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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. I haven't met you to tell if you are kind, but I've yet to see you help.




    lol, dont post a -1, rather post +0, -0.


    Anyways, known this lad for a couple of months, and it's safe to say he is a good lad, with nice knowledge on lore and seems to grasp it perfectly. He's taught me a thing or two, and I'd love to see him on the team.



  2. Glanril shuffles down a path, finding the form for the housing application and filling it out with an elegant style of writing, before sending it off.


    MC Name: Agurka200

    Your Full Name: Glanril Sorcalin

    Your Age: 65.

    Your Gender: Male.

    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? (Specify if second option): Alone.

    Are you an elf, half elf, or parent of a half elf?: Elf

    Of which subrace(s) are you?: Mali'Ame and Mali'Aheral.

    What skills do you have?: An artist, and my fair share of tailoring and designing interior and exterior. (Meaning that I can build and probably open up a skin shop, depends.)

  3. (Wrote this quite late, so forgive any typos and such.)




    It was an odd day for our known elf, Aepholis. The birds chirped calmly as he strolled down the newly forged path to Leyulin. He whistled along with them a gentle and soothing tone, the leaves flowing through the winter's breeze, and the branches on the trees cracking somewhat. He kept his hands limply in his orange coat's velvet's pockets, smiling brightly at the shining sun. He was halfway to Leyulin, just by The Marked Men's fort, as he glanced at a lovely looking forest, though noticing a man that glared at him like prey from the corner of his eye. He acted like he did not mind, slumping against a tree and scribbling down a few words. He'd give a pleasant smile, before his cut ears would perk up at the sound of a crossbow being loaded, suddenly a bolt flying past his shoulder with a 'whoosh'. He'd gently tuck the book away, his eyes starting to glow strongly as embers trickled above his palm, slowly shaping into a small ball, before he'd send it forth to try and hit at the bandit. The ball collided with the bark of a nearby tree, as the embers quickly ended due to the rain in the area.



    Moments passed as Fenrich and Aepholis fought each other, swords clashing and parrying many times, as metal embers glittered as they connected. Fenrich decided to draw a dirk, plunging it once or twice into the elf's gut and waist before another man of the name Vulpes Roke joined in, stabbing at Aepholis from behind with another blade. The elves reflexes were quick as he'd turn on his squeaky boot, thrusting the sword in an upwards jab as the dirk jabbed deeply into Aepholis' lower back, a hellish cringe escaping the victim's lips. The fight kept on going until it finally ended, the rain having stopped at this moment and the birds having flown away long before. The elf stumbled back a few paces, his fine clothing soaked in his own murky blood, as he'd grit his teeth wildly together, raising both hands up as embers would trickle above them, slowly shaping into two mere tendril shapes as he'd sent them forth to hit each of the men. Vulpes' hat wear was hit, igniting quickly and managing to somewhat injure him, as for Fenrich, his face was indeed scorched. The elf collided swiftly onto the ground, slamming into the graverly road, the orbs flickering swiftly shut as he'd give a ragged breath, his right hand clutched onto a book with grey leather bindings. An uruk came along, moving to assist the elf by slinging it onto his skaddernak, though Aepholis soon fell off, his spine crushing against a large rock and cracking, the unpleasant sound bursting wildly through the silent scene. Roke approached Aepholis, grasping his golden locks before moving to trim his ears and upper head off, just above the eyebrows.Vulpes grinned viciously at the marked men that stood on the wall, as the victim's body was likely tossed in the nearby river, laying limp on the groggy bottom.


    Fenrich, the now somewhat commonly known criminal had found Aeph's book. This book contained various diary reports, along with drawings and collected items. At the middle of the book, the last words would be written swiftly down with an elegant writing. It'd say the following.


    "I, Aepholis Celadithel, give all my possessions to my dearest friend, Ragnar. That being all my money, weapons, drawings, paintings, my own house, my armor, my furniture. I hope you enjoy it. You should know where the keys are..."

    (its a meme u dip )
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfIOBLr1NDU


    my family was killed by uruks when i was five so i had to survive an i learned to shoot a bow and use throwing knives and a lord named baden taught me a lot of magic



    this is my lord of the craft


    EDIT: i killed all the uruks

  5. MC Name: PantsInYourAnts
    Character Name: Alten Wold/Briarwood
    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: Because my family has apparently disowned me for ridiculous reasons. Without my houses' title, I am nothing but dirt.
    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders?: Indeed, I do.
    Time zone:


    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have it, Sky.

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