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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. fKShuqE.gif?1


    The Humanist Peoples of Titan


    Nation name: The Humanist Peoples of Titan
    Mod-approved population: 445


    The German message concerning Earth was exciting. The birthplace of the righteous human race survived! Yet more evidence that it was their destiny to be supreme over all! A response is drafted and set, again in the same way:




    With the main module of the space station complete, and the crew manning it, the construction of the disc surrounding the main module which holds the missile and close-in defense turrets begins construction. [3 pages]


    The 2 new biospheres near completion, and with the current ones being stretched to their limits, they will be a blessed relief to the people of New Lhasa.


    The Soviet convoy is welcomed greatly, and taken to the command biosphere, where they meet with the council who govern New Lhasa. 


    "Greetings, fellow humans. It is good that we should find each other, in a time when humanity is assailed by aliens when we are spread thin. We had not known that we had brethren so close to home. Do tell us, what has finally brought you to us?"


    The message from Europa 1918 is received and responded to:


    "We are here, the Humanist Peoples of Titan. Glory to humanity! We look forward to future dealings with your people! We carry with this message a warning: there are aliens in this system. If you should make contact with them, give them nothing but death. They would not return any kindness and mercy."


    Diplomatic actions:

    Responded to German message

    Responded to Soviet Convoy

    Responded to Europa 1918's message.

  2. fKShuqE.gif?1


    The Humanist Peoples of Titan


    Nation name: The Humanist (Free) Peoples of Titan

    Mod-approved population: 425


    The response from Colony 204 was exciting. Fellow humans! The fact that multiple communities of humans could survive armageddon back on Earth was proof enough: it was the divine right for Humans to rule! A response is sent:


    "Fellow humans, of American descent. We are the Humanist Peoples of Titan, and we are descended from the proud people of Tibet back on Old Earth. Glory be to Humanity! We too wish only for peace, prosperity, and good will between those of our truly great race. In the near future, we hope to claim back a vital and valuable resource in the name of Humanity. Perhaps soon, we can indeed trade with one another. For now, the only valuable thing we can produce in large amounts is Methane and Food. If these too prospects interest you, do say so. But for the moment, we need only rejoice at our auspicious meeting!"


    However, the response from the Protorians was...somewhat more troubling. Alien scum were in Humanity's sacred birth system, a terrible injustice that could not be ignored. A response is sent:


    "Alien scum. We see you are weak, but we already knew that all xeno filth are inferior. Humanity has dealt with your infernal kind before, and it emerged from that war victorious and triumphant. Hellfire rain on your pitiful excuse for a people! Glory to Humanity!"


    Some pictures are sent, containing images of great warships and even one of the old Gandhi weapon. These are of course not taken by the people of New Lhasa, but were taken from old books and then cleaned up to make them look new, intended as a threat.


    25 people begin training to man the space station that will be completed soon, and also firearms for all and gunnery training for the missile turrets for 10 of the 25. The presence of aliens was confirmed, and these people must be ready. [1 page]


    Also, the space station's construction has had a long-range communications dish added, capable of transmitting large amounts of information throughout the Solar System, whereas now only basic radio signals can be transmitted that far, and fully-fledged messages only being capable of reaching the gas giants and their moons.


    The German message was also well-received in New Lhasa. Like stated before though, only basic radio signals can be sent to respond. As such, they send signals in binary style in response.



    Diplomatic actions:

    Replied to Colony 204, Protorian and German messages.

  3. Drake's already been hosting and trying to host Dark Shaman events, but due to problems with staff requirements they haven't gone through, so it's vital that either he or someone else who understands Shaman lore becomes ET. Drake might as well be that person, as he's already shown he wants to put on events, and is level-headed and mature. +1


    treshure blows holes in walls for raiders -1 from him

  4. fKShuqE.gif?1?5596

    The Humanist Peoples of Titan


    Nation Name: The Humanist(Free) Peoples of Titan
    Mod-approved population: 400

    "Unity, liberty, contempt for the alien"


    These are the three tenets of Humanism, a humanity-glorifying religion that rose to the fore with the Tibetans on Titan after their separation from Earth so many years ago, with many aspects being taken from their original faith, buddhism. After the only demonstrable contact with extra-solar intelligent life back on Earth results in war with the brutal and bloody race known as Ascardians, resentment for alien life grew as a core of hatred that eventually sprung into a full-blown belief system with the Humanist Peoples of Titan. The religion states that only once these three vital concepts are achieved physically, mentally, and spiritually can humanity achieve nirvana and cease dukkha. 


    The Humanist Peoples, who inhabit their colony known as Gsar pa Lhasa (or New Lhasa) have so far kept to themselves, doing little but grow in size. They have a central command biosphere, 4 housing biospheres, each holding 100 people, 3 crop biospheres and a single biosphere that houses cattle. The colony is powered using methane-fired generators, the methane being acquired from both mining the liquid methane lakes and seas, and a more passive generation which takes the methane produced by the cattle. Electricity is made with methane, methane is used as a heating gas, and is reacted with the carbon dioxide produced by the humans and combustion to make water. Methane is essential to life in New Lhasa, but hopefully not for long.


    Preparations are made to try and create a space station that orbits closer to Saturn, with the same orbital radius from Saturn as Dione. The station will have two docking and launch bays on either side, one facing Saturn and the other facing back towards Titan's orbit. It will have 4 missile launch turrets, that are manned, and 12 close-in automatic defence turrets for the purpose of shooting down any close-by threats. All these would be positioned around the surrounding disc.


    The main module, with the launch bays, would be going up first.[3 pages - Correct me if unrealistic]




    Additionally, 2 extra biospheres are to be constructed. One for housing, and another for cattle. [4 pages - Correct me if unrealistic]


    Diplomatic actions:


    The message sent from Colony 204 is acknowledged and responded to, greeting them and asking them if they are human.


    The message from the Protorians is responded to, with the following message:


    "We do not understand your message, so we ask you this:

    Are you human?

    If so, we greet you and hope to help you.

    If you are alien, then woe, death, and fire be rained down upon you."

  5. Application
    Nation Name: The Free Peoples of Titan
    Ethnic Culture: Tibetan
    Starting Planet/Moon/Asteriod/Whatever: Titan (On the side facing Saturn (it's tidally locked))
    Population: 400
    Did you read the rules: Yes. Praise our Lord Pok, for this FRP is nothing less than His divine will. Glory be to His majesty and eternal peace be to His loyal subjects.

  6. The Orcish part of the rescue had been in vain, as Buubztik had ended up dying in spite of the victory of the rescuers. Regardless, there was great honour in fighting the agents of darkness, and each Orc present had taken something with them that day.


    ((Very good event Watyll, the best I've seen in a while. Watyll4ET))

  7. Super-suitable mood music:




    Buubztik had waited for two years in the prison of stone and insanity for rescue. Two years of having his mind suppressed by dark magic and his body chained to a wall. And then the rescuers came, although what followed could not be said to be a rescue.


    Orc, Cleric and Druid were pitted against each other initially, in a twisted parody of a tourney. Then, as the Rex called upon Lurgoi, the great Scaddernak as old as Krug himself, the game of the cultists was shattered. The muyakelg, Strigz, had ridden Lurgoi as it rampaged through the maze of death, and headed for the tower. Just as Strigz entered the room in which the Cleric, Shaman and Druid were held, Hosper had used his holy magic to break his bonds, taking the attention of the guarding Dread Knight. Strigz has easily taken down the dark being with two swift and powerful strikes with an axe to the head, and then freed Buubztik from his material prison. 


    Buubztik took the axe, and ascended to the tower, searching out his captor. Kknotos was in the maze, trying to persuade the Itharel Ivanus to slaughter the remaining Orcs in exchange for Hosper's safe return. Buubztik interrupted that exchange by launching the axe at Kknotos, taking his arm off. Buubztik descended back down the tower, eager to finish off his long-time torturer. He emerged into the outside world to find Kknotos unconscious by Ivanus' hand. It mattered not to the tormented mind of Buubztik, and he ripped out his throat with his great tusks. Spotting the crow-thing Abraeke, he kicked him off the wall and destroyed his head with a great leap onto him.


    Victory was achieved in the eyes of the brave rescuers, or so it had been thought. That belief was swiftly taken, as Buubztik's insanity had failed to dissipate with the chains that bound him to the tower. He first went for Vadok, the son of Malog of the Yars, striking him in the face with his fist, then trapping him underground as the young Orc had retreated, confused and angry. Then he went for Vadok's mother, Durah'Yar, who managed to evade Buubztik long enough to attract the attention of the surviving Orcs, namely the Rex Grogmar'Gorkil. Grogmar rushed over, sword drawn, and attacked Buubztik, who continued to spout True Blah nonsensically, which would to any who understood the ancient and sacred language reveal the true extent of how shattered Buubztik's mind really was.


    Grogmar eventually tired of fighting upon the wall, moving over to the open grass, shouting for Buubztik to follow and end this fight. Buubztik had begun to follow, but has stopped at the edge of the maze. His clarity returned to him steadily, and he had looked upon the blood upon his hands in confusion and bewilderment. Soon, what had caused his hands to be bloodied dawned on him, and Buubztik dropped his weapon and fell to his knees in horror. But before Buubztik could possibly beg for forgiveness and express his sorrow at what had transpired, his voice cut short.


    He began to foam at the mouth and convulsing, and he fell off the wall onto the grass outside the place of horrors. The Orcs shared confused looks, unsure of what was happening. Soon the foam about Buubztik's turned crimson, blood flowing from his organs. Grogmar sheathed his weapon, and moved over to the fallen Uruk, knowing that the fight was finished. Then Buubztik started vomiting up chunks of his own innards, the poison which Kknotos had made to ensure the last laugh would be his being utterly deadly.


    Eventually, Buubztik stopped convulsing, stopped breathing, and stopped living. Grogmar sliced open his throat to ensure he was gone, and then ordered his corpse be taken back to Krugmar. They awaited the return of Buubztik from the monks, but as more and more hours passed, it became apparent that Buubztik would not be coming back.


    Buubztik was gone forever.



    Soooo. I decided to perma-kill Buubztik after the Ikuras event. The death was suitable and it felt right to end him there and then. Yeah, I would be crying with you all right now if it wasn't my decision.


    I'd like to thank all the Orcs, past and present, for my time with them.


    Sorry for the probably crappy writing and the lack of formatting. I'll never bow to your good-looking post ways, Drake. Very good event Watyll.


    liek if u cry ever tim

  8. But in the mean-time they are still able to potentially ruin other people's experience. Just like real-life crime, the best way to stop crime isn't to punish the wrongdoers, but to eliminate what allowed them to become criminals. If you don't allow people to make up their own ideas on a whim without staff approval, then people can't use bad ideas at all. If you do, then even whilst they might get stopped eventually, they're still causing trouble.

    What does the current system do that is wrong in your eyes?

  9. You're saying that if an idea is bad then the person using it can get reported. Isn't that even more elitist than denying certain lore; if your idea isn't up to scratch, you're going to get reported? If your idea is good, then you're better than everyone else? Surely it's better that a bad idea could be removed and disallowed without the need for punishing the player who made it I.E. LT approval or denial, and good ideas aren't solely under the control of singular people?

    If people aren't willing to put in the effort of outlining exactly what their idea can do and giving a backstory to it, then there's no boundaries to what abilities they might have. If the player was truly interested in making other people's role play experience better, then they'd give their good idea to the server, not themselves.

    Also I'm pretty sure that you made this thread because your lore was denied.


    Nation (any listed in map above): Kingdom of Poland ((Assuming this is still open, as Draeris said))


    Type o’ government: Monarchy, Primogeniture Succession  


    Nation Leader Name: Wladyslaw Miezko, King, 46

    Any notable family members? Alina Moskil- Queen, 44

    Antonina Miezko- Princess, 21

    Waldemar Miezko, Prince/Heir , 23


    Nation leader’s 1 Good and Bad trait (refer to Royal Family/Leader): Good tactician, Cruel


    Nations Chief Attribute (Economy((Resources))/Agriculture/Politics/Army/) This will be their strongest: Economy (Trade)


    Skype Name: graham.cracker400



    Accepted! :)


    I'll add you to the chat.

  11. Army size isn't dictated by amount of land, it's population. Castile has a large population for it's size. The opposite is true for the Moors; they have a lot of land, but they amount of land and amount of people doesn't scale. Additionally, Castile is trading with many nations; England, the rest of Iberia (except Moors), what remains of Byzantium, and Venice. Most of those are wealthy nations, and in combination with my leader's economic skill, it results in relative affluence. The reason your army is smaller than ours is because we've had victories against you, and as such you've lost troops. It wasn't a couple hundred guys, it was over 2,000.


    I have no qualms about your attack, it's just the numbers you pulled out. As I've said, there are 5,800 troops attacking from Seville and 10,000 attacking from the West. Unless you're splitting the 10,000 and moving them past the English-Portuguese then it's 10,000 vs the English and Portuguese (13,400), and 5,800 versus the Castilians and Leonese (18,150). With that, you have a good chance versus the English and Portuguese, but no amount of surprise will allow you to rally out from the city with 5,800 men and kill all 18,150. Morale would also be low for your guys, as not only have you had them running back and forth about Iberia, but so far they've lost a lot of their own men. I'm not doing the modreq, Harry or Draeris will.

  12. @throdo


    First of all, there were no 3,200 extra troops in Seville. You diverted all the recruited people there to Portugal, which was the first army you mentioned.


    Secondly, you're recruiting tens of thousands of men during wartime, which in itself is a stretch, but you're also supposed to a cruel leader. A cruel leader won't have people rushing to their banner to fight.


    Thirdly, the Castilian fleet landed in Gibraltar, which is in Iberia. So those troops in Tangiers (which also came from nowhere, I might add) can't get to them, and you can't recruit troops at the Southern tip of Iberia because that's where the fleet landed.


    For the first and second points, please edit your post accordingly.

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