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Posts posted by 6xdestroyer

  1. 16 minutes ago, Fanklin said:

    “Name, lad?”: "John sir."

    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”: "I was born in small village outside of Felsen."

    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: "Yes, I have seen many battles."

    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”: "I wish to serve
    , and Oren in anyway I can."

    “Do ya have ah profession?”: "Blacksmith."

    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”:  "No."



    MC Name:Shadowhunter464

    Skype:you have it

    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it? yes I have ts


  2. 1 minute ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    “Name, lad?”: Meh name is Ivan Crawford

    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”: Am from Carnatia.

    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: Da, am fought in many wars and with deh Old Carnatian group.

    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”: Am wish to serve under House Kovachev and fight for Carnatia.

    “Do ya have ah profession?”: Da, Woodworker and blacksmith.

    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”:  Niet dat is all  




    MC Name: nathanbarnett36

    Skype: You have it

    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it? Yes


  3. 97dSBJH.jpg


    House Kovachev

    “By Right of Flame”


    House Kovachev (Sons of Kovac in Raevir) is a masterly Raevir house descended from a cadet branch of House Carrion originally formed by and named after Kovac Carrion, Lord of Kovachgrad, literally ‘Kovac’s Hold’ in the tongue of ancient Raev.


    During the time of old Raev, the Carrion Vochna had firmly cemented its rule over the surrounding provinces and all of the area inhabited by the Raevir people from their newfound capital of Khazav. However over the generations there had been a single, unrelenting thorn in the side of House Carrion - that was to say House Nzech, who Barbov the Black had originally rebelled against and deposed, claiming Raev for himself, his sons and grandsons until the end of time. The present line of House Nzech was in fact descended from a lesser first cousin of the monarch who Barbov had deposed, who had bent the knee to the rebel forces in return for his head and his family’s castle, Ralich, and all its attendant lands.


    Barbov did reluctantly spare his line, however as a consequence of this, after generations had passed and Barbov had become a cold corpse in the ground, House Nzech began to speak once more about their ‘ancient rights’ to Raev and their supposed superior claim to the realm. This talk eventually took root in the courts of a number of feudal lords and slowly gained leverage in the realm until it culminated in a rebellion from House Nzech, whose lord proclaimed himself the Stone King from the mountainous border territories surrounding Ralich.


    This was not the first instance of House Nzech’s defiance, and would, as any learned Raevir historian knows, sadly not be the last. King Timov I, himself the great-grandsire of the ‘Old Crow’ Emperor Siegmund, sent his young and brazen nephew Kovac to raise a cohort from across the realm and put down the Stone King’s rebellion. The young lord did just that and marched through the mountain passes to the stronghold of Ralich, laying siege to the fortress. Ralich was reputed as being uncapturable and very defensible, and the Stone King’s forces merely hid behind their walls avoiding all combat, endeavouring to sap their assailants reinforcements. Unfortunately Kovac had a similar idea, and while his own forces could be consistently replenished and supplied by King Timov’s host, the Stone King had no such luxury and was to be starved out of his castle.


    The lengthy siege lasted for ten and a half months after which the Stone King, trapped in his castle, decided he would sally forth and see what damage he could do to his besiegers. His cohort was utterly destroyed by Kovac’s forces and he himself was slain by Kovac in single combat, who was said to have cut him in twain with a single arc of his bardiche. His sole child and heir, Lyudmila, crowned herself from within the halls of Ralich the Stone Queen.


    The Stone Queen’s servants, incited by her castellan, were less than loyal to her and understood from past example what became of those who continued to oppose the dynasty of the Crow. They yielded the fortress and delivered her to Kovac trussed and hooded.


    As a reward for his exceptional service in the Siege of Ralich, King Timov granted his nephew Ralich and its surrounding territories which became known as Kovachgrad or Kovac’s Hold. Taking up a role as warden of the mountain passes, Kovac firmly entrenched himself within the Stone King’s old fortress, marrying Lyudmila the Stone Queen and subsequently creating House Kovachev, a cadet branch of House Carrion, taking for his sigil a feral red griffin on black, one of the many hardy beasts that resided in the mountains surrounding Ralich. House Nzech may have been dispossessed and pronounced extinct, but while the Stone King’s line was absorbed into House Kovachev when its patriarch wed the Stone Queen, many more and lesser lines of the house existed. Like a weed, House Nzech is known for being very difficult to eradicate, as while treasonous their roots ran deep. Descendants of the Nzechonovic dynasty are rumored to still exist to this day.


    From their position in the ore-rich mountains, House Kovachev had become a house of industrious repute with famed metalwork and jewellry, their smiths and furnaces producing fine artisan works. Despite this, however, the house remained poor due to the almost complete lack of arable land in the mountains, preventing Kovachgrad from growing its own food with the exception of a few sparse berries in the boreal forests. As a result of this, fire has become a more integral part than usual in the life of the communities ruled over by Kovachev, allowing their livelihood of metals and weaponry to be produced and providing them with warmth and the hearthfire that sustains them.


    While a relatively new house, the Kovachev line has always remained loyal to House Carrion, their kin and liege, fleeing with them to Anthos and subsequently the Fringe along with the remainder of the Raevir people.


    The Kovachevs and the people of their hold are typically robust and broad men, with light hair that ranges from flaxen to dirty blonde. Ethnically they can be considered a hybrid people of the local Northmen and Raevir. Their men are thick-bearded, wear heavy furs and sealskins, and are prone to wielding heavy axes and red-and-black painted round shields in battle. The members of the noble line almost always possess the deep green eyes of their Carrion forefathers, and the men of former Kovachgrad place a great emphasis on family loyalty.


    {❄} Levy Men of Ayr {❄}

    The levy of Ayr are those sworn to House Kovachev as well as its holdings and peoples. They follow the traits of the family, and are extremely loyal, offering down their lives for their liege lord and occupants.




    The Tazky





    “You can no longer be slain. No longer are you one, but are instead many.”

    These men have sworn their lives to train and fight for the glory of house Kovachev. They reside in Ayr, taking an oath to protect it and the Kovachev bloodline, they are armed lightly and must work to prove themselves.




    “You blade is no longer frozen by the North’s icy winds, for it is warmed by the thoughts and souls of your brothers now.”

    These men have proven through dedication and work that they are deserving to represent the house through their actions. They are skilled with blades of all swords, often challenging each other to duels and sparring matches to see which of the group is the most skilled. The most skilled often receiving a medal for their skill and devotion to war and battle.



    “You have served long and well, your scars a memento of your sacrifice, your perseverance unwavering.”

    These men are very rare, only a few are given the prestige of such a title. Those that have struggled and toiled throughout much of their life are honoured with this name. They demand respect in the ranks, they are the leaders of the Tazky, though the same as the Prizak of the Sipka, their commands are universal throughout.


    The Sipka





    “Your arrow strays with your mind, unkempt, eager to learn, to be molded, to sail on the wind.”

        Often considered the initiates of the Archer Division, these men have just recently been recruited and are impelled to try their hardest to achieve the next rank. These men are still in training so they may not be as skilled but are plentiful in battle.




    “Your arrow steadies, following the thoughts of your mind, steadily able to hit its target.”

    These men are extremely skilled in the art of archery. They know their way around a bow. Practising on the dummies at the Carnatian keep would help increase their skill with a bow or crossbow. They have long toiled as Daleks to be granted this position, and thus respect the Dalek nearly as much as they themselves are respected.




    “Your mind is one with its environment, you feel the air, the breeze, you are one with it all.”

    These men have shown themselves to be worthy of their ranking. They are all battle hardened veterans who have faced many challenges. The Prizak have proven themselves to be experienced and although there are not many their skill exceeds others expectations. They are often seen commanding groups of archers or the entire archer division altogether.



    (In Character)




    [!] A man in a Kovachev Tabard looks down over you, inspecting you with a few circles before speaking.


    “Name, lad?”:

    “Hrmph, so be it. Where are ye from?”:

    Looking the man over, he’d then ask, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”:

    “I see.. what be yer reason for joining?”:

    “Do ya have ah profession?”:

    “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”:     




    MC Name:


    Do you have Discord or TS? If not, are you willing to get it?


  4. A few notes are pinned around Orenian Settlements. They read:

    "Short and simple, looking to buy three double-chests of cobblestone. Please bird Jan Kovacs in Carnatia if you are able to fufill part or all of the order. "


    ((Contact me via forums or in game, and leave a price below. I will also accept less if you cannot fulfill the whole amount at one time.))

  5. When I first joined I had been unsure whether to stay after a few weeks, bird solely to me under his... wing.. and taught me. I must say that he deserves AT team, I remember him back when he was on the mentor team and he did very well there, so it's a solid +1 from me!

  6. 29 minutes ago, mrxgameingx said:

    Tharggus looks to his brethren in the tavern of Kal'Akash "T'e traitor king 'ad sons?" chuckles reading on "Says 'ere t'ey made eh home... eh, let the traitors leave t'ere brothers, fer weh Don need thoose who would slay a king loike gauldrim who was seen leaving the death room of our late grand king Skippy Irongut, or loike those who would render us as vassals te, t'e oreanian scum... nay, t'e real dwarves would live amongst 'is brothers in t'e grand city, under t'e regien of t'e grand king en under t'e grand leader Yemekar"

    Your words of hatred are a prime example of why you will fall.

  7. _8736164_orig.jpg


    The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains

    “Khro nar Ardol!”


    Dwarves of the Blue Mountains

    Dwedmar eron da Vol Agnarmar

    Bortu’onn Vallel’lareh


    The small group made their way across the steep mountains, their boots crushing the snow under them with a soft sound, muffled over the vast mountain range. The cold wind, blowing the long brown braids of their leader to and fro. The sky, almost as dark as the place from which the travelers sought refuge, lent little comfort, yet they shuffled on. Each member of the party slowly reciting the Precepts to themselves, peering around, hoping to find a suitable place to settle, and begin the much work that was to come.


    Many days passed, as the group began to ascend further and further up the rough and unforgiving terrain, the sky still unrelenting. As Uldar began to recite the Precepts as he had done hundreds of times before, a beam of light parted through the clouds, shining down upon their silver shields, casting its golden beams all over the surrounding soil.


    With an expression of unwavering awe, Uldar nodded to the flag bearer, and stepped forward towards the summit of the peak. “Yemekar hath bestowed ah blessen upon us” he proclaimed, his deep voice booming throughout the valleys and mountains surrounding him. The snow parting where the banner was driven into the cold and icy turf.







    The dwarves of the Blue Mountains originate from the ancient dwarven homeland of Urguan. They take after their founder, Gauldrim the Banished of the Clan Irongut, and are ruled by the noble and unbroken line of Uldar’s Folk (In the original dwarven, Khazad Uldaros) which comprises the high-born descendants both patrilineal and matrilineal of Uldar Irongut, who they regard as the last true sovereign of the dwarves. The dwarves of Uldar’s Folk and their following in the Blue Mountains have eschewed any affiliation to their cave dwarf progenitors, preferring to instead identify as mountain dwarves or alternately ‘shield’ dwarves.


    In the fall of the last legitimately crowned Grand King of Urguan, Uldar Irongut, it was Gauldrim that was named his Lord Regent at his very royal behest. However, it was at this time during Urguan’s lowest point that many of their people reverted into ravingly stark-infested behavior, violating their own constitutional articles to unseat Lord Gauldrim and place the vicious warmonger Midgor Ireheart as their mad figurehead. The sensible half of the kingdom declared their loyalty to law and order, in which many decided to follow the banishment of Gauldrim to wherever their pioneering spirits could find shelter. Years later, passing the death of Midgor Ireheart from his hemorrhaging mouth-sores, and ushering in the reign of the insatiable and mentally deficient Rhewen Frostbeard, the dwarven peoples of Uldar’s Folk turned their eyes to the Blue Mountains, specifically the peak they had dubbed ‘Mount Ardol’ for colonisation.




    Uldar’s Folk, or Khazad Uldaros, is the collective name used to refer to the ancient and noble line descended from Uldar Irongut, who the dwarves of the Blue Mountains regard as their forefather. The bloodline is considered to be noble and aristocratic in nature, and a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk refers to any dwarf (Regardless of clan or surname) who can claim descent from Uldar the Great. They believe that the restoration of dwarven-kind can only be achieved through the enterprising and industrial progression of their people, something that the starks in the Grand Kingdom lost sight of many years ago with the deposition of the legally anointed Lord Regent Gauldrim.


    The current King-in-exile of Uldar’s Folk is thrives under the reign of his son, Prince Vardin. Gundin Grandaxe serves as the Steward of Uldar’s Folk until such time as the Vardin is ready for kingship. In the meantime, under Gundin’s leadership the dwarves of Uldar’s Folk have gathered a dwarf-band for the purposes of establishing an independent colony in the Blue Mountains near Vandoria. With industrial apparatus, Uldar’s Folk begin their constructing, that the primary location be therein named Mount Ardol.






    -Vardin of the Clan Irongut, a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk, son of Uldar the Great and a dwarven prince-in-exile, prince of Mount Ardol.


    -Drathgur of the Clan Othegone, a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk, Vardin’s Uncle.


    -Gundin of the Clan Grandaxe, a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk, Vardin’s brother-in-law

    Barin of the Clan Grandaxe, a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk, son of Gundin

    Oain of the Clan Grandaxe, a dwarf of Uldar’s Folk, son of Gundin


    -Dorn of the Clan Irongut, a distant kinsman to Vardin though not of the line of Uldar’s Folk


    -Balon Bloodstone, a dwarf of commoner blood, half-brother to Morgar and Urvad

    -Morgar Hammerhand, a dwarf of commoner blood, half-brother to Balon and Urvad

    -Urvad Tunnelsmasher, a dwarf of commoner blood, half-brother to Morgar and Balon


    -Resnar Thornbeard, a dwarf of commoner blood, cousin to Jonar

    -Jonar Thornbeard, a dwarf of commoner blood, cousin to Resnar


    -Brenich Grandaxe, a dwarf of commoner blood, refugee of Urguan.


    -Baldok Nuragirn, a dwarf of commoner blood, cousin of Ulok.

    -Ulok Ironshield, a dwarf of commoner blood, cousin of Baldok.

    -Adrek, a dwarf of commoner blood.





    The Lord of the Blue Mountains is a title belonging to the most trusted underling of the rightful King of Uldar’s Folk, a title held by his son, Vardin. The prince, assisted by the Stewards of the halcyon line, Drathgur Othegone and Gundin Grandaxe. There is no recognition of the Articles of Urguan within the colony, but instead a simpler and rougher infrastructure that which governs the settlement. As the first leader of the dwarves of the Blue Mountains, Vardin has instituted the following as the law in his halls:


    Failure to abide by the codex, besides standing consequences, will in general result in expulsion from the Blue Mountains




    No stealing.

       You will return what you stole and receive a flogging.  Taking items from anvils or

    workstations counts as stealing.


    No lying or scheming.

       Your tongue will be removed with tongs.


    No killing, lest it be in self defense.

       You will be killed in the same way. Think on it.


    No coveting nor bedding with the wife of another dwarf.

       You will be flogged publicly by a minimum of fifty lashes, and then sent into exile.

    Castration depending on certain severity.


    No sodomy nor nightly affiliation with the similar sex.

       You will be treated as Hogarth Irongut would in these lands, as states the Steward's laws.


    No nightly affiliation with members of the other races.

       You will be treated as Hogarth Irongut would, as states the Steward’s laws.




    Inability to respect classifies as violation of law.

    1. The name of Yemekar, and His Wrath, is to be respected. Confessed heretics and heathens will be beheaded, sent into exile, or melted into gold.

    2. The name of Mount Ardol is to be respected.

    3. All of the line of Uldar’s Folk are to be respected.

    4. All combat veterans, especially the wounded, are to be respected.

    5. All holy dwarves are to be greatly respected.

    6. All townspeople are to be respected, so long as they know the law and keep loyalty to the master of Mount Ardol.

    7. Respect is like gold in the Blue Mountains.



    Please do not reply with mocking or posts speaking to ones self, thank you.


  8. Just now, d0ntc4r3 said:

    Mira would laugh at the notion that she's living in Urguan. "Oh, that's rich."

    Jan would laugh that she apparently has elf hearing strong enough to hear him through the Carnatian mountains "Their responses are short yet full of so much hatred..."

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