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Posts posted by lawnmowerman

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiNdcBg3xC8


    Alright, I've been noticing a lot of new players on LotC, which is always fun :D


    Anyways, I want to help people that struggle with role-playing and would be more than glad to guide them through some role-play, helping them create a unique character, giving them tips/tricks in role-play.


    I was planning on doing these classes over SKYPE and decided that I might also create some fun little events that require teamwork and such... :D


    Anyways, I need some more "mentors..." so if you're interested, fill this out right here.





    How long have you role-played?:

    Skype?((feel free to pm)):


    As for the people applying, all you gotta do is fill out this small application and I'd eventually add you to skype chat.





    How long have you role-played?:

    Skype? ((feel free to pm)):

    Anything specific you'd want help with?:


    So, if you want to get some help with role-play, make sure to apply!


    P.S: I'd most likely have the classes/events on WEEK-ENDS since it suits best for everyone.

  2. Application


    Name: Torstien Hjalmar

    Age & Gender:  Male ,24

    Previous Occupation: None

    Ties: None

    Skills: Good with Sword and bow, Able to Hunt if need be.
    If seeking an auxiliary position, put it here:


    MC name: 1superhunter

    Skype(?): No

    Do you use TS?: Yes



    Wesley reads over as he'd scratch over the application saying "Accepted."

  3. As Aepholis recieves the letter, being the new Captain, he'd give it a glance, eyes flickering to each letter as he'd then purse his lips softly before grabbing a piece of parchment and write on it swiftly with an elegant writing style. He'd then do a significant whistle as his crow appears, snatching the parchment and bringing it to Bara. The letter would say the following "You are accepted as a able seaman for now."-Captain Aepholis Celadithel.

  4. *Harrison reads the letter, as he'd shake his head slowly, mumbling to himself " 'Ow can a socialy awkward lad ge' along wiff a crew? Fookin' ridiculous..." he'd grumble, pursing his lips as he'd say "'Es nae sailmaker... 'Es gunna be a normal bloke fer now..." he writes back to Alp, the letter saying "Sadly I cannot give you the sailmaker's position yet, however, you can start as an able seaman and work your way up to the position.*~Harrison Sharp.

  5. *Harrison glares at the application, sitting idly inside an inn, as he'd be sipping on a bottle of weathered wisky. He reads over it, shrugging lighty as he'd write back "Fisherman and cook, you are hired."-Captain Sharp.

  6. *Harrison glares at the letter, sitting idly in a forest, leaned against a tree, as he'd fetch his notebook, scribbling down a reply once he had read the application, before nodding to himself, his pipe clenched between his teeth. The letter says a simple "Accepted as a musician and cook."-Harrison Sharp, your Captain.*

  7. *Harrison grasps his quill, as he'd write back a letter to Virak, pursing his lips, before sending the letter, his seagull delivering it. On the letter is written "Aye, meet at that elven tavern."-Captain Harrison Sharp.*

  8. *Harrison grunts, as he'd open both letters and read over them, bobbing his head to himself, before fetching his quill and writing a reply to Yaen saying "Hired, welcome to the crew, lad"- Harrison, then he'd proceed to write the letter for Shin, gritting his before replying "Aye, you are hired, I hope your steel is worth something."-Captain Harrison Sharp. After he had replied to both letters, he'd give a mumble under his breath saying "T'is the life..." as he placed the quill down.

  9. *Harrison glares at the application as he mutters to himself "A lass fer a first mate?" he'd chucke, adding "Let's give et' ah go." he'd scribble down a letter saying "Accepted, do bad and you'll be set in another position." before sending it to her after signing his title and name.*

  10. *As the letter reaches Harrison, he'd fetch his letter opener, roughly ripping the seal open before glaring at the letter quickly, nodding to himself before grabbing his quill, dipping it into the ink as he'd start to scribble onto paper, before bringing his fingers up to his lips as he'd do a screechy whistle, his raven entering upon notice. Harrison Sharp sealed the letter, as he'd send it off to Briar, leaning back into his large chair. The letter would say only a few words, being the following "Accepted, make sure to report to me with short notice."- *A neat signature would remain here saying "Captain Sir Harrison Sharp."*

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EyM2jcBTW0


    *As you scurry down a local road, fliers are nailed on fences, in front of taverns, and local crowded places. On the flier is written the following "Sir Harrison Sharp needs all lads and lasses who are out of their luck and wish to seek out treasures and tokens. Send a bird to Captain Sharp for labor, and he'll will set up a meeting. Fill out the application below."


    The application would ask of you to fill out the following:


    *A list of the crew and required jobs could be found below the flier.*

    Captain: Aepholis Celadithel

    First Mate: Adran Frosthand

    Quartermaster: Virak Doomforge.

    Navigator: Naru Okorir

    Cook(s): David, more cooks needed

    Cabin Boy(s): Henry

    Musician(s): Briar Ophiuchius, David, more musicians are needed.

    Able seamen: Bara

    Doctor(s): Briar Ophiuchius, more doctors/medics are needed.

    Sailmaker: Alpnorean, Gil.

    Blacksmith: Shin Snow.

    Boatswain: Vacant








    What position would you be wanting to take?:




    How old are you? ((Feel free to PM this.)):

    How long have you roleplayed?:

    Do you have skype? If so, what is it? ((Feel free to PM it)):

    Do you think you'll provide enjoyable roleplay?:


    More Out-Of-Character


    The point of this guild, if I say it short, is to get decent roleplay. I will try to get us events from time to time, whether it's fighting krakens or finding GOLD! Overall, I just want everyone to stay civil and respect each other D:

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