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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. Kraaho crushes a disgusting statue of the moon goddess, stomping his plated foot repeatedly on it and mashing it into pieces, before glancing at his pile of loot, a pleased smirk crossing his lips.


    "Hur hur, skahing furriez did nub'hozh in battul." he'd snicker.

  2. [!] A hellish growl erupts from a pointy peak of a canyon in the desert, Kugar standing promptly on top of it, his right leg resting firmly on a rock as his right hand grasps the two handed blade's shaft in a tight choke, his vicious tusks grinding before he'd clench his left hand's fist, repeatedly slamming it on his bulked up chest before he'd let a loud and bellowing "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!" escape his weathered lips, the roar echoing through the Uzg.

  3. Character name / Minecraft name: Oldor Ireheart/PantsInYourAnts

    Appearance: A stockily built dwarf, standing at 3'9.

    Clothing:http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/75/thorinalonekopie.jpg  <- something like that, though if you could add some sort of wolf/bear hood that is attached to the fur thing, that'd be nice.

    Eye Color: Green

    Hair style: Scruffy, messy, and over all badly treated.

    Hair/Beard color: Light brown/ gingerish

    Beard style: Big'n'Bushy

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7dBVxgKWTY


    Kraaho stomps forth to his blarg, as he'd proceed to reach out his right hand for the hilt of a brutish longsword, curling his fingers around the leather bindings wrapped around the said hilt, before giving a faint chuckle, suddenly bursting out laughing and wildly pacing out of the tent, resting the blade promptly on his right shoulder saying "Wub iz luv? Luv iz klomping furzunas!" he snickers quietly to himself.

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