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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]


    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  2. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.

    -You must list your characters age, even if your character himself does not know his age.


    -You're using lore from the Lord of The Rings universe. This is a completely separate universe with our own different lore. Please visit the wiki located at the link below to read up on some of the servers lore, then rewrite your application. Also keep in mind that your bio must be longer than what you currently have.


    -'Lurtz' is not a valid ambition, please expand upon those next times.


    -Please balance out your strengths and weaknesses next time you apply as well. Your character should not be too powerful.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  3. eTS7OWK.png

    Your application has been put on [PENDING]
    What this simply means is; your application is good! Do not fret, however, in order for this application to be accepted there are some minor details in your application that will need to be edited. Do not make a new app, simply use the 'Edit' button at the bottom of your application.


    -Your character's biography is written very well, but there's some rather cliche things included within it. Such as the Orcish assassinations, then being abducted and thrown into the fight pits and such. This is an extremely overused scenario.


    -While your strengths are nice, your weaknesses do not balance them out. Please make your character a tad more balanced in that regard.
    If you want help of need me to review your app again once you have made the necessary changes. Please visit my profile and send me a Private Message simply asking me too.
    You have 24 Hours to make the changes, failure to do so without providing good reason will result in a denial.

  4. eTS7OWK.png

    Your application has been put on [PENDING]
    What this simply means is; your application is good! Do not fret, however, in order for this application to be accepted there are some minor details in your application that will need to be edited. Do not make a new app, simply use the 'Edit' button at the bottom of your application.


    -Your character's strengths and weaknesses do not balance each other out. Your character seems rather overpowered, with very little weaknesses whatsoever. Please work on that issue.


    -You did not link a skin for your character. Please follow the screenshot guide located here to learn how to upload an image of your skin somewhere.
    If you want help of need me to review your app again once you have made the necessary changes. Please visit my profile and send me a Private Message simply asking me too.
    You have 24 Hours to make the changes, failure to do so without providing good reason will result in a denial.

  5. What is thy name?

    What is thy soulname (MC name)?

    What is thy age?

    Art thou Undead?

    If so, what form doth thou take?

    If not, art thou willing to die to become one with the Redshrouds?

    I am indeed.
    What is thy mastered profession of craftsmanship?

    What is thy mastered martial profession?

    Sword fighting.
    Art thou godless?

    Godless indeed.

  6. Minecraft name(s):



    Skype ID:



    Time zone:

    GMT -5


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:


    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?

    I am currently apart of the Application Team

    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)

    WoW, Elder Scrolls games, Fallout games, Dragon Age games. This could be a long list, but those are some of the most influential.

    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    I'm willing to sacrifice my high elf if need be, but I have a free character slot anyway.

    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    I think my type of events would best cater to Druids, although I also could easily do events for Humans, Elves, along with Dwarves. I certainly specialize in Aenguldaemonic things, though.

    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    I think some of the key factors are great orginization beforehand. Being prepared to change things up, if unforeseen circumstances come up in the middle of an event, and of course player enjoyment is an extremely important factor. Take feedback, find out what the players would like to see and such.

    When was the last time you saw a event?

    The last event I personally saw was about 2-3 weeks ago, was one of cneyele's events. I had great fun!

    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?

    I am told that I work with others very well, and I believe that is a very important thing on a team such as this. I know quite a lot regarding Aenguldaemonic lore, my primary focus being Druidism, but I'm knowledgeable when it comes to other deities as well. 

    Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    I wish to be apart of the ET because I simply enjoy bringing RP to the community. I see many groups who feel as if things are getting stale sometimes, and I'd like to help fix that, along with the other ET members. A lot of the ET members recently have been doing events that have been quite amazing, in my opinion, and this is mainly what has inspired me to hopefully take part. I already try and set up small scale things for some of the groups I'm apart of, regardless.

    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Raelplayer, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

    1) For 1-3 person

    A man approaches a small group of people, he seems rushed and places an odd looking gem down not far from them. It has runes inscribed directly into the gem. Upon one of the users taking said item, they'd find over time they begin hearing an odd voice in their head. The voice would not be malevolent, but would most certainly become rather annoying, and perhaps drive the user mad. Over a certain amount of time, the voice would get more prominent resulting in perhaps a multitude of things happening. And most certainly some character development, and interesting roleplay.

    2) For a group of 5-10

    For this, I'd play some sort of large predatory creature lurking outside of one of the smaller settlements, it's the dead of night, and someone is on the outskirts of the settlement. I'd have the creature come up and try to attack the one on the outskirts. The one being attacked would scream, alerting the others inside the small settlement. This would could happen more than once, over the course of a few days, before eventually they decide to go out and hunt the predator. I believe this could provide rather interesting rp for a decent sized group, especially if things have been dull for the group.

    3) For a group of 20+

    For this one, I shall probably focus on the Druids, although others could certainly get involved if they so pleased.

    Druids all over the realm would feel a great imbalance in the world. Some of the more experienced Druids would be able to pinpoint the area it comes from. Upon the Druids gathering and making their way towards the area, they would find an extremely tainted forest that seems to be spreading quite rapidly. It would take a large group powersharing to even begin to heal it, and bring life back to the plagued land. I am quite aware that rp can get stale in the large group of Druids, and this would be beneficial to making people less bored! These sorts of events, involving unnatural things and deific orders would be some of my specialties, I think. 

    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    I can't think of anything that would require me to leave anytime in the foreseeable future. I believe I'd be around for a long while.

    Tell me a joke


  7. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  8. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -Your character, his name, biography and all is taken from an already existing character from another universe. This is considered plagiarizing. This is your only warning. If you do such a thing again, you shall be temporarily banned from applying.


    -You did not link a skin for your character.


    -Your strengths and weaknesses do not balance each other out. 
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  9. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

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