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Posts posted by MrWizardGorlock

  1. Aerion feels awful from the grave, wishing he could have helped, wishing he could have saved her and spent the days with her. Sadly forks are always found and life, and the one that passed was a necessity. She will be mourned for the rest of time.

  2. *A bird arrives with a letter, it drops it into your hands and flies off to the nearest aviary


    The letter reads:


    What is your Minecraft username? MrWizardGorlock
    Do you have Skype? Yes
    If so, what is your skype username (you can send me it via PM)? I will PM the info when contacted.
    How many characters do you have? 3, but I only play him really now, occasionally Aerion when I get bored, which is almost never.
    You will need a VA eventually to be apart of this organisation. Are you willing to get one in the future? Yes if it comes to that. I am a Kha after all.

    "Name: Ko'Da'Ri
    Age: 16
    Race: Kha'Pantera
    What position are you applying for (merchant, worker or guard)? Merchant
    What experience do you have in this position? Plenty, Da'Ri is a Ko' which means merchant, I own a shop in Malinor that is getting off fairly well, but Da'Ri lacks a supply train to get supplies.
    Why should we accept you? Da'Ri is very good when it comes to selling, and loyal too. I will serve you well in Malinor and could also bring many skills to the table.

  3. What is your name?: Do'Kuta'Da'Ri


    What is your age?: 16


    What is your race?: Kha'Pantera


    What is your favorite color?: Black


    ((OOC INFO))

    Username: MrWizardGorlock


    Skype (if you have one): PM me your username and I will add you.


    Will you be an active member?: Yes, I am a very active player.

  4.   IC                               

    What is your name?: Aymer Wilkins


    Do you have any previous military/combat experience?: Yes, I am also part of the Militia


    Why should we recruit you?: I can fight, I am a medic, and my brother is Adelmar Wilkins and can side for me.


    What is your preferred weapon?: Short Sword, but I have training with daggers, bows, and normal swords.


         Do you currently own a home in Abresi?:   Yes, with my brother



    Are you aware of the laws of Abresi?: Yes I do hereafter understand all rules and laws in the Abresi edicts.





    Minecraft Name: MrWizardGorlock


    How long have you been on the server for?: About 3 Months


    Do you have access to TS and/or Skype?: Both


    If you have Skype, what is your name? : I will pm upon request.

    (Feel free to PM me)


    Roughly, how active can you be: Very Active on for several hours everyday, and this is becoming my main char.


    Have you been banned before, if so, why: Yes I logged out during a fight because the other party wouldn't let me type that I needed to eat dinner. I did speak thereafter with ember and he understood.

  5. "Thank the creator brother! Finally, I have been so anxious! Perhaps now I can finally start seriously considering marriage with a fine lass." smiles and chants with his family, thinking of all the pretty woman in Abresi that he will try to court.

  6. 1. IGN: MrWizardGorlock
    2. Skin (Your choice): Will make one once I am given a bio~ I am good with skins though as I do it for people on a website I made.
    3. Which character are you applying for: Aymer Wilkins
    4. Why do you want to become a family member: I love family rp, and I would like to say I am good at it, as it is what I try to strive for with my characters.
    5. How long have you been playing LOTC: A few months
    6. Are you willing to make your own sort of Bio for your character or do you want a pre-made one? I would like one made so it fits the story you want to portray with the family as I know sometimes it can go better that way. But I can add details.
    7. Bio (If your making your own.): I would like him to be a very kind and charitable man, maybe between the ages of 15-17. He is very religious and honors his family above all. Anything else I will let you direct. :)
  7. *posters hang all around the city of Malinor


    Looking for land In the city, that I can build on!


    Decent plot, can be in a tree, preferably cheap


    I will be building a building to teach my fellow friends, and those in search of happiness alike.


    Donations to this are appreciated as well.


    Please send me a bird if you have a plot available or know of one.



  8. OOC:
    MC Name: MrWizardGorlock
    Skype Name (may be sent via PM’s): tannerpaget13
    Agreement to Follow Server Rules: I agree
    Links to VA, both accepted and denied (Va’s are not required for the guild): N/A
    Links to MA, both accepted and denied (Ma's Are not required for the guild): N/A
    RP Name: Ker'Athri Yuln
    Race: Dark Elf
    Age: 413
    Short Biography: I am the last of my family, all were slaughtered by High elves in a diplomatic dispute. I was not present during this accident and so am the last. My name means Night Serpent and am quite good with Hand to Hand. I am a worshipper of the moon, and was recruited by the Ambassador.
    Talents/Skills: Hand to Hand combat
    Loyalties(where/whom are you loyal to): Malinor, Any and all dark elves.
    Moral Boundaries: Honor is quite important to me, as well as he helps any and all peaceful races.
    Reasons why your character may want to join the Order: I see this as a chance to lead my family to a great accomplishment. I wants to teach the the new recruits, and be a dedicant.
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