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Posts posted by 6xdestroyer

  1. Kovagrad

    “One does not know the value of a well till it is empty.”

    -Duke Karl Barbanov, 16th of the First Seed, 1504





    The town of Kovagrad was established on the 16th of the First Seed, 1562, under the watchful gaze of the Gryphon's Nest Fortress. Kovagrad sits on land that has been used for many a purpose, originally having been a forest, later being torn down for the construction of Monteford. When the Duchy of Carnatia was granted to House Kovachev, at the end of the eighteen years war, it served little purpose as a ghost town, which was later torn down to make room for a palisade with a minimal number of homes for soldiers of Carnatia. With the relocation of the Gold Corps to Carnatia, the need for a tavern was formed, and slowly grew the town.



    Homes in Kovagrad tend to be small, always having a fireplace due to the harsh winters and chilled summers. The small stature of the house, allows it to always be warm, so long as the fire is upkept. The houses often have two floors varying on where they’re located. The homes are surrounded by nature, including forests and peculiar rock formations as well as small ravines and rivers.




    The town smithy is located in the middle of the town, and is currently looking for a skilled smith to put it to good usage.





    The Marketplace is the main hub of the town, often clamoring with vendors advertising and selling their wares. Though small the marketplace often offers great prices on items ranging from swords to armor stands to fresh bread.





    The tavern, deemed “The Old Crow Inn,” offers ales, wines, and teas to weary travelers, or Corpsmen looking for a drink. The tavern also has a few rentable rooms for those too tired to go on, or whom just wish to spend a few days in Kovagrad.








    The stables in Kovagrad are past the church, and shelter both the citizens’ horses, along with the Gold Corpsmens’ horses. The many breeders of the Kovagrad can often be found around this area.





    The Gryphons Watch, established only a few years after the Eighteen Years War, has always stood atop the mountains of Carnatia, casting a watchful gaze upon the inhabitants below.




    To Purchase a Home


    In Character

    IGN followed by Roleplay Name:



    Place of Birth:


    Do you vow to respect the laws of Carnatia, and the Gold Corps?:





    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username))

    Name ((OOC Name)): Jan Kovachev, 6xdestroyer

    Surname/House: Kovachev
    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):
    Gender: Male
    Race: Highlander
    Citizenship Class (A or B):

    Physical Description

    Height: 6 foot 4 inches
    Weight: Two Hundred Pounds
    Eye Color: Grey
    Hair Color: Grey
    Skin Color/Shade: Pale White
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: Multiple scars on his face, and body.

    Personal Information

    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): Gryphons Nest
    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Carnatia
    Profession/Occupation: Duke of Carnatia

    Have you paid your processing fee:

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))

    Already done.



    "I, Jan Kovachev, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  3. 3 hours ago, wolfkite1 said:

    Kellrin bursts out laughing after finding out a trebuchet shot flattened the Ruric Lord.

    Chuckles as he rubs his hands together, having used a piece of the old gloop felsen wall to flatten the Ruric lord.

  4. 1 minute ago, Balthasar said:

    “Name, lad?”: Ludace Salian


    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”: Istria.


    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: I was a soldier for many years, before being discharged.


    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”: I require a job.


    “Do ya have ah profession?”: I am not learned in anything other than military discipline and drills.


    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: No.





    MC Name: Salier

    Skype: captain_falcon_2

    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it? I have both.


  5. {❄} The Brotherhood of the Gryphon{❄}

    "For the North"


    The Brotherhood of the Gryphon are battle hardened men of the Northern plains of Carnatia. Sworn to House Kovachev, they follow them devotedly, as well as protect its holdings and peoples. They follow the traits of the family, and are extremely loyal, offering down their lives to preserve the North and the brotherhood.




    The Tazky





    “You can no longer be slain. No longer are you one, but are instead many.”

    These men have sworn their lives to train and fight for the glory of house Kovachev. They reside in Ayr, taking an oath to protect it and the Kovachev bloodline, they are armed lightly and must work to prove themselves.




    “You blade is no longer frozen by the North’s icy winds, for it is warmed by the thoughts and souls of your brothers now.”

    These men have proven through dedication and work that they are deserving to represent the house through their actions. They are skilled with blades of all swords, often challenging each other to duels and sparring matches to see which of the group is the most skilled. The most skilled often receiving a medal for their skill and devotion to war and battle.




    “You have served long and well, your scars a memento of your sacrifice, your perseverance unwavering.”

    These men are very rare, only a few are given the prestige of such a title. Those that have struggled and toiled throughout much of their life are honoured with this name. They demand respect in the ranks, they are the leaders of the Tazky, though the same as the Prizak of the Sipka, their commands are universal throughout.



    [[Skin: https://gyazo.com/44c317082dff2e97c92b6caeb114e4ea ]]

    The Sipka





    “Your arrow strays with your mind, unkempt, eager to learn, to be molded, to sail on the wind.”

       Often considered the initiates of the Archer Division, these men have just recently been recruited and are impelled to try their hardest to achieve the next rank. These men are still in training so they may not be as skilled but are plentiful in battle.




    “Your arrow steadies, following the thoughts of your mind, steadily able to hit its target.”

    These men are extremely skilled in the art of archery. They know their way around a bow. Practising on the dummies at the Gryphons Nest would help increase their skill with a bow or crossbow. They have long toiled as Daleks to be granted this position, and thus respect the Dalek nearly as much as they themselves are respected.




    “Your mind is one with its environment, you feel the air, the breeze, you are one with it all.”

    These men have shown themselves to be worthy of their ranking. They are all battle hardened veterans who have faced many challenges. The Prizak have proven themselves to be experienced and although there are not many their skill exceeds others expectations. They are often seen commanding groups of archers or the entire archer division altogether.





    The main hold of the brotherhood lies on the rough Carnatian mountains. It is where the Duke and his family reside, along with the majority of the brothers.



    The view of Gryphon's Nest upon approach



    The main hall of the mountain fort. Used for important events and gatherings.






    (In Character)



    [!] A man in a Kovachev Tabard looks down over you, inspecting you with a few circles before speaking.


    “Name, lad?”:


    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”:


    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”:


    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”:


    “Do ya have ah profession?”:


    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”:     





    MC Name:


    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it?

  6. 1 hour ago, Wûd said:

    An orc face-palms, "Flat latzelf. Awll ub latz." He grunted, as the entourage-prompted cringe ran ecstatically through his orcy blood vessels!  

    Chuckles, seeing as the orcs get slaughtered without the help of their dreadlander counterparts.

  7. 1 hour ago, Vege said:


    Aleksander hears the shouting and rides swiftly towards Katheirne's home. "Everything alright?" he calls up.


    "I heard the woman say your family were homosexuals" Jan would say as he rides up "I'd suggest a good lashing"

  8. 52 minutes ago, Vege said:

    Aleks would note that it isn't a spies job to conceal numbers by making a Duchy empty.

    Wonders why he is so convinced Carnation has no soldiers when they've show him time again they do. Though maybe he only considers dwarves soldiers so not sure.

  9. 1 minute ago, Vege said:



    Aleksander would look over his densely populated city, smiling at its architectural elegance and layout, not complaining like his less able northern neighbours.

    Would look over a piece of art documenting how the elegant man's forces of over fifteen had been defeated by four men.

  10. 1 minute ago, Vege said:


    Aleksander would have no need to dig near the Duchy of Carnatia, the great barren field of the north.

    Jan would look over his barren field, smiling at its rough and savage beauty, not whining like his more Southren accustomed neighbors.

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