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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffr0opfm6I4




    As the two mali's met up in their usual quarters, Aepholis had the most brilliant idea, or so he said. Knowing that Suliin Faelith, the mali'ame, was quite attracted to the intoxicating herb of Cactus Green, he decided that perhaps the young elf would enjoy trying a new kind of "trip". Aepholis trudged up his creaky stairs, as he fetched his drug box, whistling a breezy tune, as he scurried down the creaky stairs once more, casting a horrendous and ear screeching sound. Suliin lightly sniffed the air, glaring intently at the box, before Aepholis shoved it's key deep into the lock, twisted it with a flick in his wrist, and opened up the treasure chest. Inside the box remained quite a lot of new things, such as elven Quartzdust, Orcish Crystal, Shrooms, and of course, Suliin's favorite, cactus green...


    Aepholis paced to the dining table, as he plopped the box onto it, fetching a fresh piece of parchment, as he grabbed a bit of the herb, lightly taking a small pinch as he spread it across the rolled up paper, before lightly licking one edge of it before fully rolling it up. He grabbed his flint and steel mechanism to spark up the joint, handing it to the young Suliin with a small and sly smirk saying "Ser Paul Ryan apparently has the best..."  he proceeded to make himself another blunt, sparking it up after done, as he stuck it between his pearly white teeth, exhaling sharply as he sluggishly sat himself down on a chair, eyes turning bloodshot red. Suliin proceeded to do the same, the green soon taking effect, as the ambiance in the room turned calm and peaceful.




    As the two mali's had finished the whole bunch of green, smoke filling the air, Aepholis proceeded to grab his satchel of quartz, spreading it wildly onto the table, before lining it up, snorting in a line straight up his nostril. Suliin proceeded to do such as well, groaning heavily. Aepholis gave a small giggle, before suddenly crashing his forehead on the table. Suliin, of course, thought it was a joke, deciding to go for a nice slumber.




    The morning after, Aepholis remained on the table, forehead set against it. Suliin had awaken from his nap, as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes for a brief moment, glaring at the room. He lightly nudged Aepholis' head with his shoulder, grumbling softly


    "Wake up, Sylvus..." though no response was given back to the young mali'ame. Suliin started to grab himself some fresh water, before lightly trudging towards Aeph, starting to pour it on the back of his neck. After a moment, Aepholis jumped out of his state, doing that magestic hair flip with his fair blonde hair. Suliin chuckled saying "The morning after, eh?"



    ((Dunno, felt like making a post and just went for it.

    Please don't take this last song seriously, it's a joke...))


    (( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyGMcZiqrs0 ))

  2.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6uVeCzUhw0


    As you shuffle down your local path, whether you are on your way to trade items, going to your humble abode, or just having a light evening/morning stroll. A poster would most likely catch your glance, hanged upon a pillar, wall or tree. It would say the following, the writing being somewhat elegant and neat. ((You can post down here,  with a PM via the forums or in-game to Agurka200 or Xtreme_Prodigy. As a note, we can do RP-Fighting and/or PvP.))


    Another poster would be set on each and everyone of the old ones, the writing being the same; Stylish, elegant and neat.



    ((MC NAME)): Agurka200

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): Both.

    Name: Aepholis Celadithel

    Age: 46

    Reason for signing up: Money?

    Weapon of choice: Warhammer, but a spear and longsword suit me as well.

    Previous combat experience: The Order Of Saint Lucien, Liedang, military training in my past culture.

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Lumberjacking.

    Any Questions: No.


  4. Yo, I'd like a set of armor for my character, Aepholis. I'll give you a 100 minas for it along with some sweet and gorgeous pixels if you do the deed, or I could just do you a skin exchange or a art/skin trade :D


    Anyways, it's some armor I need, right down here below. If you can, make one with and one without the helmet, so the one without the helmet would most likely have some sort of hood lowered, idek.


    Reference Picture, feel free to just play around with the colors, I really don't mind, I want you to have creativity, since it seems it is what you do best.



  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYEC4TZsy-Y


    The fair haired Valentiné boy pondered with rush through the woods of Pravets, hand gripped tightly on his hunting crossbow, eyes welled up after the emotions of betrayal, love and hatred mixed up in his heart. As he spotted a young deer, his jaw tensed into a clench, and locked into place. He rapidly hid in a local bush, raising the crossbow's end to his chin as he'd fetch a steel bolt from it's quiver, slowly sliding the bolt into the crossbow's firing groove, as he'd take aim at the deer, his finger flicking to the trigger of the firearm, as he rested it softly on the trigger, before inhaling and exhaling.
    "Sorry." he said, before squeezing the trigger.
    The bolt rapidly pierced through the deer's neck, as it stumbled, it's knees slowly growing numb before it plopped onto the ground, blood spurting out of the animal's neck, as it then proceeded to form a puddle of dark blood onto the autumn colored grass.
    Wesley approached his prey carefully, as he rested the crossbow on his right shoulder, kneeling beside the beast as he'd gently pluck the bolt out of it's neck, placing the crossbow down as he pulled out a small skinning knife. As he started to skin the beast, a branch cracking would be heard. Wesley lightly tilted his head back, noticing the shape of a figure of blackened fabric and metalic pieces. It carrying a staff within its gnarled, metalic and leather clad digits. Wesley gingerly raised, his skinning knife, which trickling with the blood of muscle and sinew from the downed deer now gripped firmly by its leather bindings. Wesley opens his maw, staring into the blackened lens of the metalic colored mask of the figure, his nostrils slowly flaring, "Yes...may I help you?" He asks as his gaze drops down to view the frown of the mask and its darker streaks of the masks' hues that traversed from the eyes to the end of its vealed face. And to that, the masked figure bobbed its hooded and mask head in denial, its arm raising as it advanced towards him, the digits making a tick. Within time, Wesley's face paled, his eyes widened as he feel downward to his knees, creating a light "thud!" to break the silence of the forest. And as the blackened mist retreated from him...Wesley had expired
  6. Wesley sits at the dining table, eating a fat and juicy steak, as he'd grip the cutlery tightly, as he'd drift his mind to the news of the kidnapping. He'd chuckle faintly, cutting a fine piece of the meat and bringing it up to his lips, before sticking the bit into his mouth, gulping quietly as he'd place the cutlery down, a faint smirk forming on his lips before mumbling to himself "Not as dim-witted as I thought she was..." he straightens his lips, continuing to eat his steak.

  7. The_Shire_by_Vibraven333.jpg





    Pippo sat idly in the Buldge Estate of Gimblewood, taking in a heavy puff off his finely curved oak pipe, the smell of pipeweed fiddling with the wee halfling's nostrils, as they flared tensely. He stuck the pipe between his yellow and unhygienic teeth, blinking softly, as the tears started to tumble down his chubby cheeks, as he mumbled softly to himself with his cheery tone now turned dull and hoarse "Where yeh be, Merla? An' Arty..." he'd shake his head softly, raising from the edge of his small bed, trudging into the living room, grabbing his ol' adventuring spade in the process, as he'd run a finger on it's curve. He plopped himself sluggishly onto the couch, using the right sleeve of his raggedy jacket to wipe his cheeks, as he took a deep breath, letting out a good amount of smoke stream through his nostrils. His mind flickered to the day he spoke to Posco for the last time, having knocked out the teeth of his older brother. Pippo shaked his head, gritting his teeth in the process as he'd say "Posco, ah love yeh... ya'pudgy preck..."  


    After a brief moment of sobbing and lightly puffing on the last pipeweed he'd ever smoke, he raised from the couch lazily, his back aching, as he grasped tightly against the shovel, now using it as a cane. He wandered around the estate, looking at all the artifacts him and his brother had collected, nodding proudly to himself. He murmured faintly under his breath "Yer a bloodeh buffoon, Fumble....".   The pace of the halfling was sloppy and loud, as he pushed the door open with his shovel, brushing a hand through his thick blonde hair, glancing around Gimblewood, before setting himself down on a bench in his garden, next to a pumpkin, as he'd place his pipe onto it's head as it bobbed a bit around. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling, shutting his light blue orbs, resting his hands connected together in his lap, as he drifted into his last slumber, dwelling there... forever.



    Username: James27049

    How long have you role-played?: 5 years, including MMORPGs, Tabletops such as Dungeons and Dragons, and LARP

    Skype?((feel free to pm)): zack27049


    Info: Sum un needs tu 'elp da Dwarven roleplayers do dere accents correctleh!

    Awh yush! I actually need help with dwarf RP, perhaps you could mentor me? :D

    Accepted, btw!

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