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    SIn, Quenn
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  1. Sinabix


    Sin, Quenn was born and raised in Markev with his father and older sister. Sin’s mother passed away when he was only 3 years old. He had a rough childhood, due to his lack of social abilities which led him to getting bullied by other kids. His older sister mainly cared for him as his father was never around to have time for him. Sin never knew what his father did for a living, as he is very private with his work. In his teenage years he started to discover he had a passion for weapons and was obsessed on how they operate. This led Sin to crafting weapons for his father and finding an ambition to helping more people that are in need of equipment. As years moved on, Sin lost contact with his father and his older sister moved to Belvitz. Sin is currently travelling across Atlas jumping from camp to camp trying to build his business and figuring out who he is as a person...
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