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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. Rather indecisive on it, myself. The only interactions I ever see or take part in with Mitto are typically rather unserious. I can't ever tell if he can be properly mature, or just puts on an act. And as someone with extensive knowledge in Druid lore, I've not seen much in regards to his roleplay or what he knows, can't really provide a good comment on that.

  2. 4 hours ago, Harrrison said:

    What exactly do you define as 'insanity'? Do you generally mean Mental Health disorders/issues or what?

    I believe she means a wide array of mental disorders in general. As the guide states to research what disorder you wish to play anyway. Insanity is just a broad term.

  3. The Tortoise Druid looks at letter, reading it over a few times with a rather confused gaze. "Why did these get sent out to everyone in this area?" he'd ask no-one in particular, before going back into his meditations.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Sky said:

    The Bull Druid sighs a moment, looking towards the Tortoise Druid a moment. "When I was younger, I was told of the horrible notion of Malin'or was and how it must never become true again, yet with each passing day I can only wonder if that Malin'or was truly so bad, and not the leadership of the time long passed. I yearn for the day my kin unite, without this purity bullshit." he sighs afterwards.

    The Tortoise Druid frowns slightly, nodding his head. 


    "I think perhaps Elves being completely unified, might be better in the long run. These... Constant politics, bickering back and forth. It's senseless. And if they don't get their act together, it shall fall apart, just like last time."

  5. I've helped oversee, and have seen him RP this magic many times. He's also came to me for information regarding the magic and such when he was unsure about absolutely anything. I can say with certainty that he'd do well at teaching the magic. Especially considering his willingness to go out and ask if he's unsure about absolutely anything.

  6. MC name:
    Character's name and age:
    Muildir, 101
    Character’s Race:
    Link to your accepted magic application:



    Blight Healing.


    Nature's Healing.

    What magics do you desire to teach?:

    Nature’s Healing and Blight Healing.

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:


    Nature’s Healing: 


    Nature’s Healing is the art of communing directly with different herbs or herbal mixtures to enhance or diminish different properties within said herbs or mixtures. With plenty of time, different herbs and mixtures can become extremely potent. Druids are also able to heal directly to a minor degree, although such a thing is rarely seen. 


    Blight Healing:

    Blight Healing is the art of healing land afflicted by disease, death, taint, or plague. The dead or tainted land can be given new life. Completely infertile soil can be healed to the point of growing even the finest of crops. After great magical scarring, war, plague, etc. It is a Druids job to come and restore life anew to the land. 

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    Nature’s Healing:


    (In this example, Muildir will be teaching his student when someone needs healing near them)

    Muildir stands by the cot, bending over to inspect a persons wounds. “You aren’t hurt too badly. I shall have my student work on you.” he’d speak in a calm tone, his gaze rising up to look at his student. “Grab some Blissfoil and Tippen’s Root. I want you to make it into a salve, like we’ve practiced.” he’d say, allowing the student to do just that, before continuing a time later. “Now… You know very well what both those herbs do. You’ve spent much time studying and meditating on the effects. It’s time to put all that work into use. Sit the salve down in front of you, and focus. I want you to focus intently on the properties of that salve that you want to enhance or diminish. Do not try to do anything major, just start with making the Tippen’s Root slightly stronger, so it will clot the cuts quicker.” he’d instruct, allowing the student to do just that, which would take a few minutes, once the student finishes, Muildir would motion for the salve to be handed to him, allowing him to inspect it. “...It seems you’ve done well, on your first time. Far better than I did. Now, just apply it to his wounds, and we’re all done here. We’ll have another lesson soon, Brother.”


    Blight Healing:


    Muildir and his student approach a small blighted patch of forest on the island of Laureh’lin. He frowns ever so slightly as they get close, looking down to the taint. “This is what I was telling you about, Brother. The scarred land which needs healing. Do you sense it?” 


    The student nods slowly, frowning as well. “The voices are… Weak, the harmonies off-key. It feels terrible.”


    Muildir nods. “Not only that, but some of them are completely non-existent. The weak ones you hear are the ones struggling through the taint, trying their best to keep on going. We must deal with this before it spreads any further, alright? This will act as your first lesson, remember what we talked about.”


    The student nods, pursing his lips as he closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath.


    Muildir’s eyes close as well, leaning upon his staff as he begins to focus. “Listen to the voices and harmonies around you. Focus on how hurt they are. Imagine feeling what they feel in your mind.” he’d speak in a soft tone, his breathing becoming rather steady, continuing after a few moments. “Once you can feel it, I want you to begin imagining the voices returning to their harmony. See it in your mind. Once you can visualize it, it is time for you to begin helping this land return to harmony. I will be here to guide you, and help you through it.” he’d explain, extending his hand palm first out towards the taint, his eyes taking on a deep jade glow as he keeps his breathing steady. 


    The student would follow suit, his own eyes taking on a lime glow as he puts his hand out, although clearly shaking ever so slightly.


    Muildir and his student’s palms would begin emitting a soft glow, exactly the same color as their eyes. Shortly after, a light airy mist begins coming out of Muildir’s fingertips, gliding outwards and sinking into the grounds. The student’s hand would do the same, although his mist would flicker every now and then, not like the steady mist coming from Muildir’s fingers. Their mists would sink into the ground, starting at the very roots of the grass and flowers, restoring life from the bottom up. It wouldn’t be a quick process, but over the course of a few minutes the grass and plants would begin looking quite healthy once more, the previous blight almost completely undetectable.


    They finish up, before Muildir retracts his hand, moving to place it on his student’s shoulder. “Stop now, do not drain yourself too much. You’ve did well.” he’d say in a calm tone, nodding as the student retracts his hand as well, both their eyes going back to normal. “I want you to go back to the Grove and rest for a time. And keep meditating on the harmonies daily. We will practice again soon.” he’d say, smiling softly as he sees the student off. Leaving the now vibrant land behind, to flourish once more.


    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:

  7. Just now, Luv (Люблю) said:

    Sorry for not being able to combine the two responses, if an FM could do so that would be lovely. 


    But stated in the post I made sure to at least put twice that the magic would not be taking up a magic slot as it dosn't really require much magic despite the contract formation, much like Golemancy.

    Ah, fair enough. Well if that's the case, it has my support. :)

  8. As Aerial said at one point, the magic seems way too small to take up an entire magic slot, in my opinion. I just don't think it has or had all that many uses, to be honest. Especially with the magic limit. I'm impartial to it, and I shan't vote this down. But that's my two cents on the whole thing.

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