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Status Updates posted by blueeyedboy03

  1. Are any App teams on? Because one of my buds applied like, 6 hours ago and he hasn't been Accepted, Pending, or Denied. When mine happened in around 3-4 hours.

    1. RoseyBear


      Not to be a bother but I too am wondering if there is an application staff on

  2. Anyone willing to take a skin request? I have one that I got from the skin archive on the website but I want a unique one. I just need one with shaggy brown hair, a blue tunic, a belt, and green eyes. And the hair is around ear length. Also you know... gloves and shoes and all that... jazz.

  3. *Application gets accepted, player is not whitelisted*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. blueeyedboy03


      I was not aware of that




    3. blueeyedboy03


      Hopefully by tomorrow it will be implemented.

    4. Nug


      it usually doesn't take that long, it'll probably be done by tonight or tomorrow! :0

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