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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. aLby1uu.png

    I'm sorry to say, but this application has been denied for the following reasons:


    -There's little to no server lore incorporated into your character's backstory. Please visit the official wiki located at the link below and get familiar with some our lore.



    -Your strengths/talents do not balance out with your weaknesses/inabilities.


    -Pistols, or any sort of firearms do not exist on the server.


    Please feel free to message me if you require help getting any information regarding the server, or you application. I would be more than happy to help you out. 


    You may re-apply again in 24 hours.

  2. MC Name: Corvoo
    IC Name: Rotyrum
    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: N/A
    Transformed Form: Ghoul
    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Nicholas (Parkins)
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Ghouls are corpses, reanimated with Necromancy magic. They retain the memories and thoughts as they did before death. Ghouls have a constant hunger for life-fore, which overcomes all other emotions that a ghoul may feel. Their minds are mere shells of what they once were. They can be made from a variety of creatures and beings, often appearing to have many different parts taken from other creatures. Ghouls will obey any and all Necromancers, but will still attack their masters if they are attacked first. Because Ghouls are undead, they have certain weaknesses. They're weak to gold, along with holy magic. They're very slow and sluggish. Also, fire damage to the head and neck is a big weakness. Although this does mean that most other things tend to not effect them much, within reason. 

  3. The group of three Druids would be sharing quiet whispers, occasionally shaking their heads or nodding. Eventually, the red-haired one would stand up his hands behind his back. He'd clear his throat, before speaking.


    "I'd first like to apologize for our silence. We did not have anything to add on to what the Paladins and Clerics have been saying, and were more comfortable waiting until we felt it was time to speak our part." 


    He'd nod after saying this, his gaze shifting in between the many people at the meeting.


    "Our main priority is defending the balance of nature, rather than the descendants. Void magic itself disrupts that balance, dark magic even more so. We propose that Xion puts strict regulations in place on the use of any dark magic. And when such magic is used and caused a great imbalance, the mage or mages that caused it be held accountable. I have seen firsthand the damage magics such as necromancy do to nature, and the balance. That must be controlled, and regulated."


    "We most certainly do support the self-governing. If anything, something like that would help make sure that nature does not have to carry such a large burden, assuming Xion is willing to put strict regulations on dark magics."


    "Another point that needs to be addressed. In the past, I have witnessed individuals from Xion preaching their beliefs to settlements, and even to Druids in our own Grove. We want that to stop. Those of our Order do not preach our beliefs onto others, if people are interested in following the path we walk, then we let them come to us. We are more than willing to negotiate, and be neutral with Xion. But going out and preaching, recruiting others and whatnot. It only succeeds in putting a larger strain on nature and the balance, once more individuals learn these magics."


    He'd sigh, rubbing his forehead for a moment, before continuing.


    "Lastly, regarding the incident with Artimec and his Naelu'rir. I must stress the fact that nothing he says or does should be considered representative of what we at the Order think or believe. Please accept my apologies for the... Entrance he made."


    He'd nod, before taking a seat once again.

  4. The redhaired elf seated next to the group from the Mother Circle frowns towards Artimec and his group, clearing his throat before he speaks. 


    "I'd like to make clear to everyone here, that what Artimec, and his group that he brought with him does not speak for the Order, or for the Mother Circle which most Druids belong to. He speak for himself, and a separate circle of his own. Nor did we tell him about this Congress. Please do not think that anything he speaks of, are what the Druids invited here believe, or think."


    He'd nod, before sitting back down next to the others.




  5. MC name: Corvoo
    Character's name and age: Tortoise Druid Muildir, 88
    Character’s Race: Wood Elf
    What magic will you be learning?: Blight Healing
    Who will be teaching you?: Hare Druid Taynuel ((KibagoKid))


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

  6. [!]A notice would be posted across all the major cities' bulletin boards.


    "I've recently stumbled across what looks to be a diagram, giving specific instructions on how to make a carbarum battleaxe. I've no use for this personally, so I'm selling it! Please post your offers below, or send a bird to Muildir, the Tortoise Druid."


    Bidding starts at 2,000 mina. 

    Feel free to add tomes, recipes, or various items to your bid. There is no buy out price. If nobody else has bid within one week of the most recent, I will consider it sold. 



  7. 1 minute ago, KibagoKid said:

    *looks at kha magic that can literally turn back time to before any damage was even done to someone or something*


    *looks back at druid magic that is mainly flare or healing and most of it isn't very volatile in any sort of combat situation*


    I just find it funny that there's a deity-based magic that essentially says 'go ahead and metagame because of x lore reason' and people say druidism is op. That just makes me giggle.

    I thank you for making this point.

  8. I have seen people control roots to pull people underground (not fully), And I've heard of Druids parting a very small patch of earth with multiple roots. 

    I can't say I've ever seen the earth actually swallow somebody with Druid magic. I'm actually really curious as to who would even try that sort of thing. Powergaming is rarely an issue for us.


    Edit: As for controlling weather, if it's very limited, I would be in support of this. It's a common thing in the old lore, I see no reason for it not to be implemented. Just as long as it's not overpowered by any definition of the word.

  9. MC Name: Corvoo

    Forum Name: Corvoo

    Skype Name: darian-jax

    Timezone: GMT -5. Although my active hours vary. Probably more comparable to Australian time. 

    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team?



    I certainly feel as if I have a solid grasp on the lore and such. I also tend to spend some time reading over new applications, so I feel as if I'm somewhat acquainted with the process. 

    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?



    I'd like to be apart of the AT because I enjoy helping others, and would be happy to assist new players in getting acquainted with the server, along with some of the lore and such. I find the experience quite enjoyable most of the time, unless they simply aren't listening. Also, I'm quite used to working with others, and can do so with ease in almost all cases. 

    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?



    I do realise this, and would actually love to help with the Wiki if given the chance, along with helping compose guides. And answering questions isn't an issue whatsoever, as I previously said, I tend to enjoy that sort of thing.

    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?


    Further clarification on my schedule: I don't exactly have any commitments at this point in my life, as I'm waiting to have an open heart surgery in a few years at the least. I have a ton of time on my hands, so being active isn't an issue whatsoever. Thanks for reading!

  10. MC name: Corvoo


    Character's name and age: Muildir Fal'Asar. 81 years of age.

    Character’s Race: Wood Elf.


    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/132957-druid-sa-muildir-falasar/#comment-1269308


    What magics do you desire to teach?: Nature's Communion/Control of Nature

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:


    Druidism is a form of diety magic, that centers itself around the Aspects. You begin to have access to this magic, which the Druids call their 'gifts' once you go through a process called attunement. The main two of these abilities are Nature's Communion, which eventually leads to Control of Nature.


    Nature's Communion: This ability allows you to communicate with nature, talk to it, ask for help, along with being able to find out what is wrong with animals around you. Communion is always the beginning step of Druidism. It connects you with nature itself. Communion is an essential skill for basically all of a Druids' abilities. Which leads me onto the next one.


    Control of Nature: Control of Nature involves requesting the nature around you for help, or for a favor. The higher your ability, the easier it will get to convince nature to do what you ask of it. This requires some focus, and the ability to commune with nature in the first place, using the magic to move around plant life, or ask assistance of an animal.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding): 


     Muildir would take a seat in a clearing of a forest, as he instructs his student to follow suit. "Close your eyes, take some deep breaths."


    The Druid would nod, doing as Muildir tells him to.


    Muildir would be tapping his fingers along his staff, as he speaks. "Focus on the hum of nature, the melodies." he'd then give his student some time to do so, his own eyes closing as he meditates along with him. "When you're ready, try narrowing your concentration. Instead of just listening to all the voices at once, try to keep your focus on the flowers surrounding us. Hear their voices."


    His student would nod, his eyes closed as he focuses.


    "Now... Whenever you're ready, narrow your concentration some more. Focus on one voice, one out of the many around you. Try to hear what it says." he'd say, pointing to a daisy not far from them. "Focus on the daisy."


    His student would nod once more, his brow furrowed slightly as he attempts to do this. Some beads of sweat would be making their way down his forehead.


    "Can you hear it?" Muildir would ask him.


    The student would nod slowly, a bit of a smile appearing on his face. "I can! I can hear it!"


    Muildir would open his eyes, smiling warmly. "Wonderful! Now... Try asking it to bloom. Focus your mind, and your feelings entirely onto it. Let it know that you'd really like it to bloom." he'd then go silent, watching the daisy carefully.


    The Student would nod once again, his focus entirely on the daisy not far from him. More sweat appearing on his brow.


    [!]Shortly thereafter, the daisy would slowly begin to bloom. It's petals fanning out.


    Muildir would clap his hands together, grinning. "You did it! Wonderful." he'd say, beofre standing up. "Now, you can stop focusing. I want you to continue your mediations, and communicating with the nature around you. It will become easier in time, I assure you. Just keep working towards it, Brother."


    Muildir would reach a hand out to his student, helping him up. Before making their way back to the Grove.


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