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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. You have expressed a hate for making dresses.

    I can edit my request of you want, as I also need a male skin. Is it too late for that? I can order female skins from another skinner if needed.

    Shops closed since I can't be bothered to make any skins at the moment. The interest comes and goes, I guess.


    And yeah, it's too late to request. Closed for now.

  2. The Squire Part II


    Optional ambiance music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO1_WGrHKfo


    The young Roost squire continues his journey through the elven lands, seeing many crucified or hung elves, ears clipped or cut neatly. Finally, he reaches the blackwood, seeing more of an inhabited, destroyed forest than the one which stood during his childhood. He’d ponder, a small frown settling across his features before he’d mumble to himself “Did the elves do this? Have I back tracked my steps to the forest I was in little more than six months ago?” He shakes his

    head sternly, tugging on his steed’s reins and trotting onwards to Petrus.




    At last he had reached the capital of Petrus, much had changed there since his last visit, walls being completed, the moss stains scraped off, an entire field of tents right in front of his curious orbs. Quentyn gulps quietly before approaching the entrance of the city, meeting with yet another Amyas fellow. The armored footman would glare at Quentyn, exclaiming with a metallic tone "Halt yourself! State your name!" The squire pokes his head up at the guard, before answering “Quentyn Roost.” The guard bobs his head firmly, responding “James Delaney, you’re here for the execution, I reckon? Here to see the elven slag burn for her crimes against our king?” Quentyn cranes his head down in a quick nod, replying calmly “Woe to the elves, may they burn in the first sky.” James, the guardsman, bobbing his cranium in agreement, leads the squire into the city. As they stroll down the tidy streets of Petrus, he’d inquire with an uncertain tone, “Quentyn Roost was it? Can’t say I’ve seen you around, not on the battlefields or in your homeland…” Quentyn inclines his head at James, shrugging his shoulders, a wry leer striking his lips “I ploughed a few of those elves into the grounds out in the woods, a natural hunter I am.” The Delaney chuckles dryly, exclaiming “I hope you never literally ploughed them.”

    The duo stop after a while, both looking to the pyre which has just been built, a Mali woman standing tied to a log, pleading for their life. A voice of a herald cries out, waving a stick around to gain attention of every citizen “Hear me! Hear me! Here the elf Limlugwen stands trial for being an elf! Confessing to be one against that of “impurity” and following the false leader Kalenz, furthermore the elf has refused to convert to the one true faith that is the canonist church! The high lords find the elf to be… GUILTY! The crowd listen intently to the herald, throwing their hands into the air screaming absurdities, bending down whilst grabbing stones of the road, tossing them with force at the elf. The herald grins crookedly as he sees the rocks fly at the Mali, before shouting with a confident voice, the sound booming down the narrow streets and alleys of Petrus “The punishment is that of burning until dead. May the wretched elf burn in the nether!” The swarm of folk chant in happiness “Death to the Mali!” , whilst a bannerman of the second regiment douses the elf in oil before throwing a torch onto the pyre, setting the elf alight, flames trickling

    on her slender figure as she’d cry and beg, the tall and fiery embers finally charring her corpse.




    After the execution, Quentyn marches into the local tavern of Petrus, his ears hearing a familiar song of his kinsmen being sung…


    “We Roost, We Roost ascended to nobility and our Lord went away, we Roost we Roost and our enemies they’ve all gone away.”


    Laughter and tankards slamming together can be heard amongst the men singing. Quentyn peers over to them, eyes briefly glancing over them, trying to recognise a few faces before his hands reach for dirty silver cutlery, tucking into the greasy and fat venison stew that grinds in the fire pit in front of him. Ser Brennen Roost suddenly grips Quentyn's hair locks, yanking his head back with dominant force, before shaking his own head sternly, exclaiming with a booming voice, “Well well well, if it isn’t the great Squire Quentyn Roost, my brother’s son who disappeared with the great Dederick Varodyr. Where is that old sod?” Quentyn scoffed, before turning briskly on his heel, sending his flat palm outwards to slam into Brennen’s chest, causing him to stumble back a few inches, his head now loose. The squire would scratch the back of his head before responding “Travelling home to find his brother.” Brennen snickers briefly, before clearing his throat, answering coldly “Find his brother? His brother is dead! His land was destroyed by the undead forces! How do you find what is dead nephew?” Quentyn glimpses around, a minor frown smearing across his features. Brennen would glare down at Quentyn before he’d go to push his chin up, their orbs making contact before he’d say grimly.“You don’t.” Quentyn would take a pace back, rubbing his chin. Brennen would blink his eyes once or twice before ordering “You are coming home, Quentyn, and no more travelling. WE need you.” Two bannermen of House Roost now stand behind Quentyn, before one grabs his arms, yanking him back before the other rushes in front of him, pulling out a newly forged set of chains, locking them around the young squire's wrists. Quentyn Roost flails his feet wildly around in an attempt to defend himself, but the guard that is holding his arms reels his head forth, slamming his forehead into the back of Quentyn’s noggin, knocking him out cold, before dragging him to Adria.




    “The truth here, nephew, is that the Varodyr’s betrayed the crown, they rose their banners in revolt.” Brennen exclaims, hands resting flat on the table.  Quentyn sighs heavily, rubbing his left cheek, remember the sword the Dederick carried, before speaking up, tone of voice growing irritated “Dederick never betrayed anybody, that was one man’s doing.” Brennen’s eyes widen at the countering words, clenching his right hand’s fingers into a fist before raising and slamming it on the wooden table, a vial of ink falling of off it, breaking on impact with the cold stone floor. He’d then respond harshly “Maric did though, and they share the same blood. They tried to kill my emperor.” Quentyn grumbles, his own fist’s balling before he’d shout roughly back. “And Dederick killed the men who killed our rightful liege, where were you?! Where were you?!” Brennen slides his palms under the table before swiftly flipping it, parchment flying around the room along with books and quills. He’d yell back, a few drops of saliva bursting out of his mouth "You will not return to that traitor of a man, or I’ will exile you from this house! You are heading to the church, Quentyn, maybe the Order of Amyas will teach you some discipline!




    Eyo, a new post, written by me & Knox213. If you wish to be involved in the next chapter of the squire or the hedge knight stories, then pop me or Knox a message here on the forums or on skype, posting an RP response below works as well, and an OOC reply is fine as well, including what you'd like your character to do etc. I'm gonna link the previous chapters down below. Enjoy.


    The squire:
    The hedge knight:
    Sorry friendo, as I've said, I do these for my own enjoyment, and I hate making dresses. Just to make clarify, all the work on my PMC page is mine. I do not plagiarize. Gonna recommend checking out Urara's skin shoppe, though the slots are full. Patience is a virtue.
    @Christian, I'll get yours done this week (hopefully).
    @Anawkin, gracias, friendo :)
  4. Quentyn Roost's ears perk up as he hears the news of his former travelling partner. He'd rest seated on a creaky stool in a local tavern, sipping idly on some cheap ale in his tankard.


    A bard seems to be playing on a lute whilst singing about Dederick's recent exploit. Quentyn would down his ale in a swift swig, wiping his mouth with his shirt's sleeve before mumbling dryly "By the creator, he's still kickin'."

  5. Just suprise me on the dress any color . Also instead of brown eyes I need them to be green eyes. Brown hair. The dress style should cover the shoulders and legs of course. If you didn't see my images of the examples of dress styles here: http://imgur.com/BVtWfl0,iNvEpKw#1


    To be fair, friendo, it's super hard for me to do dresses, and I can't really tell if you are requesting two skins or not. So I'm sorry to say, but I feel I cannot complete your request. However, I have noticed that you have requested on two other skin shops, so I'm very sure that your skins will be done soon there. Happy roleplaying :)


    As for iMattyzz, I'll try to get working on yours and do my best.If you want someone to make you a sick armor set, I'd recommend my friendo, Notorious Gnome. His shop can be found here https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124077-new-the-notorious-gn0mes-skin-shop/

  6. Right, I'll do all these whenever I can.


    @Themeparkkiddo, I need more information on what to do, like, which dress and such.


    @Cocoserial, I require more info on clothing and stuff.


    Gonna be doing Anawkin's, Archmage's, Althidon's and Bird's skins first since they filled the request form out properly. I don't have enough details from the people on the list just above.


    Moogush/GrindMyGears has agreed to wait for a bit since his skin's a tad tricky.

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