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Everything posted by erebor321

  1. erebor321


    Anarion was the son of a retired sellsword. He was born in a small forgotten village. His home was rather old, settled hundreds of years ago, yet it refused to grow, most people left quite young, mostly since it was an easy target forgotten by the local lords, and easy to raid by bandits. The village was so forgotten by the outside world, that no tax collector or merchant had passed througth here for about 200 years. Anarion’s father was the first person to actually move IN TO the village in centuries, and he ad done so, just after retiring as a sellswrod, when one day, after a sort of questionable job had caused him to flee the town he was currently staying in, and while on the run, found the town, where he meet a beutiful woman, whom hid him and whom he later married.From this union came Anarion. After Anarions dad settled here, he began traiing the villager in order to begin defending themselves from the constant attacks, and the were succesful. When Anarion was young he showed great strength like his father and a good mind for strategy, becoming an excellent chess player, althougth his size made him quite slow. Anarion was being raised by his father to be the proctector of his village after him, but he always dreamed of traveling the world like his father and figthing great battles. One day when he was 20 some mounted men came into the village, claimed to work for a noble collecting takes, but his father stood up to them and refused, calling them bandits, and thus ty killed him before he could get a weapon, then they turned on the village elder and orderred them to round up all the gold, becouse they would be back the next day. When this happened Anarion was out hunting, upon his returned he heard what had happened and was shocked, he asked the elder to round up, not the gold but the men, he was refused. looking for revenge, he went to his house, and amongst his father’s things his father’s old armor and sword, he had been trained by his father, he was ready, on the way out his motehr tried stopping him, but she couldnt, so he went out looking for the men, Anarionj was a great figther, and a great tactitian, but not a traker, he was unable to find the men, so the next day he decided to return, when he was arriving to the village, he saw the men on their way there, all armed, he new he could not take them all, so he ran to the village and warned them all, and pleaded they take up arms, the young agreed the elders refused, and the village elder ordered them against it, but the young more spirited ones refused his orders and along anarions set up near the village’s entrance an ambush. When the bandits came in only 5 of them where on the path, and the 10 lads easily took them by surprise and killed them, but then they heard screams, when they got to the village about 15 more had gone another way, everything was on fire, the people being killed, and the gold stolen, anarion saw the man who killeded his father and charged, he easily killed him, but was soon surrounded by the rest, when he thougth it was over the others who followed him charged in. After a bloody battle they stood tall, many had died, bnut the bandits had been killed and the gold was safed, but the village was not, all burned, many killed, there was no rebuilding after this, he went to look for his mother, when he found her, they gathered in the village center, the ones that remained split the gold and the food and all went their own ways. Anarion’s mother had told his son of a distant cousin of hers where they could go, but he said it was not what he seeked, a few of the remaining young figthers were with him, they formed a small band of sellswords, and he departed ways with his mother, with her blessing, a couple of years later he recived a letter of her death, a peaeful one of old age. He had become a even greater figther, but after a while the band dismanteled, do to many of them seeking a different life. But he remains a sellsword looking for gold or glory, and for a purpose.
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