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Posts posted by hellfiazz

  1. Disclaimer: The currently accepted lore for Voidal Horrors says that these creatures reside within the Void, and since then people have mentally assumed this when thinking up ideas for Void Horrors and thought up not only sentiences, but societies and hierarchies in the Void. This, however, is in contradiction with the nature of the Void. It is an endless sea of energy and potential, a sapient being can not exist there because it is anathema to the Void's raw-energy nature. Consequently, this feature of the lore for voidal horrors must be amended! However, this amendment doesn't necessarily have to change IC beliefs regarding voidal horrors' origins.


    The Origins of Voidal Horrors


    Long has it been thought by mortal scholars that the creatures known as Voidal Horrors were not simple monsters, but were actually utterly alien beings who have invaded from the Void where the rest of their bizarre societies resided. Though this line of reasoning is understandable, it is unfortunately incorrect. Voidal Horrors are not invaders from over the great arcane sea, but are instead something perhaps more mundane.


    The Veil protects the mortal world from disintegration by the endless and chaotic energy of the Void, and it has done so ever since the Creator forged the universe. However, it is not perfect, and often the imperfections result in anomalous instances where the energies of the Void manage to seep into the mortal world, without the control of an arcane mage to guide them. Most often, the Void energies take the form of everyday objects and elements, such as saucepans, fireballs and clocks. Sometimes though, enough energy pierces the veil and interacts with lingering mana, forming what could be considered a pseudo-soul. The energy then takes a physical form around this pseudo-soul creating a sentient being, the Voidal Horrors that many a mortal knows and fears.


    The beings known as "Greater Voidal Horrors", and even "Arch Horrors" are formed in this exact way. They are not special Voidal Horrors, but are only the result of greater quantities of Voidal energies seeping through in one scenario and therefore creating a more powerful and perhaps intelligent creature.






    The Demons Among Men


    In the beginning,


    Man was borne from the hand of the Creator, and was gifted with a soul to give him definition. The soul, otherwise known as the spirits of mortals, is an ethereal essence that hides in the bosom of all things, ranging from an innate power and potential of a dim glow to a brilliant shine. Mortals were given these Superior Souls, allowing them to function as they do to this day; giving them shape and distinction through an attunement to the blood, and allowing for connections to the eldritch and the beyond to be established and utilized. The mortal races, known as the descendants, were conceived in an image of variety, and thus their souls allow them to achieve endless, glorious things. The nature of discord set upon the mortal world and its denizens allowed them everything and nothing.


    But with disorder comes many things. Through the ages of yore, the pure image of mortalkind has been subject to differing forms of change; Men and their souls have been known to be like clay to beings defined as deities, for by taking hold of their souls they may be shaped into whatever these deities desire. Even Men themselves have devised means to change their very base corporeal makeup; leading to the creation of Liches, Golems, and others in such a spectrum. The descendants, as agents of discord, are thus wholly subject to change.


    But when change comes to them without a master, this nature of disorder runs amok. The fallout of Aengudaemonic wars, the taint of dark magics, the intrusions of the Void; all masterless forms of discord, bringing great change upon those who come to dauntlessly behold it. These things can corrupt mortals; this is known true. Sickness and disease borne of these forces of chaos have been known to plague the world in epochs past. But to truly change Man into something else… such a horror is one that has been replicated in many forms.


    From these sources of discord rose the Inferis. These Inferis are limitless in corporeal form and monstrous in both mind and body, for when they meddled with sources of raw chaotic power it scorched them to such a degree that their bodies, their minds and their very souls were twisted and malformed. These sources of disorder (having been defined before as places like Void-warped or dark art-warped locations; any place with an unguided, extremely hazardous fallout) give the race of Inferis both an extreme, chaotic variation and a singular, defined identity: they are all relatable because they often do not relate. It is their malformations and twisted identities, alongside their savage and feral nature, that define them as Inferis. But it is also their souls that define them as such -- Inferic souls are Superior Souls contorted into something else, something inherently wrong and pulled from the Creator’s design.


    Inferis are robbed of their distinction and definition, and thus are unified through it. They may hail from many places -- they may crawl from the Abyss, where displaced Lifeforce clamors to occupy the living and imbue them with terrible cancers. They may drift from the Stratum Lands, where the Revenants reign free and the Void is one with the world. They may rise from the ashes of the Fallen One, twisted by his flame. Through this unification of disorder, Inferis also follow a loose hierarchy -- it is vile and savage, alluding to the very base nature of life. Inferic Souls are robbed of the brilliant light of Superior Souls; if Superior Souls are embodied by a grand, ethereal light, then Inferic Souls are defined by a tumultuous, uncontrollable flame - exuding both a shadow and a radiance. Thus, regardless of their origin of discord, Inferis often relate with fire. Because of this, they have often been designated as “Daemons” in the past; leading to a confusion as to what they truly are.


    Lesser Inferis


    Entities defined as Lesser Inferis are beings in the infernal hierarchy that are otherwise known as “converts”; all Inferis are first formed by mortal beings being vastly twisted into malformed creatures, and thus Lesser Inferis are essentially determined as malformed mortals. They are limitless in form, savage like blood-drunk beasts, and bear not even the smallest remnants of their former selves; the formation of their Inferic Souls tucks away all humanity into the darkness of their inner flame of disorder.


    But Lesser Inferis may also vary in power, for many entities that bear untainted Superior Souls may be subject to Inferic conversion. It is stated in legends that even dragonkin may be turned into Inferis, though as only High Dragons, or Dragaar, hold untouched Superior Souls, it is unlikely for any dragonkin to suffer the malformations that mortals can be subject to. By becoming what they are, Lesser Inferis are condemned to roam the world as harbingers of chaos, for where-ever they dwell they seek to kill and pillage and destroy without rhyme or reason. They do not search for something - they do not crave some form of satiation from mortal essence, or admire the alluring shine of mortal treasures. Lesser Inferis bring chaos because it is their very nature as agents of discord.


    When a Lesser Inferi dies, their Inferic Souls follow the same path as all other souls, seeking the Soul Stream. But there lies a distant calling to all Lesser Inferis that come to exist; a strange hithering and a need to adhere to it, like a child obeying the call of a father. From the Spiritual Realms, the eldritch Greater Spirits Ixli and Ikuras constantly search for the mark of an Inferi whenever they are created. It is from their Spiritual Planes that they call to Lesser Inferis and, in death, lure their souls toward their ethereal realms of the dead so that they may take these Inferic Souls as minions and servants.


    Once there, Inferi may remanifest in the mortal realm to once again act as anathemas to creation, most generally at the direction of their Immortal masters, though sometimes they may manifest autonomously.


    The natural process of souls is once again subverted by the machinations of the Spiritual Realms. Inferic Souls who do not adhere to the calling of Ixli and Ikuras embrace the Soul Stream only to become one with its desolation; they become what is known as Ragegeists, and are condemned to never pass on into afterlife.




    Greater Inferis


    Once under the reign of the spirits Ixli and Ikuras, Inferic Souls become the unsettling blight known as “Dark Ancestral Spirits”; Inferic Souls are borne of Superior Souls, and because all Ancestral Spirits were borne of Superior Souls, a shadowed antithesis may be formed from Inferic Souls. Dark Ancestral Spirits carry with them the legacy of their tumultuous lifetimes, where they seek to undo all that is right and alive around them. Just as Inferis are hated in life, they are hated in death, for the spiritual denizens of the Ancestral Realm fears them -- they quite literally roam to devour other Ancestral Spirits, though the sheer power of a Greater Ancestral renders them immune to Inferic consumption. By doing this, they are capable of absorbing the very essence of ancestors, and grow in power through this. This nature is viewed as heinous by those of the Ancestral Realms, for while it may be tolerated in other Spiritual Realms, it cannot be where they roam.


    By growing in power, Inferic Souls that once belonged to Lesser Inferis become “Greater”. Through this process, Greater Inferis are borne and are conceived with prominent differences to their lesser brethren. It is very much apparent that Greater Inferis are born with both a heightened form and a heightened mind - no longer savage and contorted, but rather malicious and otherworldly, assuming forms easily identified as “not of this world”. With their minds freed of barbarism, Greater Inferis may therefore experience a recollection of their past lives, but rather use it to their self-serving advantage than to pursue the fragments of their old existence in some melancholy tangent. Greater Inferis are still indeed Inferis - it is in their nature to undo all that exists around them with fury and flame, and the memories of the past are nothing to dissuade this.


    With clearer minds comes greater power. Inferic Souls are merely malformed Superior Souls, so Greater Inferis are capable of practicing differing forms of sorcery. It is often destructive or malicious types of magic they seek to practice, like Pyromancy or Necromancy. The knowledge of such things are often gifted by Ixli, the Spirit of Forbidden Knowledge, before Greater Inferis materialize once more, and without deterrence -- for Greater Inferis have already lost their sanity long ago.


    The primary objective of Greater Inferis is to cultivate more Ancestral Spirits, and by extension create more Inferis from mortal Men. This act of cultivation is done merely by wrecking havoc; which means the focus of Greater Inferis are not unlike their lesser brothers. They roam to destroy and kill so the souls of their victims may drift toward the Spirit Realm and become sustenance for other weaker Dark Ancestral Spirits, so that Ixli and Ikuras may build a more powerful force.


    But this process isn’t so simple. Mighty indeed are Greater and Lesser Inferis alike, but they are quite literally against the world; they are the “antithesis”, where they disregard all mortal alignments and simply exist to bring about discord where there is order. Necromancers terrorize to heighten their arcane power, but often to act as wardens of the dead. Frost Witches devour men in the night, but only to satiate their terrible curse. Tyrants rule with iron fists, but only because they think it is the right thing to do. Inferis disregard all of this - there lies no spectrum on either the good or evil side of things, for they embody chaos, and live to incite it. They are the all-enemy.


    Therefore, the longevity of Greater Inferis is not what it would seem. By fighting all sides, the power of Greater Inferis may easily wane under the assault of allied forces, meaning the duration of Greater Inferis, under the reason and premise of their destructive, malicious nature, should not be too long. It’s even shorter for Lesser Inferis; they are but aggressive animals and savages, and thus quickly dispatched if their inhumanity does not frighten all whom they oppose.


    Mortal Interaction


    Though the vast majority of contact with mortals has resulted in chaos and destruction, there are a fair, malevolent few who have managed to reach out to the Inferis while they wreak havoc in the Ancestral Plane. The bulk of these ne’erdowells have been Dark Shamans, or their successor the Narfurals. They commune with the Inferis in their home as a Lutauman would a normal Ancestral (and as such anyone attempting to contact an Inferi through this method must be a Lutauman, or some form of it), though it is far more difficult due to the Inferis’ erratic nature. Upon connection the Narfural drags the Inferi’s avatar into the mortal realm, much like they do so when summoning spectral thralls.


    Upon a successful summon, a Lesser Inferi will be completely beyond the control of the summoner, and will act as the feral beast they did in life, often attacking their summoner. In the case of Greater Inferis, they may act with more intelligence and may choose to work with their summoner, though only as long as it allows them to better spread the chaos they crave. Results are unpredictable, for whatever malignant deals are made with Greater Inferis (which consist mostly of pacts to prevent the deaths of the conjurers of these Greater Inferis if not to gain something from them) often end in a grim betrayal or an overlooked, unexpected result.


    In the Spirit Realm itself, Inferis will often attack any Lutaumen who's minds may be connecting to the Ancestral Plane. To be 'killed' by the Inferis in their home is a terrible fate - the lack of consciousness in the realm means they become permanently trapped in a vegetative state. In the mortal realm, their eyes will stare but not see, and they will remain still for the rest of their likely short lives.

    However, Lutaumen are also the only beings both mortal and spiritual capable of permanently banishing a Inferi, and they may only do this in the Ancestral Plane. The process is relatively simple, though by no means easy. Likely with the help of mortal accomplices, the Inferi must be restrained by a kind of spiritual net that the Lutauman may craft while in the Spirit Realm. Upon restraint, the Lutauman must make 'physical' contact with the Inferi and utter a rather lengthy chant of banishment. If successful, the Inferi will be cast back out into the Soulstream to become Ragegeists, the Ancestral souls it absorbed freed.


    Extraneous Indications


    *The age of Inferis can be determined by their visage alone - as they relate closely to the chaos of flame, they bear some kind of attunement to its life process; through the ages, Inferis gradually wane as their fury (their “inner-flame”), dwindles, leading to the degradation of their corporeal form much like the culmination of ashes amid a dying flame. Thus, to behold an Inferi where ashes and soot crumble from them like dead flesh is to behold an Inferi of yore. Few Inferis ever rarely live that long, for longevity is not in their nature.


    *Greater Inferis, Lesser Inferis and Dark Ancestral Spirits are purely event tools; they are assets to be used in events and to shape events with. Players may sacrifice their characters to become Inferis, and by extension play as them in events, but otherwise lose rights to their characters after they’ve been converted.


    *Inferic forms and origins are limitless. Only the “fallout of discord”, or essentially an masterless mass of chaotic energies born from a power source great enough for said energies to remain, can create Inferis. The Abyss, Stratum Lands or other lifeless, magically desolated places are all destinations where Inferis may be formed as a result of their magical fallout.


    *Greater Inferis, though they share a title, are not Greater Spirits. They are still technically lesser ancestral spirits, and so may only be seen in the in the ancestral plane and may not bestow some bizarre kind of blessing upon any Lutaumen who would be so foolish as to seek them out.


    *Upon the death of the remanifested Inferis, two things may happen depending on whether they are Lesser or Greater. In the case of the lesser, they lose virtually all their invested power when slain, and so upon their consciousness’s return to the Ancestral Plane they find themselves nigh powerless. They are husks of their former spiritual being, and can barely consume the relatively weak souls of children in order to try regain what was lost. They are more likely, however, to be absorbed by another Inferi or forever obliterated by a Lutauman.

    Greater Inferis are not quite so crippled by their loss. While they are indeed considerably weakened, they are not likely to revert to Lesser status unless already on the threshold.


    Written by: Swgrclan & Hellfiazz

  3. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Buubztik

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: This will be my new main, others have been lost to the ether


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: Like 3 years nearly. Since June 2013.

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: None, anymore

  4. Correct flesh smithing version!!!!


    Flesh smithing is an ancient and vile misfeasance on the body and the spirit. One of the first of the malevolent secrets that Ixli granted to the original Dark Shamans, it has brought corruptions of nature into the world ever since.
    In essence, flesh smithing allows an individual to redesign the physiology of another. A flesh smith can attach a limb of their own twisted creation to a host body, and in the cases of particularly skilled practitioners, even organs such as additional eyes and ears can be embedded in the body. To what ends this is done for varies from flesh smith to flesh smith, but in all cases it is an abhorrent act.
    The process of Flesh Smithing is a rather complex one, but a well versed anatomical artisan can come to create impossible-looking abominations in time. First, the flesh smith finds their victim, or in some bizarre cases a volunteer. Regardless of their initial willingness, the subject must be restrained, as any large movements that are likely to happen can disrupt the process and result in the subject’s premature death. 
    In the case of a limb, flesh smith must then create the limb they are to attach, which is done very similarly to the making of a Muyakelg. The bones, which must be of the same race as the subject, that will make up the bone structure of the limb must be found, and blessed by a day long ritual, coated in a mixture of fine gold dust, dried blood powder and incense oil, and then buried for the night. In the morning they are excavated, and then blessed once more. After that the bones are sewn together with leather made from mortal skin, which again must be of the same race as the subject. The manner in which they are sewn together is up to the discretion of the flesh smith, who may wish to make anything from another arm to a tentacle-like appendage. The limb is then sewn to the subject's body.
    Ironically, the physical flesh smithing of complex organs like eyes is more simple. Because of their complexity the flesh smith cannot possibly hope to replicate them, and so they must be retrieved from a mortal of the same race and preserved. Consequently the flesh smith only needs to bless, coat, and bury the organ rather than designing and making leather to sew it. A shallow cavity must be carved out for the organ which is then placed in it.
    The subject themselves must then be made ready, which is done by a rather odd technique. Connected, as they are, to both realms, the Narfûral is capable of a low level amount of consciousness in both at the same time. The flesh smith, once the prior steps of preparing the location and stitching on the addition have been completed, must move their consciousness between the two realms. As they do so, the victim’s soul must be guided to the spirit realm. This is done by regular Shamans easily enough- With a bit of a spiritual tug from the Farseer, Elementalist or some such, an acquaintance may be dragged along on a pleasant and rather exciting Spirit Walk. Unfortunately, with the Narfûral being somewhat disinclined to making things more pleasant for anyone, it’s not quite so nice. The Shaman brings the spirit into limbo- half in the spirit realm, half in the mortal- and then releases them.
    Though it may sound dangerous, nine times out of ten the spirit will simply drift back to the body it usually resides in; like a stray dog dumped halfway across town, the spirit will slink happily back towards its home and scratch at the proverbial dog flap of the mortal coil. Once it has returned, however, the spirit is still somewhat unsure of its disposition. It is now that the Narfûral strikes. With a harsh tug, the Dark Shaman drags the soul back into its body - Alterations and all. The soul is therefore, in a way, extended to permanently incorporate the new limb, changing the incorporeal “blueprint” that the wilven monks resurrect a mortal from. As with a muyakelg, skinless muscle and sinew will come into being to envelop and attach to the bone structure the flesh smith has created (or nerves and muscle to the organ itself in the case of things like eyes and ears), so that the limb functions as the Narfûral originally desired, albeit a lot less effectively than a natural one would as the machinations of the flesh smith can never be completely perfect. Another result of this is the subject is left in nigh-constant pain, but both the functionality and the pain can be improved by healing by a cleric, monk, Druid or shaman, or any other kind of healer of a magical nature. At this point, the flesh smithing process is complete, and the subject must be left in a completely undisturbed state for several hours before they awake if they are to do so at all. 
    However, the stress on the soul has some rather dire side effects. Such strain is not natural and any mortal cannot withstand it, and so they mentally break, becoming so feral they might as well have the mind of a wolf. Furthermore, after they awake the subject is rather open to suggestion which allows the Narfûral to instil their own role as an “alpha” of sorts, making the subject utterly subservient to them. What was once a mortal being with a life is now nothing more than a mindless creature bound to the will of another, and so has come to be called a Thrall. 

    Flesh Smithing
    *Requires (At the least) a second tier Narfûral who has consumed a minor spirit.
    *Limbs and generally fleshy parts must be of the same race as the owner of the body.
     *This doesn’t apply for exceptionally simple things like the outer ear, the outer nose, nails, teeth and tusks, and so on and so forth.
    *No mixing between people and animals. None.
    *Requires ooc, but not in character, permission. Should there be no consent, the soul will drift off instead of returning to the body, and they’ll die (No PK).
    *The addition can be either numbed or in constant pain- The Narfûral has the choice over this.
    *Clerical or Alchemical healing to restore the old limb is impossible. However, they can both aid in reducing the pain, repairing numbed nerves and making the limb more practical.
    *If it’s an arm or a leg, note that it wouldn’t function perfectly. For the most experienced, a  slight limp would be present, and for the least well versed it would be no better than a wooden attachment.
    *No fine motor skills with grasping appendages, though swinging a mace or hammer is easy enough.
    *Eyes and ears can function up to a point. They will always only be able to perceive poorly, with eyes having at best very blurred vision and ears at maximum having very muffled hearing. Furthermore, eyes cannot function at all if the vision they provide is in directions that are too different from the norm. Ergo eyes in the back of one’s head are strictly for appearances only
    *Narfûrals can’t perform flesh smithing on themselves or other Narfûrals.
    *The victim will always become feral and completely subservient to the Narfûral, with no exceptions.

  5. This lore has been Denied


    - Precedents don't count, especially if there's not been any lore for it. Controlling weather has never been in any druid guide.
    - It's not established that druids communion extends beyond animal and plant control/change. The only spell that doesn't influence a living being directly is blight healing, and even that could be seen as plant healing in some way. The argument that weather is part of nature is pure nonsense; soil and rivers are part of nature and are necessary to life, but it would be ridiculous for Druids to control those.
    - Your attitude is and has been piss-poor. This does matter.
    - Druidism is already is a very versatile and rich magic. It has a plethora of abilities, and there is no need for more.

    - Shamanism can already manipulate the weather in this exact manner.

  6. For those people thinking there's some kind of limit on the amount of creatures, or that we're removing to replace with something the same, that's not entirely correct.


    For a while now there has been a feeling amongst some of the playerbase that the lore of LoTC is kind of over-saturated and that there's too many different kinds of creatures for each one to have any real presence or meaning. It's not a view that I personally necessarily agree with, but it's certainly something I and other LT members would most certainly like to avoid. Consequently there is often a degree of reluctance among many LMs for accepting new creatures, for fear of creating that situation where each creature is devalued by the amount of different kinds. This can lead to a few quite good creature lore pieces being passed up which is a real shame, and I recognise that this might be a flaw but it's the result of that stigma. Hopefully the removal of these creatures, which we and other members of staff felt are some of the more inactive player groups and some of the more distasteful (for lack of a better word) creatures (this isn't all of the ones removed), will mean that that stigma can be moved past and some decent ideas that might otherwise be denied can have their shot.


    Also for the members of these removed player groups, remember that if you feel your character is important and well-constructed and deserves to continue to exist, you can make their case to Arzota or Supremacy. Your old creature characters needn't go gentle into that good night yet folks.

  7. All the subtypes of evocation, Druidism, shamanism and Muun'trivazja are functionally identical in their mechanism. There are others I'm sure. There is no RP grounds for this limit.

    Limiting the amount of teachers will not break up cliques or spread magic, how can it possibly do so when people become less able to actually teach. There is no OOC grounds for this limit.

  8. QGBYXFi.jpg?1

    The Gothic Tribes of Skrælinge

    At first the lands of Maine had been strange to the settlers, who had fled the increasingly barren and dying island that had been their home, Ísland, in a great weeks-long exodus upon a huge fleet led by the High Gothi, that cost many lives to take. By the time they landed upon the relatively balmy shores of North America, they had lost a good fifth of the population in the exodus and though almost alien to them, the settlers saw firm ground after weeks at sea as nothing less than a divine blessing. It is no surprise then that these settlers fought tooth and nail with the native inhabitants of Maine, known to the settlers as Skrælinge, and came out victorious. The Íslendingar chose not to massacre the sane human inhabitants, instead integrating them, but a bloody slaughter was carried out on the crazed and the mutated and the ghoulish, leaving none to tell the tale. The remaining humans were somewhat grateful that what had been an endless battle with the now dead inhumans, and begrudgingly accepted Íslendingar rule and their odd tech-worshipping religion. There had been peace in Maine and for the Íslendingar for the first time in a long time.

    This was 25 years ago. Since then, the natives and the Íslendingar have become far closer and the events 25 years prior are remembered by both peoples, which were steadily becoming one, as a war that changed the fate of both for the better. In fact, there are not many Mainers or Íslendingar who call themselves such any more; most now refer to themselves as Skrælingjar. The population has grown at a healthy rate to around 200,000, many of the children born of mixed heritage. The effective capital of Rokkland boasts the bulk of that at around 60,000 inhabitants, with the remaining 140,000 spread about the many tribes in Skrælinge, each one led by a Gothi, a tech-priest of sorts, who directly answers to the High Gothi. In this time the Skrælingjar had even managed to strengthen their grip on the North American coast to the extent of siezing Cape Cod and Nantucket, and vassalising the Vineyard Whalers of Martha's Vineyard.


    The land military is quite large, at roughly 6,000 Icelandic warriors, armed with axes, shields, and submachine guns or assault rifes (mostly the former), and 4,500 Mainer light infantry, who mostly field rifles and shortswords. The navy, though a shadow of the fleet that brought the Íslendingar to Skrælinge, which was mostly cannibalised for settlement, has around 20 Skeid-class longships, which though are in need of minor repair, remain able to navigate many miles off the eastern seaboard without threat from the sea's irradiated nature, though the creatures of the deep and the mega-storms still make it treacherous indeed. To man these vessels are 1,500 Icelandic marines/sailors who wield axes and 9mm pistols, with a few submachine guns per ship. Each ship is also mounted with a 50. cal machine gun to the bow and the stern, which is mostly to defend against sea creatures but would certainly be able to do damage against any more cognizant threats.

    Land Military: Total 10,500

    Icelandic Warriors: 6,000 - Axe/Shield/70:30 submachine:assault rifle

    Mainer Light Infantry: Shortswords/Rifles

    Naval Assets:

    Skeid-class Longships: 20 - Fitted to withstand radiation and outfitted with 2 50. machine guns each

    Icelandic Marines/Sailors: 1,500 - Axe/90:10 9mm:submachine

    The first thing the High Gothi orders is the expansion into and scouting of the lands that border Skraelinge. In order to connect the southern holdings with the main host of Skraelinge, the expansion is ordered primarily along the coast, into what used to be the counties of Strafford and Rockingham. The scouts are sent to the more unknown lands to the west of Skraelinge, into what used to be the counties of Coos, Carroll, Belknap, Grafton, and Essex, mainly in hopes of discovering resources, especially precious metal. ((MOD REQUIRED))


     The power station in the south of Skraelinge had sat dormant for far too long, the High Gothi had decided. He sent out several of his most experienced Gothi to the power station in order to see if there was any way it could be restored and renovated in order to generate power for Skraelinge. ((MOD REQUIRED))

    2 longships, fully crewed and complemented, set sail southward and begin travelling along the eastern seaboard's coast. The primary aim of the voyage is to discover and make contact with any other nations or communities that lie on the coast. ((MOD REQUIRED))

  9. Forum Name (Stupid question, I know, but just answer :P): hellfiazz

    Have you read the rules?: Yep

    Type of Faction/Nation-State (Tribal, post-vault, survivor community, feudalistic, gang, etc.):Tribal colony

    Landed or Unlanded/Lands influenced (Factions start with one county, nation states up to three with a single town/city at their center. Please specify lands chosen on the map. If nomadic or unlanded, circle the general area that you roam or are based within): Landed, cracker already drew up my lands

    Race (Human, Mutant, Ghoul, or other): Human

    Description of Faction/Nation-State: The Gothic Tribes of Skrælinge

    Originating as the colonial venture of some neo-Norse technotheocrats from what was once Iceland, the Gothic Tribes of Skrælinge has grown to become a sovereign nation in their own right. The Tribes are led by a single man, the Vélfathir, or Machine Father, the effect High Priest of the technological cult that leads the people of Skræelinge in both faith and state. The faith itself comes from a mix of ancient Norse mythology, Catholicism, and the veneration of all things technological as blessings from the Málmguthir who watch over the Earth from Málmheim.

    Their resurgent Norse ways and the cruel world that came after nuclear war have brought the people of Skrælinge to value raiding as both a cultural and financial necessity. Though willing to use and recognise the utility of diplomatic bargain, they will never shy from aggression and warfare to protect and further themselves.

    Join the Skype Chat? (If yes, provide Skype name here or in PMs: already there

    What is the Secret Password?: Andrewtech Almighty

  10. Frederick I "Barbarossa" Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, Italy, and Burgundy, and Duke of Swabia


    The news from France weighed heavy on Frederick's mind. It seemed he had entered into the agreement right before his help would be asked for. No matter, he had agreed to assist King Louis in front of God and Man, and so he would oblige. He sends for his feudal vassals to start raising the levy, and starts raising his own. ((MODAROOOO))

    Pisa's counter-offer of a trade partnership is less than what Frederick wanted, but he had known it was unlikely that they would accept straight away, and so it is accepted.

    Frederick accepts Denmark's terms of embargo upon Sweden and Norway, but the demand for Hamburg is met with a counter-offer. In exchange for the castle, Denmark would be requested to join in the war against England. They are pressured with the information that the war would involve two of their main rivals, England and Norway, and that both seek to expand their influence on the continent. A victory in this war would drastically reduce the prestige and power of both, and with several strong nations already involved against England, this was a very good chance for them to attain a victory over them. ((MOD PLEASE))

    An Imperial Decree that would state that the North German states on the coast were to also embargo the Swedes and Norwegians. In return for the marginal loss of potential trade partners, which wouldn't be great as neither Sweden or Norway aren't particularly rich in resources or money, they are given access to trade with the entire Empire, as well as the Emperor's own trading allies, both of which included the lands of northern Italy which were bastions of mercantile affairs. ((MOD PLEASE))

    The Princes of Lombardy and Lower Lorraine, both allies to the Emperor, are also requested to join the war against England. Lower Lorraine is pressured with the fact that the only state lying between them and the clearly expansionist England is France, and that if the French were defeated then the English would no doubt seek to expand into the western lands of the Empire. ((MOD PLEASE))

    The Pope's envoy to Frederick is gracefully accepted into Frederick's court and upon request for a private audience with the Emperor, is granted it. The two talk for a good couple of hours, and both emerge looking somewhat pleased with themselves. A message is sent to the Pope saying he will arrive shortly and that he will be arriving at Rome shortly, and giving his assent to try and succeed in all three of his requests.

    Envoys are sent to England and France, asking both to try and reconcile their differences at a summit. The summit would be held in Rome and be chaired by God's Regent, Pope Alexander III, ensuring a truly neutral mediator. They are given advice that a peaceful outcome to such a conflict would be far more preferable than spending the lives of their young men and the gold from their coffers.

  11. Frederick I "Barbarossa" Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, Italy, and Burgundy, and Duke of Swabia


    The situation, both long-term and short-term, in the Empire troubled Frederick I greatly. Only 40 years earlier one of his predecessors, Henry IV, had come to blows with Pope Gregory VII in the Investiture Controversy, and had damaged the status and power of the Holy Roman Emperor over his church, and by extension as a whole. Frederick had to resolve this, and so he set about doing so.

    Only a few months prior, the Roland of Siena had been chosen as the successor to Adrian IV as Pope and had taken the name Alexander III. However, many of the Cardinals, and Frederick himself, had been backing the priest Octavian. Frederick had installed Octavian as Antipope, who promptly took the name Victor IV, and had so far enjoyed the support of almost every one of the catholic kings of Europe, excluding the Iberian Kingdoms and Sicily. However, the situation was going nowhere and already support for the Antipope was beginning to wane. It was likely that the Antipope would not succeed, but that did not mean that Frederick could not still play the situation to his advantage.

    A diplomat is dispatched to Rome, carrying a letter for Alexander III.

     "To His Holiness Alexander III, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop of Rome, Sovereign of the Papal States, and Servant of the Servants of God,

    It is to His Imperial Majesty's great dismay that there has been conflict between the Emperor and the Papacy. Back in the times of His Imperial Majesty Charles I The Great and His Holiness Pope Leo III these two offices were seen as inseparable, intertwined by the grace of God Himself. It is deeply saddening to see that over the centuries this relationship has deteriorated into what is often a bitter and cold stand-off. The Emperor of the Romans and the Bishop of Rome should not be enemies, it is not the way of true way of things.

    Not five years ago did His Imperial Majesty subdue the traitorous forces of the Commune of Rome who attempted to wrest control of the seat of the Papacy from His Holiness Adrian IV, and then go onto to further subdue a riot in Rome. His Imperial Majesty fully wishes for the institution of the Papacy to prosper and maintain its status within Christendom, sees no reason why the same assistance He gave to His Holiness Adrian IV should not be offered to his most esteemed predecessor.

    It is therefore the goal of His Imperial Majesty to set about repairing these relations, and moving towards making the relationship between Pope and Emperor co-operative for the good of Christendom, rather than competitive for the good of either's power and ego. In order to attempt to do this, His Imperial Majesty Frederick I will personally come to Rome and declare His recognition of His Holiness Alexander III as the one true Vicar of God and Bishop of Rome, and to denounce the Cardinal-Priest Octavian as an impostor and a danger to the Ecclesiarchy, and will do all in His power to see to it that the other Catholic rulers of Europe do the same, especially in the instance of His imperial subjects.

    In exchange for this, His Imperial Majesty hopes that His Holiness will return unto Him A) the prerogative of presence, B) the prerogative of resolution of disputes, and C) the prerogative of investiture by the sceptre in episcopal elections in His Kingdoms of Burgundy and Italy. These were vital rights afforded to the Emperor in the past, and have been taken away as a result of a massive misunderstanding between our predecessors many decades ago, a misunderstanding that no longer exists between ourselves and will hopefully be forgotten in the name of the future of Christendom in Europe, and a long-lasting partnership between His Holiness and His Imperial Majesty.

    Yours in Faith and forever,

    His Imperial Majesty Frederick I Hohenstaufen, First of His name, Emperor of the Romans, King of Germany, King of Italy, and King of Burgundy, and Duke of Swabia"


    Frederick did dearly hope that the Pope would see the sense in his words. With matters of the church addressed, Frederick sought to solve matters of the Empire. The two main threats to his rule were Southern Bavaria, or the Duchy of Austria and Northern Bavaria, or the Duchy of Saxony, and so they were to be the main considerations when deciding upon allies.

    An offer of alliance is submitted to the Kingdom of Denmark's King, Valdemar I, who had stabilised and rebuilt the country after a series of brutal civil wars. They would prove useful against the Saxons, and were quickly becoming an emergent trade and military power in northern Europe. ((MOD REQUIRED))

    Another offer of alliance is also sent to the Duke Henry of Laach of Lower Lorraine. They were both an elector and a relatively powerful prince within the Empire, and it was important to maintain good relations with them in order to keep a hold over the Empire and to defend against any internal threats. ((MOD REQUIRED))

    The French ambassadors are accepted with open arms, and talks begin between them and Frederick.


    In a somewhat more aggressive manoeuvre, a letter is sent to Genoa and given to Doge Fortuanto:

    "To the Serene Doge Ezio Fortuanto of Genova and Liguria,

    His Imperial Majesty sees the prosperity and proliferation of Genova, and is truly taken aback. To go from a single merchant port to an influential trade power that spans the Mediterranean in a mere 100 years is a truly astounding achievement, and does credit the Doges of the fair city of Genova, including yourself.

    It is for this reason that His Imperial Majesty would like to extend His protection over the Serene Republic. There are many out there who would seek to put an end to the beauty of Genova out of envy or greed. To name a few, the Almohands, the Sicilians, the Venetians and Pisans, and even the Aragonese. Almost all of them look across the seas of the Mediterranean and behold the majesty of Genova, and wish to have it for themselves.

    Therefore, His Imperial Majesty formally offers an invitation of induction into the Holy Roman Empire, with the Serene Doge being offered the special title of Erhabenprinz, or Illustrious Prince, and Genova and Liguria being an Imperial State, affording it special rights and privileges that most do not have. Most importantly, however, is the protection of the Emperor, the Empire and His Imperial Majesty's allies both within and without the Empire.

    In exchange for this, His Imperial Majesty would require a tax on the Genoese trade and production profits of 25%, and also to be allowed the use of Genoese shipwrights and drydocks should He require such a service. The former is of course negotiable, but as He sees it, this is a generous offer for the things He offers in return, which is an effective immunity to any foreign aggression and threat, and more, which will allow your Serene Republic to concentrate on prosperity rather than protection.

    Yours most sincerely,

    His Imperial Majesty Frederick I Hohenstaufen, First of His name, Emperor of the Romans, King of Germany, King of Italy, and King of Burgundy, and Duke of Swabia"

    A similar letter is sent to the Pisan Doge, though with terminology replaced to suit Pisan interests rather than Genoan. ((MOD REQUIRED))

    A great many missionaries are dispatched to the north-east of the Empire to try and consolidate Catholicism's presence in the region. Some elements of paganism remain, and a show of religious force from the Emperor could help build relations with the local ecclesiarchy and the Pope. ((MOD REQUIRED))

    The Duchy of Swabia


    Within Frederick's own realm, there were a few matters he wanted addressed. 

    Firstly, a greater number of vineyards are ordered to be constructed. The vineyards of Blaubeuren Abbey that had been gifted to them had so far been quite successful in producing quality vintage, and more importantly, generating revenue. They seemed like a good investment to Frederick, and could put a bit more coin in his coffers.


    Frederick had also noted the building of the so-called "Universities" in Bologna and Oxford. They were places where learned and famed scholars could both share ideas, and pass them onto to the youth, propagating learning, research and culture. Though Bologna was in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick's own realm did not possess one. Seeking to build Swabia up as a centre for German culture that would increase his influence and prestige, the construction of a university in Stuttgart, chosen as it was one of the largest cities in Swabia, is begun. Scholars, theologians, and natural philosophers from across the Empire are invited to come and be a part of the University.

  12. Forum Name: hellfiazz
    Skype Name: hellfiazz
    Realm/Holding (Please research your choice so that you actually know how to play it): The Duchy of Swabia
    Interesting Fact about your Realm: Under the reign of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, many German princes began to colonise Poland and duchies such as Pomerania, Bohemia, and Moravia were absorbed into the Empire, but he was killed during the Third Crusade. 
    Dynasty: Hohenstaufen.
    Did you read the rules: What kind of idiot reads rules, of course I didn't.
    Brief Rp paragraph to get a feel for how well you can rp said nation:

    Frederick I "Barbarossa" Hohenstaufen sat upon his throne, a troubled look on his face. To rule any empire was a burden few could bear whilst retaining some semblance of order in their realm and their mind, but the Holy Roman Empire was one unlike any other. With over a thousandfold ambitious Princes, each seeking to advance themselves and their realms in the Empire, the job of Emperor was only enviable to those that did not fully know what it entailed.

    Still, Frederick was a determined and strong-willed man. Many an Emperor had failed before him to hold their influence over the Princes and their power was slowly reduced over their lives. Frederick swore to himself and all he knew that he would not fail.

    The Princes would be made to submit to his rule, and those foreigners without the Empire would learn to fear him.

  13. This lore has been [Denied]

    It seems like something that wouldn't really be used, and that if it could it could already potentially be done with void nodes. Additionally it's not really explained why they have the effect they have, and the effect itself could possibly be less specific than only affecting mages positively and druids negatively.

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