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Status Updates posted by _Deutschland_

  1. Doesn't everyone wish they were new sometimes, to rid yourselves of the stupid things you've done?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. _Deutschland_


      I am lucky to have only been banned once.. and it was for breaking two blocks in Petrus. To give you an idea of how lost I was, I didn't know how to SS for a week. My RP sucked, I wish I had the chance to make a better impression.

    3. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      Its the Best to be a noob

    4. Achilles


      One time I signed up for GM, I regret every moment that has transpired.

  2. These few messages tell us what roleplay has been reduced to these days:http://gyazo.com/82e7b7341a9dfc828dec379caa0db46f

  3. Another poll status! http://strawpoll.me/3850948

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Deutschland_


      It is 1:25. Anthos leads at 41% (7 votes), Aegis at 29% (4 votes), Athera and Asulon at 12% (2 votes), and the Fringe at 6% (1 vote).

    3. _Deutschland_


      It is 1:30. Anthos leads at 45% (9 votes), with Aegis trailing at 25% (5 votes). Asulon stands at a slowly increasing 15% (3 votes), Athera being hated on at 10% (2 votes), and the Fringe at 5% (1 vote). Thales is at

    4. _Deutschland_


      I am leaving for a few hours, but as of now, 1:50 AM CST, Anthos wins by almost twice as much as Aegis and Asulon, who're tied for 2nd.

  4. Kingdom of Oren: 52 posts, 402 rep. Deutsch: 130 posts, 26 rep

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      Rep amount was only impressive with the -1 button.

    3. _Deutschland_


      If there was still a -1 button

      I would be well under -1000

    4. CosmicWhaleShark
  5. That moment when you lose enchanted carbarum armor when a staff member places lava on you at Druid's Grove. ;-;

    1. nordicg_d


      that moment you take carbarum armour to an rp event

    2. _Deutschland_
    3. Katherine1


      That moment you take enchanted carbarum armor to an area being word edited.

  6. I hate it when you go around giving +1s, and it says 'maximum quota of positive votes reached'.

    1. _Deutschland_


      Ah well. Time go go around rating everyone's profiles 5/5!


    2. xenenxnennxnx


      ^ He's given so much for equalists, scares me a bit.

    3. _Deutschland_


      * Then goes to 5/5 Tanta's profile. *

    1. _Deutschland_


      It's 12:25, and Oren is winning by a landslide of 71% (10 votes). Aesterwald and Renatus have 14% each (2 votes).

    2. _Deutschland_


      It's 12:35, and Oren is still on top with a crushing 69% (11 votes). Aesterwald lingers at the 18% mark (3 votes), with Renatus trailing at a sad number of 13% (2 votes).

    3. _Deutschland_


      With Oren still growing, the results are clear. Oren wins by a landslide, with Aesterwald in second and Renatus just behind.

  7. The amount of male, human characters that are applied for is way too high.

    1. Hanrahan


      cishet opressors!

    2. Old-Rattlesnake
    3. monkeypoacher


      More female elf characters are accepted.

    1. _Jandy_


      Pugsy Tythus

    2. _Deutschland_


      Ye Tythus get rekt I have 100 posts and I'm coming for you

  8. Ey, what religion do Cleric's follow? I know they accept the Tarihae anguel as a patron, but what religion are they considered?

    1. James


      They follow Tarihae, which means they follow the aengul as their patron and that is their religion. They can still follow the Brathmordakin or Creator, but must keep them as their patron aengul and acknowledge it is where they receive their powers.

    2. _Deutschland_


      Alright, danke :P

  9. Did everyone get kicked, or is it just me.. ?

    1. ShameJax


      Its me aswell.

  10. So, I've been seeing people with these 'Supremacy is watching' forums pics. When you peasants gain some sense and appoint me as your emperor... your going to see this everwhere: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/242/8/3/deutschland_room_wallpaper_grunge_by_messerwilli-d5cy6lo.png

    1. seannie


      shout hear around the world

  11. 50 posts. Now I have two lil' squares below my post number

  12. Recently started designing skins... free if you roleplay getting it, not so free if not.

    1. _Deutschland_


      PM me for details, will create official thread soon enough...

  13. People ask me who makes my skins. My current one is self-designed, and now I get skin reqs. :/

    1. Telanir


      heard raptor makes great skins

  14. So, ah, whenever I connect to the server, I automatically time out.. is it just me.. ?

    1. Runabarn


      I am having the exact same issue

  15. About to add a huge amount o' memes into my 'Meme Files' section of my signature.

    1. _Deutschland_


      Done. Get memed.

  16. January: A new, self appointed King has risen over all humans! February: The King has fallen deathly ill. March 11th: He's recovered! March 13tg: Assassinated by cowardly high elves

  17. Welp, pretty much since I have joined LotC in late 2014, I have flown through characters. My longest only lasted 6 weeks. Proud to announce I have settled down with two stable characters I have had for a while.

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