus also hoped that this would prove to the more pacifist elements of the Senate that he was not a warmonger, and was also going to ensure the domestic greatness of the Republic.


    S U M M A R Y

    [+8,000 Septims from Senchal]

    Invading Stonewastes [See Above]

    Paying Stonewastes Imperials [2,000 Septims, See Above]

    2,000 Heavy Infantry [4,000 Septims]

    2,000 Light Infantry [2,000 Septims]

    2,000 Archers [1,000 Septims]

    1,000 Heavy Cavalry [5,000 Septims]

    Economic Investment [10,000 Septims]

  18. M E R C H A N T    R E P U B L I C
    O F

    L E Y A W I I N



    The Leyawiin Legion was swelling with a great many proud Imperials, eager to do their duty to Leyawiin and Cyrodiil as a whole. Trade has been re-established with both Imperials and Leyawiin’s khajiit neighbours. The senate and people of Leyawiin were happy with what was seen as a rebirth and revitalisation of Leyawiinian and Imperial prosperity and might, and Quintus’ popularity both patrician and plebeian was climbing quickly. However, not all was ready. Leyawiin’s strength and prosperity was only beginning to grow.


    However, there were some matters to attend to without the realm. The Dux’s probes into Cheydinhal with diplomatic offers had been met with receptivity. It soon became apparent, though, that Quintus’ ultimate goal of bringing the northerly state into Leyawiin’s sphere would not be met with such success, as the Grand-Duke had ambitions of his own. As such, he sends a missive dissolving the defensive alliance established only months before – Quintus did not want to risk being honour-bound to join a war he did not wish to.

    Elsewhere, the Khajiit King in Senchal had approached Leyawiin offering to purchase their Elsweyrian provinces. After some bartering and negotiation, it was decided that the land would be ceded in exchange for 15,000 septims, paid over this year and the next. Furthermore, the two states would enter into a defensive alliance with one another, guaranteeing each other from foreign aggression. The territorial purchase and the alliance are signed in the combined Treaty of Rimmen.

    A diplomat is dispatched to the Argonian tribe of Naga, bringing with him an offer from Leyawiin.


    In the same vein as last year, Quintus takes a bill to the Senate asking for further expansion of the military. Scouts had found an Argonian forces and had even reported Imperials being pressed into service – information that the young Scipionarius emphasised and embellished in his opening statement. Such intelligence proved very persuasive to many Senators, and it was agreed further expansion was necessary. All in all, the Senate agreed to fund the training of 6,000 Heavy Infantry, 1,000 Light Infantry, and 1,000 Heavy Cavalry, bringing the strength of the burgeoning Leyawiin Legion up to 22,000 men. An additional 2 units of ballistae are constructed and have men trained to man them. Once trained, these troops would join the Leyawiin Legion and the Leyawiinian territory on the west bank of the Niben. 



    S U M M A R Y

    Dissolving Cheydinhal Defensive Alliance

    Treaty of Rimmen (+7,000 Gold)

    Diplomat to Naga

    6,000 Heavy Infantry (12,000 Gold)

    1,000 Light Infantry (1,000 Gold)

    1,000 Heavy Cavalry (5,000 Gold)

    2 Ballistae (6,000 Gold)


  19. M E R C H A N T    R E P U B L I C
    O F

    L E Y A W I I N



    Quintus Scipio Nasica looked out from the Ducal Palace, over Leyawiin and out across the Niben. One his side was a bustling, wealthy city. On the other was a disused, foreign-occupied swamp. On his side was civilisation, on the other was chaos. On his side was Cyrodiil. On the other were the Argonians. The Republic of which he was Dux was lacking in farmlands while the lizards across the Niben wasted the good land they had stolen from Cyrodiil. It was intolerable, and Quintus would see the status quo broken. 


    The raising of a great host was going to be key to this endeavour. The swamp of the Blackwood would likely hinder heavy troops, and so the recruitment of a lighter, more flexible force would be necessary. Quintus takes a bill for military expansion to the Senate, giving an impassioned speech about the recovery of Cyrodiil for the Imperial peoples. After some deliberation and debate the patricians of Leyawiin are swayed, and agree to the formation of the Leyawiin Legion. In all, 7,000 Light Infantry, 6,000 Archers, and 1,000 Light Cavalry would begin training and their equipment produced in this first year. 

    Furthermore, scouting parties are dispatched into the Blackwood to attempt to identify the location and size of the Stonewastes’ forces. 


    Meanwhile, the need for trade with fellow Imperial states was evident, especially given the mercantile nature of the Republic. Dispatches are sent to Kvatch and Cheydinhal asking for free trade agreements. An agreement is reached with the Khajiit city of Torval. It was important to continue to build up the economic power and reach of the Republic even while the military was the focus. 


    Additionally, a petition for a defensive alliance with the Duke of Cheydinhal was made. The pressure from Nords, Argonians, and Dark Elves who sully Cyrodiil with their occupation was impressed upon the Duke, as well as the need for co-operation between Imperials being of peak necessity.


    S U M M A R Y

    7,000 Light Infantry (7,000 Gold)

    6,000 Archers (3,000 Gold)

    1,000 Light Cavalry (3,000 Gold)

    Scouting Stonewastes (1,000 Gold)

    Trade w/ Kvatch and Senchal

    Requesting trade and defensive alliance with Cheydinhal



  20. The holding you wish to play:

    Merchant Republic of Leyawiin


    Leader name and background:

    Quintus Scipio Nasica

    Quintus was from a minor patrician family, the Scipii, who wielded neither great influence or tremendous wealth compared to the other Leyawiinian houses. However, their family was not lacking in senatorial presence and it was more or less guaranteed that a son of the Scipii could expect to take a seat in the Senate at some point in their life. Quintus was no exception to this.


    The young Leyawiinian was a shrewd businessman and possessed a captivating charisma, two qualities that made him and his family both richer and more influential. Eventually, enough wealth and allies were gathered to allow Quintus to successfully run for the office of Dux.


    Skype Name:


  21. -snip-


    R É P V B L I Q V E    T H V L É E N N E



    Jubilation and pride was felt across the Republic as the news came in of the first victory the humans had achieved over the Ar’Gakari – an operation proposed, planned, and led by the Thuleans themselves. The patriotism was egged on by government propaganda, emphasising the role of the Imperium in empowering Thule to deal such a blow to the extragalactic invaders. Once again there was a sense of pride among the Thulean people, and with Thulean prosperity, power, and influence at an all-time high, support for the Imperium’s suzerainty saw tangible growth.



    For now, though, Thule’s involvement had not escalated, and the fleet had been commanded to join the garrisoning forces for the newly captured strategically important system. The attention of the Thulean people began gradually shifting back to home affairs. In a return to normality, government funding was largely directed to the stimulation and support of the private sector. Special efforts were made on the planets of Rêvasserie and Troie


    Otherwise, the remaining funds were invested in preparations for a colonisation mission next year, one which would bring the Republic’s core system count up to nine. A large quantity of money was also put into the continuing research on superior engine technology. The money the Redon provided to the Republic for the production of tanks was entirely invested into doing so.


    An envoy is dispatched to the newly ascended Redon with a request and an offer rolled into one proposition. With things shaken up both between and within the Imperium and the so-called Lithruan Empire, a new opportunity may have arisen. Two vast markets, as of right now, lacked any interaction whatsoever. The Thulean proposition was simple – utilise Prima Thule as a hub for Redon and Lithruan merchants to trade materials, wares, and so on with one another. Thule’s position was close to both empire’s capitals, and was roughly equidistant from them. What’s more, with Thule acting as the trading intermediary, the danger of Lithruan merchants seizing control of Imperial markets would be removed as they would only be allowed to do business with the Imperium on and from Prima Thule while allowing Imperial goods to be sold to a huge, previously unavailable part of the galaxy.

    This initial proposition is of course not yet made to the Lithruans, and the Thuleans impress to the Redon that they will not do any negotiations with the Lithruans unless given approval by His Imperial Majesty.



    S U M M A R Y:

    [+50AP from the Imperium]

    Business Investment [60AP Rêvasserie, 20AP Troie]

    Engine Technology [18AP; 68AP total]

    Colonial Freighter [3AP]

    Proposition to the Redon [See Above]

    12812 Tanks for the Redon [50AP]


    Thulean Republic Data

  22. T H E   R I V I E R A



    After the Battle of the Collapsing Falls, in which the Provinces had secured a costly victory against the Korvics, it was more or less business as usual in the Riviera. In order to compensate for the losses of the battle, Andronikos orders the training of 2 cohorts of steel-clad heavy infantry. Furthermore, he very generously makes a donation of 14,000 Denarii. 

    For the Riviera's own provincial army, another cohort of Light Infantry is trained and equipped with steel weapons and boiled leather armour. The operations to hunt down the Old Kook last year had proven the need for a more mobile component of the army to combat both bandits and potential enemies. 


    With the roads cleared, Andronikos orders their upgrading. A great many workers are hired to begin the paving of the currently dirt roads. These paved roads will certainly prove a boon to the Rivieran economy, facilitating trade and travel and assisting mining and production by easing and quickening transport.



    S U M M A R Y

    T2 Roads [40AP]

    Treasury Donation [14AP]

    2 Cohorts T3 Heavy Infantry for PG [12AP]

    1 Cohort T3 Light Infantry [4AP]


    Riviera Information

  23. R É P V B L I Q V E   T H V L É E N N E




    Galna'Hec, Darkul-Controlled North-West

    Thulean Dreadnought NMR Soleil

    Personal Quarters of Fleet Admiral Martin de Vienne


    The auto-door slid open with its characteristic hiss, drawing Martin's gaze up from his desk and toward the entrance. Before him stood Capitaine de Corvette Julien de Vienne - his son.

    "Captain?" Martin asked, staunchly formal. 

    "Fleet Admiral de Vienne, I was hoping to speak with you on personal terms," the younger de Vienne requested, his face visibly pale. Martin raised an eyebrow, but seeing his son's anxiousness reclined in his chair. "Alright, go ahead."

    "Yes, and I am proud to be here. But we are trillions of miles from home, about to do battle with fierce invaders. I am in charge of dozens of good men and women, but is my first time in real, earnest combat." Julien spoke with a slight stammer, rare for him. Martin sighed, knowing Julien's apprehension was justified. He got to his feet, and moved round the desk. Both of them prepared themselves for a rare moment of paternal care from Martin, who clasped his son by the shoulders. 

    "Julien, you should not worry so much. You are one of the finest commanders the École has produced. You have demonstrated your prowess in the simulations countless times. I have great faith in you, and I'm certain one day you will surpass me."

    Julien was slightly taken aback at his father's praise - it didn't come often.

    "That said, you are right to be nervous - so am I. We are embarking on a great endeavour here, and anyone in this war who isn't anxious is a liar or a fool. But we must act on through our trepidations, we are responsible for the lives of our men, and for the good of the galaxy. Your crew will look to you as their leader - you must be what they need, what the Republic needs. You understand?"

    The young Captain nodded. "Yes father. I will try to do as you say."

    Martin smiled, giving his son a slap on the shoulder. "Good man. Is there anything else?"

    "No," Julien responded. "Thank you, though."

    The Fleet Admiral walked back behind his desk, his stony expression and firm tone having returned. "It is my duty to ensure my officers are at ease. You are dismissed, Captain de Vienne," he said, taking his seat.

    Julien nodded once more, and headed towards the auto-door. He gave a quick salute to his superior officer, proclaiming "Vive la République! Red dar Imperiad!"

    Martin responded in kind, some hesitancy on the latter clause as his son departed the room. He exhaled, as though he had been holding something in since his door opened. He quickly dismissed the thought, and returned to examining charts of his target. 



    While the fleet up North continued preparations for the upcoming operation, things changed somewhat back in the Republic's territories. The militarisation program was, for now, massively down-scaled with the completion of Battlefleet Solaire. However, that was not to say that Svarog was idle - quite the contrary. An order from the Redon had been made for a great many ships, enough to completely occupy the shipyard's production capacity for the year. They are, of course, made to the finest standard that Svarog's machines and men can do.


    In a more peaceful and insular regard, the majority of the Republic's budget for the year once again is directed towards investment into Thulean businesses and the necessary infrastructure to make them as successful as possible, providing quality of life increases for the entire civilian populace in the process. This year these funds are mostly directed to Porte en Platine, where banks and corporations such as Société Générale and Prométhéen Extraction, Montesquieu's own company, are the main benefactors. A portion of the fund also goes to the planet Rêvasserie for the same purpose.


    Funding ramps up for the research into superior engine technology, with the year's investment matching the entire past money pumped into the initiative. Hopefully with the large burst of additional resources and personnel the project can see some sizable progress.



    S U M M A R Y:

    [+100 AP from Redon]

    Producing Redon's Ships [80AP]

    Business Investment [60AP Porte en Platine, 20AP Rêvasserie]

    Engine Tech Research [25AP; 50AP total]


    Thulean Republic Data

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