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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -Your roleplaying, metagaming, and powergaming definitions are all plagiarised. When writing out definitions please make sure to put them in your own words. We need to know you understand these definitions enough to know when you need to apply them in game. If this happens again, you will be temporarily banned from applying.


    -You have none of the server's lore in your application. From what I can tell, you're using lore from another universe. Please visit the wiki located at the link below to brush up on some our lore, then re-apply with some of our lore added to your character's bio, and not lore from another universe. 


    -Your strengths and weaknesses do not balance each other out. You have far too many strengths and far too little weaknesses. Please do your best to correct this on your next application.
    Often these definitions can also be very misleading, please check the definitions guide on this page for a better explanation:
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  2. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -You did not use the correct application format. Please visit the link located here. To find the proper application format. Also, please visit this link, for a guide on how to apply. 

    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  3. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted.A wonderful application. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore. Please do not hesitate to message me in game if you ever require any help, or information. I'd be more than happy to assist in any way I can. 

  4. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  5. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  6. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore. If you need any help whatsoever in game, please don't hesitate to message me or another Application Team member! We'd be more than happy to help you out.

  7. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -Your Roleplaying, metagaming, and powergaming definitions are plagiarized. When writing out definitions please make sure to put them in your own words. We need to know you understand these definitions enough to know when you need to apply them in game. This is your first and only warning in regards to this rule. If you plagiarize again, you will temporarily banned from applying. 


    -Your character's biography has little to no server lore. Please visit the link below in order to brush up on some of our lore, and include a good amount in your next application.



    -Your character cannot join the server already knowing. You must learn a magic once you've been accepted, from someone with a teaching application.
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

  8. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.

    -Applicant has little to no server lore included in the character's biography. Please visit the wiki located at the link below to become familiar with some lore on the server. Afterwards, incorporate a good amount of lore into your biography.


    -Applicants character biography still has quite a few cliches. I recommend re-writing your character's biography, this time without having survived in the wild with friends at a young age. 
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.


  9. zRTePPH.png

    Your Application has been [ACCEPTED]
    This application is accepted. On the behalf of the Application Team we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Please wait patiently as a GM will implement you to the server shortly! While you are waiting you are more than welcome to browse the forums and/or Wiki to refresh your mind on server events and lore.

  10. aLby1uu.png

    Your Application has sadly been [DENIED]


    -Applicant has very little lore included in application. Please visit the link below to brush up on our lore, and include a good amount in your next application.


    -Please do not upload your application in screenshot/.txt form. Just copy and past the application on the forum editor located on the site.
    Do not fear, this isn't the end. It just means that your application is not yet good enough to accept. Given you complete the points I have laid out, you should be accepted on your next attempt.
    You can re apply in 24 Hours from the time of this denial.

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