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Posts posted by lawnmowerman



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    U have it.





    What staff team are you applying for?

    • World


    What skills can you apply in your role as Staff?

    I've got years of experience with building on this server that I'd like to invest into the new map. Some time has passed and I'm eager to see if I've still got it.


    What is one thing you would want to change?

    It'd be unfair of me to criticize the current state of the map and server since I only came back a few days ago. New map looks promising, and I see a lot of potential for some event areas to offer to the player-base.


    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you.



    Attach any relevant media or links you want to share. (Portfolio)





    Writ of Abdication, 1781


    We live in chaotic times, when Demons tear through the veil, the world spins on and yet we remain the same. I never wanted nor expected to inherit my position. I wanted for sea, and so in good health and of able mind, I hereby abdicate my title as Duke of Cathalon to my brother; The Rt Hon. Richard Victor Helvets, before taking my leave once more for the open ocean.



    HG Robert Castor Helvets









    Penned by the Grand Knight Ser Bruno de Capua,

    7th of Owyn’s Flame, 1726



    “A great battle is a terrible thing, but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”

    Emperor John III Owyn to his vassals in the days leading up to the Battle of Atlay, circa 1579






    By the command of the Grand Knight of the Empire, all the gentry of the realms of Man are to report to the Imperial City, where their rank shall be reaffirmed if found duly awarded, or their mettle tested should it come into question. Their knowledge of the Knightly Code of Chivalry, their chivalric deeds, and their abilities in both combat and literacy shall then be acknowledged and their assignments by the Imperial Crown granted.



    “Let God test my strength, but may no man question my resolve.”

    Ser Frederick ‘the Red’ Baden on the first day of the Siege of Helena.







    Name (and House if applicable):

    Degree of Knighthood (Squire, Knight Errant, Knight): 


    Liege Lord:

    Date of Accolade (if possible):

    Chapter/Order (if applicable):




    “You must understand, Savoyard. You don’t betray men like us.” 

    Ser Michael ‘the Aengul’ Hightower to Alistair Ashes as he gouged out his eyes, circa 1577.



    This we proclaim for the furtherance of Our Commonwealth, 

    Upon the day of our Lord GOD, 

    7th of Owyn’s Flame, 1726



    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena


    His Imperial Excellency, Ser Bruno de Capua, Grand Knight of the Holy Orenian Empire






    Penned by the Grand Knight Ser Bruno de Capua,

    6th of Owyn’s Flame, 1726





    “Knighthood lies above eternity - it doesn’t live off fame, but rather deeds.” 

     Sariant Knight Eldak Songsteel, circa 1426





        Wherein orders prior has established the importance of Imperial Knights as a militant wing of the Legion, the Knights of the Realm serve a less utilitarian and greater diversity of purpose. They act as beacons of individual faith and zeal, displaying the best of GOD’s people. In this pursuit, their duties are tied to the health and wellbeing of the Empire’s many realms; serving as adjutants and assistants to the enforcers of law, maintaining the Pax Orenia and punishing those who would violate it by assaulting imperial citizens.


        In that same breath, the appointments and chapters of Knights are held to regional account; the elder and fragmented orders individual to the realms are given the opportunity to fully integrate themselves into the new Imperial initiative as officiated chapters, being afforded the bonuses and honors afforded any standing member of the Knights of the Realm. It remains the goal, both of Grand Knight and the Knights of the Realm, to ensure a unity of purpose and a restoration of regality to the venerable title of Ser.



    “Those of you who are last will soon be first. And those of you who are downtrodden will rise up.” 

    Ser Michael ‘the Aengul’ Hightower during the battle of Dogger’s Bay, circa 1557






    A Knight of the Realm shall be loyal to his liege both in thought and in practice. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall at all times keep the faith. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall uphold and preserve the tenants of the Canon.

    A Knight of the Realm shall live by honour and for glory.

    A Knight of the Realm shall guard the honour of fellow Knights. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall serve his liege lord valorously and with conviction. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall persevere to the end in any quest begun. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall never turn their back upon a foe. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall refrain from the wanton violence. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall never refuse the challenge of a duel from an equal or superior.

    A Knight of the Realm shall respect those placed in authority. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall abstain from deceit and treason. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall never draw his blade upon a fellow Knight in unlawful combat. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall be vigilant and show courage in the face of evil. 

    A Knight of the Realm shall at all times speak honestly.

    A Knight of the Realm shall seek to guard the weak and downtrodden from injustice.



    “There is hell, soldiers, and there is another place below hell.” 

    Ser Leopold the Pure defending Death’s End, circa 1590





        The most meritorious titles in the Empire duly require the most effort and commitment. Collected Knights of the Empire are primarily responsible for the selection of potential candidates, laying claim to their own trainees under the title of Squire in early adolescence and later Knight-Errant. There are, however, a number of regulations and formal trials precipitating the acquisition of a formal Knighthood; the standing Grand Knight retains a number of strenuous duties that test the virtuosity and adherence to the values of the Lord God and the principles of Chivalry.


    After being chosen eligible, squires and knights alike are given various tasks and questions, testing the many virtues of chivalry. The path begins as a squire, then Knight-Errant, and ends at Knight of the Realm.



    “Men win wars, not magic tricks.” 

    Ser Vitallius ‘the Bastard’ de Capua to Avenel Synalli, circa 1549





    - A pure human of up to three generations.

    - A man of sturdy stock and constitution.

    - A baptized Canonist.

    - Must not be a convicted felon, unless appealed by a lawyer



    “You kill a soldier, and a thousand others will take his place. You kill their leader, their god - you drive a stake right through their ******* hearts.” 

    Ser Berengar ‘the White’ Helvets to Milton Lowedge, 1594.





        As the most virtuous and martially inclined are rewarded for leal service to decency and the defense of the Emperor’s peace, so too are the greatest and most astutely harnessed minds of its people granted the title of Sir, or Dame. This is considered to be among the highest of civilian honors.


    The diplomats, cabinet officials, the aesthetically talented and the great auteurs of art in theater and literature are all afforded the possibility of titular knighthoods; though that is not to say awards to such are common, as the title demands a quality of character no different from that of the Empire’s martial knights. All bestowed with the titular title of Sir or Dame are expected to uphold the virtues of chivalry and live a faithful life much like their combative counterparts.



    “Some men lust for women, others lust for coin, but I only lust to please God.” 

    Holy Ser Farley Harenthor to Lucienist acolytes, circa 1649.





    - A Knight of the Realm is bestowed the title of Ser, in address and signature.

    - A Knight of the Realm and their immediate family are elevated to the status of gentry.

    - A Knight of the Realm is in right to bear a coat of arms if independent. If enlisted in the retinue of a liege lord, the Knight will don the lord’s uniform, and do so with pride.

    - A Knight of the Realm, upon death, is graced with a tomb and portrait of his person within the Imperial City.

    - A Knight of the Realm may be bestowed a titular moniker upon completing a chivalrous act, to be deemed fit by the Emperor or the Grand Knight.



    “You are behaving like a ******* child, Maxwell. This is a man’s world!” 

     Ser Ulric ‘the Pilgrim’ von Aesterwald during a Westerland patrol, circa 1589





    - A Knight of the Realm must submit to the precepts of the Catechism of the Canonist Church, and uphold it wherever they are in the Holy Orenian Empire.

    - A Knight of the Realm must submit to Imperial Law, and enforce it wherever they are in the Holy Orenian Empire.

    - A Knight of the Realm must acknowledge the Law of the Land, and enforce it if needed or called upon wherever they are in the Holy Orenian Empire.

    - A Knight of the Realm is to answer a call to arms by their liege or the Emperor wherever they may be.

    - A Knight of the Realm is assigned a strategically significant holding to maintain, from where they are to defend the borders of the Holy Orenian Empire and report any threats to the Imperial Fieldmarshal.

    - A Knight is not a direct enforcer of the crown, but rather an enforcer of Canonist virtues and chivalric ideals.



    “They say a dwarf talks of bravery like a fish talks of flying.” 

     Ser Vulpes Roke, circa 1488





        The Rule of Pius, repurposed by Ser Bruno de Capua, 19th of Owyn’s Flame, 1726.


    I. On the Conduct of Imperial Knights

        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire are expected to know how to address their peers, clergymen and local liege lords. Additionally, Knights are expected to act with honour, in tandem with the Chivalric Code, in any and all given circumstances.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire are expected to be in good fitness and health and ensure that their mental state is not impaired whilst in the Public Domain. As such, Imperial Knights are expected to refrain from becoming publicly intoxicated upon liquors, Uruk herbs or hallucinogens.


    II. On the Dress of Imperial Knights

            Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire, by decree of his Imperial Majesty, are expected to remain armed and armored at all times whilst present within Imperial ceremony or the presence of their liege-lord as well as while partaking in any quests delegated by the Grand Knight. In tandem, Imperial Knights are afforded the right to don the colors and sigil of their House, Liege or Circle, unless they are enlisted in a military.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire, whilst in armor, are expected to upkeep their spurs as to ensure that they remain in good quality. Imperial Knights shall refrain from wearing pointed sabatons, shoes and shoelaces as they indicate pagan tradition and beliefs. Should a Knight be without an adequate suit of plate due to damage, it shall be provisioned unto him by the Grand Knight until it can be repaired.


        III. On the Elderly, Ill and Infirm Knights

        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire who are above the age of sixty shall be considered Elderly. Elderly Knights shall be afforded the option of continued servitude or retirement. Elderly Knights shall retain their titles even into retirement, as well as the benefits that the Order provisions unto them. Elderly Knights also shall receive a portrait of their person within the Imperial Palace.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire who are afflicted by viral pathogen or affliction shall be considered Ill. Ill Knights shall immediately be given leave ordered to remain within relative quarantine. Pathogens that result in illness are contagious and may threaten the lives of a Knight’s peer, and more importantly, the life of the Emperor. An Ill Knight shall remain in relative quarantine until deemed able and healthy by an Imperial Physician.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire who are physically unable to conduct their Knightly duties shall be considered Infirm. Infirm Knights, if permanently physically impaired as a result of combat, shall be permitted the option of retirement. In the case of the loss of limb, an infirm Knight is expected to acquire prosthetics and persevere through their disability. Infirm Knights, who are deemed infirm as a result of personal choice (slothfulness, feeble-mindedness, et cetera.), shall be blackmarked.


        IV. On the Completion of Knightly Quests

        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire shall undertake a plethora of quests in order to increase their Degree of Knighthood. Quests are tasks and or missions prescribed by the Emperor, the Grand Knight, or other Feudal Lords. It should be the goal of every Knight to uptake quests for the sake of honour and glory.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire shall receive accreditation for the completion of quests. Should an Imperial Knight wish to advance to a higher Degree of Knighthood, they may provide evidence of quest completion in order to elevate their status. 


    The First Degree of Knighthood, a Squire, requires
    ZERO Quest Credations. If a man is above the age of eighteen, he will begin as a Knight-Errant.   

    The Second Degree of Knighthood, a Knight-Errant, requires
    FOURTEEN Quest Credations.    

    The Third Degree of Knighthood, a Knight of the Realm requires
    TWENTY-EIGHT Quest Credations.        


        V. On the Formation of Knightly Chapters and Circles

        The highest authority of Knights in the Holy Orenian Empire is his Imperial Majesty, and under him the Grand Knight.


        “Knightly Chapters” will be defined as an Organization of Knights operated by a single Master alongside a Uniform, Chivalric Code, and Holdings; Chapters tend to be formal. 


    “Knightly Circles” will be defined as a loose group of Knights who chose the same Patron Saint. Circles offer the option to unite knights all across the realm to conduct specialized tasks; Circles tend to be informal. 


        “Formal” associations will be defined as associations of Knights with lawful jurisdiction in an area greater than their own holding. “Informal” associations will be defined as any other association, such as a gentlemen's club.


        Knightly Chapters beneath the Empire shall be afforded the right to don seperate Colours, Sigils and Rank Structure, at their own leisure.


        Though each Chapter/Circle of Knights may have their own codes of conduct, all are subject to the rules and regulations of the Office of the Grand Knight.


        Each Kingdom within the Empire has the right to form their own knightly chapter. Kings must submit a Knight Commander to the Grand Knight to be audited. Upon confirmation the Knight Commander will be tasked with leading the chapter and maintaining a functional chain of command. Each chapter will be under the direct authority of the Grand Knight, and may be called up for military service at his or the Emperor’s behest.


        VI. On the Blackmarking of Knights

        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire are expected to act respectfully and within the Guidelines of the Office of the Grand Knight. However, time to time, some Imperial Knights will ignore such regulations put in place to keep them in the grace of GOD and his Empire. Therefore, misconduct is a bad omen to one’s peers and becomes a disastrous precedent to be left unchecked. Hence, the implementation of Blackmarking.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire who have been blackmarked have been found committing a grievance beyond repair in the eyes of the Emperor and Grand Knight, the latter of whom suggests the punishment. Blackmarked Imperial Knights are stripped of their Imperial regalia and forced to undertake a Quest of Restitution in the grace of the Empire. Such actions may only be undertaken ONCE in a lifetime.


        Knights of the Holy Orenian Empire who been blackmarked and completed their quest of restitution, only to be blackmarked once more, are to be stripped of their Knighthood via the “Chopping of the Spurs”, condemned, and banished from Imperial service. Their name will be made public, and his presence in vassal states, while a stain on their good reputation, is only barely tolerable. If said grievances are terrible enough, the former Knight may be banished from the Empire entirely, or even executed.



    “Damn, you’re ugly.” 

    Blessed Foltest of Aeldin while fighting off a Bruxa, circa 1492





    As the titleage of Knight is one inherently of a martial matter, it is readily apparent that it is of the utmost importance that personal strength and prowess be upheld by those who are given legal right to style themselves as Ser. 


    The mechanism through which they are expected to maintain that refinement is duels; in the event of slights upon the dignity or honor of a man or his Lord, the Knight retains the right to challenge the offending party to first blood or to death; or, in the event of battle’s insuitability, a challenge of wit or dexterity beside combat. It is expected that the Knights of the Realm regularly exercise this right, both for the sake of honor and ensuring that the defenders of the realm remain ever-capable.


    Let it be known that squires and knight-errants are encouraged to duel Sers and Dames of the Realms, in order to gain valuable training in combat and skills alike.



    “In the end, it’s God who swings that ******* sword anyway. We don’t get to decide who lives and who dies, Avery. Not us. ” 

    Ser Rakim ‘the Good’ Yar to his pupil, circa 1655




    This we proclaim for the furtherance of Our Commonwealth, 

    Upon the day of our Lord GOD, 

    6th of Owyn’s Flame, 1726



    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena


    His Imperial Excellency, Ser Bruno de Capua, Grand Knight of the Holy Orenian Empire





    MC Name: Lothric


    Character's Name: Leonard of Glythen.


    Character's Age: 37.


    Character's Race: Human. 


    What magic(s) will you be learning? Xan's boon.


    Teacher's MC Name: Remeron.


    Teacher's RP Name: Sage of Kamees.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

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