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  1. Dear Femurlord, I am sorry I don't have the guts to say this in person, but its also your fault for gaslighting and harassing me for so long that speaking to you literally causes me PTSD so bad that I needed to go to therapy. Im going to put it all out here, to stop you from hurting anyone else. You're a narcissist. There, I said it. I just wanted to play a necromancer, but whenever I tried to roleplay, you and your gang of homophobic thugs targeted me for my characters sexual preferences. Im sick of you and people like you gatekeeping the magic and ruining it for everyone else who doesnt want to go along with your interpretation of necromancy. we should not be HELD HOSTAGE by people like you who want to push everyone else out so you and your goons can feel special. Its 22024 and the fact that staff havent taken a stand against people like you is what is exsactly wrong with this server and the world in general. Maybe we could get less ST pushing through dogwhistle amendents targeted at players and more actual community feedback incorporated into the future of this server.






    Im glad youre pked

    Edited by Lojo613
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    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      we should ban this guy he sounds like a really bad guy

    3. framalam
    4. TheBigBubbles


      Laeonathan... you poor sweet boy.

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