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Posts posted by lawnmowerman


    RP Name:  Gargin'Dom


    Quote?: "Buub snaga"


    Details?: A big dark scary Orc that you will want to be no where near him, he wears brown pants with a skull belt an also wears wrist armor


    Description: A big dark orc who is very muscular 




    I forgot a...







  2. RP Name: Eath "Punlord" Lur


    Quote?: What kharpets are? Carpets similiar to pet cats.


    Details?: Give me kawai desu eyes. Do it or i'll kill you on mc


    Description: It's Eath.


    here, it was hard 2 make so a full set of diamond armor (weightless) with prot I enchants should be good payment




    [01:13:22] Léo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gsG_Qi3Y1Q

    [01:13:26 | Edited 01:13:31] Léo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ: That's how i'm like irl

    [01:13:34] Léo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ: but i'm a boy

  3. Right hello.


    Just dropping by here with a new art shop.


    My style has changed a bit and my art is getting more and more comical.


    I won't be charging any minas for this, but tips are always appreciated if you are pleased with the art.


    Just to clarify, this is not a troll post. I will do the art in the style below.



    RP Name:














    First pugsy of 2k15, Fitzwilliam MemeGibbon.




    My character, Ezio "Bloodio" Auditore from House Auditore of Oren.




    A mentally retarded Uruk that goes by the name of Shreck.








    Dorian Memer Hunter/Fáolin!!!!

  4. Seriously? "smart mouthing"? So you disagree with what I'm saying, and that makes it smart mouthing?


    The fact of the matter is, I can judge applications well, I can and do help players whenever there are questions or if someone just shoots a question in LOOC or something, I've recently joined the help chat (an example of me being able to take VALID feedback), and help whenever I see a question or something, sometimes I go as far as to go to the CT to RP with a new person and help show them to where they might want to go or something,







    Apparently this is relevant in some way, but I've yet to see how a skype joke about what I may or may not do on Skype has any relevance to the duties and responsibilities of an Application Team member, but okay.


    Apparently it does.


     But do you see what I'm getting at?

    Having this on your profile really doesn't help your case, but okay.
    I came here to give feedback after seeing your attitude in many scenes that unfolded into an OOC clusterfuck.
    What you do outside on LotC is none of my concern, but I feel you should remove those two things I circled with the red away from your interests, I don't think it makes a good image for staff to support cybering, which is against the rules.
  5. If I just sat back and "accepted" criticism just because it's criticism, whether valid or baseless, I'd have to be either a push over or crazy.


    I accept feedback. I'm fine with feedback. Heck, I love feedback! But only if there's something behind it. Otherwise, if it's baseless assumptions and one off things I get a little irate, you know?


    To be honest, you've just proven my post's point by countering my feedback with smart mouthing. This is an attitude I wouldn't like to see on the application team, sorry.




  6. You don't understand at all why I made an application. It was not to get feedback, it was to apply.


    Your opinion doesn't matter to me unless there are specifics behind it that are valid. I have time and time again acknowledged flaws and mistakes on my part, such as recently with Tdfootball, or with Aegis_lima before that. I am open to criticism but it has to be valid.


    I don't want OPINIONS, as you put it, because opinions have no place on a thread like this. He said, she said, etc. I want specifics.


    I actively strive to be as non-toxic as possible, but sometimes I slip. I'm sorry for that negative experience you had to go through with me, but that is not the majority of my time, do you understand?


    You don't seem to understand how applications work.


    You are applying for a role in the staff, yes, but you are somewhat asking for feedback from the community, negative of positive. You should learn how to actually take the feedback and work on the things people have listed instead of arguing about it on your staff application.


    You also seem to disagree about all the negative feedback given on this application. I feel a staff member should be willing to take both negative and positive feedback, without countering it and being arrogant about it.


    Just respect other's opinions. Stop being so damn defensive. You´ve put up an application to get feedback, so just accept it and don't reply like you are doing with all feedback given.

  8. Your attitude is extremely toxic and I've seen you whine multiple times in OOC about for example being in Leyulin OOCly, even if wherever you stand in MC you're there in RP. You then whined about how men attacked you, ignoring the fact you were a wanted cultist and proceeded to over all whine about the whole incident.


    You also seem to disagree about all the negative feedback given on this application. I feel a staff member should be willing to take both negative and positive feedback, without countering it and being arrogant about it.


    I honestly find your application extremely short and simple, and little to no effort has been put in it.


    Give it time, work on your flaws and try to be less rude, trolly, and disrespectful in OOC.



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