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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. 21 minutes ago, Esterlen said:

    On the contrary, I have a very good attitude. In the words of Jeb Bush, 'I know what I know, and I know what I don't know'. You may see me as arrogant and self-assured, but the truth is my attitude is one that's never hubristic and one which puts the community first. Community demand is what should be the driving force of lore, and it's the community who should have an integral role in lore's development. I've lambasted the mindless factotums of the staff team before, hence your claim that I have a poor attitude, but it's unlikely my problem has been with any individuals. Yes, I'm harsh and undiplomatic in my speech and mannerisms, because people respond more to an aggressive style than they do some vacillating, inconstant and 'civil' feedback thread.


    My philosophy for the way the server should be run is one of as little staff control as possible - this is a server for the players, and it's they who should act as the crux of what the lore team does and the driving force that motivates us, not the bizarre inclinations of various cliqued-up staff bureaucrats. No more mud maidens. No more gender pearls. No more backroom dealings. Speaking of backroom dealings...

    If this is the case (which honestly, it's quite possible I've heard lots wrong about you, I'll admit) then I'd have no issues whatsoever. Truth be told, I wrote that comment right after waking up and not taking into account that what I heard was just hearsay, I have no personal issues with you. Hell, I don't even know you. Apologies for my first comment.

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