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Posts posted by Corvoo

  1. I've been here for five or six days now, absolutely loving lotc. But, I figured I should say hi to everyone on the forums. So here goes.


    A bit of info about me


    I've been playing Minecraft since very late alpha /maybe/ extremely early beta. I'm nineteen years old, and I'm in game /a lot/. I typically play so much, because currently I'm unable to work or attend college because of a rare and pretty severe heart defect. It'll be about 3-5 years before I have another surgery to finally fix it all, but yeah. People tend to find that rather interesting. When I'm not playing Minecraft, I'm probably playing guitar or binge watching a show on Netflix. 


    People tend to ask about my username rather often, and I will go ahead and state it is not from LoL. I picked this username, because my dogs name is Jaxon. And I got him on the 9th of December. ^_^


    This is the first roleplay server I've ever played on, for the past three or four years most of my Minecraft life was centered around taking care of a (what used to be) rather large server, but I've since moved on from that, and was looking to find something new and fun, and stumbled across lotc.


    I think that's about it for my introduction though, figured it would be nice to tell everyone a little about myself. Thanks for reading c: looking forward to rp'ing with you in game!

  2. As an open and completely out homosexual, I don't quite understand the arguments about it being a choice. I suppose it could be for some people, as I can only speak from my own experience in the end. But I'd personally never outwardly call it a choice, I know it sure as hell wasn't for me. I've had heated discussions about this topic before, I concluded it was easier to just let people believe what they want to believe. Changing someone's mind on a subject such as that /usually/ doesn't happen.

  3. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/armored-wood-elf/ This is a skin made by birdwhisperer for public use, its pretty close to what you want and can have a few small edits made to it. I recommend you use this skin, though if you want me to I can add said edits if you specify what you want changed.

    I've tried making some edits of skins in the past, not very good at it at all. If you wouldn't mind making a couple edits, I'd very much appreciate it. 


    All I would really need is the eyes to be changed to a dark green, and the hair to be more of dark red colour, if possible make a pony tail. But yeah, that's all I would really need changed if it's not a big deal. 

  4. Hi there, I had found a Wood Elf skin at one point. But someone was already using it, so I'm trying to find a nice replacement. I was hoping someone could help me out.


    I'm not sure how I should go about this whole process, never actually requested a skin before. But basically what I'm looking for is a Wood Elf, with lightly tanned skin. I'd like the eyes to be a rather dark green, and I'd like the hair to be a rather darkish red, that goes back into a ponytail. No facial hair.


    As for the clothes, I'd like a dark brown robe, with maybe a dark green undershirt visible perhaps. I'm not picky when it comes to the clothes. I just would like it to look rather Druid like. 


    My apologies if I'm too vague or if I'm not requesting correctly. As I said, I have never really done this. And would gladly add things in if need be. Thanks a bunch.


  5. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:
    How old are you?:
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications):
    No, I haven’t.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:
    I have, and whole heartedly agree and completely understand all the rules.
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I agree with the no harassment rule more than anything, I've been on too many Minecraft servers that let that stuff slip. 
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):
    As I said before, I understand all of the rules and guidelines.
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?
    I found the Lord of the Craft on a voting site only just recently.
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying, to my belief, is the acting out and embodiment of a character of an individual’s design that is shaped by and adheres to the context, lore and rules of the universe that a character is based in without compromising or c0ntradicting these aspects. Context, to me, refers to the temporal and spatial aspects of the fictional universe.
    What is metagaming?: To my understanding, metagaming refers to the use of preconceived knowledge or understanding of a gaming universe, plot and characteristics for the player’s advantage, and using this to either compromise the playing experience of others or enhance one’s standing or position within the game. An example of this is found in ‘The Last of Us’ in which I could use my knowledge that I have to flank a sniper to advance through the game rather than approach from the front and be killed every time whilst someone else would be fixated on approaching straight-on.
    What is powergaming?: Powergaming can be defined as utilising end-game results to bolster one’s own skills and enhance their character level and abilities rather than following other paths to gradually achieve the same result.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name: Muildir Fal’Asar
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Wood Elf/Mali'ame
    Character’s age: 62
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):
    Karin'ayla, my friends. My name is Muildir Fal’Asar, and I am the only living son of Firnen and Aiedail Fal’Asar. I was born in the year of 1452, born in the settlement of Leanniel after my people fled Asulon. My parents had tried for many a year to bring a child into this world, and I was conceived towards the end of my mother’s fertile years – considered a miracle to most. However, due to the circumstances, a large amount of stress was placed upon both of my parents, and as a consequence, my mother died during childbirth – leaving me with my father who resented me, and blamed me for her death.  Anything from my early years is a distant blur, brief smatterings of memories of landscapes that could’ve only been the Fringe and Thales, dreams of landscapes consumed by the great winter and a many great journeys. Athera, however, is the only home that I truly remember. I remember the magnificent tranquillity that was interwoven in the city of Annil’sul, even though it was rife with internal conflict. I wanted to explore the world that laid outside the borders of the city, to grow and know this realm before it inevitably withered into nothingness.
    But then another thought came to mind. What if Athera never had to wither? What if the land could be repaired just as quickly could grow? From this, I shifted my goals from exploring the world to repairing it, and this I believe could be done through the powers of the Druidic Order, as granted to them by the Aspects. But alas, as a child, I had no sway over my father’s whims. It was only until that I was 57 years young that I became of age, several years later than the average Mali’ame, and that I was thrown into the thick of the real world, unaware of the xenophobic tendencies of each respective race and the impending doom that came for us all. And so here we are, in the year 1514, fresh from another voyage into the unknown and the arrival of the Descendants on the Isles of Vailor. In spite of everything that I wished to achieve whilst in Athera, I believe that there is hope for the Isles. "Let the wind carry you as a seed, all the while seek a place of your own to be rooted." So here in Laurelin do I take root, and from here that I live out the Teachings of Malin for the benefit of all.
     Personality Traits: Intuitive, somewhat charismatic/diplomatic, strong affinity with justice and order
    Ambitions: Join the Druidic Order, ease xenophobic relations between races
    Strengths/Talents: Strong talent for creative endeavours such as writing and music
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Low tolerance towards corruption/discrimination that sometimes compromises my position in the Wood Elf culture/way of life
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): I have tanned skin, brown hair and green eyes. I stand at 5’11” tall, above average of the Mali’ame due to my partial Mali'aheral heritage, weighing in at 72kg.
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): http://imgur.com/ELx9xcL
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