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    Galin is from the Dwarven nation Kaz'Ulrah. He currently lives in the outskirts of the city of Kal'Tarak, the capital city of the nation Kal'Ulrah. He is a hard working mountain dwarf, born into a dwarven family that helps harvest wheat for the city in Garrond's Vale. From an early age Galin was noticed to be a calm and straightforward dwarf who is kind to everyone, but he is also known to have a temper and often holds onto grudges. Galin took up fighting at a very young age to settle his disputes, which led to him joining the Kaz'Ulrah army (the strongest army in Kal'Tarak) at a young age. He is strong, hardworking, and loyal. Galin often travels to the valley and mountains outside of Kal'Tarak to get out of the cramped and crowded city cave life he has to endure. Galin enjoys Kal'Tarak, but sometimes grows tired of all the people he has to deal with, as he is a somewhat independent dwarf that likes his space. After Galin retires from the army, he hopes to one day be able to venture around Atlas, and eventually, find a quiet and simple town to retire to.
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