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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. Flyers would be posted at all the major city bulletin boards.


    Auctioning off an assortment of goods! You may bid on everything, or a specific bundle. Also willing to accept minas, along with goods if deemed valuable enough. The items are as follows:


     Enchant bundle:

    8 Protection books.

    24 various thorns books (a good amount of thorns III along with one Thorns IV)

    4 Sharpness books.

    3 Sharpness + Unbreaking I combined books.


    Herb bundle:

    18 Athin

    142 Tippen's Root

    66 Halfing's Grass

    31 Clutcher's Straw

    14 Larihei's Fingers

    6 Alabaster Leaf

    16 Serpent's Stalk

    8 Saffvil

    15 Flametongue Root

    1 Blood Lotus

    6 Dwarf's Pumpkin

    33 Fresh Mandragora ((Kept in an icebox so not spoiled.))


    I also have 1 Tome of The Stonemason.


    Please place your bids below this flyer, or send a bird to Muildir, the Tortoise Druid.

  2. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -All of your definitions need working on. Especially your powergaming and metagaming definitions. Please visit the wiki located at the link below to read up further on each definition, and get a better idea of what to write.



    -The race 'Dark Wood Elf' is not an actual race. You could be half dark/half wood elf. But not 'dark wood elf'.


    -Your biography is extremely short, and has little to no server lore. Please visit the wiki that I linked before, to read up on our lore, then incorporate some into your application, and characters history.


    -Please expand on your characters likes. dislikes, traits, ambitions and weaknesses.


    -Please include a skin you are using for your character.
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial

  3. He certainly has my support for Elven lore, especially Wood Elven. However, I do believe the Druids need someone who has more experience with the lore for that particular position. So, with my opinion on the Druid lore thing kept in mind. +1

  4. eTS7OWK.png

    Your application has been put on [PENDING]
    What this simply means is; your application is good! Do not fret, however, in order for this application to be accepted there are some minor details in your application that will need to be edited. Do not make a new app, simply use the 'Edit' button at the bottom of your application.


    - In your bio, you state that your character was raised by animals. This is a cliche, and very unrealistic. I ask that you edit your bio in a way that would make more sense. I would also suggest having your character live somewhere else other than the cloud temple. As far as I'm aware, only monks are actually allowed to live there.
    If you want help of need me to review your app again once you have made the necessary changes. Please visit my profile and send me a Private Message simply asking me too.
    You have 24 Hours to make the changes, failure to do so without providing good reason will result in a denial.

  5. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  6. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -You cannot start the server already knowing a magic. At this point I'm unsure if you're stating that your character knows Necromancy or not.


    -The fact that your character was left out in the forest and 'went crazy and wants to learn a dark art' doesn't make much sense. It's also rather cliche. Why did being left out in the forest suddenly make him want to learn a dark art? How did he know about dark arts in the first place. I'd suggest either re-thinking your character entirely, or just rewriting the biography to make more sense.


    -Your character is very overpowered. Please work on balancing out your strengths and weaknesses. Free-running isn't something that is very feasible as well. 
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

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