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Status Updates posted by TavernLich

  1. Necromancers? Shades? Who needs them in the presence of REAL dark magic https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118005-ticklemancy/

    1. TavernLich


      Why are you still here?! Get reading!!!

  2. http://www.memecenter.com/fun/1882/happy-and-sad My expression when I saw the server green bars come up, then when I saw that I wasn't white listed. :(
    1. Nug


      meme center my home

  3. Knights of Pen and Paper Assemble!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Does that have multiplayer already?

  4. No Raids. No VAs. Plz nu.

    1. Grouchy


      Raids will return

  5. OMFG, do we seriously have to shut down the server just to fix a roll back? Just let me RP in peace already... :C

    1. James


      People lost their pixels. We have too for the good of pixelkind

  6. Fudge it, I'm just gonna make like an S and edgy away.

    1. ThumperJack


      Throw a pumpkin grenade down too.

  7. Somehow managed to gets strong Bs on the final with 15 minutes of studying.

  8. F*ckin' hell Burk you majestic whale.

    1. L0rdLawyer


      majestic walrus*

      Get it right Xophos

  9. Hehe Vamps...You Fawnny.

  10. RIP Agruka, you will be missed.

    1. lawnmowerman


      What are u smoking lol?

  11. Why you heff to be mad?

    1. Everman111


      These puns heff to be annoying for poor old Heff.

  12. Is it just me who crashed and can't seem to get on?

  13. Where can I find that cervitaur application thread? Since there aren’t many, I might as well apply.

    1. Katherine1


      It's not up yet.

  14. Ban, ban, ban, ban, remove, ban, ban, ban, ban, remove, ban, ban, ban, ban, ban, rollback, ban, ban, ban, modreq, ban, ban, ban, ban, ban, ban...

    1. chaotikal


      instructions unclear, put king andrik on acid

  15. Wait, is MPM going to be a plugin of sorts instead of having to download it?

    1. Shadeleaf


      You can find it on the main page or here:


      Beta 1.8 download. Its not a virus, I tested it.

  16. The wait is killing me! I just want to be ultra-special snowflake Necrolyte Lich!

    1. HurferDurfer1


      dun worry my special snowflake

  17. was about to be killed by filthy human zealots (looks at Philip) then /dev! the skygods favor me!

  18. What happened to the Dread Knights? They keep circling through leaders...

    1. _Jandy_


      Vad left because cultists were inactive

  19. I love hanging around the CT and be all lichy heheheheh

    1. Mephistophelian


      You are disguised as a damn woman. It doesn't count. They are more likely to ask you to give them a bone-related service than a bone-related service. Interpret that as you will.

  20. Is there a reason why I cannot connect to the server or is it just me?

  21. That's amazing Mitt! Lol. +1.

  22. Damn, I usually get a decent amount of questions on AMAs but not this time I guess, ;c

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