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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. While I'm thankful that some leniency being given to some magic groups, I don't understand the need for said rule in the first place. I've talked with numerous people about it, and none of us can seem to make heads or tails of why this rule was implemented in the first place. The MAT said at one point it was to remove cliques, but this is just going to make said cliques worse. I'm not sure what the MAT lead is thinking, and if the rule isn't going to be removed, I'd appreciate some clarification on why it even exists in the first place. Along with what they're trying to accomplish. I see absolutely no benefits whatsoever.

  2. MC Name: Corvoo
    IC Name: Deinalt Mephistaurus
    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Human
    Transformed Form: Ghost
    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: n/a
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Ghosts can come in quite a few forms, from a level 1 haunt, a rather peaceful level 3 Specter, or a quite powerful and dangerous level 3 poltergeist. There's also the level 2 Revenant, which is arguably the most important step of a Ghost's existence. A ghost is a copy of a dead person's soul, more or less trapped within the mortal plane of existence, as if not quite able to decide between life and death. A ghost isn't able to recall his or her death, making them in denial about the death in general, and almost always will not be convinced regarding their death unless solid and undeniable truth is presented to them, regarding it. Ghosts also have quite a lot of weaknesses, they aren't really able to interact with the world around them in the same way that their mortal selves could have done. They are unable to cast any other sorts of magic, other than the ones they have in their new form. They are also unable to fight in any way. They are unable to touch anyone, or hold anything. They can however perhaps cause a very light breeze, along with some other paranormal acts, though not truly interacting with those around them. They can completely lose their magical powers however, by even speaking with mortals for too long, or perhaps being too influenced by mortal life. They have absolutely no way of returning back to life, they are completely stuck in their new Ghost form forever, certainly not able to possess, or claim any sort of physical body. Mage's Gold, along with light are a Ghosts biggest weakness, almost always causing a ghost to flee as soon as it's presented, as they have absolutely no way of defending themselves from such things. I should also mention that Ghosts cannot truly be killed, but there are different ways for them to be freed from the land of living, and pass onto into the afterlife.


    The first level of a ghost is a Haunt, they are rather weak, and have absolutely no magical ability whatsoever, this is due to the fact that they still believe they are fully alive, and almost always refuse to accept that they are dead. Not all Haunts are visible, some being completely invisible to those around them, others being able to be quite clearly seen. Whether they can be seen or not depends on their awareness of the world around them. If cut off from the world and any living beings, it is quite likely that they will become completely invisible to anyone who happens to stumble onto to them. Some Haunts believe they are actually interacting with the world around them, as they are usually stuck in a delusion that they are still fully alive. Eventually most Haunts will begin to catch on with mortal interaction, allowing them to be heard, seen, and on rarer occasions even felt. 


    The level two Revenant would have learned of their death by now, and have moved onto the next cycle of death. With the newfound knowledge of their death, they will be changed in quite a number of ways as spirits. After quite a lot of practice, they would be able to change their visibility at will, along with being able to float. They will most certainly not be able to use any of these powers after they have became a Revenant. They will still act as if they are mortal, for awhile, though nobody would be able to touch them, and they would not be able to be touched themselves. Someone must awaken the Revenant, the best way of doing so would be providing the Revenant with undeniable proof of their death. After being provided with said proof, the reaction of the Revenant plays a large part in deciding the next cycle of the spirit. After many years of being a Revenant, depending on his or her reaction, it will either become a Poltergeist, or a Spectre. 


    A Spectre is a spirit that has accepted his or her death, and are at peace with the matter. They tend to be rather benevolent, some being rather playful with living beings, others being quite wise, and wanting to help those who need it. They tend to appear as a rather blue color, they are able to float, turn visible and invisible at will, along with being able to change their appearance. They will usually seek a way into the afterlife, often looking for help from mortals who would be willing. Poltergeists on the other hand, are quite the opposite of Spectres. Poltergeists are consumed by their own rage, they appear as a red color, usually being quite dark, and having black eyes. It usually takes many years for a Revenant to be consumed by their anger so much, before turning into a Poltergeist. They are quite powerful, and can be quite a strong foe to some. They can be chased out of an area using mage gold, or light. 



  3. Age: 20
    Race: Halfing
    Gender: Male
    Features (eye/hair/skin colour, clothing etc.) Chocolate brown hair, rather pale skin, a lighter brown color for the eyes, and wearing some sort of dark color of robes. 
    Reference picture(s) (optional):
    Any extra info: Truly, I'm giving the artist more or less free reign here. I really would like a halfing skin, and am not particularly picky over the details. I can try and give more info, if absolutely needed though. I'll gladly rp with you sometime as well! :)


  4. Name: Niernen Tinuvriel
    Age: One hundred and twenty seven.
    Experience/Degree: I have been trained in the use of longswords, as well archery, I plan to learn how to fight with a staff at another point in time.
    Occupations and Labour Skills: I have been absent, along with my family for a long while. I had not had time to take up a craft, but I do plan on taking up mining, along with blacksmithing. 
    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?: Direct relation to Zaniil Tinuvriel, and the Tinuvriel Bloodline, both of which are pure.
    How long has one resided with his/her people?: About an Elven day. 
    Will you place the wellbeing of Silver and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?: I do.

    Username: Jax129
    Timezone: EST
    Skype (can be sent privately if requested): darian-jax
    Do you have teamspeak ?: Yes.

  5. *a notice would be placed along all the popular bulletin boards all around Vailor.*

    I've got one Tome of the Fisher for sale! Will surely be very useful to anyone who's interested in fishing. I will take no less than 1000 minas for this tome. If interested, please contact Muildir Fal'Asar at the Mother Grove.

  6.  IGN: Jax129

    Character Name: My current character is Muildir Fal'Asar. I'm unsure what I will name this new persona.

    References: Something similar to this. but I'm giving you creative control mainly. I've seen your work, and know you'll make something amazing regardless.

    Other notes: None really, I understand it could be quite some time and that's fine. Just get to it whenever you have the chance. If you need me to supply any other information besides the one reference, just send me a PM. Thank you!

  7. *a neatly written notice is posted at various spots along the roads*


    "I'm a Dedicant of the Druidic Order and I've recently decided I would like to get into alchemy. I'd like to purchase a brewing stand from someone, if possible. If interested and willing to sell, please send a bird to Muildir." ((Jax129))

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