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  1. NATION NAME: The Kingdom of Castirmark RACE: Half-Orc (Human) MAGIC / SORCERY: Marble Court BRIEF DESCRIPTION / HISTORY: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17jkpaW3rWBXkAE6-ZJfDob5TqGkjTs3ez_t3vp62eHA LEADER / NOTABLE CHARACTERS: His Majesty, Vicarian II, King of Castirmark The Honourable Castín VI Celmnir, heir apparent to the County of Nurscor The Most Honourable Ferchas Nadorzir, Margrave of Orsmark The Lady Castira Celmnir, Magister Palatine to His Majesty the King MAP LOCATION: (Northern Section) UNIQUE UNIT: Gal-Oglaz Borne out of the anachronistic clans of Orsmark, the Gal-Oglaz are among Castirmark's most Orc-blooded, and thus the realm's most fearsome warriors. These highland dwellers pair Orcish aggression and strength with humankind's discipline and wit, wielding claymores or battle-axes to enact devastating charges on enemy footmen. These assaults are further enhanced by iron-tipped javelins, carried by a squire until needed, which are thrown just prior to the Gal-Oglaz rushing forth. In addition to breaking up foe's formations, these javelins tend to pin or sunder their shields, rendering attempts to hold steady futile. These tactics have seen them shatter many shieldwalls, showcased most handily in the Border War of 92 A.S., and even against the numerous full-blood incursions since the Greymaw War. [Two-Handed Heavy Infantry with Pre-Charge Javelins, Shock Experts] POINT OF INTEREST: The Black Crown of Castir This esteemed heirloom was forged from meteoric iron by jewelsmiths of the Dwarven Black Crags, in honour of Castir I's expulsion of Orc and Gnoll both from their north. Since, the Black Crown has been an enduring symbol of Castirmark's unity and venerable history. It was this long-standing history that allowed Vicarian I to negotiate a relatively favourable treaty of accession with St. Ralek's empire in the face of its march into Northreach and Surhk, though no doubt the sheer cost of the campaign theretofore and the half-orc Castaszirs enthused acquiescence was also at play. In this treaty, it was stipulated that Castirmark's territorial and dynastic integrity would be guarded in perpetuity by the Emperor himself, a promise sworn in blood that the Castaszirs value dearly. [May call upon the Capital's backing in any dispute (within reason) regarding borders, claims, and rightful rule of Castirmark, free once before requiring high favour/influence]
  2. Y N N K H A R D A R K O R Y N N THE RIVER-KINGS OF KORYNN Catastrophe was the first thing that the Third Age had brought to the fertile river valleys of Korynn. The Korynnar's very life, the Ynn, was inexplicably being sapped away, and with it all the prosperity that had been centuries in the making. That is, unless, that the Ynn's true children could restore it - thusly were the River-Kings determined. ≈≈≈≈≈ The many plazas and piers of Nad'ynn hummed with the throngs of tribesmen going about their lives. Locals and travellers from across Korynn toiled, traded, and talked, but the normally lively and energetic din was instead submerged beneath hushed shock and wailing grief. Canoes and fishing boats were crowded and stacked taller than any had seen before by the side of the Korynn river, the waters of which flowed far below the clear carving in the soil that marked the river's usual height. Their usual occupants thronged before the large mound-like keep at opposite end of the town's central road, an animated and prickly debate on the fate of the Korynnar sparking among the barrel-chested fishermen, tattooed warriors, and finely cloaked traders waiting for the Ynnkhard's descent from the keep. However, an equally large crowed was forming at the bottom of the road, seeming to be slowly moving up. Quite unlike the rest of the town, the crowd buzzed and children ran out and back in, more young friends in tow. At its centre, a single man was surrounded by excited Korynnar, marvelling and questioning his strange attire and visage. Very few outsiders came this far into Korynn, that much had become evident to Osberht as he made his way toward the obvious centre of the town. After a few minutes of the foreigner answering inane questions and politely smiling, the two crowds merged as Osberht arrived at the foot of the keep. The stirred-up fishermen, warriors, and traders leered suspiciously and whispered among each other, not sharing the others' enthusiasm. The undying knight sighed as he tried and failed to make his way any further forward through the now huge gathering, resigned to indulging the locals until they left him alone. Watching Osberht's approach with some amusement from atop the keep was Malakynn. His people were easily distracted, he thought to himself, glad that something other than the Ynn's and their own peril was on his people's minds. The rather grotesque man shook his head with a chuckle, and began making his way down the steep staircase leading from his keep. The crowd turned away and up toward the keep as Malakynn neared, beginning to shout out to the chief to point out Osberht's arrival - and his appearance, his threat, his promise, his strangeness. Suggestions were asked from and made to the Ynnkhard as to what should be done with him, or whether his coming was linked to the Ynn's going. Malakynn gave no reply as he made his way toward the shining-suited man, waiting to sate his curiosity before playing his hand. Soon enough, the lord of the town was before the talk of the town, both sized up by the other. After a few tense moments of exchanged glances, the crowd quietened somewhat as they waited for something to happen. Malakynn rubbed his chin and furrowed his brow, almost seeming to exaggerate the appearance of his analysis of Osberht. Then, the bubble of tension was popped, as the Ynnkhard threw up his hands. "There can be no doubt this stranger's arrival and our great Ynn's ailment are two streams of the same river. But, my friends, I am certain the Ynn would not bring him to us, if it was not for our and its salvation! Nad'ynnar, Korynnar, we are saved!" Most of the crowd erupted in to cheer, with only a few stubborn heads shaking and walking away. Malakynn joined in the jubilation, hugging and slapping his tribesmen. Little attention remained on Osberht as he glanced around confused and speechless at his apparent sudden induction into these people's fight for survival. A few even started playing music, the outburst of joy escalating as much of the crowd began singing and dancing. Eventually Malakynn squeezed out from what was now a party toward Osberht, slapping the man on his pauldron. "Hahah! Apologies my friend, you've come at a strange time! I invite you into my home now, we have much to discuss!" ≈≈≈≈≈ A C T I O N S Envoys are sent downriver to the independent town and two nearest villages. They express the need to band together in the face of the strange nomads to the north who would lay waste to them both, offering protection and gifts to the locals and seeking agreements on trade, and alliance if there is enough enthusiasm. As long as the locals aren't opposed, the River-Kings declare to those nearby the town and two villages are under their protection and not to be threatened. [500 Gold gifts] The Trynn'tarokhar are dispatched upstream, where they are to begin finding a location for and planning a canal between the upper forks of the Korynn. Travel to the confluence at Nad'ynn is one of the greater limits on efficiency internal transport and trade across Korynnar, and the aim is to allow for direct waterborne travel from the south to the north. Furthermore, it's planned location nearby the village of Trynn'hal would bring increased trade through the settlement, and the canal itself would allow for greater irrigation of the more inland nearby farms. Finally, the canal's position would effectively turn Nad'ynn and its hinterlands into an island, making it much easier to defend. Once an optimal path is picked out, the river engineers begin work on gathering materials and plotting the construction. [1M] The Korynn's drying had brought intense alarm to the four Ynnkhard, who believed they would be able to fix it, but also saw the need to secure greater grain production and more importantly a grasp on the banks of the Ynn's great mainstem. As such, the River-Kings dispatch their warriors south toward the two villages between Korynn and the trunk, ordered to demand their submission. [Sending 500 L-OH Infantry, 250 L Spearmen, 150 M Archers] The quest to save the Ynn begynns...... [Osberht] Recruiting 500 Light One-Handed Infantry, 750 Light Spearmen [5,000 gold]
  3. Discord Name (If I don't already have it): womp womp Nation Name The River-Kings of Korynn Nation Government/Leader Rank: Tribal Kingdom Confederation Multiple tribes led by chiefs called ‘Ynnkhard’ (lit. the river-blooded) Description of National/Provincial History & Culture: The Ynn - the sire to innumerable peoples, lifeblood of Illesian commerce, and the most heavily trafficked thoroughfare on the continent, perhaps. This beating heart of the region beats harder still in the chests of those that have named it so, the tribes of Korynn. Making their home in the dense waterways of the Korynn river’s eastern sources, the societies, histories, and lives of these waterborne warriors are completely entwined with the Ynn. Among all tribes is a shared and deep affinity with the river, both materially and spiritually. The Korynnar spend most of their lives on or in the water, and dream of little else for their afterlife than a complete reunion with it. The Ynn, the Korynnar, and their ancestors are one and the same for the River-Kings, the river becoming both the object of worship for and spiritual essence of all Korynnar. This particular cultural quirk leads them to great disdain among the tribes for foreigners they believe sully the Ynn, and their forebears’ names with it. The tribes themselves are micro-kingdoms, led by what the Korynnar title Ynnkhard - analogous to chieftains - who claim their position by martial contests of leadership. Only those who can boast a fluvial fleet of their own are worthy to summon a tribe’s elders and issue the challenge to these contests. While they share a common name - Agnynn’kai - throughout the Korynn river kingdoms, the form of the contest varies from tribe to tribe. For the Nad’ynnar, a powerful tribe centred at the confluence of the area’s rivers, the Agnynn’kai takes the form of naval wargames, with the challenger’s and their allies’ canoes and longships engaging in ritualistic combat with those of the current Ynnkhard. For the Ynnleukar, in the eastern highlands, it is a race through treacherous white water rapids. Elsewhere, it is a melee duel upon the river, with tied platforms of canoes and longships assembled into a floating arena, cheered on by the whole tribe from the riverside, as is the case of the southern Mey’ynnar. Others still have their own traditions, but in all cases, an Agnynn’kai is fought and won upon the Ynn. It is largely through these contests that the Korynnar tribes came to consolidate into their current constitution, rather than conquest. Many a time in the recent centuries did ambitious and proud Ynnkhardar quarrell and risk their whole domain in particularly high-stakes Agnynn’kai, the defeated’s tribe suddenly being subsumed into that of the winner’s as they became leaders of both. This practice has for some time now been extinct, ever since the rise of the numerous hordes and feudal kingdoms around the northern Ynn drove them into forming a confederation. While each Ynnkhard’s river-kingdom is their own domain, by blood-bonded oaths of peace and mutual defence the Korynnar are now bound to a shared fate upon the waters. This state of affairs has lasted, owed to their newfound harmony allowing the River-Kings to develop their people’s natural skill as traders into unprecedented prosperity among the tribes. What were once humble villages have grown into bustling hubs of commerce and transport as goods and people flow along the northern Korynn under shared peace and protection. Populations have exploded, the fleets of the Ynnkhardar with them, bringing this tribal confederation up to being a contender for supremacy of the great river’s westernmost tributary. Their ferocity and ability upon the Ynn is renowned, and as yet their position has yet to be threatened. However, no state of affairs is permanent. The River-Kings are very much among the latecomers to being able to exert themselves beyond petty tribal squabbles, and are backwards even for the Illesian Third Age. The Ynnkhardar’s unity has drawn prying eyes toward Korynn, full of both eagerness to exploit its new prosperity, or ire for the nascent savages that they must now compete with. In either case, the Third Age heralds a great change for the Korynnar - whether they will be washed away beneath foreign invaders, or ride the tide of greatness and dominate the Ynn, the River-Kings will see great transformation. One certainty, though, is that their destiny lies with the Ynn. Notable Characters: Malakynn, Ynnkhard of the Nad’ynnar [1] The River-King of the largest of Korynn’s tribes is an imposing and grotesquely scarred fisherman, but Malakynn is nonetheless seen with fondness across the riverways. His relatively lowly origins are somewhat unusual, with Ynnkhardar of the Nad’ynnar traditionally having coming from among the warriors of the tribe. None doubt Malakynn’s legitimacy, however, after he led a fleet of simple fishing canoes to victory against his predecessor’s warfleet. Between his martial prowess being more than proven, his indefatigable joviality, and the fair and wise rule he has since provided to the Nad’ynnar, their Ynnkhard is one of the most respected of the Korynnar. Rynnrhada, Ynnkharda of the Ynnleukar [1] River-Queens are not particularly rare among the Korynnar, but ones with the deftness on the water of the current sole Ynnkharda certainly are. None are faster or more agile in a canoe than Rynnrhada, a fact she is quite openly proud of. Though her skill with handling the rushing white water of her home is unparalleled, the River-Queen of the Ynnleukar is more known for her equally fast-running blood and her unfortunate visage, being a particularly rash, defensive, and boastful leader. Despite, or because, of this, Rynnrhada is rarely disrespected or trifled with. Krynnion, Ynnkhard of the Trynn’halar [10] A charming though reserved man while he takes court upon his legendary floating fort, Krynnion is a nigh-monstrously ferocious warrior when battling on the banks of the Korynn. He is a relatively aged Ynnkhard for the Trynn’halar, as their Agnynn’kai are especially brutal and physically taxing, leading to rapid regime change as their River-Kings grow older. However, even the most boisterous and proud of the Trynn’halar youth have rarely issued the challenge, with the many examples of his foes’ grisly demise being the likely cause. Unique Military Units: Trynn’torakhar The Trynn’halar are renowned among the Korynnar for their expertise in engineering and construction, displayed elegantly in the form of the Ynnfort. However, the roots of this culture lie in their history of irrigation and mound-building around the river, and it is out of this that the Trynn’torakhar also came to be. They are adept at rapidly digging out trenches and creating embankments for fortification, especially on river banks, as well as creating diversions of the water for the same purpose. They are equally skilled at constructing bridges and dams, not just (semi-)permanent structures, but also temporary barriers / crossings for troops by using rope and hooks to bind and secure canoes and longships. They are also proficient at getting such ships on and off land, and transporting them over it in the few cases it is necessary. [Light Infantry capable of the above, probably would have a metal and increased gold cost] National Idea: Waterborne Society - Unable to recruit cavalry - All ships come with 50/50 Medium Infantry / Medium Archer crew Player POI: The Ynnfort Essentially a very large and tall longship that is closer to a cog, the Ynnfort is a floating, river-going fort. Boasting an enormous crew for a fluvial ship, the Ynnfort is filled to the mast with archers who lay down continuous fire from above at other ships or the riverside, and marines ready and able to defend it or attack from it with ease. The vessel also has a large ramp partway up its side, and a great many men with grappling hooks, which enables it to easily land troops and anchor itself on the bank. At the very peak of its construction is a lone position for a strange, elongated and polished stick that spews metal to a great distance, the wielder of which is an inherited and incredibly prestigious role that is attained through years of apprenticeship. Considered a gift from the Ynn, the stick is used to precisely target the gravest of threats at range, but is hardly capable of damaging structures or ships bigger than a canoe.
  4. T H E H Y P E R B O R E I A N O R D E R Little natural light reached the industrial bowels of Opsikion, in the heartland of humanity’s frontier, where the Order’s mightiest ship-forges churned in perpetuity. In the deep, labyrinthine pits of steel and concrete that made up the centres of population here, illumination came only searing and red from the fires of industry, or gloomy and dim purple from the Priest-Overseers’ parapets. It was below one such parapet that Arekos toiled, welding awesome metal beams that were swiftly becoming part of an cruiser-to-be’s superstructure as the deep and forceful prayers, sermons, and occasional hymns blared all around and through him. The heat flying in sparks in his already scarred face, and bellowing up from the fires below overwhelmed him momentarily, and he kicked himself away from the great pillar of steel to take pause. Rubbing his eyes with his sleeve, Arekos rotated his suspension equipment. As he looked around at the hundreds of other men dangling from the ceiling of the massive assembly chamber that expanded confoundingly far away and beneath him, the shipsmith found himself briefly stunned by the scale. Quickly enough, though, the priestly commands to serve the Great Purge echoing around the chamber brought Arekos back to his purpose, and he pulled himself back to the future vessel’s bone, and refired his fusion welder. None should be seen to be negligent in their service, after all. After a couple more hours of moving up and down the gigantic metal matrix, static pierced through the din in Arekos’s ear, before giving way to firm and hurried speech. “Arekos, you’re needed upstairs,” his supervisor relayed, the shipsmith wincing as he placed a finger to the comms implant in his ear. “Seems you’ve got a higher calling.” “What’s happening?” Arekos replied, his heart dropping out of fear for some potential disciplinary summons. “A military administration officer is asking for you, so I think you better quit asking questions and start pulling yourself back up!” The chastisement was ended by sharp static as the supervisor cut himself off, leaving Arekos with even greater concern. The thought that moment’s rest a bit ago had been spotted crossed his mind. As his heart and mind began racing, Arekos reached for a button on his belt. The wires jolted as they started being retracted, and the shipsmith looked up, wide-eyed, toward what approached. - After relinquishing his tools and attending his burns in the dingy shipsmith restroom, Arekos headed through the maze of steel that led and made up the operations overseers’ offices. Bowing his head countless times as passing, faceless superiors glared down at him, the humble shipsmith swiftly made his way toward his own supervisor’s office. As Arekos came before it’s door, he breathed deeply, before keying his many-digited identification code into a pad on its side. It creaked, then hissed as the heavy steel plates retracted, revealing the bulldog-like face of his supervisor, even stormier than usual. “About time, halfwit” he grumbled. And towering next to him, clad in all-black with a silver-accented great coat, was a thin but nonetheless imposing figure peering at him from beneath a tall military cap, hands clasped behind his back. Arekos walked through with a thumping in his chest. He nervously met the gaze of his summoner, standing to a halt and saluting before the officer. The sharp and aquiline face smirked slightly, before the officer waved his hand to dismiss the gesture and spoke. “Senior Shipsmith Arekos Lakaisi, yes?” the officer questioned, his voice gravelly and rasping, but nonetheless full of command. The shipsmith took care not to stutter as he withdrew the salute and replied affirmatively. “Good. You’re coming with me,” the officer stated without tone, all but confirming Arekos’ fears as he stepped forward and produced a data-slate, handing it to the increasingly nervous metalworker. Arekos took the pad, frantically scanning the words before him. As his eyes darted, a sense of relief came first to Arekos, followed by a leap in his spirit and that brought his eyes back up to the officer. “You’ve been conscripted as a Third Engineer of the Hyperboreian Navy, by command of the Office of the Magister Militant. Now,” he said gravely, taking pause in his words as he raised his palm toward the door. “If you’ll follow me, Third Engineer Arekos.” E X P E N D I T U R E With the nearing of the Great Purge, the might of Hyperboreia must be greater than ever to see it through. To this end, the Order’s multitudinous ship-forges are stoked hot to ready the year’s commission from the Magister Militant’s Office; two light cruisers [60kC, 40NP, 12M], ten destroyers [100kC, 40NP, 20M], and one hundred troop transports. [25kC, 20NP, 10M] Alongside them, 500,000 infantry are conscripted, equipped, and trained to the highest standards of the Old Empire. [25kC, 6AP, 6M] Funds continue to be sent to the VII Chapter in the region that once made up Kiritau, bolstering their relentless fight against the unholy and sacrilegious Red-Gold Concordat. [20kC] Investment in the House of Dreams, subdivision of the Cult of the Sacred Eye, continues… [10kC]
  5. Nation Name: THE HYPERBOREIAN ORDER A brief description of National/Provincial History & Culture: Hyperboreia; a far flung frontier of human civilisation, a region that has always been shrouded in an fog of ominous mystery, and never more so than during the reign of the Order that takes its name. Out of fear and strife, down to proximity to the Irearchy and distance from the core, a great wave of fervour and hatred and cruelty took hold in this pocket of the Far Rim while obscured from the wider galaxy. This movement grew, metastasised, and then crystallised into the Hyperboreian Order, and in the last century it has sought to spread to every edge of the galaxy, to bring about its ultimate and true aim: the Great Purge. And now, the time for its fulfilment is nigh. The Empire’s collapse, partially precipitated by the Hyperboreian Panayiotou, was declared as simply one more step in seeing the Order’s divine mission completed by the Magister Militant Theodora. The throne had become an obstacle to humanity’s rebirth, and the invasion of the Irik that followed proved it too weak and corrupt to continue to bear the mantle of mankind’s leader. The shattering of the Empire, the crucible of war reaching every corner of the galaxy, and the Order poised to claim that mantle; these shifts in the galaxy were the final seals on its prophesied fate, on the true onset of the Great Purge. But there would be a test, of course, before this could come to pass. As the northern frontier of the Empire was beset by the xeno tide, so too was Hyperboreia’s border assaulted. Only in its case, that tide would not flood into the heart of Hyperboreia, but would be thrown back into the void. As wave after wave of Irik crashed against the Citadel and the legions of the galaxy’s greatest zealots that stood guard at the edge of humanity, the Order stood firm. The fate that befell the east was avoided in the west by their hands, and their predestined victory over all xenokind was all the more proven in the eyes of the Order. But it was not without cost. Many were martyred, including the Magister Militant herself. As she took to the frontlines of the orders defence to raise morale and discipline, Irik infiltrators managed to strike Theodora with plasma fire. Though she was evacuated and stabilised in the Citadel’s finest medical compounds, she never recovered consciousness and in her comatose state deteriorated over the weeks. Eventually, she passed, her death becoming a rallying force for the Hyperboreian troops, and with it came the demise of the Irik invasions. In the midst of those final battles, a young officer by the name of Andronike had managed to lead a force of freshly drafted militia deep into enemy lines of one of their last regional strongholds. As the rest of the Order’s forces pressed in suffering great loss to the hardened defences of xeno scum, she and her troops managed to reach the central hub of the House of Voids’ military position undetected. With great conviction, they slew their entire central command, and sabotaged their long-range artillery and air forces. These actions led to the swift collapse of the Irik armies, saving many human lives and catapulting Andronike to acclaim among the Order. Once the last Irik had been cast back beyond the Citadel, or purged in the fight to do so, great triumphs were held in Hyperboreia proper, with many heroes from the long war brought from across the Order to partake in it. Chiefly celebrated was Andronike, and these fervent and esoteric mass rituals were followed by her induction into the Order’s central military, religious, and administrative leadership, being the same institutions. Her meteoric and mysterious rise did not stop there, as in the interregnum that followed the loss of Theodora, she became the forerunner for her replacement. On the fifth anniversary of the Magister Militant’s demise, Andronike was anointed the new Magister Militant, a choice that had gradually become a simply natural conclusion for even other contenders. With Andronike’s succession, the fruits of the seeds that were sown by Theodora and Panayiotou would finally come to bear. The massive and monolithic organs of the Order-state have ramped up the harking of the Age of the Great Purge to a fever pitch, as Hyperboreia declares to the galaxy that it will bring humanity into a new golden age, and any resistance to the galaxy’s destiny will be rendered futile. Notable Characters: Magister Militant Andronike Spiritual Leader, Head of State, and Commander-in-Chief of the Hyperboreian Order Magister Equitant Heracletian Commander of the Hyperboreian Navy Knight-Marshal Irakilo Leader of the Knight-Brothers of the Golden Eagle Rector Saulu Tarseios Leader of the Cult of the Sacred Eye, the Order’s intelligence, inquisitorial, and missionary agency Unique Military Units: Knights of the Brotherhood of the Golden Eagle (aka Purge Knights) [Heavy Infantry Replacement with increased morale, boarding ability, and melee skill] Bastion-class Mobile Defence Platform [Orbital Defence Platform that is capable of jumping between systems] National Idea: The Tide Below: -Infiltration on a planet grants a small amount of bonus resources, corresponding to the planet’s type. -Higher levels of infiltration produce a larger bonus. -Tech worlds only produce bonus resources at the highest tier. - Bonus to low tier infiltration rolls - Flagship may be Bastion-class Mobile Defence Platform A letter: H
  6. THE KINGDOM OF PROCTELAND Mercutio stood unwavering, even as screams and sparks bounced around from an arms' length away. He glanced at the figures arched over the table, on which was the source of the racket, as they went about their business. Numerous tools were being passed between these chirurgeons quite rapidly, and were applied to the subject in succession. It looked up at Mercutio, and in the red glow the Iron Legionary saw the kind of despair a trapped rodent might display - frenzied, confused, and deeply in pain. The thing had once been named Artemidores, to Mercutio's understanding, and it had justly arrived at this fate by way of insubordination. It was a nanny to some minor Count's daughter, who had asked said Count why the Irthmade served them so. Naturally, the automaton must have been seeding evil thoughts in a pure and innocent child, and thence was sentenced to termination by gradual disassembly. And so Mercutio returned its gaze with cold indifference. After some time, the satisfied chirurgeons motioned over to the door, and a large mechanism dominated by steel sawblade was wheeled in by several metal men. They were joined by a few more, and all grabbed firmly on to a chain attached to it as the blade itself was positioned over the subject's upper torso. With another motion, the chain was pulled, cranked back, and pulled once more. Thus, mercy came to the corrupter in the form of being carved open, and also to those listening by the drowning of its final, anguished screams in the horrendous noise of scraping metal on metal. The metal men left, their device in tow, and were shortly followed by the chirurgeons as they patted one another on the back. Mercutio was left alone in the room, as the paranoid tradition of Procteland stated Irthmade must be monitored for some time after their termination to prevent the possibility of reactivation. The steel soldier's gaze wandered over the thing once called Artemidores, split into dozens of pieces as it now was. Whatever passed through him as he made contact with the dull, lifeless sockets was quickly suppressed, as he internally resolved that if he could spit in the face of the defective, he would do. He glanced to the door, and then his gaze returned to the usual fixed position, where it remained as he carried out the rest of his duty. S U M M A R Y Two Thousand Iron Legionaries march out from the bowels of Irthmaker [8,000C, 12S, 8AP] A Thousand Irthmade serfs are evicted from their fields, and placed into military service [350C, 1AP] Three Manufactories are constructed in the hinterlands of Irthmaker and Sterling [6,000C, 3M] The Iron Legion sweeps eastward! [Securing F23, MOD]
  7. Discord name (PM if you wish): whatever dude Nation Type (County/Marcher Lord/Free City): County Nation Flag (optional): Rzeczpospolita Złotego Rogu (Commonwealth of the Golden Horn) Nation Culture: The Commonwealth is a land led and inhabited by pious folk, much like much of the rest of the Empire. The only difference around the Golden Horn today is that this folk aren't led by nobles or merchants, but the farmers, some guildsmen, and the odd priest. Embracing a particularly radical form of Jozsefite theology first espoused by Stanislaw Kaczynski (the followers of whom are nicknamed "Diggers" by both opponents and supporters), the peasantry of the Golden Horn govern themselves, feed themselves, defend themselves, and keep to themselves, having fought with feudal lords and the like to claim and share the land among those who work it. For them, a godly life is one close to His greatest creation: the Earth itself, and far away from the idolatry that is magic and all its creations. Being led by peasants sent from villages and towns to represent their interests in the cities around the Horn, where the civil and military councils make decisions on behalf of the Commonwealth as a whole, the somewhat radically heretic stain on the Empire has literal interest in what goes on outside its own land, lest the faith and freedom that guides it be threatened. Nation History: Prior to the current status quo, the lands surrounding the Horn were typical - lords controlled the countryside and those in it, and the merchants held most of the wealth in the towns and cities, attaining particular influence given the Horn's position controlling all northern maritime trade and access through to Rzechsawa, both using and enforcing their position with the aid of magic and magical engines - a power that naturally was not available or familiar to the majority of people. However, soon after the Jozsefite heresy began to spread after the Ascetic's great Condemnations in Vazryow, the peasants began to embrace the new doctrine in rejection of the feudal lords' magically-aided dominion over them. As religious and political tensions escalated alongside each other, many peasants started to refuse to hand over their harvests until their petitions were heard. In response, the petty nobles and knights took to harassing rural villages and demanding, which naturally only made things worse. Eventually the peasants begrudgingly submitted, entering into even worse feudal obligations on pain of widespread executions and being forced to give up the entirety of the products of the land they were tenants of. It was at this time that the preacher Kaczynski the Digger arrived on the scene in the Golden Horn, a parish priest from the eastern half of the Horn, who was appalled at the repressive, undignified servitude the people there had been forced into. As a famine hit the region, a product of the overuse of the soil at the behest of the stringent grain quotas of the robber barons, this humble Jozsefite began leading many villagers of the rural villages to farm on the fresh, untouched land the lords were keeping as pastures (that they had been too lazy to have worked). There, they started digging out vegetable patches to feed themselves during these hard times. They claimed this land as their own, working on the earth with each other and sharing its fruits among themselves, and those who had become too hungry to help. Soon enough, the knights came once again to seize the product, and reported back to furious barons - this time calling for the heads of those who had trespassed. Instead, Kaczynski helped them to organise into a militia, scraping together what odd guns, weapons, and ammunition they could from among their kin and sympathetic villagers. With little to go round, the preacher-turned-partisan instructed the peasants to begin fashioning bows and spears as fast as they could from the nearby forested hunting grounds of the lords, and began showing them how to stand together to maximise their defensiveness before the merciless charges of the knightly cavalry. They had little time, and so many had to turn to brandishing their farming equipment, but by the time the knights arrived back in the common land, they were far better armed and organised than any had expected or prepared for. They attacked nonetheless. Many said it proved foolish, for being dug in, prepared, and having starving children and parents to defend, the peasants led by Kaczynski were more than ready for a scrap. The ramshackle peasant pikemen fought hard, and bravely, and in the face of their ditches, arrows, polearms, and superior numbers in general, the knights were cut down and thrown back. They came back many times, increasing in numbers every time, but the peasants only grew more determined, more numerous, and better prepared each time. Eventually, the barons of the area had no more knights left, and Kaczynski's band had managed to get their hands on much more weapons and even a cannon, stolen from a fort armoury with no-one left to guard it. They surrendered to what was effectively a small army, and the priest who led it. News of the escapade travelled round the countryside and towns of the Golden Horn and the surrounding area quickly, and called upon Kaczsynski's so-called 'Diggers' for aid against their own robber barons. And so they travelled from barony to barony, helping the peasantry to stake out land and work it in common, and to defend it against those who'd take it from their communities. Eventually, many villages and towns declared themselves free of noble rule, and started to organise themselves together, contributing militias and supplies to Kaczynski's band, who were now defending much more land against far more foes than they had when they started out. Nonetheless, they continued to prevail against incursions of nobility (and often their descendants in the case of the many who died in them) trying to reassert their dynasty's age-old rule, but they got weaker and weaker every time, and struggled to find support among the wider Empire. And with time, they stopped coming. When they did, the Diggers realised they now had what they had always fought for - freedom from the tyranny of the barons, or any lord. Kaczynski disbanded his army, sending the militias back to their villages, and travelled to the largest city under their control, right on the coast of the strait itself: Złotekow. There, he called for every village, town, and city to send a representative. When they arrived, he spoke to them in the central plaza of the Horn's finest city, preaching that God had delivered them freedom and food, and away from the depredations of the barons. Now, it was up to them, to continue their work by working together, defending their blessings and new lives, and ensuring that the burden of hardships are shared among them. He declared a new Commonwealth, led from the village hall, not the manor house, one that would focus on allowing the people to live in accordance with God, not the demands and perversions of the nobility and the magic-using clergy. Since then, the Commonwealth has managed to survive, and thrive to some extent, against all odds. Having decided to maintain their obligations to the Emperor, they have been left alone. Led by a now much older, and much loved Kaczynski and the scores of men and women sent from the villages and towns to decide the course of the Commonwealth as a whole, the future of the Golden Horn's people seems bright and free. Religion: Radical Jozsefites, Diggers Special Characters: Stanislaw Kaczynski 5C, 5A, 5L, 3M A preacher in origin and a leader by fate, Stanislaw, now known as Kaczynski the Digger, has helped to lead and guide the Commonwealth for most of his adult life. He is widely respected among the population and the militias, and though in the past he was a leader of the Digger's first makeshift militia army, in his age he is now consigned to offering his wisdom and assistance in the civil and diplomatic sphere. Kaczynski's First Sermon Kazimierz “Big Kaz” Nowak (Officer/Agent) 3C, 1A, 15L, 6M Big Kaz was once a bandit chief, and something of a gentle-hearted but brutal giant. During the Digger uprising his band (and many others) turned to assisting the peasant army, helping to infiltrate castles, steal supplies, and generally be a nuisance to the nobles who tried to face them down. Once they got their hands on gunpowder, Big Kaz led a number of the various bandit groups' biggest and meanest men, making makeshift grenades and using them and their pistols and axes completely shock and scatter many of the nobles' patrols and marching brigades. Him and what are often called his 'Partyzanci' were key in storming forts and holding against feudalists' incursions. Since the times of the uprising, Big Kaz has helped to train, organise, and lead the Commonwealth's militias when they come together. The Man Himself Position:
  8. 1 0 4 8 A C P Year of the Fool Spring dawns in Vahastra once again. As the new year dawns, farmers return to their fields, and the snow melts in typical fashion, though this year a sense of unease settles to replace it. Astral omens confirmed it as under the sign of the Fool, a sign of sudden shift in worldly currents. Change was coming. In the Empire, while the streets begin to bustle again, Anakhton Tarkhos III calls upon His Imperial Council. Rumours regarding the aging emperor’s ill health have begun propagating, though only in hushed tones - as if the living god was hard of hearing. While this of course goes unmentioned, the various governors, archons, kings, and strategoi that are summoned are all aware that it will doubtless be on the agenda, only adding to the pervasive nervousness felt as the year rears its head. The only relief was that the Lightbringer was not among those summoned - His presence being a sure sign of a reign at its end. Another issue like to crop up were troubling and increasing reports of raids on the empire’s holdings on the vast Akhelkyanos lakes. Though the identity of the raiders is unconfirmed, there are no reservations among all the Empire’s classes about blaming the tribals living among the marshes. Many are eager to see harsh punishment for the insult to the Anakhton, though for now He has not acted, deferring the matter as one for a Council. And elsewhere, the quarrelsome states of the island of Argokon, the heart of the Mesogean, settle back into peace after yet another period of fraternal wars. After attempting to push east and finally assert full hegemony over Argokon, the kingdom of Prodakos is forced to a halt by the Anean League and returned to their borders, where the war stagnated as it has countless times before. As peace returns to the isle, ominous mists are seen by many a merchant travelling by. [Temp Map] E T E S H The Great Republic - to the world, the height of malfeasance and degeneracy. But, within, the mighty Etesh is a glittering light of civilisation among a dark sea of tyranny and heresy. The ceaseless march continues in to the new year without pause, though within the first couple weeks there is quite the curiosity developing in the capital. [Discord] N Y R E The jewel at the crest of the Mesogean crown, Nyre’s position affords it a great deal of wealth, and a great deal of control over others’. The ancient city is abuzz, for with the spring comes the return of the alchemists of Guramkos’ potion shipments as they pass through to the Mesogean. [Magical goods source in capital state] A C H E L A G O R A The sea-faring nomads, having spent their winter in the relatively safe and balmy waters of the Elraic gulf, now prepare to venture forth for the year. As they do, a somewhat naive-seeming but enthusiastic group of merchants’ sons sail out to meet the living fleet, asking that they may join them in their voyages. They come upon a rather embellished pair of triremes, with a full crew and complement of mercenary marines. [Send response in private channel] A M P H I T R Y O N The mountain kingdom on the Empire’s northern periphery should likely not be as prosperous as it is, what with it being formed long ago by refugees, and trapped between an unforgiving desert and the equally unforgiving Akmagoron mountains. However, their affinity for the earth, and the range’s immense mineral wealth, has allowed the hardy folk to prosper. That mineral wealth once again yields for Amphitryon, as miners bring up the fruits of one of many veins of gemstones from the mountains’ bowels. [Luxury goods source in capital state] A V O S The melting pot of the north, Avos is a locus for the flow of culture and wealth to and from the Elraic Empire. And since their settling of the grand bones of a civilisation past, a locus for conflict too. It is perhaps no surprise to the Archons, then, that numerous citizens from the outer reaches of the city-state’s hinterlands have petitioned the government about pirate raids on fishermen and coastal villages. Meanwhile, prospectors of Old Avos return from another expedition into the depths one of the many countryside palaces the precursors built. With them, they bring yet more artefacts, and of course the state gets its cut. Though mostly mundane, a number of carvings of tablets appear to show advanced techniques in the magic of Mehnos, as well as a number of magical theses that seem decidedly less than orthodox. [+1 Lore Fragment, black goods source in capital state] M U A B ‘ D E The Kingdom of Muab’De is often derided outside its borders for its adherence to the ‘words’ of a stone, but this derision has rarely extended to conflict with the one-time tribal alliance, for superstition abounds about disappearances among those who threaten Muab’de. And so the new year is brought in as peaceful as ever under the august Arichnai. From the Kingdom’s north-east, an envoy of the large city-state of Agathon would arrive. It is no secret they have been battling with Stygian cultists and corruption in their east, and the man is likely to ask for aid. [Discord] A M B E R C O N C L A V E Once internal enemies of the Empire, after proving their worth by both the sword and the boiling flask, the Amber Lords and their conclave now enjoy great prominence and wealth in the Empire. They are among the foremost alchemists of the realm, and it is this reputation that sees a letter arrive from Iekaron, boisterous client king of Germedukon in the Empire’s dry north-west. In it, a query about a contract. [Discord] L U O Y A N G Strangers in an even stranger land, the kingdom of Luoyang has found no shortage of challenges since their predecessors first arrived on the shores of Taloxatla centuries ago. Nonetheless, a keen aptitude for magic among the kingdom’s peoples has kept them alive and strong, much to the disdain of the less than friendly natives. At the start of the new year, a merchant of Luoyang returns from a voyage into the heart of the island’s stone forests. He brings with him numerous scrolls of spellcraft he claims he found in some ruins he passed by, and presents them and his knowledge to the Triarch Princes’ court. [+2 Lore Fragments, Discord] R A T A E Ratae, once a promising and ambitious venture by Imperial colonists, now stands as an isolated kingdom on Taloxatla, having instead fallen to necromancy and tyranny. Regardless, through force of will the nascent black stain has solidified its hold over its slice of the untamed island, and is now a potent force on it. What’s more, as Rex Artenian secured his holdings, large groves filled with Cloud Ferns were discovered. While the undead may not have much interest in smoking it, it certainly fetches a healthy price on the markets. [Black goods source on capital state] V R A C H A T I Even before it joined the Anakhta Elraion, the Kaloreia Vrachation itself was a notable power on the Mesogean coast. Since then, their prosperity has only grown with the Empire’s, and is now one of the foremost provinces outside of the heartlands. Once more, the Kalos of Vrachati is called upon by the Anakhton to make the journey to Mekagetnos and attend His Imperial Council. Elsewhere, a lone alchemist from the League of Guramkos’ holdings on the Mesnasterios islands to the north-east arrives in the kingdom’s northernmost city, requesting that he be taken to someone in charge. [Discord] E D O N - Y A A somewhat unusual case in the Elraic Empire, the alchemist-populated city-stated of Edon-ya has nonetheless prospered, perhaps due that very heterodoxy. Though not considered the finest alchemists in the Empire, much less the known world, their position in its holdings on the arid southern Gerakunos coast has allowed the Edon-yans to carve out their own sizable chunk of the alchemical market there and become a boon for the Empire. For this, they have earned their autonomy, and with it an invitation to the Imperial Council the Anakhton has convened. B Y T H A E Bythae - for long it has been a thorn in the Empire’s side and a stain on their ego. As the Empire encroached into their land during their eastward expansion, their invasions were repeatedly repulsed in the face of the mighty fortress-cities constructed by the Kingdom’s Arch-Masons. After many attempts, the Empire accepted their inability to advance past Bythae, and since relations have slowly thawed, allowing the Bythaeans to get rather rich off of trade trade passing to and from the imperial east. In the south of Bythae, the new year comes with relatively concerning news. Raids have struck from across the lakes, seemingly by the same as those who had attacked the Empire’s holdings, though like there their identity was unconfirmed. Little was damaged or taken as Bythaean arms quickly threw them back, but many are calling for action to be taken. P A R A J A G H A N D A R The Kingdom of Parajaghandar occupies a unique position in the world - on the very edge of imperial influence, and equally on the very edge of the little-known civilisations that exist beyond it. Between this and their inclination toward the astral sphere, it is no surprise the kingdom has developed an aura of mystery surrounding it to outsiders. Only adding to this is their native elephants, which have confused and devastated any who have been foolish enough to face them in war. However, many are familiar with the highly sought after ivory that flows from and through the kingdom’s borders. [Luxury goods source in capital state] A X I A N O R D E R The city of Axium was once a jewel of the Empire, if somewhat out of the way. However, since the actions of the madman Valis, the Lost City as it is now called by the wider world and its inhabitants have been adrift on the astral tides for many years. Though this is little known by outsiders, the city has prospered despite this, and as the population has developed into to a more regimented militarist regime, it has even begun extending its grasp back in to the physical world. But in the mean-time, strange changes have taken root in the city. Natural plants and animals seem somewhat altered by the new reality, if it could be called that, and the latent magical energy of the city has been enough that porphirasteria have been consistently blooming, allowing the Axian Order access to its highly valuable dye. [Magical goods source on capital] K H A R A K K H A N A T E A proud and noble people, the Kharak people have prospered on their steppe under the bounty of the Great Sky. As the winds incessantly shift, the Kharak too have followed, migrating across the vast plains of northern Gerakunos for centuries. Recently, they have come to be united under the proclaimed Khan, Jungsai, and overall these nomads have been on an upward trajectory in recent decades. The vast and wild north-west is open to be claimed, and the Kharak are poised to be one of those who may do so. And someone else appears to have realised this, for from the Khanate’s west come reports of potential war. Of the region’s two native Dawekii horsemen, two tribes stand above the rest - the Gelekwos, and the Wedordeiwos to their south-west, and the former appears to be migrating towards the latter’s more hospitable territory. S A L A R I K Despite being composed of former desert-dwellers, the Kingdom of Salarik is one of the most religiously devoted kingdoms of the Anakhta. This, and the fertile soil of their lake-side highlands, has allowed the the kings of Salarik to enjoy a fair deal of autonomy as Mekagetnos was content to leave them to it, as long as the grain kept flowing. [Double production for farm estates in capital state] As the Year of the Fool draws in, an unusually large amount of the faithful make the pilgrimage to the Grand Temple of Sehula in Kosan. It seems the sense of unease has encouraged many to seek blessing from the Sun Goddess, would that she protect them from a change in fate for the worse. Scores of young men, eager to use the winds of change to escape their tranquil rural villages, offer their fealty to Omer III as warriors, and the flood of pilgrims also brings with it the flood of gold. [+1,000 Light Throwers, +5,000 Gold] O R C O V A The Land of Black Iron - a violation of all that is holy to those beyond its reach, and a mortal threat of soul-shattering horror to those within it. Tales of the unholy Imperium's iron demons - the Baneful - and their merciless, disciplined crushing of those who interfere with the righteous course that has been set from the Horned Throne have spread far and perturbed many. Its isolated position has prevented the spread of these legends from encouraging any of the pitiful light-worshipping "powers" to the South from purging the black stain, and so the thunderous iron march of the Orcovan Imperium faces little to stop its endless, glorious advance. Change always benefits those who serve the Boundless Chains, for chaos is a keystone of black dominion. Word arrives from the east, on the border with the pathetic tree-worshippers of Pridano. A bold group of youths, hoping to impress their veteran fathers, crossed over into their land, and seized a shipment of their strange trinkets, medicinal roots, and other goods as it headed from the countryside to the coast. The druids did not dare tempt the wrath of Orcova by pursuing. The tale of their endeavour and minor victory are celebrated throughout the Imperium, resulting in a surge of volunteers. [+5 Magic Goods to storage. -10% recruitment cost for 2 turns]
  9. V A H A S T R A BLACK GNOSIS A homebrew, late-antiquity, fantasy nations FRP Over a millennium ago, a lowly petty king of a backwater state on the Taloxatlan island was struck with a sudden drive. As legends go, the man would journey to the highest peak on the island, and there he waited. And prayed. And waited. Many days and nights past, all bringing new challenges - scorching heat, buzzards, and soon thirst, and hunger. But this man stood firm. His body began to fail, his mind began to doubt, but he did not move. Just as his eyes began to force themselves shut, perhaps forever, they were stirred by the passing of a great shadow. A thunderous crash rang out across the peak, and the earth shuddered in anticipation. The man looked up, and his gaze was met with that of an ancient golden dragon. But he did not quiver, for he knew this was his purpose. His hand instinctively placed itself on his snout, and the dragon bowed before him. “Let the world behold, and let darkness tremble! Our great work begins, and peace and prosperity shall follow forevermore - under the light of the Sun!” These legendary words spoken by Lightbringer Arkhelon, senior to the mountains themselves, to Kaloratlon - Firstborn of the Sun - were the genesis of a new world. Together, the man and the dragon took flight across the Mesogean, and through fire and light they laid the foundation of the next thousand years. The Anakhta Elraion had been forged. Founding Myth of the Elraic Empire —- (Music:) Map of the known world, featuring the Elraic Empire. (Red Areas are outside spawn) For over a millennium, civilisation around the Mesogean Sea has been under the shadow of the Anakhta Elraion - the Elraic Empire. From their position on the northern coast of Hekoretlos, their influence is felt on all the shores of the heart of the west. By no means has it gone unchallenged, but in the centuries of its slow and steady expansion, there have been very few true threats to the Empire - not with the might of the Lightbringer to defend it, as he has since its birth. However, a great many things can prosper under a shadow, as they have both on Hekoretlos and the northern wilds of Gerakunos. From the ashen mage-lords of Satyghrios, to the blood-drinking, demon-worshipping kings of Taloxatla, and the seaborne city-states all along the coasts that grow fat under the Elraic Peace, many have made their stake in the world, and none would give it up easily. On the fringes, the Empire may be ignored, even entirely unknown. But where civilisation is centred, all have been forced to make their own way of dealing with the preeminent power, whether it be with gold, supplication, or fierce resistance. And while doing so, they fight bitterly over that which the Empire does not yet deign to touch. It is into this rhythm that the world has settled, where lives are traded back and forth over fragments of an unreceding shadow. Many, especially within the Empire, see this as the natural state and fate of mortalkind. But change always comes, as it has many times even within the Empire, as well as those seeking to seize the reins of it. The year is 1048, the Year of the Fool, the year of new beginnings, of latent potential, of freedom - and of the precipice. It is an age where blood, glory, and wonder flow bountifully. One where a single, overlooked finger on the scales of fate may tip the balance, and the face of Vahastra be once again changed forevermore. —- Vahastra is a fantasy nations roleplay set in an eponymous homebrew world in its own version of Late Antiquity. The known part of this world is that to the west and north of the Elraic Empire, an ancient empire that venerates the Immortal Sun, Sehula, and the Emperors and Empresses that descend from her according to legend. This Empire is analogous to the Roman Empire at its height in terms of its geopolitical position, though not in structure. While most players will be outside the Empire, there are multiple spaces for those who may want to play within it as a “province”. The Empire is a patchwork in terms of its provincial governance, with appointed governors, integrated client kings, holy orders, and others all being present as internal stakeholders, and represented in an Imperial Council. However, most of the known world exists outside the Empire, and while it's presence is felt at least somewhat across it, there is a great deal of room for the independent agendas and needs of the many free kingdoms, tribes, and cities, who will be formed out of the majority of players and NPCs. Vahastra is heavily shaped by the multiple magics present in it, and the associated faiths and practices of the cultures that use them. Each magic type splits into two branches halfway up the tree, with each branch representing divergent schools, faiths, or practices that share a common origin. Chief among these are the light magics of what is commonly seen as a divine pair - the Sun Goddess, known in the empire as Sehula, and the Moon God, commonly known as Mehnos. However, across the known world every culture will have its own commonly practiced sorceries, and their own traditions and tales to explain them or venerate their use. With this being the case, while some nations are fully devoted to one magic, many have minorities or syncretisms that result in another magic of an entirely different sort also being utilised. To the end of representing this, players get one main magic branch, and one secondary branch. The world of Vahastra is also host to three races of humanoid - humans, and Dusii and Dawekii. Dusii are a less populous race shunned by many, for their origin is believed to come from the Stygioi. Their appearance tends not to help this, having flesh like stone, with more socially prominent ones boasting crests and floating, fiery symbols on their heads. They also boast an affinity with magic, though their bodies are a little more frail than those of their fleshier brethren. Dawekii are the stark opposite - though a little shorter than humans, they are far bulkier and more robust. They lack capability with magics other than Shamanism, Druidism, and the Stygian Arts, and they tend to be less capable of the more specialised skills of civilisation, though are by no means less intelligent. Both are by and large seen and treated as second-class citizens or worse in human civilisations, including the Empire, with Dusii tending to either live in that state or in reclusive, isolated city-states reflecting their low population, while Dawekii tend to live outside civilisation in Iron-Age tribes in the areas closer to the known world's frontier. Rules: No metagaming, powergaming, etc Persistent or targeted OOC toxicity will be punished If you have an issue with modding, take it up with the mod first Add the codeword ‘boink’ to the end of your application Try to avoid obnoxiously memey names for characters or places or whatever. As a rule of thumb for what’s obnoxious, if it being a meme isn’t obvious at first glance, it’s fine. Magic: As previously stated, you pick two magic branches - a main and a secondary. As seen in the above image, there are 10 magic trees, each of which have two sub-branches, all with an equal number of spells ranging in power from T1 to T5. These spells are cast by Adepts, who can cast T1-T3 spells, and Mages, who can cast up to T5 (with each individual able to cast only one sub-branch). Both of your choices are specifically of one sub-branch of a tree - you are able to recruit mages for your main branch, and you can also recruit them for your secondary if your sub-branch is in the same tree. For example, if your main branch is the Immortal Sun branch of Solar Magic, and your secondary is the Raging Sun branch, you are able to recruit both mages and adepts for both. However, if your secondary is outside your main branch's tree, such as having Immortal Sun as a main and Eternal Moon as a secondary, you can only recruit adepts for the secondary branch, and therefore only cast up to T3 spells in it. Almost all combinations are fine, except the following: Lunar Magic - Necromancy Lunar Magic - Stygian Arts Solar Magic - Necromancy Solar Magic - Stygian Arts Shamanism - Stygian Arts Vice versa applies When the game starts, you will start with only your magics' T1 and T2 spells unlocked, which can be seen on the below mechanics sheet. Progression will be explained in Discord, and feel free to ask away in there for any questions you have so you can pick your magics. Mechanics: Mechanics and Rules Sheet The mechanics may appear daunting at first, but please don’t be put off if they do - other players and I will be more than happy to explain anything, and there’ll be a player spreadsheet that will allow you to not have to worry about figuring out everything about the rules or doing maths every turn for your nations. Here’s a brief breakdown of some core concepts: The map will be available on Discord to choose your starting position. Application: Discord name (PM if you wish): Nation Type: (Kingdom/City State/Tribal) Nation Flag (optional): Nation Name: Are you in the Elraic Empire? (If so state in what way you're a sub-region of the empire - client kingdom, appointed/hereditary governor, military order, etc) Nation Culture (Brief description): Nation History: Nation Race (Human, Dusii, Dawekii): Special Characters (Up to 3, generals/mages/agents may be added or included if purchased with starting funds): Primary Magic: Secondary Magic: Unique Point of Interest (Unique "wonder" building/location/artefact, natural or otherwise, that will confer a small bonus TBD):
  10. A T O M D R A G O N S The Dragons return in triumph from the smouldering embers that followed the great inferno that had been left in the home of a so-called god. Once again, the servants of the Dragon are sent to spread word of the second victory over the second foe who had dared provoke Him, pointing to the great plumes of smoke as the result of tempting His wrath. But He also sends word that He is kind, generous, a salvation to those who pay fealty to Him. The ghouls who inhabit the Mud City are, once again, called to Congrelaz to join His host and share in the spoils of the Dragon, with Caps flowing freely from the messengers to those who do so. -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y 4 Construction Yards in Substation [30,000 Caps] 1 Market in Union Station [5,000 Caps, 1 Building Materials] 2 Agri Houses in Grant Park [10,000 Caps, 4 Building Materials] Producing 188 Scrap Firearms, and 188 Salvaged Melee Weapons [6 Metal] Trading 2 Pallets of Building Materials for 2 Pallets of Electronics in New Eden The Call of the Dragon [4,500 Caps] 250 Caps Remaining Researching Molotovs [5/5RP] Researching Can Grenades [2/10RP]
  11. A T O M D R A G O N S Malechai squinted out of his good eye as the sun caught his eye as it began to sink below the horizon, far beyond the road west that he had been anxiously watching for some time. The Dragon had told him to send an envoy to the Skulls with uncharacteristically generous terms, and he had done so diligently the day previous. His right-hand man had known something was afoot, but asking questions was something Malechai left to others, especially when it came to his master. Regardless, he had hoped the envoy would be returning soon with news of peace in his time, but was not surprised that he hadn't. He pulled a cigarette from his duster's inside pocket, and lit it with a remarkably shiny zippo, watching as the light slowly began to recede. Here we are again, Malechai idly thought as plumes of smoke left his lips and cheeks. Another damned fight. A few minutes passed before Malechai took his final drag and cast the cigarette to the curb, turning to face east once again. Hundreds upon hundreds of ghouls, ferals, and slaves met his gaze, lining the street and houses previously behind him. Their mostly skinless faces lit up, and whispers flowed through the crowd like a stiff breeze through reeds. Their eagerness for what was to come was far beyond his, but this was a fact privy only to Malechai himself. Maybe him too, he thought. In either case, he would have to direct their bloodlust, and so he began to speak. "My fellow dragons! These red-faced whelps seem to have chosen their fate! Let's waste no time in granting it to them! In His name, to war!" Though decidedly shorter than the kind of thing he'd rouse them with a century ago, the Dragons responded by roaring in unison, whipped into a frenzy with but a single lash of the tongue. Malechai sighed through his nose as he saw even slaves dancing with joy, but pushed whatever had given him cause to from his mind. He turned his back on the east, and began the short march to the home of the so-called God-King, with an unceasing din of whistles, screeches, and chants in tow. -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y 1 Research Lab in Congrelaz [10,000C, 2B] 1 Market in Grant Park [5,000C, 1B] 1 Fortification in Grant Park [500C, 1B] 1 Scrap Yard in Flat Top [7,500C, 2B] 750 Caps Remaining Finishing Scrap Firearms Research [1R] Starting Molotov Research [2/5R]
  12. A T O M D R A G O N S Once more, the halls of Congrelaz were filled with the roars of The Dragon. Once more, His might had been challenged, and this time by a foe unknown to Him. Upon receipt of the news, the Dragon had immediately demanded all His children turn all their efforts to the machinations of war, and out of both faith in Him, and the prospect of glorious battle imminently, they heartily obliged. In the west, the former territories of the now enslaved Engineers are rapidly fortified, with walls, barriers, and sentry posts being constructed to ensure any future would-be raid faces a great deal more trouble. In Grant Park, the Dragon's finest begin training themselves for battle, practically frothing as they practice maiming makeshift training dummies with red skulls drawn on their heads. And in His workshop-foundries, the Dragon's artisans pour the entirety of His hoarded scrap metal into the creation of arms and armour, forging enough equipment in the year to outfit hundreds. Map of the fortified areas in the West of the Dragon's City And Malechai is called to the Macarine Throne, and whispered a task in His finest, and most trusted warrior's ear. Many heads were turned as the one-legged, one-eyed right hand man of the Dragon wordlessly left Congrelaz, and marched himself down the streets of the Dragon's City. Malechai the One-Eye -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y Building 6 Fortifications [See Above] [6B, 3,000C] Training 55 Trained Ghouls to Regulars [13,750C] Training 40 Green Ghouls into Trained [4,000C] Producing 150 T2 Armour [6M], 188 T2 Melee Weapons [1M], 63 T1 Armour [1M] Malechai the One-Eye's Task [2,500C] Continuing T1 Firearm Research [9/10] 250 Caps Remaining
  13. A T O M D R A G O N S [Double Post] -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y Building 4 Markets [20,000 Caps, 4 Materials] Continuing T1 Firearm Research [5/10] 1,500 Caps Remaining -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y Building 2 Agri-Houses [10,000 Caps, 4 Materials] Building 2 Construction Yards [15,000 Caps] Upgrading 50 Ghouls to Trained [5,000 Caps] Continuing T1 Firearm Research [7/10] 0 Caps Remaining
  14. A T O M D R A G O N S -=<☢>=- The doors to Congrelaz’s dark convention centre swung open once again, forcing Malechai to squint as a few silhouettes ventured in from the bright exterior. A woman and a “child”, flanked by two guards. The guards peeled off to take their stations by the now-shut door, while the other two slowly continued in. As his eye readjusted, his position in the sidelines of the hall allowed Malechai to see the reason for their visit - the little one’s hand was detached, carried by the other. He turned to look at The Dragon, curious as to His reaction, but His round face was inscrutable as He watched the pair approach him. He looked back at the “child”, sighing lightly at the time devoted to the pomp of these rituals. They had stopped just before the great mound on which The Dragon’s Throne sat, eyes locked to the ground. The woman reached into a knapsack, causing Malechai’s fingers to twitch as they hovered over his six-shooter, but his wariness abated as she produced two blue and yellow boxes. Though impressed rolled his eyes, looking back to The Dragon who was now visibly beaming as the boxes were added to His magnificent mound, joining thousands of boxes that looked more or less identical. “Your tribute to The Dragon is most welcome, my dear children. The Dragon wishes to reward your generosity with His own - what may He offer?” The little one stepped forward, clearing his throat. “Great Dragon,” he began, the tiny voice throwing Malechai off as the ‘children’s’ always did. The child raised his stump and his hand - the detached one - to present it to the Dragon. “While I – we searched for tribute for my Lord, I was trapped under a collapsed wall. A stingwing swarm showed up and... one chewed my hand off, as my Lord Dragon can see.” The Dragon nodded and rubbed one of His chins, as He always did when petitioned. “I see, my child. You may approach.” And so he did, rushing up the side of the mound while taking great care not to damage any of the Dragon’s precious hoard. Malechai, who always enjoyed watching what was about to happen, paid close attention as the boy reached the top and kneeled before the Lord of the Atom Dragons, once again presenting the stump and severed hand to Him, though this time pressed together. The Dragon looked over the injury, pulling all manner of almost comically inquisitorial faces, this too all part of the show. After a while He leaned forward, and the Dragon’s maw opened. From it, a faintly blue beam slowly emerged and bathed the boy’s hand and arm in an ionised glow. Before their very eyes, the little one’s flesh and bone began knitting together, the extreme radiation bringing equally extreme cell regeneration to his wound. After mere seconds of basking in the Dragon’s breath, the hand was fully reattached and the fingers wriggling. Other than that, though, the boy remaining motionless, still waiting for the end to the ritual. “As I am blessed to be the Dragon, you are blessed to be my child, little one. Now go forth and enjoy the bounty this world provides to those who are Dragon.” The boy nodded, muttering gratitudes inaudible from Malechai’s position, but then returned to his feet and scurried back down the mound. The woman took his hand as he got to the bottom, and they both bowed before the Dragon. The guards pulled the doors open, bringing the light back in and escorting the pair back out as they returned to the world. His gaze returned to the Dragon, though a river of ice flowed up his eternally decaying spine as it was met with the Dragon’s own, stony and cold. “Approach,” He commanded, and so Malechai did. He walked across the hall, and kneeled on his good leg before his liege at the foot of His mound. “The Dragon has a task for you, Malechai,” He stated. “What is it, my L-,” he started, before being cut off. “You are to lead an expedition south, along the coast. You will bring security to the block there, and you will bring tribute back here. Do you require any further elucidation?” the Dragon asked, the answer He sought clear from His tone. “None whatsoever, Lord Dragon,” Malechai hoarsely responded. “I will go immediately.” “Splendid. I look forward to another addition to the hoard.” Malechai nodded, and struggled as he got back up. He swiftly turned about face, flicked some sunglasses out of his duster, and limped out of Congrelaz’s doors, flinging them into the faces of the two guards who were making their return inside. As they fell to the floor clutching their rad-flayed faces, Malechai placed the shades over his eyes, and began whistling a jaunty tune to himself as he made his way through the ruined streets of a city he once called home. -=<☢>=- S U M M A R Y Building 2 Construction Yards [15,000 Caps] Completing T2 Melee Weapon Research [2R, 5/5R] Researching Scrap [T1] Firearms [1R, 1/10R] Storing Remaining Caps [6,000] Pulling the 200 soldiers back from Blackhawk border, with a couple dozen left along as scouts 100 to defend Congress Plaza Hotel and as reinforcements for Blackhawk border Remaining 75 to scout out / secure / salvage from Northerly Island, harbour, and coast block, led by Malechai [T2 melee weapons, Malechai has 1 Strength, 1 Endurance, 2 Perception, 1 Luck]
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