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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. First off, I will say that this is neat. It's an interesting take on healing blight, and how we'd do it. But I'm left asking myself over and over, why? Why do we need a revision to blight healing, when plenty of people are happy with the way we currently do it? Sure it may not be the most popping and in your face sort of way to heal blight, but it works, and plenty of us have fun with it. In a lot of ways, this seems to make individual blight healers a bit weaker, unless I'm misinterpreting something here. 


    I want weather control in some way to come back, I really do. But if we're going to change a subtype to fit around it, I don't think blight healing is the subtype to change. 


    Apologies if I'm not getting my thoughts across quite clearly here... Hopefully what I'm trying to say is getting across alright. 



  2. Just now, Benbo (Wretched) said:


    Hence the reason I didn't mention it being this lore in particular. This is simply a very recurring theme. But thank you for allowing me to clarify that regardless.

    All I'm trying to get across, and without being hostile is this: The OP, Sky, is working with all the feedback both negative positive and neutral on this thread. I know because I've been approached asking to help as well. He is taking Jistuma's posts seriously. I too find the bitching back and forth on the thread ridiculous, should just be done somewhere else quite frankly. But please, don't deny the lore because of the ones bickering. Things are still being modified, and worked on. I've seen valid points raised, certainly.

  3. The Tortoise Druid gives a wry smirk as he hears about the warning, chuckling softly. "Arrogance and ignorance. Such a combination. Their warnings mean nothing to us. The Aspects shall protect us." he'd state to the the other wood-elf in the room, before going back to eating his mango.

  4. I really don't understand how this changes anything. Put a fancy title on something and suddenly things are supposed to get better? Focus on real issues. Changings titles to that of some high up corporation isn't going to fix communication. This is just change for the sake of change, in my opinion. And in my previous experience working with communities like this, it doesn't work. 

  5. I can't edit posts, and I wished to add something. Mitto also doesn't really communicate with the majority of the Druid playerbase hardly at all. I believe we need an LM who communicates with the Druids, in all honesty. 

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