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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. "Next!" The recruiter calls out, readying his pen.

    The man behind you pushes you forth, what a grump.


    The recruiter sends out a volley of questions for you to answer!

    "Name?" The armored figure would give a small grunt, before licking his lips from under his brass plated helmet, the voice half garbled "Aepholis Celadithel..."

    "Age?" The tall man would blink lightly, lifting a few fingers as he'd start to count before replying "Fifty six."

    "Gender?" The figure itself gives a metallic chuckle under the plated helmet before replying "I am a male..."

    "Race?" He'd slowly proceed to pull off the helmet, lightly tilting his head to the side to flick the blonde locks out of his hair before replying "I am an elf."

    "Any past experience in combat or security work?" He'd think briefly before saying "Yes, I've served the Black Eagle Order..."

    "You agree to working for us loyally until you are either released from your contract or you have requested permission to leave?" The figure shrugs before answering "I agree completely."

  2. Race: Mali'Asul (breed of 'ame and 'aheral)

    Skin picture: His biography!: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pt7K5X3nypTJFtpyDtsOr1GzrUuMPUGnWqie7fIiRhU/edit#

    As for clothing: http://imgur.com/1bbY2pb

    Age: 55-ish

    How you want it (Pose, emotion, ect)


    Something like this, except instead of the staff, this longsword: http://www.medieval-weaponry.co.uk/acatalog/SH2395-1000.jpg

    He'd have a rather stoic and overall neutral expression.. and if you could make like some sort of wind thingy, and make the coat and hair kinda flow through it, it'd be cool!

  3. Planned payment-(how much you're willing to pay)

    I can pay like... 150 minas, along with some gorgeous MC pixels if you want ;3;.

    Picture of MC skin and other reference pictures


    My doc contains all skins and such, I'd like if you use the one with the bow tie.

    Details (you know, other stuff you want added)

    A very stoic expression.

    Posture would be straight, and hands had behind his back

  4. Alten Briarwood, younger brother of Caldwel, sits idly by the dinner table, deep in thought. His right elbow rests firmly on the wooden table, boredly holding up Alten's chin as he'd sigh quietly, grabbing his glass of whiskey with his left hand, before swirling the liquid roughly, bringing it to his lips once he had pursed them, and drink the whole content of the glass. After a brief moment, he'd raise from his seat, making his way to his living quarters as he'd glance at the various weapons in his room. His right hand's fingers fidgit lightly as he makes his pick, licking his bottom lip as he'd grasp his hand around a crossbow, before taking a quiver filled with steel bolts, letting it rest over his shoulder and by his waist. Alten wields the crossbow, hand under it for support, before he'd make his way out of the keep after having put on a fine silk cloak, along with a fairly kept wolf pelt. He'd breath lightly in the winter breeze, the howling wind beaming into his ears.



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