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Status Updates posted by TavernLich

  1. Ah. Just came back from Las Vegas and LA. What a week. I'll be playing tomorrow me thinks.

  2. Anything interesting char to play? I need a down time on my orc.

  3. Since when was Polaris a nation?

  4. Death to Laurihn'hil or however it's pronounced! FLATZ!

  5. Studyin’ for the finals AND forum browsing, like a boss.

  6. Santa, thank you for getting Villain Blacklists, I promise I will be a good murder maniac and make it fun for people when I chop their arms off.

  7. Man any body else getting keks out of the BR?

  8. Merry Christmas!!!

  9. Just sent in my secret santa gift to my partner? You guys?

  10. "Orcs killed my parents when I was young! Now I am completely devoid of physical and emotional feelings and carry a katana and make it my life's goal to slaughter every living thing I see!"

  11. Man… I see that woman in black ad on-forums and it just gives me the jitters.

  12. Wait what? Quity banned? How?

  13. I wonder how the regular principles and elements of photography apply to MC..

  14. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/122030-a-dark-night-thoughts-of-an-old-elf/ Heheh, this is my second post in my char’s story with the adherency and him becoming… something else soon. Thanks Nug for helping me with the pics!
  15. Lol the Atheran Undead are my first antag... Sadly ;(

  16. Anyone else having trouble logging back on?

  17. Anyone else having trouble logging back on?

  18. For those experiencing log in issues, use direct connect and type in the address on the front page. It has helped me.

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