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Posts posted by Dougstalicious

  1. A murderer labeled a psychopath is only labeled such due to his lack of remorse for his actions, which stems from his inability to be empathetic(fully understanding someone's emotions).



    Anyway, my personal opinion on if the death penalty is humane method of punishment:



    I would not consider the death penalty as humane or as a punishment. I honestly have no idea what the term humane even means, are you asking if it's moral? That depends on how you value human life. The death penalty is not a punishment, it is a solution, it is justice for their crime.



    The death penalty should only be considered for the most violent and savage murders, such as those who show absolutely no genuine remorse, those who tortured their victims, those who planned the act beforehand, those who committed mass murder, and those who murdered children. However if any of the evidence is questionable then he would receive his normal sentence.


    If the criminal meets one or more of these conditions then it is up to the judge and jury to decide his fate.


    The criminal would then choose his method of execution and have the option of having a final meal.



    I'll rephrase the question now.


    Is the death penalty a moral solution when dealing with the most savage criminals? In my opinion, yes.

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