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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. People introducing themselves makes me happy. I really hope you enjoy your time here! Hope to roleplay with you at some point. Welcome to the community, it's not as daunting as it seems at first, I promise.

  2. I don't get to talk with him much, but he's quite literally one of my favorite and one of the best people I've met on this server. His RP is wonderful, he's generally a great guy, and he puts tons of effort into his RP. You'd do well to accept him, I think.

  3. Just now, Fury_Fire said:

    The entire purpose of this is to make the numbers bigger! Only made it for that purpose. First thing I do when this happens- go out and teach lots of people!

    What held me back before was being a kha/it being kha only magic

    Aye, fair point. I like it, hope to see it spread around more!

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