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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. Muildir falls upon his knees as he receives the vision. His eyes flaring a deep jade glow.


    He'd stay on his knees, his gaze focused directly to the sky for what to him, seemed like hours. But in reality, it was merely minutes.


    Once the vision ends, he'd buckle over, taking a deep breath to collect himself, before rising to his knees with the help of his staff. He looked to the Druid standing beside him, and simply mutter out. "Something terrible has happened." before the two Druids make their way out of the forest. The vision still echoing within Muildir's mind.

  2. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore. 


    Once in game, do not hesitate to message me for help with absolutely anything! Whether it be where to find RP, or whatever else you need. I'd be delighted to help make your experience the best it can be.



    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.


    -Your powergaming definition is rather vague. Please work on explaining that bit more further.


    -Your characters biography has little to no server lore. Please visit our wiki located here. To brush up on more of our lore, and get more familiar with things. Then add some of said lore into your characters biography.


    -Your characters single ambition is just 'god'. Please expand on this section, as this honestly doesn't make much sense.


    -You must have a screenshot of the skin you wish to use. Please use the screenshot guide located here, to learn how to upload a screenshot.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  4. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.


    -All of your definitions are plagiarized. We take this very seriously here. This is your first and only warning in regards to this. Do not copy and paste definitions, please make them in your own words. If you do so again, you will be temporarily banned from applying.


    -Your character cannot be 1811, please make your character 1000 or below.


    -Please expand on your characters biography, it is quite short, and you have not included any lore. I encourage your to visit the official wiki located here. Please message me if you need any help in regards to any of this.


    -Your skin looks quite modern, I suggest finding a more fantasy themed skin.

    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  5. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.


    -You did not use the correct application format, you only used a portion. Please use the whole application, located here. I also strongly encourage you to visit our wiki to read up on lore to make your bio, along with get the correct definitions. The wiki is located here. Please feel free to message me if you need any help whatsoever in the future, with your application. 
    You can re apply in 6 Hours from the time of this denial.

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