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Status Updates posted by TavernLich

  1. That confirms it the server has cancer.

  2. I am a soulmancer T5, fear me!!! *summons unsnap gable bugs and death claws*

  3. I am a soulmancer T5, fear me!!! *summons un-smashable bugs and death claws*

  4. I just saw three Jewish priests (or whatever they are called) in the StandingIn

  5. LotC is like the USA of the servers.

  6. Just got a wolf tamed only to have AGiantSomeone killing it OOCly. S

  7. Sp00ktastic!!! Come to the Standing Inn friends! We just finished our Yoshi hunt!!

  8. Could this be the magic plugin?!? Probably not...

  9. I guys!!! I just need 1 more rep point to get to 80!!!! :3

  10. I guys!!! I just need 1 more rep point to get to 80!!!! :3

  11. So... Anyone I the FFA? Or atleast know about it?

  12. When are people going to learn that when you talk about autism on the Internet people are always going to get the negative idea, even if the intentions are good.

  13. The LMs should accept that one handsome kid's lore about Ticklemancy! Accept it or feel the wrath of a thousand Halfling shovels!!!!!

  14. *Hacker voice* We're in. LotC will go down in 3...2...1... SHUT DOWN!!!!

  15. They see me Rollin'

  16. They see me Rollin'

  17. They see me rollin' they hatin'... I forgot Theresa of the lyriiiiiiiicccsssss.

  18. Does anyone other than myself think we have way to many ways to kill each other in LotC?

  19. Vinnie's back whoo!

  20. Whoo!!! Going to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving break!!! Sadly I won't be on though, so bye for now.

  21. Black Friday!!!! You know what we got? THREE plus sized water bottles! Score!!

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