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Posts posted by 6xdestroyer

  1. 6 hours ago, DPM said:

    Hjalnar and his fallen brethren lay scattered over the bodies of twenty Orenians. An "L" is inscribed on Andrei Kovachev's forehead.

    Andrei would toss another of the dead raiders bodies in a pit to let them decompose, the rest of the defenders all present except for the lone dead defender.

    ((Idk where you got the number 20 from, ik you gotta compensate but still))

  2. The Sons of Carnatia


    {❄} The Brotherhood of the Gryphon Sons of Carnatia{❄}

    "For the North"


    The Brotherhood of the Gryphon Sons of Carnatia are battle hardened men of the Northern plains of Carnatia. Sworn to House Kovachev, they follow them devotedly, as well as protect its holdings and peoples. They follow the traits of the family, and are extremely loyal, offering down their lives to preserve the North and the brotherhood.




    The Tazky


      Reveal hidden contents


    [[Skin: https://gyazo.com/44c317082dff2e97c92b6caeb114e4ea ]]

    The Sipka


      Reveal hidden contents




    The main hold of the brotherhood lies on the rough Carnatian mountains. It is where the Duke and his family reside, along with the majority of the brothers.

      Reveal hidden contents





    (In Character)



    [!] A man in a Kovachev Tabard looks down over you, inspecting you with a few circles before speaking.


    “Name, lad?”:


    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”:


    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”:


    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”:


    “Do ya have ah profession?”:


    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”:     





    MC Name:


    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it?



    « OUT OF CHARACTER NAME »  6xdestroyer
    « IN CHARACTER NAME »  Andreii
    « SURNAME »  Kovachev
    « CLASS »  A3
    « GENDER »  Male
    « DATE OF BIRTH »  9th of the Deep Cold, 1562
    « HEIGHT & WEIGHT »  6' 4", 200 lbs
    « EYE, SKIN & HAIR COLOR »  Grey eyes, pale skin, blonde hair.
    « CULTURE »  Carnatian
    « MARKINGS »  N/A

    « HOME ADDRESS »  Highcliffe Holding
    « PROVINCE »  Highcliffe Outpost or Turov
    « OCCUPATION »  Smith and Thanhium miner / engineer
    I, Andreii Kovachev, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law.
    I, Andreii Kovachev, do also hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will.

  4. Independent Charter Application:
    What is the name of your guild, village, organization, etc.:

    What is the purpose of your guild/village/organization (if sensitive, this can be withheld and then privately shared with whomever is handling the charter):

    Withheld. Would rather share privately with the person handling.
    What plot size are you interested in:


    What tile are you interested in:


    Would like to discuss with the person handling.
    If your tile is currently owned by a nation, do you have that nation's leader's approval:

    Signatures (players should sign their persona/character name and their MC name):

    -Players will sign with their IC names below-















    Algarius III Tiberan signs the charter.

  5. Legio II

    2nd Brigade

    The Sons of the North

    “By Right Of Flame”






    The Second Brigade, also known as the ‘Sons of the North’, was formed during the rebirth of the Imperial Army under his Imperial Majesty the Holy Orenian Emperor John III Owyn. The brigade falls under the command of the Legio II under his majesty, King Petyr Barbanov of Haense. The Brigade is the lightest of infantry within both of the two Legions, using wit and skill over brute force. The Second Brigade draws its military tradition from the history of the Duchy of Carnatia during its involvement in the many wars of Vailor, the most important being the 18 years war, and the war of the Courland-Krajia Rebellion. The Brigade also has assisted in the wars of Axios, helping to drive back the heretical Dreadlanders, as well as in the Orenian victory against the Uzg.




    Honour Code


    Second Brigade members are held to a high standard of both canonist and moral conduct. Brigade members are expected to uphold the following code of conduct (whilst also adhering to the common laws of the legion) throughout their service and life.


    I) To fear God and maintain His Church
    II) To serve the Orenian Empire in valour and faith
    III) To protect the weak and defenceless
    IV) To give succour to widows and orphans
    V) To live by honour and for glory
    VI) To obey those placed in authority
    VII) To guard the honour of fellow legionnaires
    VIII) To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
    IX) To keep faith
    X) At all times to speak the truth
    XI) To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun





    Ranks & Outfits

    The Second Brigade keeps the orders of the Legion.







    The unoathed are the freshly enlisted men of the Imperial Legion, wearing an armband to signify their status. Before becoming a ranker, an unoathed must serve for one year, acting as their initiation. The unoathed may quit at anytime with no consequences. During this time, the unoathed is only referred to as UNOATHED and is fed the scraps in dining halls. They are put through a training regimen geared towards the brigade they have joined where they are expected to learn what their job is in the brigade. After one year, the enlisted take their oath and must endure the tradition of blood striping from their superiors. Afterwards, the unoathed becomes an official member of the Imperial Legion and may be referred to by name once more.




    RANKER [E1]



    Those who make it through initiation become oathed men to the Imperial Legion, known as Rankers. They make up the bulk of the Imperial Legion and are treated with more respect than the unoathed. Typically they are the force that deals with menial labor on the campaign. Upon becoming a Ranker, one must serve another 2 years before they can seek an honorable discharge. A Ranker may not request a private audience to critique a lawful order.



    FOOTMAN [E2]


    The Footman has advanced past Ranker and has proven himself to be loyal and capable of basic military etiquette and discipline. The Footman will be put under a personal apprenticeship with a higher enlisted, who will act as their battle brother and mentor. Much like the Men-at-arms, the Footman must obey and respect all command in the legion. If a critique is absolutely necessary, the Footman may request a private audience.



    MAN-AT-ARMS [E3]


    The Man-at-arms are the backbone of the legion’s military forces. The Men-at-arms make up the main battle line, and are the rank-and-file soldier of the legion, who follows orders willingly and obediently. The Man-at-arms is to respect every superior, and must refuse to contradict their orders in a public setting. If a critique is absolutely necessary, the Man-at-arms may request a private audience.



    DECANUS [E4]


    Veteran Men-at-Arms that survive their first tour of duty and show themselves as capable and well disciplined soldiers achieve the rank of Decanus. A Decanus means “chief of ten” and is the representative of his tent party, comprised of nine other men and himself. He acts as a role model to his fellow brothers-in-arms. A Decanus may often be placed in command of the Unoathed in their company, ensuring they are properly trained.





    The Evocatii are longtime soldiers that have proven their dedication to the legion and the Empire through loyal and unyielding service. They are the only soldiers in the legion bound by a five year service contract, but are afforded special privileges during their service. An evocatus is granted a bonus upon reenlistment, and is not required to participate in several general enlisted duties.


    PRIMUS [E6]


    The Primus is the elite of the enlisted. A veteran of both peace and war, a loyal soldier, and a man of many skills and achievements. They have proven themselves as the cream of the crop, and are the model enlisted soldier. The Primus has the choice of pursuing a Knighthood under the Order, or choose to command under the Officer wing, starting at Ensign.


    KNIGHT [E7]


    When knights first join the Imperial Legion, they are put into this rank by default. Knights still obey the orders of their company’s Decurion and his designated Ensigns. Knights are given special privilege for officer ranks if they demonstrate valor and effort on the battlefield as well as a knack for strategy.




    prepare at least three meals per day during peacetime. It is their duty to tell the Quartermaster when they are in need of ingredients. They are expected to keep a clean kitchen and may take on an apprentice.Billets are specialized ranks are jobs given to men of the Imperial Legion in each brigade. During peace and war it is their duty to fulfill these roles just as they would fulfill their roles on the battlefield. They are as follows:

    COOK (Empty)
    Cooks ensure rations are made for each soldier in his brigade before going on scouting missions and

    MESSENGER (Empty, Empty)
    Messengers deliver and receive reports from command to deliver to their brigade. These roles are usually given to Ensigns. Must be literate.

    Deals with roster and general reports for the brigade. Must be literate.

    Typically given to ranks E4 and above , the Quartermaster ensures everyone in their brigade is well fitted. They take count of supplies of each brigade and report to command on any supplies needed. Furthermore, a Head Quartermaster is assigned to each legion, acting as the prime manager of the legionary armory.

    Role typically given to Ensign, but no lower than Decanus. The Disciplinarian leads training exercises at least once per Saint’s week to ensure the brigade is in shape. The disciplinarian, during training exercises, is given permission to discipline anyone in the brigade save those of officer rank unless directed by an officer superior to the former.

    The Drill Instructor is tasked with the training of the Unoathed within their respective company. The role is typically assigned to a Decanus, and they are responsible for ensuring the qualified Unoathed pass their trials and formally take their oath.

    MEDIC (Filled)
    Those well versed in medicine and the healing arts that ensure the health of the brigade.





    Decurions are tasked with leading the companies under the brigade. The Decurions are the forefront tactical leaders on the battlefield and are expected to carry on the commands from superior officers with no mistakes. Decurions are expected to manage their brigades by making sure their companies are well supplied. Should the need arise for more supplies, a Decurion must make a request to the Tribune or fill the need with his own men.

    ENSIGN [O1]
    Ensigns are officer cadets that assist and enforce the Decurion’s commands, and are also given the duty and privilege of holding the legion’s standard. They ensure formations are kept in line and serve as advisors to Decurion when out in the battlefield. Ensigns are generally the officers that focus on recruiting and relaying information from the Decurion to the ranks of foot.





    Carnatian Recurve Bow

    The Carnatian Compound Bow is the main bow of the second brigade. The weapon’s many years of use has allowed it to be developed to surpass common bows. An advantage of the bow is its relative ease in being kept drawn for periods of time, while also firing with the same force of a recurve bow.



    Barbovic Lever Crossbow

    The Barbovic Lever Crossbow was made famous during its tenure in the Gold Corps and Golden Crow, protecting Felsen and Carnatia from Dreadlandic raids. Carried often by the defenders. The Barbovic Lever Crossbow is a medium power quick reload crossbow. The men who wielded it praised its ability to fire shots in quick succession while being easy to maneuver within the tight streets and alleys. Mostly used by Men-at-arms or a higher rank.


    Haensetic Arming Sword

    The Haensetic Arming Sword is the primary weapon of the Brotherhood, It is given to fresh Armsmen upon acceptance, Although many prefer to use the Kaedreni Longsword when they achieve a higher rank and gain access to more weapons, no man in the Brotherhood forgets their Haensetic Arming sword.





    The Second Brigade Headquarters is located in the county of Turov. The fort watches over the town and ensures the honour code is upheld by citizens as well.








    One must be a male imperial citizen with the ability to trace one’s lineage up to two generations. Only full blooded humans with Class A or Class B citizenship may serve in the Officer ranks or as a Knight.

    Upon taking oath, one must serve at minimum 2 years (2 Saint’s Weeks) before being allowed honorable discharge.

    All oathed men must have a good grasp of Imperial Law as well as proper etiquette at the Imperial Court for they must enforce the law as well as address their superiors properly.

    Imperial Law of the Holy Orenian Empire

    Etiquette at the Imperial Court

    All Unoathed must be clean shaven. All enlisted below the rank of E3 are not permitted a full beard, but a mustache and sideburns are allowed.

    Criminals, felons and illegal migrants may not serve in any proper brigade within the Imperial Legion unless given pardon by His Imperial Majesty.

    All officers must be literate in order to read and deliver battle orders.





    One must send a letter to the Imperial Legate or to the Tribune of the brigade they wish to join, requesting to be enlisted into the Imperial Legion. One may also speak with the Imperial Legate or another officer in person.Whether one sends in an application or is recruited in person, they must answer these questions and they must be documented by the recruiter.


    Name and surname:


    Racial status:

    Any prior service:

    Any trades or skills, such as smithing or mining, that you could provide to the Imperial Legions:

    Do you understand that an oath requiring a minimum of 2 years (2 saint’s weeks) service will be taken?:


    ((NOTE: All applications will be filled out either in-game or through Forum PMs to the respective tribunes or legates. All applications will be In Character, and any applications posted directly to this thread will be ignored and deleted.))





    The Oath of the legions is recited before the standard of the Empire and the standard of the legion they are swearing under. The oath must be recited in presence of an officer and enlisted rank E4 or above.


    “I, being of legal age, of my own free will, without coercion, promise, or inducement of any sort, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequences of this oath, hereby swear my life and strength to the obedience, loyalty, defense and glory of the Emperor of Oren, and to honor the authority of my superiors.  I swear to protect with iron vigilance the legitimate foundation of the Empire, its lands, administrators and its titles.  I swear to serve with great diligence the Imperial Legions for a period of not less than two years and as much longer as may be required by the needs of my service.  I swear to uphold loyalty unto death to my comrades-in-arms and my legitimate commanders, and to expect loyalty unto death from those that may be under the command of me.  I swear that I would die before fleeing the field in shame.

    Ave Orenia!”





    The Imperial Legions grant special medals and honors onto its soldiers to both recognize their dedication and praise their service to Crown and Country. All medals may be worn during special formal occasions, and may even be worn on formal attire after they have left the service.




    The highest honor one can achieve, the Order of the Imperial Crown is reserved for only the greatest of the Empire. Men such as Uthor Silverblade, Peter Chivay would be awarded with the Order of the Imperial Crown. These men wear the medal upon their neck proudly, knowing the Emperor himself has seen their actions as the most worthy of any man in the Empire.





    One of the highest honors a man can achieve, the three degrees of the Order of Merit are awarded only to the most stalwart and heroic of Imperial men and women. Through battle or otherwise, the bearers of the Order of Merit have proven themselves to be those the Emperor can rely on the most for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to his vision.





    Named in recognition of the past Order of the White Rose, the Order of the Rhoswenii is a medal granted to members of the legions that have proven to be experienced fighters and exceptional leaders.

    order of the rhoswhenni.png




    Containing only a single degree, the Medal of Distinguished Service is awarded most commonly to soldiers having served in the Imperial forces for upwards of fifteen years. The bearers of this title wear the medal proudly on their uniform.





    For those who show themselves to be truly selfless and willing to charge headlong into the fires, there is the Order of Bravery. Often heroic Knights and courageous soldiers who have shown little regard for their safety when the Empire is on the line.






    The National Defense Medal is awarded for those that have served their entire Tour of Service of eight years.





    The Good Conduct Medal is awarded to soldiers that have proven to be exemplary models and have received no negative marks on performance.





    The Legion Service Medal is awarded to soldiers that achieve the rank of Footman [E2].




  6. On 10/21/2016 at 4:55 AM, Jaeden said:

    I like the joke. Anyway, onto the bit.

    It's an outstanding application, and I'm sure would definitely be considered.
    I only have two issues though.

    Firstly, I understand a lot of your events would be focused around Oren, and specifically the North, but I do hope you would keep an open-mind to other racial groups / guilds. While it's not a requirement, it would definitely help with spreading an even number of events around the map. Currently (at the time of posting this), we have a lot of ET focused on Dwarves and Humans. So as long as you'd be open to participating and hosting events with other playerbases, I'm content.

    And secondly, while you've fulfilled the required three event scenarios, I'd like to ask if you could add in a couple more. They're written well, and with detail too, but I also want to see your creative side. It doesn't exactly have to be fantasy-esque, but something other than the norm of wolves, bears, etc. Use the Creature Index / accepted lore submissions to help you with this, if need be.

    Worked on both of these. Thank you very much for the input.

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